APE (Alternative Press Expo) I worked my first APE this last weekend in San Francisco! It is an extremely different type of comic show. This is a small press show, dominated by artists, selling their comics and prints directly to fans! Most of these books can only be purchased directly from the artists, as most of these artists do not have distribution beyond their tables at a show. In addition to individual artists, small independent publishers, such as a personal favorite Top Shelf, also have a presence at APE. As such, having a comic book dealer, like me and having ComicWise as a business at APE is slightly odd. The spirit and frankly rules of the show ask that the few vendors, bring independent comics and paperbacks. I worked hard last week to pull out all the Marvel and DC paperbacks and hardcovers from ComicWise’s stock and I only brought a few independent comics! Not only does the show have a different vibe, it is a relaxed vibe. Many people were exploring, since APE brought in many people unsure of what to expect! I saw a few regular faces, but many people were new and not familiar with the comic world. ComicWise had the opportunity to talk to many of these people and put cool independent and alternative comics in their hands. Personally, I got to talk extensively to Steve Leialoha, who inks Fables, a personal favorite and got to meet and talk to Gilbert Hernandez, who with his brothers produced Love and Rockets and many other weird, wonderful comics!