Shipping List, October 16, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Absolute Carnage #4 (Of 5)
Absolute Carnage Avengers #1
Absolute Carnage Scream #3 (Of 3)
Absolute Carnage Vs Deadpool #3 (Of 3)
Black Panther and Agents of Wakanda #2
Captain America #15
Captain Marvel #11
Contagion #3 (Of 5)
Crazy #1
Ghost Rider #1
History of Marvel Universe #4 (Of 6)
Journey Star Wars Rise Skywalker Allegiance #2
Savage Sword of Conan #10
Spider-Man #2 (Of 5)
X-Men #1
Aquaman #53
Batman #81
Flash Forward #2 (Of 6)
Inferior Five #2 (Of 12)
Justice League #34
Lucifer #13
Metal Men #1 (Of 12)
Nightwing #65
Scooby Doo Where Are You #101
Superman Smashes the Klan #1 (Of 3)
Superman Year One #3 (Of 3)
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #4 (Of 12)
Tales from the Dark Multiverse Batman Knightfall
Teen Titans #35
Wonder Woman Giant #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
American Gods Moment of Storm #6
Analog #9
Archie #708
Archie Married Life 10 Years Later #3
Birthright #40
Crow Hack Slash #4 (Of 4)
Death-Defying Devil #3
Ducktales Silence & Science #2 (Of 3)
Excellence #6
Firefly #10
Gideon Falls #17
Hit-Girl Season Two #9
Little Bird #1 (Of 5)
Little Bird #3 (Of 5)
Little Bird #5 (Of 5)
Marked #1
Marvel Action Black Panther #4
Mask I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask #1 (Of 4)
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #83
Once & Future #3 (Of 6)
Orville #4
Realm #15
Rick & Morty vs D&D II Painscape #2
Rumble #17
Something Is Killing Children #2
Star Wars Adventures Return to Vader’s Castle #3
Tank Girl #7
Trees Three Fates #2 (Of 5)
Vampirella #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Aliens vs Predator Essential Comics TPB Vol. 01
Batman vs Deathstroke HC
DC Universe by Neil Gaiman TPB
Gideon Falls TPB Vol. 03 Stations of the Cross
Hit-Monkey by Daniel Way TPB Bullets & Bananas
Joker TPB Black Label
Justice League No Justice TPB
Marvel Visionaries TPB Steve Ditko
Ms. Marvel by Saladin Ahmed TPB Vol. 01
Pearl TPB Vol. 01
Powers TPB Book 07
Star Wars Tie Fighter TPB
Stumptown TPB Vol. 01
Tank Girl TPB Vol. 01 Action Alley
Umbrella Academy TPB Vol. 01 Apocalypse Suite
Umbrella Academy TPB Vol. 03 Hotel Oblivion
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Absolute Carnage Avengers #1
Crazy #1
X-Men #1
Superman Smashes the Klan #1 (Of 3)
Tales from the Dark Multiverse Batman Knightfall
Wonder Woman Giant #1
Archie Married Life 10 Years Later #3
Ducktales Silence & Science #2 (Of 3)
Gideon Falls #17
Aliens vs Predator Essential Comics TPB Vol. 01
Batman vs Deathstroke HC
Marvel Visionaries TPB Steve Ditko

Shipping List, October 9, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Absolute Carnage Miles Morales #3 (Of 3)
Age of Conan Valeria #3 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #31
Doctor Doom #1
Gwenpool Strikes Back #3 (Of 5)
Invaders #10
Journey Star Wars Rise Skywalker Allegiance #1
Loki #4
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #8
Miles Morales Spider-Man #11
Powers of X #6 (Of 6)
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple #3 (Of 5)
Star Wars Target Vader #4 (Of 6)
Web of Black Widow #2 (Of 5)
Batman and the Outsiders #6
Batman Giant #1
Batman vs Ras Al Ghul #2 (Of 6)
Batman’s Grave #1 (Of 12)
Catwoman #16
Collapser #4 (Of 6)
DC Villains Giant #1
Detective Comics #1013
Event Leviathan #5 (Of 6)
Flash #80
Gotham City Monsters #2 (Of 6)
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #2 (Of 6)
Hawkman #17
House of Whispers #14
Joker Harley Criminal Sanity #1 (Of 9)
Joker Year of The Villain #1
Justice League Odyssey #14
Secrets of Sinister House #1
Supergirl #35
Superman #16
Wonder Woman #80
Young Justice #8
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Black Hammer Justice League #4 (Of 5)
Buffy Vampire Slayer/Angel Hellmouth #1
Contagion #2 (Of 5)
Disney Comics and Stories #7
East of West #43
Go Go Power Rangers #24
Ice Cream Man #15
Jughead Hunger vs Vampironica #5
Marvel Action Spider-Man #9
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #43
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #20
Oliver #4
Outer Darkness #11
Postal Deliverance #4
Pretty Deadly Rat #2 (Of 5)
Redneck #24
Ronin Island #7
Spawn #301
Star Wars Adventures Return to Vader’s Castle #2
Thumbs #5 (Of 5)
TMNT Urban Legends #17
Trout Hollowest Knock #4 (Of 4)
Unearth #4
Usagi Yojimbo #5
Vampirella Red Sonja #2
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
DC Super Hero Girls at Metropolis High TPB
Handbook to Lazy Parenting TPB
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 03 The Trials of Harley Quinn
Paper Girls TPB Vol. 06
Plants vs Zombies A Little Problem HC
Return to Romance Strange Love Stories of Ogden Whitney TPB
Sandman Overture TPB
War of Realms TPB Punisher
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Doctor Doom #1
Journey Star Wars Rise Skywalker Allegiance #1
Powers of X #6 (Of 6)
Batman Giant #1
DC Villains Giant #1
Joker Harley Criminal Sanity #1 (Of 9)
Buffy Vampire Slayer/Angel Hellmouth #1
Ice Cream Man #15
Spawn #301

Shipping List, October 2, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Absolute Carnage Immortal Hulk #1
Bizarre Adventures #1
Black Cat #5
Champions #10
Daredevil #12
Doctor Strange #20
Fantastic Four #15
Future Foundation #3
Ghost Rider #1
House of X #6 (Of 6)
Immortal Hulk #24
Marvel Comics #1001
Old Man Quill #10 (Of 12)
Punisher #16
Runaways #25
Savage Avengers #6
Spider-Verse #1
Star Wars #72
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #37
Batman #80
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #6 (Of 6)
Dceased #5 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #48
Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #4
Dreaming #14
Flash Giant #1
Green Lantern #12
Harley Quinn #66
Justice League #33
Legion of Super Heroes Millennium #2 (Of 2)
Lois Lane #4 (Of 12)
Young Justice #9
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Birthright #40
Black Terror #1
Contagion #1 (Of 5)
Dead Eyes #1
Die #8
Everything #2
Gears of War Hivebusters #2 (Of 5)
Grendel Devils Odyssey #1
Man-Eaters #12
Manifest Destiny #37
Marvel Action Black Panther #3
Marvel Action Captain Marvel #2 (Of 3)
Red Sonja #9
Ruby Falls #1 (Of 4)
Sonic the Hedgehog #21
Space Bandits #4 (Of 5)
Star Wars Adventures Return to Vader’s Castle #1
Strange Skies over East Berlin #1
Uncle Scrooge #49
Vampire State Building #1
Vampirella Red Sonja #1
Vengeance of Vampirella #1
WWE Smackdown #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman & The Justice League Manga TPB Vol. 03
Batwoman Haunted Tides TPB
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History TPB
Doomsday Clock HC Part 01
Immortal Hulk HC Vol. 01
Immortal Hulk TPB Vol. 02 Green Door
Immortal Hulk TPB Vol. 04 Abomination
Major X TPB
Olivia Jaimes Nancy HC Vol. 01
Rick & Morty TPB Vol. 01
Superman TPB Vol. 01 The Unity Saga Phantom Earth
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose TPB Vol. 09
Thanos HC Infinity Ending
Very DC Halloween TPB
Walking Dead Compendium TPB Vol. 04
Young Justice The Animated Series TPB Book 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Bizarre Adventures #1
Ghost Rider #1
Spider-Verse #1
Dceased #5 (Of 6)
Flash Giant #1
Legion of Super Heroes Millennium #2 (Of 2)
Contagion #1 (Of 5)
Dead Eyes #1
Grendel Devils Odyssey #1
Batman & The Justice League Manga TPB Vol. 03
Immortal Hulk HC Vol. 01
Walking Dead Compendium TPB Vol. 04

Shipping List, September 25, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Absolute Carnage Miles Morales #2 (Of 3)
Amazing Spider-Man #30
Avengers #24
Avengers Loki Unleashed #1
Black Cat #4
Black Panther #16
Captain America #14
Daredevil #11
Fearless #3 (Of 4)
Loki #3
Marvel Comics Presents #9
Marvel Team-Up #6
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #47
New Mutants War Children #1
Powers of X #5 (Of 6)
Punisher Kill Krew #3 (Of 5)
Spider-Man Velocity #2 (Of 5)
Star Wars AoR Kylo Ren #1
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple #2 (Of 5)
Star Wars Target Vader #3 (Of 6)
Strikeforce #1
Superior Spider-Man #11
Thanos #6 (Of 6)
Wolverine Annual #1
Action Comics #1015
Batgirl #39
Batman Beyond #36
Batman Curse of the White Knight #3
Batman Superman #1
Batman Superman #2
Books of Magic #12
Detective Comics #1012
Dial H #7 (Of 12)
Flash #79
Freedom Fighters #9 (Of 12)
Harleen #1 (Of 3)
House of Whispers #13
Justice League Dark #15
Looney Tunes #251
Red Hood Outlaw #38
Scooby Doo 50th Anniversary Giant #1
Scooby Doo Team Up #50
Shazam #7
Terrifics #20
Wonder Woman #79
Young Justice #8
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Rescue #3 (Of 4)
Angel #5
Black Science #43
Cavewoman Target Ankha One Shot
Criminal #8
Crow Hack Slash #3 (Of 4)
Deadly Class #40
Ether Disappearance of Violet Bell #1 (Of 5)
Evolution #18
Faithless #6 (Of 6)
Fight Club 3 #9
Invader Zim #47
Jughead Time Police #4 (Of 5)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #43
October Faction #1 Special Edition
Orville #3
Pandemica #1
Pretty Violent #2
Red Sonja Vampirella Betty Veronica #5
Rick & Morty #54
Ride Burning Desire #4 (Of 5)
SFSX Safe Sex #1
Strangelands #3
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #118
TMNT Ongoing #98
TMNT Rise of TMNT Sound Off #3 (Of 3)
Unearth #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All the Presidents HC
Batman Nightwalker TPB
Battle Chasers Anthology TPB
Captain America TPB Vol. 02 Captain of Nothing
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina HC
Chris Ware Rusty Brown HC
Deathstroke Arkham TPB
Fade Out TPB
Goon TPB Vol. 01 Ragged Return to Lonely Street
Green Lantern The Silver Age TPB Vol. 04
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 01 Original Sins
Heroes in Crisis HC
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB
Monstress TPB Vol. 04
Paper Girls TPB Vol. 06
Saga HC Vol. 01
Secret Spiral of Swamp Kid TPB
Secret Warps TPB
Tank Girl Colour Classics HC Vol. 02 1990-1992
X-Men Milestones TPB X-Tinction Agenda
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers Loki Unleashed #1
New Mutants War Children #1
Star Wars AoR Kylo Ren #1
Batman Curse of the White Knight #3
Harleen #1 (Of 3)
Scooby Doo 50th Anniversary Giant #1
Cavewoman Target Ankha One Shot
Ether Disappearance of Violet Bell #1 (Of 5)
SFSX Safe Sex #1
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina HC
Green Lantern The Silver Age TPB Vol. 04
X-Men Milestones TPB X-Tinction Agenda

Shipping List, September 18, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Absolute Carnage #3 (Of 5)
Absolute Carnage Lethal Protectors #2 (Of 3)
Aero #3
Alpha Flight True North #1
Black Panther and Agents of Wakanda #1
Dead Man Logan #11 (Of 12)
Doctor Strange #18
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #12
Guardians of the Galaxy #9
History of the Marvel Universe #3 (Of 6)
House of X #5 (Of 6)
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #7
Marvel Action Captain Marvel #2 (Of 3)
Spider-Man #1 (Of 5)
Star Wars AoR Rey #1
Star Wars AoR Rose Tico #1
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #36
Tony Stark Iron Man #16
Valkyrie Jane Foster #3
Aquaman #52
Batman #79
Flash Forward #1 (Of 6)
High Level #6
Inferior Five #1 (Of 12)
Justice League #32
Lex Luthor Year of the Villain #1
Lucifer #12
Nightwing #64
Supergirl #34
Superman #15
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #3 (Of 12)
Teen Titans #34
Teen Titans Go #36
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Archie 1955 #1 (Of 5)
Archie vs Predator 2 #2 (Of 5)
Black Hammer Age of Doom #12
Elvira Mistress of the Dark #9
Excellence #5
Firefly #9
Hellboy and the BPRD Saturn Returns #2 (Of 3)
James Bond 007 #11
Middlewest #11
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #82
Once & Future #2 (Of 6)
Red Sonja Birth of She Devil #4
Rick & Morty vs D&D II Painscape #1
Rumble #16
Savage Sword of Conan #9
Second Coming #3
TMNT Urban Legends #16
Vampirella #3
Vampirella Red Sonja #1
Weatherman Vol. 2 #4
Xena Warrior Princess #6
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Assassin Nation TPB Vol. 01
Batman the Caped Crusader TPB Vol. 03
Doctor Strange by Mark Waid TPB Vol. 03
Farmhand TPB Vol. 02
Flash TPB Vol. 10 Force Quest
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TPB Vol. 09
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic TPB Vol. 17
Port of Earth TPB Vol. 03
Sandman Dream Hunters TPB
Umbrella Academy TPB Vol. 03 Hotel Oblivion
Woman Who Loved Life HC
Young Justice HC Vol. 01 Gemworld
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Absolute Carnage #3 (Of 5)
Black Panther and Agents of Wakanda #1
Star Wars AoR Rose Tico #1
Flash Forward #1 (Of 6)
Inferior Five #1 (Of 12)
Lex Luthor Year of the Villain #1
Hellboy and the BPRD Saturn Returns #2 (Of 3)
Rick & Morty vs D&D II Painscape #1
Vampirella Red Sonja #1
Doctor Strange by Mark Waid TPB Vol. 03
Sandman Dream Hunters TPB
Umbrella Academy TPB Vol. 03 Hotel Oblivion

Shipping List, September 11, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Absolute Carnage Symbiote Of Vengeance #1
Absolute Carnage Vs Deadpool #2 (Of 3)
Age of Conan Valeria #2 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #29
Captain Marvel #10
Daredevil #11
Doctor Strange #19
Guardians of the Galaxy Prodigal Sun #1
Gwenpool Strikes Back #2 (Of 5)
Invaders #9
Invisible Woman #3 (Of 5)
Ironheart #10
King Thor #1 (Of 4)
Loki #3
Miles Morales Spider-Man #10
Moon Knight Annual #1
Powers of X #4 (Of 6)
Punisher Kill Krew #2 (Of 5)
Silver Surfer Black #4 (Of 5)
Star Wars AoR Supreme Leader Snoke #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #48
Venom #18
Batman #78
Batman and the Outsiders #5
Batman Superman #1
Catwoman #15
Collapser #3 (Of 6)
Detective Comics #1011
Event Leviathan #4 (Of 6)
Flash #78
Gotham City Monsters #1 (Of 6)
Hawkman #16
House of Whispers #13
Justice League Odyssey #13
Riddler Year of the Villain #1
Wonder Woman #78
Young Justice #8
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Analog #8
Archie Married Life 10 Years Later #2
Black Cat #4
Black Hammer Justice League #3 (Of 5)
Doctor Who 13th #12
Go Go Power Rangers #23
Hit-Girl Season Two #8
Ignited #4
Isola #9
Kick-Ass #17
Man-Eaters #11
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #19
Orville #3 Word of Avis
Outer Darkness #10
Pandemica #1
Postal Deliverance #3
Rat Queens #18
Red Sonja #8
Ronin Island #6
Sabrina Teenage Witch #5 (Of 5)
Star Wars Adventures #25
Thumbs #4 (Of 5)
Trees Three Fates #1 (Of 5)
Unearth #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Hush TPB
Batman The Killing Joke HC
Batman TPB Vol. 10 Knightmares
I Hate Fairyland HC Vol. 2
Miles Morales TPB With Great Power
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici TPB Vol. 03
Shuri TPB Vol. 02 24-7 Vibranium
Spider-Man TPB Many Hosts of Carnage
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl TPB Vol 11 Call Your Squirrels
Venom TPB War of Realms
War of Realms Spider-Man Daredevil TPB
X-Men by Roy Thomas & Neal Adams HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Absolute Carnage Vs Deadpool #2 (Of 3)
Guardians of the Galaxy Prodigal Sun #1
King Thor #1 (Of 4)
Batman Superman #1
Gotham City Monsters #1 (Of 6)
Riddler Year of the Villain #1
Go Go Power Rangers #23
Man-Eaters #11
Pandemica #1
Batman The Killing Joke HC
I Hate Fairyland HC Vol. 2
X-Men by Roy Thomas & Neal Adams HC

Shipping List, September 4, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Absolute Carnage Scream #2 (Of 3)
Absolute Carnage Symbiote Spider-Man #1
Agents of Atlas #2 (Of 5)
Alpha Flight True North #1
Amazing Spider-Man Going Big #1
Champions #9
Conan the Barbarian #9
Fantastic Four #14
Future Foundation #2
Ghost Spider Annual #1
House of X #4 (Of 6)
Immortal Hulk #23
Old Man Quill #9 (Of 12)
Punisher #15
Savage Avengers #5
Star Wars #71
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple #1 (Of 5)
Web of Black Widow #1 (Of 5)
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #5 (Of 6)
Batman vs Ras Al Ghul #1 (Of 6)
Dceased A Good Day to Die #1
Deathstroke #47
Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #3
Doomsday Clock #11 (Of 12)
Dreaming #13
Green Lantern #11
Harley Quinn #65
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1 (Of 6)
Justice League #31
Legion of Super Heroes Millennium #1 (Of 2)
Lois Lane #3 (Of 12)
Supergirl #33
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Archie #707
Birthright #39
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #8
Death-Defying Devil #2
Die #7
Everything #1
Goon #6
Marvel Action Spider-Man #8
Over the Garden Wall Soulful Symphonies #2 (Of 5)
Pretty Deadly Rat #1 (Of 5)
Redneck #23
Rick and Morty Present Flesh Curtains #1
Samurai Jack Lost Worlds #4
Sea of Stars #3
Something Is Killing Children #1
Sonic the Hedgehog Tangle & Whisper #2 (Of 4)
Space Bandits #3 (Of 5)
Spawn #300
Usagi Yojimbo #4
Vampirella Red Sonja #1
Wicked & Divine #45
Wyrd #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Damned HC
Batwoman Elegy TPB
Catwoman TPB Vol. 02 Far from Gotham
Hellboy and BPRD 1956 TPB
Immortal Hulk TPB Vol. 04 Abomination
Infinite Dark TPB Vol. 02
Joker His Greatest Jokes TPB
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta TPB Vol. 07
Scooby Doo’s Greatest Adventures TPB
Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Vol. 04 Infection
Spider-Gwen Ghost-Spider TPB Vol. 02 Impossible Year
Thanos Rising HC
Venom Unleashed TPB Vol. 01
Walking Dead HC Vol. 16
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Absolute Carnage Symbiote Spider-Man #1
Alpha Flight True North #1
Amazing Spider-Man Going Big #1
Batman vs Ras Al Ghul #1 (Of 6)
Dceased A Good Day to Die #1
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1 (Of 6)
Everything #1
Pretty Deadly Rat #1 (Of 5)
Rick and Morty Present Flesh Curtains #1
Batman Damned HC
Immortal Hulk TPB Vol. 04 Abomination
Walking Dead HC Vol. 16

Shipping List, August 28, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Absolute Carnage #2 (Of 5)
Absolute Carnage Lethal Protectors #1 (Of 3)
Absolute Carnage Miles Morales #1 (Of 3)
Amazing Spider-Man #28
Avengers #23
Black Panther #15
Captain America #13
Doctor Strange #18
Fantastic Four 4 Yancy Street #1
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #11
House of X #3 (Of 6)
Marvel Comics #1000
Marvel Monsters #1
Marvel Team-Up #5
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #46
Power Pack Grow Up #1
Runaways #24
She-Hulk Annual #1
Spider-Man Life Story #6 (Of 6)
Star Wars AoR General Hux #1
Star Wars AoR Poe Dameron #1
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge #5 (Of 5)
Thanos #5 (Of 6)
Thor #16
Venom #17
Action Comics #1014
Batgirl #38
Batman Beyond #35
Batman Curse of the White Knight #2
Batman Superman #1
Books of Magic #11
Detective Comics #1010
Dial H for Hero #6 (Of 6)
Flash #77
Freedom Fighters #8 (Of 12)
Justice League #30
Justice League Dark #14
Martian Manhunter #8 (Of 12)
Red Hood Outlaw #37
Superman #14
Terrifics #19
Wonder Woman #77
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel #4
Ascender #5
Black Science #42
Bone Parish #12 (Of 12)
Buffy Vampire Slayer Chosen Ones #1
Ducktales Silence & Science #1 (Of 3)
Fight Club 3 #8
Ice Cream Man #14
Invader Zim #46
Jughead Hunger vs Vampironica #4
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #42
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #81
Rick & Morty #53
Sonic The Hedgehog #20
Tank Girl #6
TMNT Ongoing #97
TMNT Shredder in Hell #4
TMNT Urban Legends #16
Uncle Scrooge #48
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Who Laughs HC
Captain Marvel TPB Vol. 01 Re-Entry
Grass TPB
Harley & Ivy Meet Betty & Veronica TPB
Harley Quinn Breaking Glass TPB
Injustice 2 TPB Vol. 05
Katy Keene TPB
Stalingrad Letters from the Volga TPB
Star Wars Vader Dark Visions TPB
Superman of Smallville TPB
Thor Epic Collection TPB Black Galaxy
TMNT Rise of the TMNT TPB Vol. 02 Big Reveal
Watchmen TPB
Wolverine TPB Infinity Watch
X-Men Milestones TPB Inferno
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Absolute Carnage Lethal Protectors #1 (Of 3)
Fantastic Four 4 Yancy Street #1
Marvel Comics #1000
Batman Superman #1
Flash #77
Martian Manhunter #8 (Of 12)
Buffy Vampire Slayer Chosen Ones #1
Ducktales Silence & Science #1 (Of 3)
Sonic The Hedgehog #20
Batman Who Laughs HC
Stalingrad Letters from the Volga TPB
Thor Epic Collection TPB Black Galaxy

Shipping List, August 21, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Absolute Carnage Vs Deadpool #1 (Of 3)
Daredevil #10
Deadpool Annual #1
Fearless #2 (Of 3)
Ghost-Spider #1
Guardians of the Galaxy #8
History of Marvel Universe #2 (Of 6)
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #6
Marvel Comics Presents #8
Powers of X #3 (Of 6)
Savage Sword of Conan #8
Spider-Man City at War #6 (Of 6)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #35
Star Wars Tie Fighter #5 (Of 5)
Superior Spider-Man #10
Tony Stark Iron Man #15
Valkyrie Jane Foster #2
Aquaman #51
Batman #77
Black Mask Year of the Villain #1
Lucifer #11
Nightwing #63
Pearl #12
Scooby Doo Where Are You #100
Superman Year One #2 (Of 3)
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #2 (Of 12)
Teen Titans #33
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Rescue #2
American Gods Moment of Storm #5
Criminal #7
Excellence #4
Fairlady #5
Faithless #5 (Of 6)
Goon #4
Hellboy and the BPRD Saturn Returns #1 (Of 3)
James Bond 007 #10
Jughead Time Police #3 (Of 5)
Last Stop on Red Line #3 (Of 4)
Marvel Action Avengers #7
Marvel Action Captain Marvel #1 (Of 3)
Marvel Action Spider-Man #7
Middlewest #10
Pretty Violent #1
Red Sonja Birth of She Devil #3
Ride Burning Desire #3 (Of 5)
Snotgirl #14
Star Wars Adventures #24
Strangelands #2
TMNT Rise of TMNT Sound Off #2 (Of 3)
Trout Hollowest Knock #3 (Of 4)
Vampirella #2
Weatherman Vol. 2 #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Archie Vs Predator TPB
Batman Kings of Fear HC
Corto Maltese The Early Years TPB
Darth Vader & Friends HC
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 27
Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB Mystery of Black Panther
Flash by Geoff Johns TPB Book 06
Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare HC Vol. 01
Plants Vs Zombies HC Garden Warfare Vol. 02
Saga Compendium TPB Vol. 01
Sandman TPB Vol. 11 Endless Nights
Spawn Enemy of the State TPB
Star Wars Age of Rebellion TPB Villains
Star Wars TPB Vol. 11 Scourging of Shu-Torun
War of Realms Strikeforce TPB
X-Men Grand Design TPB X-Tinction
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Absolute Carnage Vs Deadpool #1 (Of 3)
Ghost-Spider #1
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #35
Black Mask Year of the Villain #1
Scooby Doo Where Are You #100
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #2 (Of 12)
Criminal #7
Hellboy and the BPRD Saturn Returns #1 (Of 3)
Last Stop on Red Line #3 (Of 4)
Batman Kings of Fear HC
Corto Maltese The Early Years TPB
X-Men Grand Design TPB X-Tinction

Shipping List, August 14, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Absolute Carnage Scream #1 (Of 3)
Absolute Carnage Separation Anxiety #1
Age of Conan Valeria #1 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #27
Batman and the Outsiders #4
Captain Marvel #9
Conan the Barbarian Exodus #1
Doctor Strange #17
Fantastic Four #12
Fantastic Four #13
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #10
Giant Size X-Statix #1
Gwenpool Strikes Back #1 (Of 5)
Invaders #8
Ironheart #9
Loki #2
Miles Morales Spider-Man #9
Powers of X #2 (Of 6)
Punisher Kill Krew #1 (Of 5)
Silver Surfer Black #3 (Of 5)
Silver Surfer Prodigal Sun #1
Star Wars AoR Darth Vader #1
Star Wars Target Vader #2 (Of 6)
Sword Master #2
Symbiote Spider-Man #5 (Of 5)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #47
Catwoman #14
Detective Comics #1009
Event Leviathan #3 (Of 6)
Flash #76
Hawkman #15
House of Whispers #12
Justice League Odyssey #12
Supergirl #33
Superman #14
Titans Burning Rage #1 (Of 7)
Wonder Woman #76
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Analog #7
Black Hammer Justice League #2 (Of 5)
Cavewoman Riptide One Shot
Collapser #2 (Of 6)
Doctor Who 13th #11
Gideon Falls #16
Go Go Power Rangers #22
Hit-Girl Season Two #7
James Bond Origin #12
Joe Golem Occult Detective Conjurors #4 (Of 5)
My Little Pony Spirit of the Forest #3 (Of 3)
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #18
Once & Future #1 (Of 6)
Orville New Beginnings #2
Outer Darkness #9
Red Sonja #7
Rumble #15
Second Coming #2
Star Wars Adventures Annual 2019
Sword Daughter #8
TMNT Urban Legends #15
Unearth #2
Usagi Yojimbo #3
Warning #10
Xena Warrior Princess #5
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Fionna Cake TPB Bash Blues
Amazing Spider-Man TPB Hunted
Archie by Nick Spencer TPB Vol. 01
Asgardians of the Galaxy TPB Vol. 02 War of Realms
Batman Teenage Mutant Turtles II TPB
Bone One Volume TPB
Borgias TPB
Godzilla Complete Rulers of Earth TPB Vol. 02
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB Vol. 01 Final Gauntlet
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 02 Harley Destroys The Universe
Hitman Greatest Hits TPB
Justice League of America Last Survivors of Earth TPB
Mickey Mouse TPB Quest for Missing Memories
Mr. and Mrs. X TPB Vol. 02 Gambit and Rogue Forever
Ms. Marvel HC Vol. 05
Suicide Squad TPB Vol. 08 Constriction
War of Realms TPB
Wonder Woman by John Byrne HC Vol. 02
Wonder Woman The Golden Age TPB Vol. 03
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Absolute Carnage Separation Anxiety #1
Conan the Barbarian Exodus #1
Silver Surfer Prodigal Sun #1
Event Leviathan #3 (Of 6)
Superman #14
Titans Burning Rage #1 (Of 7)
Cavewoman Riptide One Shot
Once & Future #1 (Of 6)
Usagi Yojimbo #3
Amazing Spider-Man TPB Hunted
Borgias TPB
Hitman Greatest Hits TPB