Shipping List, August 7, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Absolute Carnage #1 (Of 4)
Aero #2
Age of Conan Belit #5 (Of 5)
Agents of Atlas #1 (Of 5)
Black Cat #3
Champions #8
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #6 (Of 6)
Daredevil #9
Dead Man Logan #10 (Of 12)
Future Foundation #1
House of X #2 (Of 6)
Immortal Hulk #22
Invisible Woman #2 (Of 5)
Major X #0
Old Man Quill #8 (Of 12)
Punisher #14
Punisher Annual #1
Savage Avengers #4
Secret Warps Arachknight Annual #1
Sensational Spider-Man Self-Improvement #1
Star Wars #70
X-Force #10
Batman #76
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #4 (Of 6)
Dceased #4 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #46
Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #2
Dreaming #12
Green Lantern #10
Harley Quinn #64
Justice League #29
Lois Lane #2 (Of 12)
Sinestro Year of the Villain #1
Terrifics #18
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
American Gods Moment of Storm #4
Archie Married Life 10 Years Later #1
Birthright #38
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #7
Death-Defying Devil #1
Dick Tracy Forever #4
Die #6
Elvira Mistress of Dark #8
Kick-Ass #16
Lenore Volume III #1
My Little Pony Feats of Friendship #1
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #42
Postal Deliverance #2
Ronin Island #5
Sea of Stars #2
Space Bandits #2 (Of 5)
Tank Girl #5
Thumbs #3 (Of 5)
Transformers #10
Usagi Yojimbo #2
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Aliens TPB Resistance
Aquaman HC Vol. 01 Unspoken Water
Disney Masters HC Vol. 09 De Vita Ice Sword Saga
Ghostbusters Answer the Call TPB
Irena HC Vol. 01 Wartime Ghetto
Marvel Comics 1 HC 80th Anniversary Edition
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid TPB
Old Man Quill TPB Vol. 01 Nobody’s Fault but Mine
Scooby Doo Team Up Doomed TPB
Snow Glass Apples HC
Star Wars Adventures TPB Vol. 06 Flight of Falcon
Star Wars Age of Rebellion TPB Heroes
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB Original Marvel Years
Tank Girl TPB Vol. 01 Action Alley
Thief of Thieves TPB Vol. 07
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 32
Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka TPB Vol. 03
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 09 The Enemy of Both Sides
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Absolute Carnage #1 (Of 4)
Agents of Atlas #1 (Of 5)
Future Foundation #1
Dceased #4 (Of 6)
Justice League #29
Sinestro Year of the Villain #1
Archie Married Life 10 Years Later #1
Lenore Volume III #1
My Little Pony Feats of Friendship #1
Disney Masters HC Vol. 09 De Vita Ice Sword Saga
Marvel Comics 1 HC 80th Anniversary Edition
Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka TPB Vol. 03

Shipping List, July 31, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Amazing Spider-Man #25
Avengers #22
Black Panther #14
Captain America #12
Conan the Barbarian #8
Fantastic Four #12
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #9
Giant Size X-Statix #1
Marvel Comics Presents #7
Marvel Team-Up #4
Powers of X #1 (Of 6)
Runaways #23
Secret Warps Iron Hammer Annual #1
Secret Warps Weapon Hex Annual #1
Star Wars AoR Special #1
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge #4 (Of 5)
Symbiote Spider-Man #4 (Of 5)
Thanos #4 (Of 6)
Venom Annual #1
American Carnage #9
Batman Last Knight on Earth #2 (Of 3)
Batman Secret Files #2
Batman Who Laughs #7 (Of 7)
Green Lantern Annual #1
Justice League Dark Annual #1
Red Hood Outlaw Annual #3
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Black Hammer Justice League #1 (Of 5)
Crow Hack Slash #2
Fight Club 3 #7
Gears of War Pop One-Shot #1Goon #5
Ice Cream Man #13
Manor Black #1 (Of 4)
Marvel Action Spider-Man #6
Monstress #24
Paper Girls #30
Rat Queens #17
Realm #14
Rick & Morty #52
Riverdale Season 3 #5
Sabrina Teenage Witch #4 (Of 5)
Samurai Jack Lost Worlds #3
Sonic the Hedgehog Tangle & Whisper #1
Spawn #299
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #117
TMNT Ongoing #96
TMNT Urban Legends #15
Uncle Scrooge #47
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Ben 10 Original TPB For Science
Daredevil by Chip Zdarsky TPB Vol. 01 Know Fear
Deadly Class TPB Vol. 08 Never Go Back
Deadpool Skottie Young TPB Vol. 02
Disney Frankenstein Starring Donald Duck TPB
Elektra TPB Assassin
Fatale TPB Vol. 01 Death Chases Me
Genesis One Poppy TPB
Injustice 2 HC Vol. 06
Justice League Unwrapped by Jim Lee HC
Love & Rockets Library Gilbert TPB Vol. 07 Three Sisters
My Little Pony Legends of Magic TPB Vol. 02
Prodigy TPB Vol. 01
Project Superpowers TPB Vol. 01
Sex Criminals TPB Vol. 01
Sonic The Hedgehog TPB Vol. 01 Fallout
Superior Spider-Man TPB Vol. 01 Full Otto
Superman Batman TPB Vol. 01
Swamp Thing The Bronze Age Omnibus TPB Vol. 01
Terminator Burning Earth TPB
TMNT Ongoing TPB Vol. 01 Change Is Constant
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 06 Sorrowful Life
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 07 The Calm Before
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 08 Made to Suffer
Wonder Woman by John Byrne HC Vol. 03
WWE Phenomenal One TPB
X-23 TPB Vol. 02 X-Assassin
X-Men Milestones TPB Mutant Massacre
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Conan the Barbarian #8
Secret Warps Iron Hammer Annual #1
Venom Annual #1
American Carnage #9
Batman Last Knight on Earth #2 (Of 3)
Green Lantern Annual #1
Black Hammer Justice League #1 (Of 5)
Manor Black #1 (Of 4)
Sonic the Hedgehog Tangle & Whisper #1
Deadpool Skottie Young TPB Vol. 02
Disney Frankenstein Starring Donald Duck TPB
Superman Batman TPB Vol. 01

Shipping List, July 24, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Age of Conan Belit #5 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #24
Amazing Spider-Man #26
Doctor Strange #16
Fearless #1 (Of 3)
Guardians of the Galaxy #7
History of Marvel Universe #1 (Of 6)
House of X #1 (Of 6)
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #5
Marvel Rising #5 (Of 5)
Marvels Epilogue #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #45
Ms. Marvel Annual #1
Secret Warps Arachknight Annual #1
Shuri #10
Star Wars #69
Sword Master #1
Tony Stark Iron Man #14
Valkyrie Jane Foster #1
Web of Venom Funeral Pyre #1
Action Comics #1013
Batgirl #37
Batman Curse of the White Knight #1
Batman Beyond #34
Books of Magic #10
Detective Comics #1008
Dial H for Hero #5 (Of 6)
Flash #75
Freedom Fighters #7 (Of 12)
Justice League Dark #13
Looney Tunes #250
Martian Manhunter #7 (Of 12)
Scooby Doo Team Up #49
Terrifics #18
Wonder Woman #75
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Rescue #1
Archie #706
Archie vs Predator 2 #1 (Of 5)
Ascender #4
Bone Parish #11 (Of 12)
Farmhand #10
Lazarus Risen #2
Marvel Action Avengers #6
Middlewest #9
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #41
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #80
Redneck #22
Skyward #15
Sonic the Hedgehog #19
Tank Girl #5
TMNT Rise of TMNT Sound Off #1 (Of 3)
Weatherman Vol. 2 #2
Wicked & Divine #44
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman & Superman in Worlds Finest TPB Vol. 01
Batman Beyond TPB Vol. 05 The Final Joke
Batman by Neal Adams TPB Book 01
Black Panther TPB Book 07 Intergalactic Empire Wakanda
Complete Chester Gould Dick Tracy HC Vol. 26
Crossed TPB Vol. 01
Ducktales TPB Vol. 01 Treasure Trove
Ghostbusters Answer the Call TPB
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 21 The Laughing Magician
Hellboy Omnibus TPB Vol. 01 Seed of Destruction
House of Whispers TPB Vol. 01 The Power Divided
Hulk TPB World War Hulk
Invincible TPB Vol. 01 Family Matters
Kill or be Killed TPB Vol. 01
Love & Rockets Library Gilbert TPB Vol. 04 Luba & Family
Miles Morales TPB Spider-Man
My Little Pony Nightmare Knights TPB
Punisher TPB Return to Big Nothing
Savage Sword of Conan TPB Vol. 01
Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Vol. 03 Battle for Angel Island
Star Wars Adventures TPB Vol. 06 Flight of Falcon
Suicide Squad Unwrapped by Jim Lee HC
Thor of Realms TPB
Tomb Raider Omnibus TPB Vol. 01
Transmetropolitan TPB Book 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Fearless #1 (Of 3)
Secret Warps Arachknight Annual #1
Web of Venom Funeral Pyre #1
Batman Curse of the White Knight #1
Dial H for Hero #5 (Of 6)
Scooby Doo Team Up #49
Aliens Rescue #1
Archie vs Predator 2 #1 (Of 5)
Redneck #22
Batman by Neal Adams TPB Book 01
Black Panther TPB Book 07 Intergalactic Empire Wakanda
Complete Chester Gould Dick Tracy HC Vol. 26

Shipping List, July 17, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Age of X-Man Omega #1
Amazing Spider-Man #24
Captain Marvel #8
Daredevil #8
Deadpool #15
Domino Hotshots #5 (Of 5)
Immortal Hulk #21
Invaders #7
Loki #1
Punisher Annual #1
Secret Warps Ghost Panther Annual #1
Silver Surfer Black #2 (Of 5)
Spider-Man City at War #5 (Of 6)
Spider-Man Life Story #5 (Of 6)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #34
Star Wars Tie Fighter #4 (Of 5)
Superior Spider-Man #9
Uncanny X-Men #22
Unstoppable Wasp #10
X-Force #10
Aquaman #50
Batman #75
Collapser #1 (Of 6)
Justice League #28
Lucifer #10
Nightwing #62
Pearl #11
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #1 (Of 12)
Teen Titans #32
Teen Titans Go #35
Wonder Woman Come Back to Me #1 (Of 6)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
American Gods Moment of Storm #4
Assassin Nation #5 (Of 5)
Black Badge #12
Black Science #41
Blossoms 666 #5 (Of 5)
Doctor Who 13th #10
Elvira Mistress of Dark #7
Evolution #17
Excellence #3
Fairlady #4
Faithless #4 (Of 5)
Firefly #8
Gideon Falls #15
Hit-Girl Season Two #6
Infinite Dark #8
Invader Zim #45
James Bond 007 #9
Jim Henson Storyteller Sirens #4
Joe Golem Occult Detective Conjurors #3 (Of 5)
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac #4
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac #5
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac #6
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac #7
Jughead Hunger vs Vampironica #3
Jughead Time Police #2 (Of 5)
Little Bird #5 (Of 5)
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Tempest #6
Love & Rockets Magazine #7
Orville New Beginnings #1
Port of Earth #12
Ride Burning Desire #2 (Of 5)
Rumble #14
Smooth Criminals #7 (Of 12)
Transformers #9
Trout Hollowest Knock #2 (Of 4)
Usagi Yojimbo #2
Vampirella #1
Warning #9
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Black Widow TPB No Restraints Play
Creepy Archives HC Vol. 29
Die Die Die TPB Vol. 01
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 07 Citizens Arrest
Havok and Wolverine TPB Meltdown
Justice League TPB Vol. 03 Hawkworld
Miles Morales TPB Vol. 01 Straight out of Brooklyn
Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Vol. 49
Sandman TPB Vol 10 The Wake
Thanos By Donny Cates HC
They Called Us Enemy TPB
Treasures Retold The Lost Art of Alex Toth HC
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 09 The Enemy of Both Sides
X-Men Epic Collection TPB Always Darkest Before Dawn
X-Men Milestones TPB Dark Phoenix Saga
X-Men Milestones TPB Fall of Mutants
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Age of X-Man Omega #1
Punisher Annual #1
Collapser #1 (Of 6)
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #1 (Of 12)
Doctor Who 13th #10
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac #4
They Called Us Enemy TPB

Shipping List, July 10, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Age of X-Man Apocalypse and X-Tracts #5 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #25
Avengers #21
Black Cat #2
Champions #7
Giant Size X-Statix #1
Invisible Woman #1 (Of 5)
Ironheart #8
Marvel Action Black Panther #2
Miles Morales Spider-Man #8
Savage Sword of Conan #7
Secret Warps Weapon Hex Annual #1
Star Wars #68
Star Wars AoR Captain Phasma #1
Symbiote Spider-Man #4 (Of 5)
Thor #15
Venom #16
War of Realms Omega #1
Wolverine and Captain America Weapon Plus #1
Wolverine Vs Blade Special #1
Batman #74
Batman and the Outsiders #3
Batman Universe #1 (Of 6)
Catwoman #13
Detective Comics #1007
Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #1
Event Leviathan #2 (Of 6)
Flash #73
Flash #74
Hawkman #14
House of Whispers #11
Justice League Odyssey #11
Naomi #6
Red Hood Outlaw #36
Supergirl #32
Superman #13
Wonder Woman #74
Young Justice #7
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Bitter Root Red Summer Special #1 (One-Shot)
Black Hammer Justice League #1 (Of 5)
Blubber #5
Criminal #6
Deadly Class #39
Go Go Power Rangers #21
James Bond Origin #11
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #17
Outer Darkness #8
Red Sonja Birth of She Devil #2
Second Coming #1
Strangelands #1
Thief of Thieves #43
Unearth #1
Xena Warrior Princess #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Bad Weekend HC
Books of Magic TPB Vol. 01 Moveable Type
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man TPB Vol. 01 Secrets
Green Lantern HC Vol. 01 Intergalactic Lawman
Ironheart TPB Vol. 01 Those with Courage
New Mutants TPB Demon Bear Saga
Spider-Man Deadpool TPB Vol. 09 Eventpool
Swamp Things Roots of Terror HC
Trials of Shazam TPB
Usagi Yojimbo TPB Vol. 33 Hidden
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Giant Size X-Statix #1
Invisible Woman #1 (Of 5)
War of Realms Omega #1
Batman Universe #1 (Of 6)
Flash #74
Wonder Woman #74
Black Hammer Justice League #1 (Of 5)
Second Coming #1
Strangelands #1
Green Lantern HC Vol. 01 Intergalactic Lawman
New Mutants TPB Demon Bear Saga
Usagi Yojimbo TPB Vol. 33 Hidden

Shippig List, July 3, 2019

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Aero #1
Age of X-Man Prisoner X #5 (Of 5)
Captain America Invaders Bahamas Triangle #1
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #5 (Of 5)
Dead Man Logan #9 (Of 12)
Deadpool #14
Fantastic Four Prodigal Sun #1
Immortal Hulk #20
Ms. Marvel Annual #1
Old Man Quill #7 (Of 12)
Punisher #13
Savage Avengers #3
Secret Warps Soldier Supreme Annual #1
Spider-Gwen Ghost Spider #10
Spider-Man City at War #4 (Of 6)
Star Wars AoR Darth Vader #1
Star Wars AoR Finn #1
Star Wars Target Vader #1 (Of 6)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #46
Uncanny X-Men #21
Adventures of the Super Sons #12 (Of 12)
Batgirl #36
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #3 (Of 6)
Dceased #3 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #45
Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #1
Dreaming #11
Green Lantern #9
Harley Quinn #63
Justice League #27
Lois Lane #1 (Of 12)
Nightwing #61
Superman up in the Sky #1 (Of 6)
Wild Storm #24
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Analog #6
Birthright #37
Black Hammer Age of Doom #11
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #6
Faithless #3 (Of 5)
Hellboy and BPRD Beast of Vargu
Ignited #2
Man-Eaters #10
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #79
Postal Deliverance #1
Rat Queens #16
Red Sonja #6
Sea of Stars #1
Sonic the Hedgehog #18
Space Bandits #1 (Of 5)
Star Wars Adventures #23
Stitched Terror #3
Tank Girl Full Color Classics #4 1991-92
Thumbs #2 (Of 5)
TMNT Ongoing #95
Transformers #8
Walking Dead #192
Walking Dead #193
World of Black Hammer Encyclopedia One-Shot
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman TPB Vol. 03 I Am Bane
Crimson Lotus TPB
Gasolina TPB Vol. 03
Joker TPB
Minecraft TPB Vol. 01
Red Hood Outlaw TPB Vol. 01 Requiem for an Archer
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Newspaper Strips TPB
Suicide Squad Katana The Revenge of Cobra TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Aero #1
Fantastic Four Prodigal Sun #1
Star Wars Target Vader #1 (Of 6)
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #3 (Of 6)
Lois Lane #1 (Of 12)
Superman up in the Sky #1 (Of 6)
Man-Eaters #10
Sea of Stars #1
Walking Dead #193
Joker TPB
Minecraft TPB Vol. 01
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Newspaper Strips TPB

Shipping List, June 26, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Age of X-Man X-Tremists #5 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #24
Avengers #20
Black Panther #13
Conan the Barbarian #7
Doctor Strange #15
Fantastic Four #11
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #8
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #4
Major X #6 (Of 6)
Marvel Comics Presents #6
Marvel Rising #4 (Of 5)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #44
Mr. and Mrs. X #12
Runaways #22
Spider-Man Annual #1
Spider-Man Reptilian Rage #1
Star Wars AoR Darth Vader #1
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge #3 (Of 5)
Superior Spider-Man #8
Thanos #3 (Of 6)
Thor #14
War of Realms #6 (Of 6)
War of Realms New Agents of Atlas #4 (Of 4)
War of Realms Punisher #3 (Of 3)
War of Realms Uncanny X-Men #3 (Of 3)
Wolverine Exit Wounds #1
X-Men Grand Design X-Tinction #2 (of 2)
Action Comics #1012
Batman Beyond #33
Batman Damned #3 (Of 3)
Books of Magic #9
Detective Comics #1006
Dial H for Hero #4 (Of 6)
Flash #73
High Level #5
Justice League Dark #12
Martian Manhunter #6 (Of 12)
Terrifics #17
Wonder Woman #73
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Ascender #3
Bad Luck Chuck #4 (Of 4)
Bone Parish #10 (Of 12)
Crow Hack Slash #1
Deadly Class #39
Dick Tracy Forever #3
Fight Club 3 #6
Goon #3
Invader Zim #44
Isola #8
Kick-Ass #15
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40
My Little Pony Spirit of The Forest #2 (Of 3)
Redneck #21
Rick & Morty #51
Riverdale Season 3 #4
Silencer #18
Spawn #298
Stitched Terror #2
Thief of Thieves #43
Weatherman Vol. 2 #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Flash The Button TPB
Courtney Crumrin TPB Vol. 05 Witch Next Door
Flash Rebirth TPB
Hawking HC
Man of Steel by Brian Michael Bendis TPB
Master of Kung Fu Epic Collection TPB
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur TPB Vol. 07 Bad Dream
Old Lady Harley TPB
Peter Porker Spectacular Spider-Ham Complete Collection TPB
Rick & Morty TPB Vol. 09
Scooby Doo Team Up TPB Vol. 04
Teen Titans Raven TPB
TMNT Rise of The TMNT TPB Vol. 01
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 01 The Lies
X-Men Milestones TPB Dark Phoenix Saga
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Major X #6 (Of 6)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #44
War of Realms #6 (Of 6)
Batman Damned #3 (Of 3)
High Level #5
Wonder Woman #73
Ascender #3
Dick Tracy Forever #3
Rick & Morty #51
Batman Flash The Button TPB
Hawking HC
Master of Kung Fu Epic Collection TPB

Shipping List, June 19, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Age of X-Man Amazing Nightcrawler #5 (Of 5)
Age of X-Man Nextgen #5 (Of 5)
Captain America #11
Captain Marvel #7
Daredevil #7
Deadpool #14
Guardians of the Galaxy #6
Marvels Annotated #4 (Of 4)
Miles Morales Spider-Man #7
Savage Sword of Conan #6
Shuri #9
Spider-Man & League of Realms #3 (Of 3)
Spider-Man City at War #4 (Of 6)
Star Wars #67
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #33
Star Wars Tie Fighter #3 (Of 5)
Tony Stark Iron Man #13
Uncanny X-Men #20
Unstoppable Wasp #9
War of Realms Journey into Mystery #5 (Of 5)
War of Realms War Scrolls #3 (Of 3)
Wolverine Infinity Watch #5 (Of 5)
American Carnage #8
Aquaman #49
Batman #73
Goddess Mode #6
Justice League #26
Lucifer #9
Nightwing #61
Pearl #10
Scooby Doo Where Are You #99
Superman Year One #1 (Of 3)
Teen Titans #31
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Marcy & Simon #6 (Of 6)
American Gods Moment of Storm #3
Assassin Nation #4
Barbarella Dejah Thoris #4
Beasts of Burden Presence of Others #2 (Of 2)
Black Badge #11
Cavewoman Pandemonium One Shot #1 (Of 1)
Criminal #5
Doctor Who 13th #9
Excellence #2
Fairlady #3
Faithless #3 (Of 5)
Farmhand #9
Firefly #7
Gideon Falls #14
Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1
Hellboy and BPRD Beast of Vargu
Hit-Girl Season Two #5
James Bond 007 #8
Last Stop on Red Line #2
Little Bird #4 (Of 5)
Middlewest #8
Monstress #23
Port of Earth #11
Rat Queens #16
Rumble #13
Sabrina Teenage Witch #3 (Of 5)
Samurai Jack Lost Worlds #2
Skyward #14
Stitched Terror #1
TMNT Urban Legends #14
Uncle Scrooge #46
Usagi Yojimbo #1
Warning #8
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB Goblin Lives
Archie 1941 TPB
Batman Flash The Button TPB
Batman White Knight TPB
Criminal TPB Vol. 01 Coward
Dead Man Logan TPB Vol. 01 Sins of the Father
Doom Patrol TPB Vol. 02 Nada
Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB More Things Change
Heavy Liquid TPB
Hillbilly TPB Vol. 04 Red Eyed Witchery from Beyond
Hit-Girl TPB Vol. 04
Marvel Action Spider-Man TPB Book 01 New Beginning
Minecraft TPB Vol. 01
Shadow Roads TPB Vol. 01
Sip (Strangers in Paradise) Kids TPB
Star Wars Adventures TPB Destroyer Down
Thor TPB Vol. 02 Road to War of Realms
Uncanny X-Men TPB Vol. 01 Cyclops and Wolverine
Winter Soldier TPB Second Chances
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Age of X-Man Amazing Nightcrawler #5 (Of 5)
Miles Morales Spider-Man #7
Batman #73
Superman Year One #1 (Of 3)
Cavewoman Pandemonium One Shot #1 (Of 1)
Firefly #7
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB Goblin Lives

Shipping List, June 12, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Age of Conan Belit #4 (Of 5)
Age of X-Man Apocalypse And X-Tracts #4 (Of 5)
Age of X-Man Marvelous X-Men #5 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #23
Asgardians of The Galaxy #10
Champions #6
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #7
Giant Man #3 (Of 3)
Immortal Hulk #19
Invaders #6
Ironheart #7
Major X #5 (Of 6)
Punisher #12
Silver Surfer Black #1 (Of 5)
Spider-Man Life Story #4 (Of 6)
Star Wars Original Marvel Years #108
Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #5 (Of 5)
Superior Spider-Man #7
Symbiote Spider-Man #3 (Of 5)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #45
Venom #15
X-Force #9
X-Men Grand Design X-Tinction #1 (Of 2)
Batman and the Outsiders #2
Batman Who Laughs #6 (Of 6)
Catwoman #12
Detective Comics #1005
Event Leviathan #1 (Of 6)
Flash #72
Hawkman #13
House of Whispers #10
Justice League Odyssey #10
Red Hood Outlaw #35
Supergirl #31
Superman #12
Wonder Woman #72
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Archie #705
Elvira Mistress of Dark #6
Empty Man #8
Gunning For Hits #6
Infinite Dark #7
James Bond Origin #10
Jim Henson Storyteller Sirens #3
Joe Golem Occult Detective Conjurors #2
Jughead Time Police #1
Marvel Action Spider-Man #5
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #78
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #16
Outer Darkness #7
Prodigy #6 (Of 6)
Red Sonja Birth of She Devil #1
Rick & Morty presents Mr. Meeseeks #1
Ride Burning Desire #1 (Of 5)
Transformers #7
Umbrella Academy Hotel Oblivion #7
V-Wars God of Death One-Shot
Xena Warrior Princess #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Angola Janga HC
Avengers TPB No Road Home
Betty & Veronica Friends Forever TPB
Hulkverines TPB
Ice Cream Man TPB Vol. 03 Hopscotch Melange
Plants vs Zombies HC Snow Thanks
Predator Hunters II TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Asgardians of The Galaxy #10
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #7
Silver Surfer Black #1 (Of 5)
Batman Who Laughs #6 (Of 6)
Event Leviathan #1 (Of 6)
Red Hood Outlaw #35
Archie #705
Elvira Mistress of Dark #6
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #16
Hulkverines TPB
Ice Cream Man TPB Vol. 03 Hopscotch Melange

Shipping List, June 5, 2019!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Age of X-Man Prisoner X #4 (Of 5)
Black Cat #1
Captain Marvel #6
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #4
Dead Man Logan #8 (Of 12)
Deadpool #13
Domino Hotshots #4 (Of 5)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1
Incredible Hulk Last Call #1
Marvel Team-Up #3
Meet the Skrulls #5 (Of 5)
Old Man Quill #6 (Of 12)
Savage Avengers #2
Spider-Gwen Ghost Spider #9
Star Wars AoR Luke Skywalker #1
Tony Stark Iron Man #12
Uncanny X-Men #19
War of Realms #5 (Of 6)
War of Realms Journey into Mystery #4 (Of 5)
Adventures of the Super Sons #11 (Of 12)
Batman #72
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #2 (Of 6)
DCeased #2 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #44
Dreaming #10
Green Lantern #8
Harley Quinn #62
Justice League #25
Shazam #6
Young Justice #6
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Army of Darkness/Bubba Hotep #4
Beasts of Burden Presence of Others #2 (Of 2)
Birthright #36
Black Hammer 45 from the World of Black Hammer #4
Bone Parish #9 (Of 12)
Bravo for Adventure TPB
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #5
Criminal #5
Elvira Shape of Elvira #3
Ignited #1
Jughead Hunger vs Vampironica #2
Man-Eaters #9
Marvel Action Avengers #5
Paper Girls #29
Red Sonja #5
Ronin Island #4
Shadow Roads #8
Star Wars Adventures #22
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #41
Sword Daughter #7
Tank Girl Full Color Classics #3 1990-91
Thumbs #1 (Of 5)
Vampirella Roses for Dead #4 (Of 4)
Walking Dead #192
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman White Knight HC
Captain America TPB Evolutions of Living Legend
Cemetery Beach TPB
Cloak and Dagger TPB Agony and Ecstasy
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB Purgatory and Paradise
Disney Masters HC Vol. 08 Scarpa Barks Donald Duck
Dreaming TPB Vol. 01 Pathways and Emanations
Marvel Knights Punisher by Ennis Complete Collection TPB
Minecraft TPB Vol. 01
Solo TPB Star Wars Story Adaptation
Star Wars Adventures TPB Destroyer Down
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Black Cat #1
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1
Incredible Hulk Last Call #1
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #2 (Of 6)
DCeased #2 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #44
Ignited #1
Paper Girls #29
Red Sonja #5
Batman White Knight HC
Captain America TPB Evolutions of Living Legend
Cemetery Beach TPB