Shipping List, March 14, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 14, 2018

All New Wolverine #32
Astonishing X-Men #9
Avengers #684
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #15
Despicable Deadpool #296
Doctor Strange #387
Falcon #6
Marvel Two-In-One #4
New Mutants Dead Souls #1 (Of 6)
Old Man Logan #36
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #301
Punisher #222
Spider-Man Deadpool #29
Star Wars Darth Vader #13
Star Wars Thrawn #2 (Of 6)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #30
Weapon X #15
X-Men Blue #23
Action Comics #999
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #20
Detective Comics #976
Eternity Girl #1 (Of 6)
Flash #42
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #40
Justice League of America #26
Mister Miracle #7 (Of 12)
New Super Man & The Justice League of China #21
Ragman #5 (Of 6)
Ragman #6 (Of 6)
Red Hood and the Outlaws #20
Scooby Apocalypse #23
Scooby Doo Where Are You #91
Sideways #2
Silencer #2
Suicide Squad #37
Supergirl #19
Titans #21
Trinity #19
Wildstorm Michael Cray #6
Wonder Woman #42
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
American Gods My Ainsel #1
Barbarella #4
Betrothed #1
Cold War #2
Come into Me #1
Deadly Class #32
Doctor Who 12th Year Three #13
Dry County #1
Ducktales #7
Ghostbusters Crossing Over #1
Grass Kings #13
Infidel #1 (Of 5)
Invader Zim #29
Mage Hero Denied #7 (Of 15)
October Faction Supernatural Dreams #1
Paradiso #4
Riverdale (Ongoing) #11
Rose #9
Slots #6
Subspecies #1
Vampironica #1
Xena #2 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New Guardians of Galaxy TPB Vol. 03
All Star Batman HC Vol. 03 First Ally
All Star Batman TPB Vol. 02 Ends of the Earth
Avengers Epic Collection TPB Collection Obsession
Batgirl Stephanie Brown TPB Vol. 02
DC Cinematic Justice League Wonder Woman Q-Fig Figure
DC Comics The Art of Darwyn Cooke TPB
Deadpool by Posehn & Duggan TPB Vol. 02 Complete Collection
Explorers of the North Sea Board Game
Green Lantern Earth One HC Vol. 01
Jack Kirby 100th Celebration Collection TPB
Master of Kung Fu Epic Collection TPB
Pinky & Brain Taking over the World Q-Fig Toons Figure
Port of Earth TPB Vol. 01
Scalped TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Falcon #6
New Mutants Dead Souls #1 (Of 6)
Star Wars Thrawn #2 (Of 6)
Eternity Girl #1 (Of 6)
Red Hood and the Outlaws #20
Wildstorm Michael Cray #6
Barbarella #4
Ghostbusters Crossing Over #1
Vampironica #1
All Star Batman HC Vol. 03 First Ally
Deadpool by Posehn & Duggan TPB Vol. 02 Complete Collection
Port of Earth TPB Vol. 01

Shipping List, March 7, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #797
Avengers #683
Black Bolt #11
Captain America #699
Doctor Strange Damnation #2 (Of 4)
Hawkeye #16
Iceman #11
Infinity Countdown #1 (Of 5)
Rise of Black Panther #3 (Of 6)
Rogue & Gambit #3 (Of 5)
She-Hulk #163
Spider-Man #238
Star Wars #44
Venom #16
X-Men Gold #23
X-Men Red #2
Bane Conquest #10 (Of 12)
Batman #42
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #4 (Of 6)
Batman White Knight #6
Bombshells United #13
Cave Carson Swamp Thing Special #1
Deathstroke #29
Green Arrow #38
Green Lanterns #42
Harley & Ivy Meet Betty & Veronica #6 (Of 6)
Harley Quinn #39
Injustice 2 #21
Justice League #40
Nightwing #40
Shade the Changing Woman #1
Superman #42
Wild Storm #12
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #74
Assassinistas #3
Ballad of Sang #1 (Of 5)
Cavewoman Face Off #1
Dejah Thoris #2
Deuce of Hearts #2 (Of 5)
Doctor Star & Kingdom Lost Tomorrows #1
East of West #36
Elsewhere #5
Extremity #12
Fix #11
Frankenstein Alive Alive #4
Ghostbusters Annual 2018
Gideon Falls #1
Gravediggers Union #5
Green Hornet #1
Highest House #1
I Hate Fairyland #17 0
Incognegro Renaissance #2
Jughead The Hunger #4
Koshchei The Deathless #3 (Of 6)
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #1
Prism Stalker #1
Rasputin Voice of Dragon #5 (Of 5)
Rick & Morty Presents the Vindicators #1
Scrimshaw #4
Shadow Batman #6 (Of 6)
Sonitus #1 (Of 3)
Spread #25
Star Wars Adventures #7
The XII #1 (Of 5)
Uber Invasion #12
Walking Dead #177
Wicked & Divine #34
Wicked Righteous #4 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers & The Infinity Gauntlet TPB
Bart Simpson Bust Up TPB
Batman & Harley Quinn HC
Batman & Superman in Worlds Finest The Silver Age
Batman by Neal Adams TPB Book 01
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Omnibus Season 8 TPB
Copperhead TPB Vol. 01 A New Sheriff in Town
Deadpool Minibus HC Vol. 00
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 03 The Inspiration Game Rebirth
Image Plus #7 (Wytches The Bad Egg Pt 7)
Justice League of America TPB Vol. 03
Justice League Power & Glory TPB
Moon Knight by Brian Michael Bendis & Alex Maleev TPB
Spider-Man Deadpool by Kelly & McGuinness HC
Super Sons TPB Vol. 02 Planet of the Capes
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl HC Vol. 03
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 29
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man #797
Infinity Countdown #1 (Of 5)
Rogue & Gambit #3 (Of 5)
Cave Carson Swamp Thing Special #1
Shade the Changing Woman #1
Doctor Star & Kingdom Lost Tomorrows #1
Rick & Morty Presents the Vindicators #1
Avengers & The Infinity Gauntlet TPB
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 29

Shipping List, February 28, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 28, 2018

All New Wolverine #31
America #12
Avengers #682
Black Panther #170
Captain Marvel #129
Champions #17
Despicable Deadpool #294
Despicable Deadpool #295
Doctor Strange #386
Gwenpool #25
Invincible Iron Man #597
Jessica Jones #17
Legion #2 (Of 5)
Lockjaw #1 (Of 4)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #28
Moon Knight #192
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #300
Spider-Gwen #29
Spider-Man Deadpool #28
Star Wars Darth Vader #12
Thanos #16
X-Men Blue #22
Action Comics #998
Batgirl #20
Batman Beyond #17
Blue Beetle #18
Demon Hell Is Earth #4 (Of 6)
Detective Comics #975
Doom Patrol JLA Special #1
Flash #41
Gotham City Garage #10
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #39
Hellblazer #19
Imaginary Fiends #4 (Of 6)
Justice League of America #25
Mera Queen of Atlantis #1 (Of 6)
Motherlands #2 (Of 6)
Ragman #5 (Of 6)
Raven Daughter of Darkness #2 (Of 12)
Ruff & Reddy Show #5 (Of 6)
Scooby Doo Team Up #35
Silencer #2
Suicide Squad #36
Supergirl #18
Teen Titans #17
Terrifics #1
Wonder Woman #41
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Backways #3
Beef #1 (Of 5)
Betty and Veronica Vixens #4
Big Trouble In Little China Old Man Jack #6
Buffy Season 11 Giles #1
Calexit #2
Cold War #1
Days of Hate #2 (Of 12)
Ducktales #6
Elfquest Final Quest #24
Fu Jitsu #5
Game Trade Magazine Extras #217
Gasolina #6
Go Go Power Rangers #7
Hack Slash Resurrection #5
Hungry Ghosts #2 (Of 4)
Lumberjanes #47
My Little Pony Legends of Magic #11
Rat Queens #8
Redneck #10
Rick & Morty #35
Rock Candy Mountain #7
Royal City #10
Saga #49
Spawn #283
Throwaways #12
TMNT Ongoing #79
Twisted Romance #4 (Of 4)
Void Trip #4 (Of 5)
Wilds #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Super Powers TPB Crosswind TPB Vol. 01
Despicable Deadpool TPB Vol. 01 Deadpool Kills Cable
DMZ TPB Book 04
Jack Kirby 100th Celebration Collection TPB
Jack of Fables Deluxe HC Book 02
Justice League TPB Vol. 05 Legacy Rebirth
Kiss Vampirella TPB
Legion Son of X TPB Vol. 02 Invasive Exotics
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta TPB Vol. 05
Pizzeria Kamikaze HC
Teen Titans TPB Vol. 02 The Rise of Aqualad Rebirth
TMNT Ghostbusters TPB Vol. 02
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl TPB Vol. 07
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 02 Miles Behind Us
Weapon X TPB Vol. 02 Hunt for Weapon H
Wytches TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Lockjaw #1 (Of 4)
Thanos #16
Mera Queen of Atlantis #1 (Of 6)
Raven Daughter of Darkness #2 (Of 12)
Beef #1 (Of 5)
Elfquest Final Quest #24
Jack of Fables Deluxe HC Book 02
Pizzeria Kamikaze HC

Shipping List, February 21, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #796
Astonishing X-Men #8
Avengers #681
Black Panther Annual #1
Daredevil #599
Deadpool vs Old Man Logan #5 (Of 5)
Defenders #10
Doctor Strange Damnation #1 (Of 4)
Generation X #87
Incredible Hulk #713
Infinity Countdown Prime #1
Luke Cage #170
Mighty Thor #704
Monsters Unleashed #11
Punisher Platoon #6 (Of 6)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #17
Tales of Suspense #102 (Of 5)
Venom #162
X-Men Gold #22
X-Men Red #1
American Way Those Above and Below #6 (Of 6)
Aquaman #33
Batman #41
Batman and the Signal #2 (Of 3)
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II#4 (Of 6)
Batwoman #12
Bombshells United #12
Brave & The Bold Batman & Wonder Woman #1 (Of 6)
Cave Carson Swamp Thing Special #1
Damage #2
Green Lanterns #41
Harley Quinn #37
Harley Quinn #38
Injustice 2 #20
Justice League #39
Nightwing #39
Super Sons #13
Superman #41
Teen Titans Go #26
Trinity #18
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #20
Archies #5
Birthright #30
Brilliant Trash #4
Deathbed #1 (Of 6)
Dept H #23
Descender #27
Eternal Empire #7
Evolution #4
Family Trade #5
Heathen #6
Hellboy & BPRD 1955 Burning Season One Shot
Hit-Girl #1
Horizon #18
Ice Cream Man #2
James Bond M One Shot Special
James Bond The Body #2
Krusty The Clown (One Shot)
Lazarus Sourcebook #3
Lucas Stand Inner Demons #1 (Of 4)
Maestros #5
Mata Hari #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #24
Monstress #14
Moonshine #7
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #6
Postal Mark #1 (One Shot)
Red Sonja #13
Redlands #6
Regression #7
Sex Criminals #22
Tremendous Trump Retromastered Ed (One Shot)
Twisted Romance #3 (Of 4)
Vampirella #10
Vinegar Teeth #2 (Of 4)
WWE #14
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New Wolverine TPB Vol. 05 Orphans of X
Astonishing X-Men by Charles Soule TPB Vol. 01 Life
DC Universe by Neil Gaiman TPB
Doctor Who 12th TPB Vol. 04 School of Death
Flashpoint Unwrapped HC
Invincible Iron Man Ironheart TPB Vol. 01 Riri Williams
Joe Golem Occult Detective HC Vol. 01
Secret Warriors TPB Vol. 02 If Trouble Must Come
Superman President Luthor TPB
Young Justice TPB Book 02
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Black Panther Annual #1
Doctor Strange Damnation #1 (Of 4)
Brave & The Bold Batman & Wonder Woman #1 (Of 6)
Super Sons #13
Dept H #23
Lucas Stand Inner Demons #1 (Of 4)
Flashpoint Unwrapped HC
Joe Golem Occult Detective HC Vol. 01

Shipping List, April 4, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 4, 2018

All New Wolverine #33
Amazing Spider-Man #798
Astonishing X-Men #10
Avengers #687
Avengers Shards of Infinity #1
Black Bolt #12
Iron Fist #79
Marvel Two-In-One #5
New Mutants Dead Souls #2 (Of 6)
Punisher #223
Rise of Black Panther #4 (Of 6)
Rogue & Gambit #4 (Of 5)
Runaways #8
Spider-Man #239
Star Wars #45
Star Wars #46
Venom #164
Venomized #1 (Of 5)
X-Men Gold #25
Aquaman #34
Astro City #51
Batman #44
Batman White Knight #7
Bombshells United #15
Brave & The Bold Batman & Wonder Woman #2 (Of 6)
Curse of Brimstone #1
Cyborg #21
Deadman #5 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #30
Green Arrow #39
Green Lanterns #44
Harley Quinn #40
Harley Quinn #41
Injustice 2 #23
Justice League #42
Nightwing #42
Shade the Changing Woman #2 (Of 6)
Superman #44
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Analog #1
Archie #29
Backways #4
Betrothed #2
Betty and Veronica Vixens #5
Black Cloud #8
Brilliant Trash #5
Dept H #24
Doctor Star & Kingdom Lost Tomorrows #2
Doppelganger #3 (Of 4)
Elsewhere #6
Go West #2 (Of 3)
God Complex #5
Green Hornet #2
Harrow County #29
Helm #1
I Hate Fairyland #18
Ice Cream Man #3
Incognegro Renaissance #3
Isola #1
Koshchei the Deathless #4 (Of 6)
Red Sonja #14
Samurai Jack Quantum Jack #5 (Of 5)
Sex Criminals #23
Snotgirl #10
Sonic the Hedgehog #1
Southern Cross #14
Spawn #284
Tinseltown #1 (Of 5)
Tremendous Trump Man Child Covfefe One Shot
Tremendous Trump World War T (One Shot)
Walking Dead #178
Wicked & Divine #35
WWE Wrestlemania 2018 Special #1
Xerxes Fall of House of Darius #1 (Of 5)
Zero Jumper #1 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Detective TPB Vol. 05 Lonely Place of Living
Batman The Dark Knight Detective TPB Vol. 01
Dc Comics The Art of Darwyn Cooke TPB
Flash by Mark Waid TPB Book 04
Flash The Silver Age TPB Vol 03
Game Trade Magazine Extras #218
Kingsman Red Diamond TPB
Oracle Year HC Novel
Paper Girls TPB Vol. 04
Star Wars New Hope 40th Anniversary HC
Star Wars TPB Vol. 07 Ashes of Jedha
Supergirl TPB Vol. 03 Girl of No Tomorrow
Thanos Infinity Siblings HC
TMNT Color Classics TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers Shards of Infinity #1
Venomized #1 (Of 5)
Batman White Knight #7
Justice League #42
Brilliant Trash #5
Harrow County #29
Helm #1
Flash by Mark Waid TPB Book 04
Thanos Infinity Siblings HC

Shipping List, February 14, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #42
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #16
Avengers #680
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #14
Cable #154
Captain America #698
Despicable Deadpool #294
Doctor Strange #385
Falcon #4
Falcon #5
Marvel Two-In-One #3
Ms. Marvel #27
Old Man Hawkeye #2 (Of 12)
Old Man Logan #35
Punisher #221
Star Wars Darth Vader #11
Star Wars Poe Dameron #24
Star Wars Thrawn #1 (Of 6)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #29
Weapon X #14
X-Men Blue #21
Action Comics #997
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #19
Dark Knights Rising The Wild Hunt #1
Deadman #4 (Of 6)
Detective Comics #974
Flash #40
Gotham City Garage #9
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #38
Justice League of America #24
New Super Man & the Justice League of China #20
Ragman #5 (Of 6)
Red Hood and the Outlaws #19
Scooby Apocalypse #22
Scooby Doo Where Are You #90
Shade the Changing Girl Wonder Woman Special #1
Sideways #1
Suicide Squad #35
Supergirl #18
Titans #20
Wildstorm Michael Cray #5
Wonder Woman #40
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Archie #28
Babyteeth #8
Barbarella #3
Black Monday Murders #8
Cavewoman Pool Party #1
Cold War #1
Death of Love #1 (Of 5)
Doctor Who 12th Year Three #12
Grass Kings #12
Invader Zim #28
Invincible #144
Jenny Finn #4 (Of 4)
Kick-Ass #1
Kill or be Killed #16
Lazarus X Plus 66 #6 (Of 6)
Mage Hero Denied #6 (Of 15)
Paradiso #3
Port of Earth #4
Rumble #3
Skybourne #5
Slots #5
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #32
Torchwood the Culling #4 (Of 4)
Twisted Romance #2 (Of 4)
War Stories #26
Xena #1 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Legacy TPB Vol. 02
Batman The Golden Age TPB Vol. 04
Copperhead TPB Vol. 01 A New Sheriff In Town
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB Mike Murdock Must Die
DC meets Looney Tunes TPB
Jimmy’s Bastards TPB Vol. 01
Kick-Ass Dave Lizewski Years TPB Vol. 01
Nightwing TPB Vol. 07 Shrike
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta TPB Vol. 05
Plants Vs Zombies Greatest Show Unearthed HC
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 02 Miles Behind Us
Wytches TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #42
Old Man Hawkeye #2 (Of 12)
Star Wars Thrawn #1 (Of 6)
Dark Knights Rising The Wild Hunt #1
New Super Man & the Justice League of China #20
Shade the Changing Girl Wonder Woman Special #1
Cavewoman Pool Party #1
Mage Hero Denied #6 (Of 15)
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #32
Batman The Golden Age TPB Vol. 04
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB Mike Murdock Must Die
Wytches TPB Vol. 01

Shipping List, February 7, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #795
Avengers #679
Black Bolt #10
Black Panther Sound and Fury #1
Daredevil #598
Hawkeye #15
Iceman #10
Infinity Countdown Adam Warlock #1
Iron Fist #77
Rise of Black Panther #2 (Of 6)
Rogue & Gambit #2 (Of 5)
Runaways #6
She-Hulk #162
Spider-Man #237
Spider-Man Deadpool #27
Star Wars #43
Venom #161
X-Men Gold #21
X-Men Red #1
Bane Conquest #9 (Of 12)
Batman #40
Batman White Knight #5
Bombshells United #11
Dastardly and Muttley #6 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #28
Demon Hell Is Earth #3 (Of 6)
Green Arrow #37
Green Lanterns #40
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #37
Harley & Ivy Meet Betty & Veronica #5 (Of 6)
Harley Quinn #35
Harley Quinn #37
Injustice 2 #19
Justice League #38
Mother Panic Batman Special #1
Nightwing #38
Superman #39
Superman #40
Swamp Thing Winter Special #1
Young Monsters in Love #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
30 Days of Night #3 (Of 6)
Adventure Time #73
Black Science #34
Coyotes #4
Damned #8
Dejah Thoris #1
Extremity #11
Ghostbusters Answer the Call #3
Gravediggers Union #4
Half Past Danger II Dead to Reichs #5 (Of 5)
Halo Rise of Atriox #5 (Of 5)
I Hate Fairyland #16
Incognegro Renaissance #1
Kingsman Red Diamond #6 (Of 6)
Koshchei the Deathless #2 (Of 6)
Paper Girls #20
Rasputin Voice of Dragon #4 (Of 5)
Rose #8
Shadow Batman #5 (Of 6)
Snotgirl #9
Songs for the Dead #1 (Of 4)
TMNT Universe #19
Tomb Raider Survivors Crusade #3 (Of 4)
Twisted Romance #1 (Of 4)
Vs #1
Walking Dead #176
Walt Disney Showcase #1
Wicked & Divine 1923 (One-Shot)
Witchblade #3
Wonderful World of Tank Girl #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man Worldwide HC Vol. 03
Aquaman by Peter David TPB Book 01
Black Panther by Hudlin TPB Vol. 03 Complete Collection
Buffy Season 11 TPB Vol. 02 One Girl In All World
Doctor Who 10th Facing Fate TPB Vol. 01
Elseworlds Superman TPB Vol. 01
Green Arrow The Archers Quest TPB
Incognegro A Graphic Mystery HC
Inhumans Once and Future King TPB
Killing & Dying TPB
Saga TPB Vol. 03
Scooby Apocalypse TPB Vol. 03
Star Wars Doctor Aphra TPB Vol. 02
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns TPB Book 02
Wicked & Divine TPB Vol. 01 The Faust Act
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Black Panther Sound and Fury #1
Infinity Countdown Adam Warlock #1
X-Men Red #1
Batman White Knight #5
Mother Panic Batman Special #1
Young Monsters in Love #1
Coyotes #4
Incognegro Renaissance #1
Wicked & Divine 1923 (One-Shot)

Shipping List, January 24, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 31, 2018

All New Wolverine #30
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #15
Avengers #678
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #13
Captain Marvel #128
Defenders #9
Despicable Deadpool #293
Incredible Hulk #712
Invincible Iron Man #596
Jean Grey #11
Jessica Jones #16
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #27
Moon Knight #191
Old Man Logan #34
Phoenix Resurrection Return Jean Grey #5 (Of 5)
Punisher Platoon #5 (Of 6)
Spider-Gwen #28
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #16
Star Wars Last Jedi #1
Tales of Suspense #101 (Of 5)
Astro City #50
Dark Nights Metal #5 (Of 6)
Deathstroke Annual #1
Detective Comics Annual #1
Falcon #4
Flash Annual #1
Harley Quinn #36
JLA Doom Patrol Special #1
Motherlands #1 (Of 6)
Mystik U #2 (Of 3)
Silencer #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Amory Wars Good Apollo #10 (Of 12)
Apocalypse Girl #2
Big Trouble In Little China Old Man Jack #5
Doctor Who 10th Year Three #13
Elephantmen #80
Galaktikon #4
God Complex #4
Gravetrancers #2
Hack Slash Resurrection #4
Hungry Ghosts #1 (Of 4)
Image Plus #6
Joe Golem Occult Detective Flesh & Blood #2 (Of 2)
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #62
Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #33
Reactor #2 (Of 4)
Realm #5
Rick & Morty #34
Riverdale (Ongoing) #10
Samurai Jack Quantum Jack #4 (Of 5)
Spawn #282
Star Wars Adventures, Forces of Destiny, Rose & Paige
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #108
Uber Invasion #11
Walt Disney Comics & Stories #741
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider TPB Vol. 02 Deaths Sting
DC Super Hero Girls Date with Disaster TPB
Doctor Who 11th Sapling TPB Vol. 01 Growth
Drew Friedman`S Chosen People HC
Game Trade Magazine Extras #216
Legion Son of X TPB Vol. 01 Prodigal
New Teen Titans The Judas Contract HC
Richard Starks Parker Slayground TPB
Rick & Morty Rick Embroidery Face Cuffed 3d Knit Beanie
Royals TPB Vol. 02 Judgement Day
Steve Canyon HC Vol. 08 1961-1962
Venom TPB Vol. 03 Lethal Protector Blood In the Water
X-Men Legion Shadow King Rising TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #13
Punisher Platoon #5 (Of 6)
Tales of Suspense #101 (Of 5)
Dark Nights Metal #5 (Of 6)
Flash Annual #1
Silencer #1
Elephantmen #80
Joe Golem Occult Detective Flesh & Blood #2 (Of 2)
Star Wars Adventures, Forces of Destiny, Rose & Paige
DC Super Hero Girls Date with Disaster TPB
Drew Friedman`S Chosen People HC
Venom TPB Vol. 03 Lethal Protector Blood In the Water

Shipping List, January 24, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #794
Avengers #677
Black Panther #169
Inhumans Judgment Day #1 (Of 1)
Legion #1 (Of 5)
Luke Cage #169
Marvel Two-In-One #2
Phoenix Resurrection Return Jean Grey #4 (Of 5)
Star Wars Poe Dameron #23
Thanos #15
X-Men Blue #20
X-Men Blue Annual #1
Action Comics #996
Batgirl #19
Batman Beyond #16
Blue Beetle #17
Demon Hell Is Earth #3 (Of 6)
Detective Comics #973
Doom Patrol #10
Doomsday Clock #3 (Of 12)
Flash #39
Gotham City Garage #8
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #37
Harley Quinn #34
Harley Quinn Be Careful What You Wish For #1
Hellblazer #18
Imaginary Fiends #3 (Of 6)
Justice League of America #23
Looney Tunes #241
Nightwing The New Order #6 (Of 6)
Raven Daughter of Darkness #1 (Of 12)
Ruff & Reddy Show #4 (Of 6)
Scooby Doo Team Up #34
Suicide Squad #34
Teen Titans #16
Wild Storm #11
Wonder Woman #39
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
30 Days of Night #2 (Of 6)
Abbott #1
Betty and Veronica Vixens #3
Black Cloud #7
Black Magick #10
Black Science #34
Dept H #22
Coyotes #3
Dissonance #1
Ducktales #5
Gasolina #5
Go Go Power Rangers #6
Invader Zim #27
Jughead the Hunger #3
Lumberjanes #46
Maestros #4
Manifest Destiny #33
Monstress #13
My Little Pony Legends of Magic #10
Postal #25
Redneck #9
Regression #6
Sex Criminals #21
Shadow #6
Sherlock Frankenstein & Legion of Evil #4 (Of 4)
Southern Bastards #19
Star Wars Adventures Forces of Destiny Ahsoka & Padme
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #101
Vinegar Teeth #1 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Original TPB Vol. 11
Amazing Spider-Man Worldwide TPB Vol. 07
Andre The Giant Life & Legend TPB
Courtney Crumrin TPB Vol. 02 The Coven of Mystics
Green Arrow The Archers Quest TPB
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 18 The Gift
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB Doom
Lobo by Keith Giffen & Alan Grant TPB Vol. 01
Master Race HC
Pogo Comp Syndicated Strips HC Vol. 04 Vote Pogo
Punisher TPB Vol. 03 King of New York Streets
Saga TPB Vol. 01
Saga TPB Vol. 03
Wicked & Divine TPB Vol. 01 The Faust Act
Wolverine Old Man Logan TPB Vol. 06 Days of Anger
X-Men Gold TPB Vol. 03 Mojo Worldwide
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Black Panther #169
Inhumans Judgment Day #1 (Of 1)
Legion #1 (Of 5)
Doomsday Clock #3 (Of 12)
Nightwing The New Order #6 (Of 6)
Raven Daughter of Darkness #1 (Of 12)
Black Science #34
Sex Criminals #21
Vinegar Teeth #1 (Of 4)
Andre The Giant Life & Legend TPB
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB Doom
Lobo by Keith Giffen & Alan Grant TPB Vol. 01

Shipping List, January 17, 2018!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 17, 2018

All New Wolverine #29
Amazing Spider-Man Venom Inc Omega #1
America #11
Avengers #676
Champions #16
Deadpool vs Old Man Logan #4 (Of 5)
Doctor Strange #384
Generation X #86
Mighty Thor #703
Monsters Unleashed #10
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #299
Spider-Man Deadpool #25
Star Wars #42
Weapon X #13
X-Men Gold #20
Aquaman #32
Batman #38
Batman #39
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #3 (Of 6)
Batwoman #11
Bombshells United #10
Damage #1
Flash #37
Green Lanterns #39
Harley & Ivy Meet Betty & Veronica #4 (Of 6)
Harley Quinn #35
Injustice 2 #18
Justice League #37
Nightwing #37
Super Sons #12
Supergirl #16
Superman #39
Trinity #17
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #19
Assassinistas #2
Copperhead #18
Days of Hate #1 (Of 12)
Diablo House #3
Evolution #3
Go West #1
Ice Cream Man #1
James Bond The Body #1
Jenny Finn #3 (Of 4)
Jimmy’s Bastards #6
Kill or be Killed #15
Made Men #5
Mage Hero Denied #5 (Of 15)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #23
Red Sonja #12
Rumble #2
Simpsons Comics #242
Spirit Corpse Makers #5 (Of 5)
Star Wars Adv Forces of Destiny Hera
Star Wars Adventures #6
Teether #1 (Of 4)
WWE #13
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amory Wars Good Apollo TPB Vol. 01
Black Monday Murders TPB Vol. 01 All Hail God Mammon
Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 21 DvX
Fifty Freakin Years of Freak Brothers TPB
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 09 Old Tricks
Green Lantern Rebirth TPB
Kill or be Killed TPB Vol. 03
Nightwing TPB Vol. 04 Blockbuster (Rebirth)
Punisher Max TPB Complete Collection Vol. 07
Saga TPB Vol. 02
Shadows on the Grave HC
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Legacy TPB Vol. 02
Super Powers by Jack Kirby TPB
X-Men Legion Shadow King Rising TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man Venom Inc Omega #1
Generation X #86
Star Wars #42
Batwoman #11
Justice League #37
Trinity #17
Days of Hate #1 (Of 12)
Ice Cream Man #1
James Bond The Body #1
Black Monday Murders TPB Vol. 01 All Hail God Mammon
Punisher Max TPB Complete Collection Vol. 07
Super Powers by Jack Kirby TPB