Shipping List, November 1, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Astonishing X-Men #5
Avengers #673
Black Bolt #7
Captain America #695
Doctor Strange #26
Guardians of the Galaxy #146
Iceman #7
Inhumans Once Future Kings #4 (Of 5)
Iron Fist #74
Old Man Logan #30
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #6
Power Pack #63
Spider-Man #234
Star Wars Darth Vader #7
Bane Conquest #7 (Of 12)
Batman #34
Batman the Devastator #1
Batman White Knight #2
Bombshells United #5
Cyborg #18
Dastardly and Muttley #3 (Of 6)
Deadman #1 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #25
Green Arrow #34
Green Lanterns #34
Harley & Ivy Meet Betty & Veronica #2 (Of 6)
Injustice 2 #13
Jetsons #1 (Of 6)
Justice League #32
Nightwing #32
Superman #34
Titans #16
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #70
Amory Wars Good Apollo #8 (Of 12)
Archie #25
Archies #1
Crosswind #5
Ducktales #2
Elsewhere #4
Extremity #8
Generation Gone #4
Gravediggers Union #1
Lazarus X Plus 66 #4 (Of 6)
No. 1 with a Bullet #1
Paper Girls #17
Red Sonja #10
Shadow Batman #2 (Of 6)
Spiritus #2 (Of 5)
Spread #23
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #29
TMNT Ghostbusters Ii #1
Trespasser #3 (Of 4)
Uber Invasion #9
Usagi Yojimbo #163
Walking Dead #173
Wormwood goes to Washington #2 (Of 3)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman The Dark Prince Charming HC Book 01
Black Panther by Hudlin TPB Vol. 01 Complete Collection
Deadpool Worlds Greatest TPB Vol. 10 Secret Empire
Grandville Force Majeure HC
Justice League TPB Vol. 04 Endless
Man from the Great North HC
Spookhouse TPB Vol. 01
Two Face A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Walking Dead Omnibus HC Vol. 07
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Black Bolt #7
Inhumans Once Future Kings #4 (Of 5)
Star Wars Darth Vader #7
Batman White Knight #2
Deadman #1 (Of 6)
Jetsons #1 (Of 6)
Archies #1
No. 1 with a Bullet #1
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #29
Batman The Dark Prince Charming HC Book 01
Black Panther by Hudlin TPB Vol. 01 Complete Collection
Grandville Force Majeure HC

Shipping List, October 18, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 18, 2017

All New Guardians of Galaxy #12
Cable #150
Champions #13
Deadpool Vs Old Man Logan #1 (Of 5)
Doctor Strange #26
Generation X #7
Incredible Hulk #709
Invincible Iron Man #593
Luke Cage #166
Mighty Thor #700
Monsters Unleashed #7
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #5
Secret Warriors #7
Spider-Gwen #25
Star Wars Last Jedi Capt Phasma #4 (Of 4)
Star Wars Poe Dameron #20
Venom #156
X-Men Gold #14
Aquaman #29
Astro City #48
Batman #33
Batman The Drowned #1
Batwoman #8
Bombshells United #4
Green Arrow #33
Green Lanterns #33
Harley Quinn #30
Injustice 2 #12
Justice League #31
Nightwing #31
Scooby Doo Team Up #30
Suicide Squad #26
Super Sons #9
Superman #33
Teen Titans Go #24
Titans #16
Trinity #14
Wild Storm #8
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #16
Animosity Evolution #1
Bitch Planet Triple Feature #5
Curse Words #9
Dead of Winter #3
Dept H #19
Descender #25
Doctor Who 10th Year Three #10
Doctor Who 12th Year Three #8
Dresden Files Dog Men #5 (Of 6)
Generation Gone #4
Ghost Station Zero #3 (Of 4)
Go Go Power Rangers #4
Graveland #2
Grrl Scouts Magic Socks #6 (Of 6)
Half Past Danger II Dead to Reichs #2 (Of 5)
Halo Rise of Atriox #3 (Of 5)
Horizon #15
Infernoct #1
Invader Zim #24
Invincible #141
James Bond Kill Chain #4 (Of 6)
Kill or be Killed #13
Kill the Minotaur #5
Lumberjanes #43
Made Men #2
Maestros #1
Mage Hero Denied #3 (Of 15)
Mighty Mouse #5 (Of 5)
Mother Russia #3 (Of 3)
My Little Pony Legends of Magic #7
Normandy Gold #4
Realm #2
Rick & Morty Pocket like you stole It #4 (Of 5)
Riverdale (Ongoing) #7
Scrimshaw #3
Sherlock Frankenstein & Legion of Evil #1 (Of 4)
Spy Seal #3
Star Wars Adventures #3
The Chair #3 (Of 4)
They’re Not Like Us #16
TMNT Universe #15
Torchwood The Culling #1 (Of 4)
Trespasser #3 (Of 4)
Uncle Scrooge #31
Vampirella #7
Wicked Righteous #2 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 19 Make War Not Love
Guardians of the Galaxy New Guard TPB Vol. 04 Grounded
Hap & Leonard Savage Season TPB
I Hate Fairyland TPB Vol. 03 Good Girl
Marvels TPB
Mr. Higgins Comes Home HC
Peppy In the Wild West HC
Rashomon Commissioner Heigo Kobayashi Case HC
Spawn Hell on Earth TPB
Spider-Gwen TPB Vol. 04 Predators
Suicide Squad Rebirth HC Book 01
Watchmen TPB
Wonder Woman 77 Bionic Woman TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool Vs Old Man Logan #1 (Of 5)
Mighty Thor #700
Star Wars Last Jedi Capt Phasma #4 (Of 4)
Batman The Drowned #1
Injustice 2 #12
Superman #33
Ghost Station Zero #3 (Of 4)
Rick & Morty Pocket like you stole It #4 (Of 5)
Sherlock Frankenstein & Legion of Evil #1 (Of 4)
Marvels TPB
Mr. Higgins Comes Home HC
Suicide Squad Rebirth HC Book 01

Shipping List, October 11, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 11, 2017

All New Wolverine #25
Amazing Spider-Man #789
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #12
Daredevil #27
Despicable Deadpool #287
Falcon #1
Gwenpool #21
Hulk #11
Inhumans Once Future Kings #3 (Of 5)
Ms. Marvel #23
Rocket #6
Runaways #2
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #13
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #25
Uncanny Avengers #28
Weapon X #9
X-Men Blue #13
Zombies Assemble 2 #3 (Of 4)
Action Comics #989
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #15
Bombshells United #3
Dark Nights Metal #3 (Of 6)
Defenders #6
Detective Comics #966
Flash #31
Flash #32
Gotham City Garage #1
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #30
Justice League of America #16
Mister Miracle #3 (Of 12)
New Super Man #16
Ragman #1 (Of 6)
Red Hood and the Outlaws #15
Scooby Apocalypse #18
Scooby Doo Where Are You #86
Suicide Squad #27
Supergirl #14
Superwoman #15
Wildstorm Michael Cray #1
Wonder Woman #32
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Regular Show #3
American Gods Shadows #8
Atomahawk #0
Babyteeth #5
Birthright #27
Black Science #32
Briggs Land Lone Wolves #5 (Of 6)
Divided States of Hysteria #5
Doctor Who Lost Dimension Special #1
Dying and the Dead #6
Eternal Empire #5
Family Trade #1
God Complex #1
Grass Kings #8
Groo Play of Gods #4
Harrow County #26
Hellboy & BPRD 1955 Occult Intelligence #2 (Of 3)
Jimmys Bastards #4
Kingsman Red Diamond #2 (Of 6)
Kiss Vampirella #5 (Of 5)
My Little Pony Legends of Magic #6
Paklis #5
Redlands #3
Retcon #2
Royal City #6
Sacred Creatures #4
Scales & Scoundrels #2
Slam Next Jam #2
Walt Disney Comics & Stories #740
Wicked & Divine #32
Woods #36
Wormwood Goes To Washington #1 (Of 3)
Youngblood #6
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman/Flash The Button HC
Deathstroke TPB Vol. 03 Twilight
Demon by Jack Kirby TPB
Flash by Mark Waid TPB Book 03
Incredible Hulk by Aaron Complete Collection TPB
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five TPB Vol. 03
Marvel Horror Magazine Collection TPB
Rat Queens TPB Vol. 04 High Fantasies
Secret Warriors TPB Vol. 01 Secret Empire
Star Wars Screaming Citadel TPB
Super Sons TPB Vol. 01 When I Grow Up
Thor by Walter Simonson TPB Vol. 01
Walking Dead HC Vol. 14
Walt Disney Donald Duck HC Vol. 10 Secret Hondorica
Walt Kelly Pogo Complete Dell Comics HC Vol. 05
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Despicable Deadpool #287
Inhumans Once Future Kings #3 (Of 5)
Weapon X #9
Dark Nights Metal #3 (Of 6)
Wildstorm Michael Cray #1
Atomahawk #0
Hellboy & BPRD 1955 Occult Intelligence #2 (Of 3)
Wormwood Goes To Washington #1 (Of 3)
Batman/Flash The Button HC
Marvel Horror Magazine Collection TPB

Shipping List, October 4, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 4, 2017

All New Guardians of Galaxy #11
Astonishing X-Men #4
Avengers #672
Black Bolt #6
Doctor Strange #25
Generations Capt Marvel & Capt Mar-Vell #1
Hawkeye #11
Iceman #6
Invincible Iron Man #11
Iron Fist #73
Jessica Jones #13
Journey to Star Wars Last Jedi Capt Phasma #3 (Of 4)
Old Man Logan #29
Punisher Platoon #1 (Of 6)
Royals #9
Spider-Man #21
Spider-Man Deadpool #22
Spider-Men II #3 (Of 5)
Star Wars #37
Star Wars Darth Vader #6
Venom #155
Venomverse #5 (Of 5)
X-Men Gold #13
All Star Batman #14
Aquaman #28
Bane Conquest #6 (Of 12)
Batman #32
Batman The Dawnbreaker #1
Batman White Knight #1 (Of 7)
Cyborg #17
Dastardly and Muttley #2 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #24
Green Arrow #32
Green Hornet 66 Meets Spirit #4 (Of 5)
Green Lanterns #32
Harley & Ivy Meet Betty & Veronica #1 (Of 6)
Harley Quinn #27
Harley Quinn #29
Injustice 2 #11
Justice League #30
Nightwing #30
Savage Things #8
Superman #32
Wild Storm #7
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #69
Amory Wars Good Apollo #7 (Of 12)
Archies #1
Beautiful Canvas #4
Berlin #21
Big Trouble In Little China Old Man Jack #1
Cannibal #8
Cinema Purgatorio #12
Descender #24
Doctor Who Lost Dimension Alpha #1
Eleanor & The Egret #4
Elephantmen #78
Elsewhere #3
Eugenic #1 (Of 3)
Extremity #7
Hillbilly #8
I Hate Fairyland Special Edition
Kim and Kim Love Is a Battlefield #3
Manifest Destiny #31
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #59
Paper Girls #16
Postal #23
Regression #5
Ringside #12
Rocket Girl #10
Shadow Batman #1
Slots #1
Spread #22
Star Wars Adventures #2
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #28
Usagi Yojimbo #162
Walking Dead #172
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Detective TPB Vol. 03 League
Doctor Who Ghost Stories HC
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner TPB Vol. 01
Justice League Their Greatest Triumphs TPB
Moon Knight TPB Vol. 03 Birth and Death
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta TPB Vol. 05
Red Hood & the Outlaws TPB Vol. 02 Who Is Artemis
Star Wars Darth Maul TPB
Supergirl by Peter David TPB Book 03
Walking Dead Here’s Negan HC
Weed Magic TPB
Wonder Woman Rebirth HC Book 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers #672
Iron Fist #73
Punisher Platoon #1 (Of 6)
Batman White Knight #1 (Of 7)
Harley & Ivy Meet Betty & Veronica #1 (Of 6)
Shadow Batman #1
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #28
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner TPB Vol. 01
Star Wars Darth Maul TPB
Walking Dead Here’s Negan HC

Shipping List, September 27, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #8
Black Panther #18
Cable #5
Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe Again #5 (Of 5)
Generations Captain Americas #1
Generations Hawkeye & Hawkeye #1
Generations Morales & Parker Spider-Man #1
I Am Groot #5
Infamous Iron Man #12
Marvel Legacy #1
Mighty Captain Marvel #9
Mighty Thor #23
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #23
Nick Fury #6
Punisher #16
Spider-Gwen #24
Thanos #11
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #24
Venomverse #4 (Of 5)
X-Men Blue #12
Action Comics #988
American Way Those Above and Below #3 (Of 6)
Batgirl #15
Batman Beyond #12
Batman The Murder Machine #1
Batman The Shadow #6 (Of 6)
Blue Beetle #13
Bombshells United #2
Detective Comics #964
Detective Comics #965
Flash #31
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #29
Hellblazer #14
Justice League of America #15
Justice League Power Rangers #6 (Of 6)
Kamandi Challenge #9 (Of 12)
Looney Tunes #239
Mother Panic #11
Nightwing The New Order #2 (Of 6)
Scooby Doo Team Up #30
Suicide Squad #26
Wonder Woman #31
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel Season 11 #9
Archie #24
Black Magick #8
Black Monday Murders #7
Buffy Season 11 #11
Crosswind #4
Diablo House #2
Doctor Who 11th Year Three #10
Doctor Who 12th Year Three #7
Ducktales #1
Fu Jitsu #1
Game Trade Magazine #212
Hard Place #2 (Of 5)
Image Plus #2 (Wytches The Bad Egg Pt 2)
Lazarus X Plus 66 #3 (Of 6)
Malefic #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #19
My Little Pony Legends of Magic #6
Normals #5
Powerpuff Girls Time Tie #3 (Of 3)
Project Superpowers Hero Killers #5 (Of 5)
Rat Queens Special Orc Dave #1 (One-Shot)
Rebels These Free & Independent States #7
Red Sonja #9
Redneck #6
Rick & Morty #30
Robotech #3
Saga #47
Saucer State #4 (Of 6)
Sisters of Sorrow #3 (Of 4)
Southern Bastards #18
Spawn #278
Spy Seal #2
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #106
TMNT Ongoing #74
WWE #9
X-Files Origins II Dog Days of Summer #4 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Annual TPB
Archie Vs Predator HC
Corto Maltese TPB Fable of Venice
DC Super Hero Girls TPB Vol. 04 Past Times at Super High
Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 19 Make War Not Love
Five Fists of Science TPB
Flash The Silver Age TPB Vol. 02
Injustice Ground Zero HC Vol. 02
Runaways TPB Vol. 06 Parental Guidance
Sex Criminals TPB Vol. 04 Fourgy
Spider-Man Deadpool TPB Vol. 03 Itsy Bitsy
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl TPB Vol. 06 Who Run The World
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 28
Wolverine Old Man Logan TPB Vol. 05 Past Lives
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Marvel Legacy #1
Justice League Power Rangers #6 (Of 6)
Black Monday Murders #7
Corto Maltese TPB Fable of Venice
DC Super Hero Girls TPB Vol. 04 Past Times at Super High

Shipping List, September 20, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 20, 2017

All New Guardians of Galaxy #10
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #11
America #7
Avengers #11
Doctor Strange #25
Generations Ms Marvel & Ms Marvel #1
Invincible Iron Man #11
Jean Grey #7
Journey to Star Wars Last Jedi Capt Phasma #2 (Of 4)
Luke Cage #5
Monsters Unleashed #6
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #4
Royals #8
Spider-Men II #3 (Of 5)
Star Wars Annual #3
Star Wars Poe Dameron #19
Totally Awesome Hulk #23
US Avengers #10
Venom #154
Venomverse #3 (Of 5)
Aquaman #28
Batman #31
Batman The Red Death #1
Batwoman #7
Bug The Adventures of Forager #4 (Of 6)
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #12
Future Quest Presents #2
Green Arrow #30
Green Arrow #31
Green Lanterns #31
Harley Quinn #27
Harley Quinn #28
Injustice 2 #9
Injustice 2 #10
Justice League #29
Nightwing #29
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1
Suicide Squad #23
Super Sons #8
Superman #31
Trinity #13
Wild Storm #7
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #15
Angelic #1
Big Trouble In Little China Old Man Jack #1
Bitch Planet Triple Feature #4
Black Hammer #13
Cavewoman Its A Girls Life #1
Dark Ark #1
Dept H #18
Descender #24
Doctor Who 9th Doctor Year Two #1
Doctor Who Lost Dimension Alpha #1
Gasolina #1
Generation Gone #3
Glitterbomb Fame Game #1
Go Go Power Rangers #3
Grrl Scouts Magic Socks #5 (Of 6)
Half Past Danger II Dead to Reichs #1 (Of 5)
Halo Rise of Atriox #2
Horizon #14
Invincible #140
James Bond Kill Chain #3 (Of 6)
Kill the Minotaur #4
Made Men #1
Mighty Mouse #4
Millarworld Annual 2017
Samurai Jack Quantum Jack #1 (Of 5)
Simpsons Treehouse of Horror #23
Snotgirl #7
Star Wars Adventures #2
Unholy Grail #3
Unsound #4 (Of 4)
Violent Love #8
Wayward #23
Wonder Woman 77 Bionic Woman #6 (Of 6)
Woods #35
World of Animosity #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Dark Knight Master Race HC
Captain America Secret Empire TPB
Catwoman by Jim Balent TPB Book 01
Creepy Comics TPB Vol. 04
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB Heart of Darkness
DC meets Hanna Barbera TPB
Doctor Strange HC Vol. 04 Mr. Misery
Doctor Who Ghost Stories TPB
Harley Quinn A Celebration of 25 Years HC
Infinity Gauntlet TPB
Joker A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Moon Knight TPB Vol. 03 Birth and Death
Nightwing TPB Vol. 03 Nightwing Must Die
Paper Girls TPB Vol. 01
Power Man and Iron Fist TPB Vol. 03 Street Magic
Rick & Morty HC Book 01
Scooby Apocalypse TPB Vol. 02
Slab Pro Invisible Comic Board Current Size
Star Wars Darth Maul TPB
TMNT Usagi Yojimbo HC
Usagi Yojimbo Saga TPB Vol. 02
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Generations Ms Marvel & Ms Marvel #1
Luke Cage #5
Totally Awesome Hulk #23
Batman The Red Death #1
Bug The Adventures of Forager #4 (Of 6)
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1
Cavewoman Its A Girls Life #1
Half Past Danger II Dead to Reichs #1 (Of 5)
Wonder Woman 77 Bionic Woman #6 (Of 6)
Batman Dark Knight Master Race HC
Captain America Secret Empire TPB
Rick & Morty HC Book 01

Shipping List, September 13, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 13, 2017

All New Wolverine #24
Amazing Spider-Man #32
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #14
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #7
Deadpool #36
Defenders #5
Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme #12
Generations Capt Marvel & Capt Mar-Vell #1
Gwenpool #20
Hulk #10
Ms. Marvel #22
Old Man Logan #28
Rocket #5
Runaways #1
Secret Empire Omega #1
Secret Warriors #6
Star Wars #36
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #12
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #24
Uncanny Avengers #27
Venomverse #2 (Of 5)
Weapon X #8
X-Men Blue #11
Zombies Assemble 2 #2 (Of 4)
Action Comics #987
Dark Nights Metal #2 (Of 6)
Detective Comics #964
Flash #30
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #28
Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Special #1
Justice League of America #14
Mister Miracle #2 (Of 12)
New Super Man #15
Red Hood and the Outlaws #14
Scooby Apocalypse #17
Scooby Doo Where Are You #85
Suicide Squad #25
Supergirl #13
Superwoman #14
Teen Titans #12
Titans #15
Wonder Woman #30
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Regular Show #2
American Gods Shadows #7
Avatarex #4
Babyteeth #4
Birthright #26
Black Science #31
Briggs Land Lone Wolves #4
Curse Words #8
Damned #4
Dead of Winter #2
Divided States of Hysteria #4
Doctor Who 10th Year Three #9
Dresden Files Dog Men #4 (Of 6)
18 Days #26
Ghost Station Zero #2 (Of 4)
Grass Kings #7
Groo Play of Gods #3
Harrow County #25
Hellboy & BPRD 1955 Occult Intelligence #1
Invader Zim #23
Kill or be Killed #12
Lola XoXo Vol 2 #3
Lumberjanes #42
Mage Hero Denied #2 (Of 15)
Mech Cadet Yu #2
Pestilence #4
Realm #1
Redlands #2
Retcon #1
Rick & Morty Pocket Like You Stole It #3 (Of 5)
Riverdale (Ongoing) #6
Rose #6
Sacred Creatures #3
Shadow #2
Shadows on the Grave #8
Sink #1 (Of 5)
Slam Next Jam #1
Spirit Corpse Makers #4 (Of 5)
Spy Seal #2
TMNT Amazing Adventures Robotanimals #3 (Of 3)
TMNT Universe #14
Winnebago Graveyard #4 (Of 4)
X-Files Origins II Dog Days of Summer #3 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Art of Rick & Morty HC
Avengers by Bendis Complete Collection TPB Vol. 01
Buffy Vampire Slayer Omnibus Season 8 TPB Vol. 01
Deadpool Worlds Greatest TPB Vol/ 09 Deadpool In Space
Green Lanterns TPB Vol. 03 Polarity
Guardians of the Galaxy New Guard TPB Vol. 03 Civil War
Harley Quinn HC Book 01
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 03 Red Meat
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 17 Out of Season
TMNT Ongoing TPB Vol. 17 Desperate Measures
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Generations Capt Marvel & Capt Mar-Vell #1
Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Special #1
Hellboy & BPRD 1955 Occult Intelligence #1

Shipping List, September 6, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 6, 2017

All New Guardians of the Galaxy #9
Astonishing X-Men #3
Black Bolt #5
Champions #12
Daredevil #26
Generation X #6
Generations Iron Man & Ironheart #1
Hawkeye #10
Iceman #5
Inhumans Once Future Kings #2 (Of 5)
Iron Fist #7
Jessica Jones #12
Journey Star Wars Last Jedi Capt Phasma #1 (Of 4)
Royals #7
Spider-Man #20
Spider-Man Deadpool #21
Star Wars Darth Vader #5
Venomverse #1 (Of 5)
Venomverse War Stories #1
X-Men Gold #11
Astro City #47
Bane Conquest #5 (Of 12)
Batman #30
Blue Beetle #12
Bombshells United #1
Cyborg #16
Dastardly and Muttley #1 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #23
Doom Patrol #8
Green Arrow #30
Green Lanterns #30
Harley Quinn #27
Injustice 2 #9
Justice League #28
Nightwing #28
Savage Things #7
Shade the Changing Girl #12
Superman #30
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #68
Amory Wars Good Apollo #6 (Of 12)
Animosity the Rise #3
Archie #23
Beautiful Canvas #3
Cavewoman Starship Blish #2
Doctor Who 9th Doctor Year Two #1
Elsewhere #2
Green Hornet 66 Meets Spirit #3 (Of 5)
Kim and Kim Love Is a Battlefield #2
Kingsman Red Diamond #1 (Of 6)
Made Men #1
My Little Pony Legends of Magic #5
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #30
Postal #22
Predator Hunters #5
Rocket Girl #9
Scales & Scoundrels #1
Seven to Eternity #9
Star Wars Adventures #1
There’s Nothing There #4
Uber Invasion #8
Underwinter #6
Usagi Yojimbo #161
Walking Dead #171
Wicked & Divine #31
Woods #35
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All Star Batman HC Vol. 02 Ends of the Earth
All Star Batman TPB Vol. 01 My Own Worst Enemy
Amazing Spider-Man Worldwide HC Vol. 02
Extremity TPB Vol. 01 Artist
Harley Quinn by Kesel & Dodson HC Vol. 01
Iron Fist TPB Vol. 01 Trial of the Seven Masters
Silk TPB Vol. 03 Clone Conspiracy
Star Wars Darth Maul TPB
Suicide Squad TPB Vol. 03 Burning Down the House
Sweet Tooth Book 01
X-Men Gold TPB Vol. 01 Back To Basics
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Generations Iron Man & Ironheart #1
Journey Star Wars Last Jedi Capt Phasma #1 (Of 4)
Venomverse War Stories #1
Bane Conquest #5 (Of 12)
Dastardly and Muttley #1 (Of 6)
Shade the Changing Girl #12
Doctor Who 9th Doctor Year Two #1
Kingsman Red Diamond #1 (Of 6)
Made Men #1
Amazing Spider-Man Worldwide HC Vol. 02
Extremity TPB Vol. 01 Artist
Harley Quinn by Kesel & Dodson HC Vol. 01

Shipping List, August 30, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 30, 2017

America #6
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #13
Black Panther #17
Black Panther Crew #6
Deadpool #35
Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme #11
Generations Hawkeye & Hawkeye #1
Infamous Iron Man #11
Jean Grey #6
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #22
Secret Empire #10 (Of 10)
Secret Empire Brave New World #5 (Of 5)
Spider-Gwen #23
Star Wars #35
Thanos #10
Uncanny Avengers #26
X-Men Blue #10
X-Men Gold #9
All Star Batman #13
Black Racer & Shilo Norman Special #1
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #11
Dark Nights Metal #1 (Of 6)
Darkseid Special #1
Green Lanterns #29
Justice League of America #13
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1
Supergirl Annual #1
Superman #29
Wonder Woman #29
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
24 Legacy Rules of Engagement #5 (Of 5)
Angel Season 11 #8
Black Magick #7
BPRD: Devil You Know #2
Buffy Season 11 #10
Crosswind #3
Deadly Class #30
Doctor Who 11th Year Three #9
Doctor Who Lost Dimension Alpha #1
Game Trade Magazine #211
Ghostbusters 101 #6 (Of 6)
Go Go Power Rangers #2
Halo Rise of Atriox #1
Image Plus #1 (Wytches The Bad Egg Pt 1)
James Bond Moneypenny One Shot
Jimmy’s Bastards #3
Lady Killer 2 #5
Mother Russia #2 (Of 3)
Normals #4
Paklis #4
Rat Queens #5
Rebels These Free & Independent States #6
Ringside #11
Saga #46
Spawn #277
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #27
TMNT Dimension X #5
Wicked Righteous #1 (Of 6)
X-Files (2016) #17
X-Files Origins II Dog Days of Summer #3 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman HC Book 01
Batman The Golden Age TPB Vol. 03
Batman TPB Vol. 03 I Am Bane (Rebirth)
Deadpool vs Punisher TPB
Doctor Strange/Punisher TPB Magic Bullets
Donner Dinner Party Card Game
Hillbilly TPB Vol. 01
Old Guard TPB Book 01 Opening Fire
Wonder Girl Adventures of a Teen Titan TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
America #6
Generations Hawkeye & Hawkeye #1
Secret Empire #10 (Of 10)
Black Racer & Shilo Norman Special #1
Dark Nights Metal #1 (Of 6)
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1
Doctor Who Lost Dimension Alpha #1
James Bond Moneypenny One Shot
Rebels These Free & Independent States #6
Batman TPB Vol. 03 I Am Bane (Rebirth)
Deadpool vs Punisher TPB
Old Guard TPB Book 01 Opening Fire

Shipping List, August 23, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 23, 2017

All New Wolverine #23
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #6
Cable #4
Daredevil #25
Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe Again #4 (Of 5)
Doctor Strange #24
Edge of Venomverse #5 (Of 5)
Generations Unworthy Thor & Mighty Thor #1
I Am Groot #4
Iceman #4
Jean Grey #5
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #3
Punisher #15
Secret Empire #9 (Of 10)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #1
Weapon X #7
X-Men Gold #10
Action Comics #986
Batgirl #14
Batman Beyond #11
Batman The Shadow #5 (Of 6)
Blue Beetle #12
Detective Comics #963
Flash #29
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #27
Harley Quinn #26
Hellblazer #13
Justice League Power Rangers #5 (Of 6)
Kamandi Challenge #8 (Of 12)
Manhunter Special #1
Mother Panic #10
Nightwing The New Order #1 (Of 6)
Scooby Doo Team Up #29
Suicide Squad #24
Teen Titans #11
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Archie #23
Black Hammer #12
Dept H #17
Doctor Who 12th Year Three #6
Doctor Who 9th #15
Donald & Mickey #1
Dying and the Dead #5
Elfquest Final Quest #21
Eternal Empire #4
Generation Gone #2
Grrl Scouts Magic Socks #4 (Of 6)
Hard Place #1 (Of 5)
Heathen #5
Josie & The Pussycats #9
Lazarus X Plus 66 #2 (Of 6)
Letter 44 #35
Lumberjanes #41
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #18
Moonstruck #2
Over Garden Wall Ongoing #17
Plastic #5 (Of 5)
Project Superpowers Hero Killers #4
Red Sonja #8
Redneck #5
Renato Jones Season Two #3 (Of 5)
Sabrina #8
Sacred Creatures #2
Saucer State #3 (Of 6)
Shirtless Bear-Fighter #3
Sisters of Sorrow #2 (Of 4)
Tank Girl World War Tank Girl #4 (Of 4)
TMNT Dimension X #4
Underwinter #6
WWE #8
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New X-Men Inevitable TPB Vol. 04 IvX
Angel Season 11 TPB Vol. 01 Out of Past
Complete Elfquest TPB Vol. 04
Dark Horse Book of Horror HC
Deadpool Worlds Greatest TPB Vol. 08 Til Death Do Us
Hellboy An Assortment of Horrors SC Novel
Looney Tunes Greatest Hits TPB Vol. 03 Beep Beep
New Teen Titans TPB Vol. 07
Silk TPB Vol. 03 Clone Conspiracy
Snowfall TPB
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 01 Days Gone Bye
Weapon X TPB Vol. 01 Weapons of Mutant Destruction
Wolverine by Daniel Way Complete Collection TPB
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 03 The Truth (Rebirth)
X-Men Blue TPB Vol. 01 Strangest
X-Men Gold TPB Vol. 01 Back To Basics
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe Again #4 (Of 5)
Generations Unworthy Thor & Mighty Thor #1
Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #1
Batman The Shadow #5 (Of 6)
Justice League Power Rangers #5 (Of 6)
Kamandi Challenge #8 (Of 12)
Doctor Who 12th Year Three #6
Plastic #5 (Of 5)
WWE #8
Complete Elfquest TPB Vol. 04
Weapon X TPB Vol. 01 Weapons of Mutant Destruction
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 03 The Truth (Rebirth)