Shipping List, January 1, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Annihilation Scourge Nova #1
Black Panther and Agents of Wakanda #5
Daredevil #16
Doctor Doom #4
Excalibur #3
Hawkeye Freefall #1
Miles Morales Spider-Man #14
Old Man Quill #12 (Of 12)
Punisher Soviet #3 (Of 6)
Spider-Man & Venom Double Trouble #3 (Of 4)
Star Wars #1
Thor #1
Web of Black Widow #4 (Of 5)
Web of Black Widow #5 (Of 5)
X-Men #3
X-Men #4
Action Comics #1018
Batgirl #42
Batman Beyond #39
Books of Magic #15
Detective Comics #1018
Dial H for Hero #10 (Of 12)
Dreaming #17
Flash #85
Harley Quinn #69
Inferior Five #4 (Of 12)
Joker Harley Criminal Sanity #2 (Of 9)
Justice League Dark #18
Lois Lane #7 (Of 12)
Martian Manhunter #11 (Of 12)
Red Hood Outlaw #41
Superman Giant #1
Terrifics #23
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Archie Married Life 10 Years Later #5
Butcher of Paris #1 (Of 5)
Death or Glory #8
Ducktales Faires & Scares #1 (Of 3)
Everything #5
Grendel Devils Odyssey #3 (Of 8)
Killadelphia #2
Manifest Destiny #39
Pandemica #3 (Of 5)
Ruby Falls #4 (Of 4)
Spawn #303
Sword Daughter #9
TMNT Urban Legends #20
Vampironica New Blood #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Birds of Prey Huntress TPB
Black Cat TPB Vol. 01 Grand Theft Marvel
Gotham City Sirens TPB Book 01
Injustice vs The Masters of the Universe TPB
James Bond Live & Let Die HC
Miles Morales TPB Vol, 02 Bring on Bad Guys
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur TPB Full Moon
Nailbiter HC Vol. 01
New Mutants Epic Coll TPB Demon Bear Saga
Sex Criminals TPB Vol. 01
Spawn Kills Everyone Comp Collection TPB Vol. 01
Tomb Raider Omnibus TPB Vol. 02
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Hawkeye Freefall #1
Star Wars #1
Thor #1
Books of Magic #15
Joker Harley Criminal Sanity #2 (Of 9)
Red Hood Outlaw #41
Butcher of Paris #1 (Of 5)
Ducktales Faires & Scares #1 (Of 3)
Ruby Falls #4 (Of 4)
Gotham City Sirens TPB Book 01
James Bond Live & Let Die HC
New Mutants Epic Coll TPB Demon Bear Saga

Shipping List, December 18, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 18, 2019
2099 Omega #1
Agents of Atlas #5 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #36
Annihilation Scourge Omega #1
Avengers #28
Black Panther #19
Conan Serpent War #2 (Of 4)
Daredevil #15
Excalibur #4
Fallen Angels #4
Future Foundation #5
Ghost-Spider #5
Guardians of the Galaxy #12
Gwenpool Strikes Back #5 (Of 5)
History of the Marvel Universe #6 (Of 6)
Invaders #12
King Thor #4 (Of 4)
Marauders #4
New Mutants #4
Revenge of Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 (Of 5)
Runaways #28
Scream Curse of Carnage #2
Spider-Man #3 (Of 5)
Star Wars Empire Ascendant #1
Star Wars Rise Kylo Ren #1 (Of 4)
Tony Stark Iron Man #19
Venom #20
X-Force #4
Aquaman #55
Basketful of Heads #3 (Of 7)
Batman #85
Batman Last Knight on Earth #3 (Of 3)
Batman Superman #5
Catwoman #18
Doomsday Clock #12 (Of 12)
Flash Forward #4 (Of 6)
Harleen #3 (Of 3)
He Man and the Masters of the Multiverse #2 (Of 6)
Infected the Commissioner #1
John Constantine Hellblazer #2
Joker Killer Smile #2 (Of 3)
Justice League #38
Legion of Super Heroes #2
Low Low Woods #1 (Of 6)
Lucifer #15
Metal Men #3 (Of 12)
Nightwing #67
Scooby Doo Where Are You #102
Shazam #9
Suicide Squad #1
Superman smashes the Klan #2 (Of 3)
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #6 (Of 12)
Teen Titans #37
Wonder Woman #83
Wonder Woman Dead Earth #1 (Of 4)
Year of the Villain Hell Arisen #1 (Of 4)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
American Gods Moment of Storm #8
Angel #8
Bang #1 Ashcan
Count Crowley Reluctant Monster Hunter #3 (Of 4)
Death-Defying Devil #4
Doctor Who 13th Holiday Special #2
Family Tree #2
Farmhand #12
Firefly #12
Folklords #2 (Of 5)
Hardcore Reloaded #1 (Of 5)
Klaus Life and Times of Joe Christmas #1
Marvel Action Spider-Man #12
Middlewest #13
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #46
Old Guard Force Multiplied #1 (Of 5)
Onceand Future #5 (Of 6)
Pretty Violent #5
Project X-Mas #1
Rick and Morty #57
Sfsx Safe Sex #4
Skulldigger and Skeleton Boy #1 (Of 6)
Star Trek Picard #2 (Of 3)
Star Wars Adventures #29
Tales from Harrow County Deaths Choir #1 (Of 4)
Vampire State Building #3
Vampirella #6
Wellington #1 (Of 5)
Witchfinder Reign of Darkness #2 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Aquaman HC Vol. 02 Amnesty
Aquaman TPB Vol. 01 Unspoken Water
Art and Many Mistakes of Eric Powell HC
Avengers Defenders War TPB
Baking with Kafka HC
Batman TPB Vol. 11 The Fall and the Fallen
Dead Man Logan TPB Vol. 02 Welcome Back Logan
Doom Patrol TPB Book 01
Gotham City Sirens TPB Book 02
Green Lantern HC Vol. 02 The Day the Stars Fell
Green Lantern TPB Vol. 01 Intergalactic Lawman
Ice Cream Man TPB Vol. 04 Tiny Lives
Iron Man Invincible Origins TPB
Loki Agent of Asgard Complete Collection TPB
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur TPB Vol. 08 Yancy Street
Snoopy Beagle of Mars TPB
Superior Spider-Man TPB Vol. 02 Otto-Matic
X-Men Milestones TPB Phalanx Covenant
Scott’s Picks of the Week
2099 Omega #1
Annihilation Scourge Omega #1
Revenge of Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 (Of 5)
Doomsday Clock #12 (Of 12)
Infected the Commissioner #1
Low Low Woods #1 (Of 6)
Bang #1 Ashcan
Klaus Life and Times of Joe Christmas #1
Old Guard Force Multiplied #1 (Of 5)
Art & Many Mistakes of Eric Powell HC
Avengers Defenders War TPB
Gotham City Sirens TPB Book 02 

Comics on Sale, December 26, 2019
Dr Strange #1
Spider-Ham #1 (Of 5)
Venom #21
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Criminal #11
East of West #45
Fight Club 3 #12
Incoming #1
Marked #3
Mask I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask #3 (Of 4)
Outcast by Kirkman and Azaceta #43
Sonic The Hedgehog #24
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Faithless TPB

Shipping List, December 11, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Age of Conan Valeria #5 (Of 5)
Amazing Mary Jane #3
Annihilation Scourge Beta Ray Bill #1
Annihilation Scourge Silver Surfer #1
Black Panther and Agents of Wakanda #4
Captain America #17
Captain Marvel #13
Doom 2099 #1
Fallen Angels #3
Fantastic Four #17
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #14
Ghost Rider #3
Immortal Hulk #28
Miles Morales Spider-Man #13
Morbius #2
New Mutants #3
Punisher Soviet #2 (Of 6)
Savage Sword of Conan #12
Spider-Man 2099 #1
Spider-Verse #3 (Of 6)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #40
Star Wars Target Vader #6 (Of 6)
Strikeforce #4
Symbiote Spider-Man Alien Reality #1 (Of 5)
Valkyrie Jane Foster #6
X-Force #3
Yondu #3 (Of 5)
Batman and the Outsiders #8
Batman Curse of the White Knight #5
Batman’s Grave #3 (Of 12)
Dark Knight Returns the Golden Child #1
Detective Comics #1017
Dollhouse Family #2 (Of 6)
Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #6
Far Sector #2 (Of 12)
Flash #84
Flash Giant #2
Gotham City Monsters #4 (Of 6)
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #4 (Of 6)
Harley Quinn Villain of the Year #1
Hawkman #19
House of Whispers #16
Justice League Odyssey #16
Ocean Master Year of the Villain #1
Supergirl #37
Superman #18
Tales from The Dark Multiverse The Judas Contract
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens vs Predator Thicker Than Blood #1 (Of 4)
Archie 1955 #3 (Of 5)
Archie’s Christmas Spectacular #1
Black Terror #3
Buffy Vampire Slayer/Angel Hellmouth #3
Criminal Macabre The Big Bleed Out #1 (Of 4)
Deadly Class #42
Dejah Thoris (2019) #1
Dying Is Easy #1 (Of 5)
Ether Disappearance of Violet Bell #4 (Of 5)
Gideon Falls #19
Go Go Power Rangers #26
Goon #7
Hack Slash 15th Anniversary Celebration
Hit-Girl Season Two #11
Ignited #5
Invader Zim #48
Kiss Zombies #2
Moonshine #14
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #22
Pretty Deadly Rat #4 (Of 5)
Rat Queens #20
Rick & Morty vs D&D Ii Painscape #3
Something Is Killing Children #4
Sonic The Hedgehog Tangle & Whisper #4 (Of 4)
TMNT Ongoing #100
Trees Three Fates #4 (Of 5)
Undiscovered Country #2
Vampirella Red Sonja #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Firefly Unification War HC Vol. 02
Green Lantern Rebirth HC
Harley Quinn & The Birds of Prey TPB
House of X/Powers of X HC
Injustice 2 TPB Vol. 06
Pearl TPB Vol. 02
Sharkey Bounty Hunter TPB
Star Wars Doctor Aphra TPB Vol. 06 Unspeakable Rebel
X-Force Collection TPB X-Cutioners Song
X-Men Reload by Chris Claremont TPB Vol. 02
Young Justice TPB Book 04
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Annihilation Scourge Beta Ray Bill #1
Dark Knight Returns the Golden Child #1
Dejah Thoris (2019) #1
Green Lantern Rebirth HC
House of X/Powers of X HC

Shipping List, December 4, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man #35
Annihilation Scourge Fantastic Four #1
Annihilation Scourge Nova #1
Black Cat #7
Conan Serpent War #1 (Of 4)
Daredevil #14
Doctor Doom #3
Excalibur #3
Ghost Rider 2099 #1
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #10
Marauders #3
Old Man Quill #12 (Of 12)
Savage Avengers #8
Spider-Man & Venom Double Trouble #2 (Of 4)
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple #5 (Of 5)
Star Wars Saga #1
Thor Worthy #1
Venom 2099 #1
Web of Black Widow #4 (Of 5)
X-Men #3
Batman #84
Batwoman Supergirl World’s Finest Giant #1
Collapser #6 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #50
Dreaming #16
Green Lantern Blackstars #2 (Of 3)
Harley Quinn #68
Infected Deathbringer #1
Inferior Five #4 (Of 12)
Justice League #37
Lois Lane #6 (Of 12)
New Year’s Evil #1
Secrets of Sinister House #1
Young Justice #11
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
20XX #1
Archie #709
Archie vs Predator 2 #4 (Of 5)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #10
Butcher of Paris #1 (Of 5)
Dead Eyes #3
Death or Glory #7
Die #10
Elvira Shape of Elvira #4
Everything #4
James Bond #1
Manifest Destiny #39
Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1
Red Sonja #11
Ruby Falls #3 (Of 4)
Spawn #303
Strange Skies over East Berlin #3
TMNT Shredder in Hell #5
Usagi Yojimbo #7
Vampironica New Blood #1
Vengeance of Vampirella #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers Epic Collection TPB Gatherers Strike
Avengers vs Fantastic Four TPB
Black Orchid TPB
Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky TPB Vol. 02 No Devils Only
Free S$$T HC Charles Burns Zine Collection
Go Go Power Rangers TPB Vol. 05
Justice League by Scott Snyder HC Book 01
Kick-Ass New Girl TPB Vol. 03
My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies TPB
Rick & Morty TPB Vol. 10
Rough Riders Complete Series HC
Spectacular Spider-Man TPB Lo This Monster
Superman for Tomorrow HC
Superman Secret Origin HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Annihilation Scourge Fantastic Four #1
Conan Serpent War #1 (Of 4)
Ghost Rider 2099 #1
Batwoman Supergirl World’s Finest Giant #1
Infected Deathbringer #1
New Year’s Evil #1
20XX #1
Butcher of Paris #1 (Of 5)
Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1
Black Orchid TPB
Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky TPB Vol. 02 No Devils Only
Free S$$T HC Charles Burns Zine Collection

Shipping List, November 27, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Avengers #27
Black Panther #18
Conan 2099 #1
Fallen Angels #2
Fantastic Four Grand Design #2 (Of 2)
Ghost-Spider #4
Invisible Woman #5 (Of 5)
Ironheart #12
New Mutants #2
Punisher 2099 #1
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #39
Valkyrie Jane Foster #5
Venom #20
X-Force #2
Yondu #2 (Of 5)
Action Comics #1017
Basketful of Heads #2 (Of 6)
Batgirl #41
Batman Beyond #38
Batman Creature of the Night #4 (Of 4)
Batman vs Ras Al Ghul #3 (Of 6)
Books of Magic #14
Detective Comics #1016
Flash #83
Freedom Fighters #11 (Of 12)
John Constantine Hellblazer #1
Justice League Dark #17
Looney Tunes #252
Martian Manhunter #10 (Of 12)
Red Hood Outlaw #40
Shazam #8
Supergirl Annual #2
Tales from the Dark Multiverse Infinite Crisis #1
Terrifics #22
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel #7
Ascender #7
Criminal #10
Crow Hark the Herald #1
East of West #44
Ether Disappearance of Violet Bell #3 (Of 5)
Fight Club 3 #11
Killadelphia #1
Lazarus Risen #3
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45
My Little Pony Holiday Special
Postal Deliverance #5
Rick & Morty #56
Rick & Morty vs D&D II Painscape #3
Second Coming #5 (Of 6)
Sonic the Hedgehog #23
Star Trek Picard Countdown #1
Star Wars Adventures #28
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #119
Uncle Scrooge #51
Witchfinder Reign of Darkness #1 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Atom Bomb HC
Avengers by Jason Aaron TPB Vol. 04 War of Realms
Dawn Vampirella TPB
DC Comics The Art of Jim Lee HC Vol. 01
George Herriman Library HC Vol. 01 Krazy & Ignatz
Little Lulu HC Vol. 01 Working Girl
Ms. Marvel Team-Up TPB
Redneck TPB Vol. 04 Lone Star
Thanos TPB Zero Sanctuary
X-Men Epic Collection TPB Children of the Atom
Young Donald Duck TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Conan 2099 #1
Fantastic Four Grand Design #2 (Of 2)
Punisher 2099 #1
Batman Creature of the Night #4 (Of 4)
John Constantine Hellblazer #1
Tales from the Dark Multiverse Infinite Crisis #1
Crow Hark the Herald #1
Killadelphia #1
My Little Pony Holiday Special
DC Comics The Art of Jim Lee HC Vol. 01
George Herriman Library HC Vol. 01 Krazy & Ignatz
Thanos TPB Zero Sanctuary

Shipping List, November 20, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2099 Alpha #1
Absolute Carnage #5 (Of 5)
Absolute Carnage Captain Marvel #1
Amazing Mary Jane #2
Amazing Spider-Man #34
Annihilation Scourge Alpha #1
Avengers #26
Captain America #16
Captain Marvel #12
Conan the Barbarian #11
Deadpool #1
Excalibur #2
Fantastic Four 2099 #1
Gwenpool Strikes Back #4 (Of 5)
Immortal Hulk #27
King Thor #3 (Of 4)
Loki #5
Marauders #2
Punisher Kill Krew #5 (Of 5)
Spider-Man Velocity #4 (Of 5)
Spider-Verse #2 (Of 6)
Star Wars #75
Strikeforce #3
Tony Stark Iron Man #18
X-Force #1
Aquaman #54
Batman #83
Batman Superman #4
Batman White Knight Presents Von Freeze #1
Dial H for Hero #9 (Of 12)
Flash Forward #3 (Of 6)
He Man and the Masters of the Multiverse #1 (Of 6)
Infected Scarab #1
Justice League #36
Lucifer #14
Metal Men #2 (Of 12)
Nightwing #66
Question The Deaths of Vic Sage #1 (Of 4)
Supergirl #36
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #5 (Of 12)
Teen Titans #36
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
American Gods Moment of Storm #7
Archie Married Life 10 Years Later #4
Cavewoman Apex Predator
Count Crowley Reluctant Monster Hunter #2 (Of 4)
Farmhand #11
Firefly #11
Hazel & Cha Cha Save Christmas Tales Umbrella Academy
Ice Cream Man #16
Marked #2
Marvel Action Black Panther #6
Mask I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask #2 (Of 4)
My Little Pony Feats of Friendship #3
Once & Future #4 (Of 6)
Outer Darkness #12
Pretty Violent #4
Safe Sex #3
Something Is Killing Children #3
Tank Girl #8
TMNT Urban Legends #19
Vampirella #5
Weatherman Vol. 2 #5
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man TPB Cosmic Adventure
Books of Magic HC
Books of Magic TPB
DCeased HC
Goon Bunch of Old Crap TPB Vol. 02 An Omnibus
Immortal Hulk TPB Vol. 05 Breaker of Worlds
Invader Zim TPB Vol. 08
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB Golden Avenger
Journey Star Wars Rise Skywalker Allegiance TPB
Kingdom Come TPB
Little Bird Fight for Elders Hope HC
Lumberjanes TPB Vol. 02 Shape Friendship
Power Man and Iron Fist Epic Collection TPB Doombringer
Punisher TPB Vol. 03 Street by Street Block by Block
Sabrina Teenage Witch TPB Vol. 1
Silver Surfer TPB When Calls Galactus
Star Wars Age of Resistance TPB Villains
Star Wars TPB Vol. 12 Rebels and Rogues
Superman HC Vol. 02 The Unity Saga The House of El
Scott’s Picks of the Week
2099 Alpha #1
Absolute Carnage Captain Marvel #1
Annihilation Scourge Alpha #1
Batman White Knight Presents Von Freeze #1
He Man and the Masters of the Multiverse #1 (Of 6)
Infected Scarab #1
Hazel & Cha Cha Save Christmas Tales Umbrella Academy
My Little Pony Feats of Friendship #3
Something Is Killing Children #3
DCeased HC
Goon Bunch of Old Crap TPB Vol. 02 An Omnibus

Shipping List, November 13, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Age of Conan Valeria #4 (Of 5)
Agents of Atlas #4 (Of 5)
Black Cat Annual #1
Black Panther and Agents of Wakanda #3
Fallen Angels #1
Future Foundation #4
Guardians of the Galaxy #11
History of Marvel Universe #5 (Of 6)
Invaders #11
Marvel Tales Doctor Strange #1
Morbius #1
Punisher Soviet #1 (Of 6)
Runaways #27
Savage Sword of Conan #11
Star Wars #74
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple #4 (Of 5)
Star Wars Target Vader #5 (Of 6)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #50
X-Men #2
Batman and the Outsiders #7
Batman’s Grave #2 (Of 12)
Catwoman #17
Collapser #5 (Of 6)
DC Super Hero Girls Giant #1
Detective Comics #1015
Event Leviathan #6 (Of 6)
Far Sector #1 (Of 12)
Flash #82
Gotham City Monsters #3 (Of 6)
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #3 (Of 6)
Hawkman #18
House of Whispers #15
Justice League Odyssey #15
Superman #17
Tales from the Dark Multiverse Blackest Night #1
Wonder Woman #82
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Black Hammer Justice League #5 (Of 5)
Buffy Vampire Slayer Angel Hellmouth #2
Chrononauts Futureshock #2 (Of 4)
Doctor Who 13th Holiday Special #1
Dollhouse Family #1 (Of 6)
Elfquest Stargazers Hunt #1 (Of 6)
Elvira Mistress of Dark #10
Family Tree #1
Folklords #1 (Of 5)
Gideon Falls #18
Go Go Power Rangers #25
Hit-Girl Season Two #10
Marvel Action Spider-Man #11
Moonshine #13
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #84
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #21
Ronin Island #8
Sea of Stars #5
Trees Three Fates #3 (Of 5)
Uncle Scrooge #50
Usagi Yojimbo #6
Vampirella Red Sonja #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Beatles In Comics HC
Flash Year One HC
House La Casa HC
Justice League TPB Vol, 04 The Sixth Dimension
Our Encounters Evil Professor Meinhardt & Knox HC
Plants vs Zombies HC Garden Warfare Vol. 03
Rat Queens TPB Vol. 01 Sass & Sorcery
Riverdale Season 3 TPB Vol. 01
Savage Avengers TPB Vol. 01 City of Sickles
Spawn Origins TPB Vol. 01
Star Wars Age of Resistance TPB Heroes
Teen Titans Go TPB Weirder Things
Vision Complete Collection TPB
Wonder Twins TPB Vol. 01 Activate
X-Men Milestones TPB Fatal Attractions
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Black Cat Annual #1
Fallen Angels #1
Morbius #1
DC Super Hero Girls Giant #1
Far Sector #1 (Of 12)
Tales from the Dark Multiverse Blackest Night #1
Doctor Who 13th Holiday Special #1
Elfquest Stargazers Hunt #1 (Of 6)
Folklords #1 (Of 5)
Flash Year One HC
Riverdale Season 3 TPB Vol. 01
Vision Complete Collection TPB

Shipping List, November 6, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Absolute Carnage Weapon Plus #1
Amazing Spider-Man #33
Black Cat #6
Daredevil #13
Doctor Doom #2
Fantastic Four #16
Ghost Rider #2
Immortal Hulk #26
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #9
Miles Morales Spider-Man #12
New Mutants #1
Old Man Quill #11 (Of 12)
Savage Avengers #7
Spider-Man & Venom Double Trouble #1 (Of 4)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #38
Web of Black Widow #3 (Of 5)
X-Force #1
Yondu #1 (Of 5)
Batman #82
Deathstroke #49
Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #5
Dreaming #15
Green Lantern Blackstars #1 (Of 3)
Harley Quinn #67
Infected King Shazam #1
Inferior Five #3 (Of 12)
Justice League #35
Legion of Super Heroes #1
Lois Lane #5 (Of 12)
Teen Titans Go Giant #1
Wonder Woman #81
Young Justice #10
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Black Terror #2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #9
Dead Eyes #2
Deadly Class #41
Death or Glory #6
Die #9
Ducktales Silence & Science #3 (Of 3)
Everything #3
Gears of War Hivebusters #3 (Of 5)
Grendel Devils Odyssey #2
Kiss Zombies #1
Locke & Key Dog Days
Manifest Destiny #38
Marvel Action Avengers #8
Marvel Action Black Panther #5
Marvel Action Captain Marvel #3 (Of 3)
Pretty Deadly Rat #3 (Of 5)
Red Sonja #10
Rick and Morty Presents Unity #1
Space Bandits #5 (Of 5)
Spawn #302
Strange Skies over East Berlin #2
TMNT Urban Legends #18
Undiscovered Country #1
Unearth #5
Vengeance of Vampirella #2
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Complete Elfquest TPB Vol. 06
Deadpool by Joe Kelly Complete Collection TPB
Flash 80 Years of the Fastest Man Alive HC
Iron Man Extremis HC
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac TPB
Luthor TPB
Nightwing Burnback TPB
November HC Vol. 01 (Of 3)
Superman Year One HC
Venom by Donny Cates HC
Walking Dead Omnibus HC Vol. 08
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Absolute Carnage Weapon Plus #1
New Mutants #1
X-Force #1
Green Lantern Blackstars #1 (Of 3)
Infected King Shazam #1
Teen Titans Go Giant #1
Kiss Zombies #1
Rick and Morty Presents Unity #1
Undiscovered Country #1
Superman Year One HC
Venom by Donny Cates HC
Walking Dead Omnibus HC Vol. 08

Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Black Panther #17
Captain America #15
Conan the Barbarian #10
Contagion #2 (Of 5)
Contagion #5 (Of 5)
Dead Man Logan #12 (Of 12)
Doctor Strange Annual #1
Excalibur #1
Fantastic Four Grand Design #1 (Of 2)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #13
Invisible Woman #4 (Of 5)
Ironheart #11
Journey Star Wars Rise Skywalker Allegiance #4
Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1
Red Goblin Red Death #1
Runaways #26
Savage Avengers Annual #1
Silver Surfer Black #5 (Of 5)
Spider-Man #2 (Of 5)
Star Wars Adventures return to Vader’s Castle #5
Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #3
Superior Spider-Man #12
Symbiote Spider-Man TPB
Venom #19
Aquaman Giant #1
Basketful of Heads #1 (Of 6)
Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1
Batman Annual #4
DC Ghosts Giant #1
DCeased #6 (Of 6)
Harleen #2 (Of 3)
Joker Killer Smile #1 (Of 3)
Nightwing Annual #2
Sandman Universe Special Hellblazer #1
Tales from the Dark Multiverse Death of Superman
Wonder Woman Annual #3
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Archie 1955 #2 (Of 5)
Chrononauts Futureshock #1 (Of 4)
Chrononauts Futureshock #2 (Of 4)
Chrononauts Futureshock #3 (Of 4)
Chrononauts Futureshock #4 (Of 4)
Ether Disappearance of Violet Bell #2 (Of 5)
Fight Club 3 #10
Hellboy & BPRD Long Night at Goloski Station
James Bond 007 #12
Jughead Time Police #5 (Of 5)
Kick-Ass #18
Last Stop on the Red Line #4 (Of 4)
Manor Black #4 (Of 4)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #44
My Little Pony Feats of Friendship #2
Rick & Morty #55
Ride Burning Desire #5 (Of 5)
SFSX Safe Sex #2
Star Wars Adventures #27
TMNT Ongoing #99
Vampire State Building #2
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man TPB Red Goblin
Black Science TPB Vol. 09 No Authority, but Yourself
Blackest Night Saga Essential Edition TPB
Deadpool by Skottie Young TPB Vol. 03
Hit-Girl TPB Vol. 05
Johnny Boo HC Vol. 10 Midnight Monsters
Major X TPB
Marvel Action Spider-Man TPB Book 02 Spider-Chase
Marvel Zombies TPB Vol. 02
Marvel Zombies TPB Vol. 03
My Little Pony TPB Spirit of the Forest
Spider-Gwen TPB Gwen Stacy
War of Realms TPB Uncanny X-Men
X-Men Starjammers by Dave Cockrum TPB
X-Men Trial of Juggernaut TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Doctor Strange Annual #1
Excalibur #1
Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1
Aquaman Giant #1
Joker Killer Smile #1 (Of 3)
Sandman Universe Special Hellblazer #1
Hellboy & BPRD Long Night at Goloski Station
Last Stop on the Red Line #4 (Of 4)
Vampire State Building #2
Amazing Spider-Man TPB Red Goblin
Black Science TPB Vol. 09 No Authority, but Yourself
Blackest Night Saga Essential Edition TPB

Shipping List, October 23, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Absolute Carnage Lethal Protectors #3 (Of 3)
Agents of Atlas #3 (Of 5)
Amazing Mary Jane #1
Amazing Spider-Man #32
Amazing Spider-Man Full Circle #1
Avengers #25
Contagion #4 (Of 5)
Fearless #4 (Of 4)
Ghost-Spider #3
Immortal Hulk #25
Journey Star Wars Rise Skywalker Allegiance #3
King Thor #2 (Of 4)
Marauders #1
Punisher Kill Krew #4 (Of 5)
Spider-Man Velocity #3 (Of 5)
Star Wars #73
Strikeforce #2
Tony Stark Iron Man #17
Valkyrie Jane Foster #4
Action Comics #1016
Aquaman Annual #2
Batgirl #40
Batman Beyond #37
Batman Curse of the White Knight #4
Batman Superman #3
Black Adam Year of the Villain #1
Books of Magic #13
Detective Comics #1014
Dial H #8 (Of 12)
Flash #81
Freedom Fighters #10 (Of 12)
Justice League Dark #16
Martian Manhunter #9 (Of 12)
Red Hood Outlaw #39
Swamp Thing Giant #1
Terrifics #21
Wonder Woman #81
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Rescue #4 (Of 4)
Angel #6
Archie vs Predator 2 #3 (Of 5)
Ascender #6
Cavewoman Return to Danniken
Criminal #9
Hellboy and the BPRD Saturn Returns #3 (Of 3)
Little Bird #2 (Of 5)
Little Bird #4 (Of 5)
Marvel Action Spider-Man #10
Middlewest #12
Pretty Violent #3
Rat Queens #19
Red Sonja Vampirella Betty Veronica #6
Second Coming #4
Sonic The Hedgehog #22
Sonic The Hedgehog Tangle & Whisper #3 (Of 4)
Star Wars Adventures Return to Vader’s Castle #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer TPB Vol. 05
American Carnage TPB
Ascender TPB Vol. 01
Black Canary Ignite TPB
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB Woman Called Widow
Die TPB Vol. 01 Fantasy Heartbreaker
Doctor Strange Epic Collection TPB Triumph and Torment
Fantastic Four Behold Galactus Marvel Select HC
Frank Cho Ballpoint Beauties HC
Gramercy Park HC
Legion of Super Heroes The Silver Age TPB Vol. 01
Man-Eaters TPB Vol. 01
Naomi Season One HC
Spider-Man Life Story TPB
Tank Girl Gold TPB
Umbrella Academy TPB Vol. 02 Dallas
Wonder Woman HC Vol. 01 The Just War
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Mary Jane #1
Amazing Spider-Man Full Circle #1
Marauders #1
Batman Curse of the White Knight #4
Black Adam Year of the Villain #1
Swamp Thing Giant #1
Archie vs Predator 2 #3 (Of 5)
Cavewoman Return to Danniken
Hellboy and the BPRD Saturn Returns #3 (Of 3)
Ascender TPB Vol. 01
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB Woman Called Widow
Legion of Super Heroes The Silver Age TPB Vol. 01