Shipping List, August 16, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 16, 2017

All New Guardians of Galaxy #8
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #10
Astonishing X-Men #2
Black Panther Crew #5
Generation X #5
Generations Wolverine & All-New Wolverine
Gwenpool #19
Invincible Iron Man #10
Luke Cage #4
Mighty Thor #22
Monsters Unleashed #5
Royals #6
Secret Empire Brave New World #5 (Of 5)
Silver Surfer #13
Spider-Men II #2 (Of 5)
Star Wars #34
Star Wars Poe Dameron #18
Thanos #9
Totally Awesome Hulk #22
Ultimates 2 #100
US Avengers #9
X-Men Blue #9
X-Men Gold #9
American Way Those Above and Below #2 (Of 6)
Aquaman #27
Astro City #46
Batman #29
Batwoman #6
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #11
Dark Nights Metal #1 (Of 6)
DC Comics Bombshells #33
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #12
Future Quest Presents #1
Green Arrow #29
Green Lanterns #29
Justice League #27
New Gods Special #1
Nightwing #27
Sandman Special #1
Savage Things #6
Scooby Doo Team Up #28
Super Sons #7
Superman #29
Teen Titans Go #23
Trinity #12
Wonder Woman #28
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
24 Legacy Rules Of Engagement #4 (Of 5)
3 Floyds Alpha King #4 (Of 5)
Adventure Time Comics #13
Adventure Time Comics #14
American Gods Shadows #6
Bitch Planet Triple Feature #3
Black Cloud #5
Black Hammer #11
Briggs Land Lone Wolves #3
Curse Words #7
Descender #23
Doctor Who 10th Year Three #8
Doctor Who 11th Year Three #7
Doctor Who 11th Year Three #8
Horizon #13
I Hate Fairyland #15
Injustice 2 #8
Invincible #139
James Bond #6
James Bond Kill Chain #2 (Of 6)
Kill The Minotaur #3
Lola Xoxo Vol. 2 #2
Mage Hero Denied #1 (Of 15)
Mother Russia #2 (Of 3)
Normandy Gold #3
Rat Queens #5
Regression #4
Scrimshaw #2
Southern Bastards #17
Spy Seal #1
The Chair #2 (Of 4)
TMNT Dimension X #3
TMNT/Usagi Yojimbo
Trespasser #2 (Of 4)
Uncle Scrooge #29
Vampirella #5
Wicked Righteous #1 (Of 6)
Winnebago Graveyard #3 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batgirl Stephanie Brown TPB Vol. 01
Batman Unwrapped the Court of Owls HC
Deadpool 2099 TPB
Locke & Key Heaven & Earth HC
Paper Girls TPB Vol. 03
Punisher Suicide Run TPB
Sh*T My President Says Illustrated Tweets of Donald J. Trump TPB
Superman TPB Vol. 02 Trials of the Super Son
Tank Girl 2 Girls 1 Tank TPB
Teen Titans Earth One TPB Vol. 02
Unbelievable Gwenpool TPB Vol. 03 Totally In Continuity
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 02 Miles Behind Us
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #10
Generations Wolverine & All-New Wolverine
Totally Awesome Hulk #22
American Way Those Above and Below #2 (Of 6)
Dark Nights Metal #1 (Of 6)
Sandman Special #1
Black Cloud #5
Spy Seal #1
Uncle Scrooge #29
Deadpool 2099 TPB
Sh*T My President Says Illustrated Tweets of Donald J. Trump TPB
Superman TPB Vol. 02 Trials of the Super Son

Shipping List, August 9, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 9, 2017

All New Wolverine #23
Amazing Spider-Man #31
Captain America #25
Deadpool #34
Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe Again #3 (Of 5)
Defenders #4
Edge of the Venomverse #4 (Of 5)
Generations Phoenix & Jean Grey #1
Hulk #9
Inhumans Once Future Kings #1 (Of 5)
Jean Grey #5
Ms. Marvel #21
Old Man Logan #27
Rocket #4
Secret Empire #8 (Of 10)
Secret Warriors #5
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #11
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #23
Venom #153
Zombies Assemble 2 #1 (Of 4)
Action Comics #985
All Star Batman #12
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #13
Dark Days The Casting #1
Detective Comics #962
Flash #28
Gotham Academy Second Semester #12
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #25
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #26
Justice League of America #12
Justice League Power Rangers #5 (Of 6)
Mister Miracle #1 (Of 12)
New Super Man #14
Newsboy Legion & Boy Commandos Special #1
Red Hood and the Outlaws #13
Scooby Apocalypse #16
Scooby Doo Where Are You #84
Suicide Squad #23
Supergirl #12
Superwoman #13
Titans #14
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #67
Babyteeth #3
Cavewoman Starship Blish #1
Divided States of Hysteria #3
Doctor Who 11th TPB Vol. 06 Malignant Truth
Doctor Who 9th #15
Dresden Files Dog Men #3
18 Days #25
Ghost Money #1
Grass Kings #6
Groo Play of Gods #2
Harley Quinn #25
Hellboy and the BPRD 1955 Secret Nature One Shot
Invader Zim #22
Kill or be Killed #11
Kiss Vampirella #3 (Of 5)
Low #19
Manifest Destiny #30
Mighty Mouse #3
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #29
Powerpuff Girls Time Tie #3 (Of 3)
Red Sonja #7
Redlands #1
Riverdale (Ongoing) #5
Rose #5
Sacred Creatures #2
Shadow #1
Shadows on the Grave #7
Shirtless Bear-Fighter #1 (Of 5)
Tank Girl World War Tank Girl #4 (Of 4)
Think Tank Vol. 5 #4
TMNT Dimension X #2
TMNT Universe #13
Unholy Grail #2
Unsound #3 (Of 4)
Violent Love #7
Wicked & Divine #30
WWE Summer Slam 2017 #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Alien Vs Predator Life and Death TPB
Angel Season 11 TPB Vol. 01 Out of Past
Captain America Sam Wilson TPB Vol. 05 End of the Line
Customer Is Always Wrong HC
Doctor Who Supremacy of the Cybermen TPB
Thing From the Grave HC
End of the F$$$Ing World HC
Nova Resurrection TPB
Over the Garden Wall Ongoing TPB Vol. 02
Palookaville HC Vol. 23
Punisher Max TPB Complete Collection Vol. 06
Rocket Raccoon Grounded TPB
Serenity HC Vol. 05 No Power in the Verse
Shield TPB Hydra Reborn
Silk TPB Vol. 03 Clone Conspiracy
Star Wars Saga 2018 Wall Calendar
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Inhumans Once Future Kings #1 (Of 5)
Newsboy Legion & Boy Commandos Special #1
WWE Summer Slam 2017 #1

Shipping List, August 2, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 2, 2017

All New Guardians of Galaxy #7
Avengers #10
Black Bolt #4
Champions #11
Generations Banner Hulk & Totally Awesome Hulk #1
Hawkeye #9
Iron Fist #6
Jessica Jones #11
Nick Fury #5
Spider-Man #19
Spider-Man Deadpool #20
Star Wars Darth Vader #4
Unstoppable Wasp #8
X-Men Gold #8
X-Men Gold #9
Bane Conquest #4 (Of 12)
Batman #28
Cyborg #15
DC Comics Bombshells #32
Deathstroke #22
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #12
Green Arrow #28
Green Lanterns #28
Injustice 2 #7
Justice League #26
New Gods Special #1
Nightwing #26
Savage Things #6
Shade the Changing Girl #11
Superman #28
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #13
Adventure Time Regular Show #1
Amory Wars Good Apollo #5 (Of 12)
Ash Vs AoD #2
Dead of Winter#1
East of West #34
Elsewhere #1
Extremity #6
Galaktikon #1
Ghost Station Zero #1 (Of 4)
Green Hornet 66 Meets Spirit #2 (Of 5)
Hadrians Wall #8
Hillbilly #7
Injection #14
James Bond #6
Kiss #10 (Of 10)
Lobster Johnson Mangekyo One Shot
Love & Rockets Magazine #3
Mech Cadet Yu #1 (Of 4)
Predator Hunters #4
Robotech #1
Rocket Girl #8
Samaritan Veritas #3
Seven to Eternity #8
Sex Criminals #20
Spiritus #1 (Of 5)
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #26
TMNT Dimension X #1
TMNT Ongoing #73
Walking Dead #170
Woods #34
X-Files Origins II Dog Days of Summer #2 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New All Different Avengers HC Vol. 01
Buffy Season 11 TPB Vol. 01 Spread of Evil
Captain America Steve Rogers TPB Vol. 03 Empire Building
God Country TPB
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 03 Emerald Outlaw
Harleys Little Black Book HC
Henry and Glenn Forever and Ever HC
Life & Death of Fritz the Cat HC
Paper Girls TPB Vol. 03
Squee TPB
Superman TPB Vol. 03 Multiplicity (Rebirth)
WWE Ongoing TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Generations Banner Hulk & Totally Awesome Hulk #1
Jessica Jones #11
Spider-Man Deadpool #20
Bane Conquest #4 (Of 12)
New Gods Special #1
Nightwing #26
Dead of Winter#1
Rocket Girl #8
TMNT Dimension X #1
God Country TPB
Harleys Little Black Book HC
Henry and Glenn Forever and Ever HC

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #5
Black Panther #16
Cable #3
Captain America Sam Wilson #24
Captain America Steve Rogers #19
Deadpool #34
Edge of Venomverse #3 (Of 5)
Gwenpool #18
I Am Groot #3
Iceman #3
Infamous Iron Man #10
Mighty Captain Marvel #7
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #21
Occupy Avengers #9
Punisher #14
Secret Empire #7 (Of 10)
Spider-Gwen #22
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #10
Thanos #9
Weapon X #6
X-Men Blue #8
Action Comics #984
All Star Batman #12
Batgirl #13
Batman Beyond #10
Batman The Shadow #4 (Of 6)
Blue Beetle #11
Detective Comics #961
Doom Patrol #7
Flash #27
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #25
Hellblazer #12
Justice League of America #11
Kamandi Challenge #7 (Of 12)
Looney Tunes #238
Mother Panic #9
Scooby Doo Team Up #28
Suicide Squad #22
Teen Titans #10
Wonder Woman #26
Wonder Woman #27
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
24 Legacy Rules of Engagement #3
Beautiful Canvas #2
Black Hammer #11
BPRD Devil You Know #1
Cannibal #7
Crosswind #2
Damned #3
Doctor Who 10th Year Three #7
Doctor Who 11th Year Three #7
Doctor Who 9th #14
Ghostbusters 101 #5 (Of 6)
Go Go Power Rangers #1
Joe Golem Occult Detective Outer Dark #3
Lumberjanes #40
Normals #3
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #29
Over the Garden Wall Ongoing #16
Paklis #3
Plastic #4 (Of 5)
Postal #21
Project Superpowers Hero Killers #3
Rebels These Free & Independent States #5
Redneck #4
Rick & Morty #28
Robotech #1
Saga #45
Shadows on the Grave #6
Sons of the Devil #14
Spawn #276
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #105
TMNT Ongoing #72
TMNT Usagi Yojimbo
Underwinter #5
Wayward #22
WWE #7
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Black Sinister HC
Disney Rosa Duck Library HC Vol. 07
Extraordinary X-Men TPB Vol. 04
Flash Rebirth HC Book 01
Flash TPB Vol. 03 Rogues Reloaded
Game Trade Magazine #210
Image Plus #16
Mighty Thor TPB Vol. 02 Lords of Midgard
Nova Resurrection TPB
Serenity HC Vol. 05 No Power In The Verse
Uncanny X-Men Superior TPB Vol. 04
Usagi Yojimbo Saga Legends TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Captain America Steve Rogers #19
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #21
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #25
Mother Panic #9
Beautiful Canvas #2
Redneck #4
Robotech #1
Disney Rosa Duck Library HC Vol. 07
Extraordinary X-Men TPB Vol. 04
Flash Rebirth HC Book 01

Shipping List, July 19, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 19, 2017

All New Guardians of Galaxy #6
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #9
America #5
Astonishing X-Men #1
Avengers #9
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #4
Black Panther #15
Daredevil #24
Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe Again #2
Doctor Strange #23
Invincible Iron Man #9
Luke Cage #3
Marvels Thor Ragnarok Prelude #2 (Of 4)
Mighty Thor #21
Monsters Unleashed #4
Ms. Marvel #20
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #2
Royals #5
Secret Empire #6 (Of 10)
Secret Empire Brave New World #4 (Of 5)
Spider-Man 2099 #25
Star Wars Darth Maul #5 (Of 5)
Star Wars Poe Dameron #17
Totally Awesome Hulk #21
Ultimates 2 #9
US Avengers #8
X-Men Gold #7
X-Men Gold #8
Aquaman #26
Batman #27
Batman 66 meets the Legion of Super Heroes #1
Batwoman #5
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #10
DC Comics Bombshells #31
Green Arrow #27
Green Lanterns #27
Harley Quinn #24
Injustice 2 #6
Justice League #25
Nightwing #25
Shade the Changing Girl #10
Super Sons #6
Superman #27
Trinity #11
Wild Storm #6
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #13
Aliens Dead Orbit #3
Angel Season 11 #7
Archie #22
Bitch Planet Triple Feature #2
Buffy Season 11 #9
Curse Words #6
Dept H #16
Descender #22
Diablo House #1
Ducktales #0
Elephantmen #77
Forever War #6 (Of 6)
Generation Gone #1
Grrl Scouts Magic Socks #3
I Hate Fairyland #14
Invincible #138
James Bond Kill Chain #1 (Of 6)
Jimmy’s Bastards #2
Kill the Minotaur #2
Lazarus X Plus 66 #1 (Of 6)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #17
Moonstruck #1
Normandy Gold #2
Pestilence #3
Royal City #5
Seven To Eternity #7
Shaolin Cowboy Who’ll Stop the Reign #4
Simpsons Comics #240
Sisters of Sorrow #1
Snotgirl #6
TMNT Amazing Adventures Robotanimals #2 (Of 3)
TMNT Universe #12
Winnebago Graveyard #2 (Of 4)
X-Files (2016) #16
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man TPB Vol. 06 Worldwide
Batman Beyond TPB Vol. 01 Escaping The Grave
Batman TMNT TPB Vol. 01
Batman TMNT Adventures TPB
Black Magick TPB Vol. 01 Awakening Part One
Black Science TPB Vol. 06
Daredevil Back In Black TPB Vol. 04 Identity
Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 18 Deadpool Vs Marvel
Flash Unwrapped by Francis Manapul HC
Image Comics 25th Anniversary Blind Box
Johnny Homicidal Maniac Directors Cut TPB
Mighty Thor HC Vol. 03
Ms. Marvel TPB Vol. 07 Damage Per Second
Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide TPB Vol. 47
Punisher TPB Vol. 02 End of the Line
Rick and Morty Anatomy Park Board Game
Robin TPB Vol. 04 Turning Point
Scalped TPB Book 01
Spread TPB Vol. 04
Supergirl The Silver Age TPB Vol. 01
Walt Disney Uncle Scrooge HC Vol. 03 Crown Genghis
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Astonishing X-Men #1
Marvels Thor Ragnarok Prelude #2 (Of 4)
Secret Empire #6 (Of 10)
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #10
Justice League #25
Superman #27
Bitch Planet Triple Feature #2
Diablo House #1
Sisters of Sorrow #1
Batman Beyond TPB Vol. 01 Escaping The Grave
Black Science TPB Vol. 06
Mighty Thor HC Vol. 03

Shipping List, July 12, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Amazing Spider-Man #30
Black Panther Crew #4
Deadpool #33
Defenders #3
Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme #10
Edge of Venomverse #2 (Of 5)
Generation X #4
Hulk #8
Jean Grey #4
Old Man Logan #26
Secret Warriors #4
Spider-Men II #1 (Of 5)
Star Wars Darth Vader #3
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #9
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #22
Uncanny Avengers #25
Venom #152
Weapon X #5
X-Men Blue #7
Zombies Assemble #0
Action Comics #983
American Way Those Above and Below #1 (Of 6)
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #12
Bug The Adventures of Forager #3 (Of 6)
Dark Days The Casting #1
Detective Comics #960
Flash #25
Flash #26
Gotham Academy Second Semester #11
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #24
Justice League of America #10
New Super Man #13
Red Hood and the Outlaws #12
Scooby Apocalypse #15
Scooby Doo Where Are You #83
Suicide Squad #21
Supergirl #11
Superwoman #12
Titans #13
Wonder Woman #26
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
American Gods Shadows #5
Angel Season 11 #6
Black Cloud #4
Briggs Land Lone Wolves #2
Calexit #1
Cinema Purgatorio #11
Deadly Class #29
Divided States of Hysteria #2
Dresden Files Dog Men #2
Eternal Empire #3
Grass Kings #5
Groo Play of the Gods #1
Grrl Scouts Magic Socks #2
Invader Zim #21
Josie & The Pussycats #8
Judge Dredd Blessed Earth #3
Kill or be Killed #10
Last Song #1
Lola Xoxo Vol. 2 #1
Mage Hero Denied #0
Mighty Mouse #2
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #56
Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern #6
Regression #3
Rocket #3
Rose #4
Shadows on the Grave #6
Train 8 Zombie Express #1 (Of 3)
Uncle Scrooge #28
Violent Love #6
War for Planet of the Apes #1 (Of 4)
War Stories #24
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Original TPB Vol. 10 Ooorient Express
Alone TPB
Art of Camilla Derrico HC Vol. 01 Femina & Fauna
Guardians of the Galaxy New Guard TPB Vol. 02 Wanted
Justice League TPB Vol. 03 Timeless
Manara Library TPB Vol. 02 El Gaucho & Other Stories
Monsters Unleashed TPB Battleground
My Little Pony Friends Forever TPB Vol. 09
Nightwing TPB Vol. 06 To Serve and Protect
Planetary TPB Book 01
S**T And P**S TPB
She-Hulk TPB Vol. 01 Deconstructed
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Defenders #3
Spider-Men II #1 (Of 5)
Zombies Assemble #0
Dark Days The Casting #1
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #24
Superwoman #12
Calexit #1
Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern #6
Shadows on the Grave #6
Justice League TPB Vol. 03 Timeless
Manara Library TPB Vol. 02 El Gaucho & Other Stories
Monsters Unleashed TPB Battleground

Shipping List, July 5, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 5, 2017

All New Guardians of the Galaxy #5
All New Wolverine #22
Avengers #9
Black Bolt #3
Cable #1
Champions #10
Daredevil #23
Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe Again #1
Hawkeye #8
Iron Fist #5
Jessica Jones #10
Thor Ragnarok Prelude #1 (Of 4)
Nick Fury #4
Secret Empire Brave New World #3 (Of 5)
Spider-Man #18
Spider-Man Deadpool #19
Spider-Man Master Plan #1
Star Wars #33
Unstoppable Wasp #7
X-Men Gold #7
Bane Conquest #3
Batman #26
Cyborg #14
DC Comics Bombshells #30
Deathstroke #21
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #11
Green Arrow #26
Green Lanterns #26
Injustice 2 #5
Justice League #24
Nightwing #24
Red Hood and the Outlaws #11
Savage Things #5
Scooby Apocalypse #14
Shade the Changing Girl #10
Superman #26
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #66
Ash Vs AoD #1
Babyteeth #2
Beauty #16
Diablo House #1
Doctor Who 12th Year Three #5
Doctor Who Ghost Stories #4 (Of 4)
Extremity #5
Green Hornet 66 Meets Spirit #1 (Of 5)
James Bond #5
Jupiter’s Legacy Vol. 2 #5 (Of 5)
Kim and Kim Love Is a Battlefield #1
Kiss Vampirella #2 (Of 5)
My Little Pony Legends of Magic #4
Predator Hunters #3
Rat Queens #4
Redline #5
Rick & Morty Pocket Like You Stole It #1 (Of 5)
Riverdale (Ongoing) #4
Rock Candy Mountain #4
Sabrina #7
Sacred Creatures #1
Samaritan Veritas #2
Seven to Eternity #7
Skybourne #4
Snotgirl #6
There’s Nothing There #3
Uber Invasion #7
Unholy Grail #1
Unsound #2
Vampirella #4
Visitor How and Why He Stayed #5 (Of 5)
Walking Dead #169
Wicked & Divine #29
Woods #33
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Captain America TPB Bucky Reborn
Deathstroke TPB Vol. 02 The Gospel of Slade
Fog over Tolbiac Bridge HC
Gamora Memento Mori TPB
He Man Thundercats TPB
Inhumans Vs X-Men HC
Injustice Ground Zero HC Vol. 01
Loose Ends TPB
Monstress TPB Vol. 02
Star Wars TPB Vol. 05 Yoda’s Secret War
Venom TPB Vol. 01 Homecoming
Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka TPB Vol. 02
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe Again #1
Thor Ragnarok Prelude #1 (Of 4)
Spider-Man Master Plan #1
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #11
Red Hood and the Outlaws #11
Scooby Apocalypse #14
Green Hornet 66 Meets Spirit #1 (Of 5)
Rick & Morty Pocket Like You Stole It #1 (Of 5)
Visitor How and Why He Stayed #5 (Of 5)
Captain America TPB Bucky Reborn
Injustice Ground Zero HC Vol. 01
Monstress TPB Vol. 02

Shipping List, June 28, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 28, 2017

All New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1
Amazing Spider-Man #29
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #4
Black Panther #15
Cable #2
Deadpool Vs Punisher #5 (Of 5)
Defenders #2
Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme #9
Edge of the Venomverse #1
Elektra #5
Hulk #7
I Am Groot #2
Infamous Iron Man #9
Jean Grey #2
Jean Grey #3
Mighty Captain Marvel #6
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #20
Occupy Avengers #8
Punisher #13
Secret Empire #5 (Of 10)
Spider-Gwen #21
Star Wars #32
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #8
Star Wars Poe Dameron #16
Totally Awesome Hulk #20
X-Men Blue #6
Zombies Assemble #2 (Of 4)
Action Comics #982
Astro City #45
Batgirl #12
Batman 66 Meets Wonder Woman 77 #6 (Of 6)
Batman Beyond #9
Batman Elmer Fudd Special #1
Batman The Shadow #3 (Of 6)
Blue Beetle #10
Dark Knight III Master Race #9 (Of 9)
Detective Comics #959
Flash #25
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #23
Hellblazer #11
Jonah Hex Yosemite Sam Special #1
Justice League of America #9
Kamandi Challenge #6 (Of 12)
Mother Panic #8
Scooby Doo Team Up #27
Suicide Squad #20
Supergirl Being Super #4 (Of 4)
Teen Titans #9
Wonder Woman #25
Wonder Woman 77 Bionic Woman #5 (Of 6)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Beautiful Canvas #1
Bitch Planet Triple Feature #1
Black Magick #6
Drifter #19
Eleanor & The Egret #3
Elephantmen #77
Elfquest Final Quest #20
Ghostbusters 101 #4 (Of 6)
18 Days #24
Image Plus #15
Joe Golem Occult Detective Outer Dark #2
Jughead #16
Kiss #9
Letter 44 #34
Lucifer #19
Lumberjanes #39
Over the Garden Wall Ongoing #15
Paklis #2
Powerpuff Girls Time Tie #2 (Of 3)
Project Superpowers Hero Killers #2
Rebels These Free & Independent States #4
Redneck #3
Renato Jones Season Two #2 (Of 5)
Rick & Morty #27
Saga #44
Saucer State #2 (Of 6)
Scrimshaw #1
Shutter #29
Snowfall #9
Spawn #274
Spawn #275
Throwaways #9
TMNT Ongoing #70
TMNT Ongoing #71
Underwinter #4
Wayward #21
WWE #6
X-Files (2016) #15
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Ad After Death HC
Batman Beyond TPB Vol. 01 Escaping The Grave
Batman by Azzarello & Risso HC
Buffy High School Years Parental Parasite TPB
Dick Tracy HC Vol. 22
Dark Night A True Batman Story TPB
Doctor Strange TPB Vol. 02 Last Days of Magic
Fantastic Four TPB
Flash TPB Vol. 09 Full Stop
Game Trade Magazine #209
Ghost Rider TPB Vol. 01 Four on the Floor
Great Lakes Avengers TPB Vol. 01 Same Old Same Old
In The Pines 5 Murder Ballads HC
New Low TPB
Thanos TPB Vol. 01 Thanos Returns
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1
Edge of the Venomverse #1
Secret Empire #5 (Of 10)
Batman 66 Meets Wonder Woman 77 #6 (Of 6)
Jonah Hex Yosemite Sam Special #1
Supergirl Being Super #4 (Of 4)
Bitch Planet Triple Feature #1
Eleanor & The Egret #3
Renato Jones Season Two #2 (Of 5)
Batman by Azzarello & Risso HC
Great Lakes Avengers TPB Vol. 01 Same Old Same Old
In The Pines 5 Murder Ballads HC

Shipping List, June 14, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 14, 2017

All-New Wolverine #21
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #8
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #3
Black Panther Crew #3
Cable #1
Captain America Sam Wilson #23
Deadpool #32
Defenders #1
Generation X #3
Gwenpool #17
Hulk #7
Infamous Iron Man #8
Kingpin #5
Ms. Marvel #19
Old Man Logan #25
Secret Empire #4 (Of 10)
Secret Empire United #1
Secret Warriors #3
Star Wars #32
Thanos #8
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #21
Uncanny Avengers #24
Venom #151
Weapon X #4
X-Men Blue #5
Zombies Assemble #3 (Of 4)
Action Comics #981
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #11
Bug The Adventures of Forager #2 (Of 6)
Dark Days The Forge #1
Detective Comics #958
Flash #24
Gotham Academy Second Semester #10
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #22
Hellblazer #10
Justice League of America #8
Legion of Super Heroes/Bugs Bunny Special #1
Martian Manhunter/Marvin the Martian Special #1
New Super Man #12
Red Hood and the Outlaws #11
Scooby Apocalypse #14
Scooby Doo Where Are You #82
Suicide Squad #19
Supergirl #10
Superwoman #11
Titans #12
Wonder Woman #24
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
24 Legacy Rules of Engagement #2 (Of 5)
American Gods Shadows #4
Angel Season 11 #5
Betty & Veronica #3
Birthright #25
Bitch Planet Triple Feature #1
Black Cloud #3
Black Science #30
Briggs Land Lone Wolves #1
Cinema Purgatorio #10
Copperhead #14
Damned #2
Doctor Who 11th Year Three #6
Donald Duck #21
Grass Kings #4
Invader Zim #20
Dresden Files Dog Men #1
Jimmy’s Bastards #1
John Carter The End #5
Kill the Minotaur #1
Manifest Destiny #29
Mother Russia #1 (Of 3)
Normandy Gold #1
Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern #5
Predator Vs Judge Dredd Vs Aliens #4
Red Team Double Tap #9 (Of 9)
Quantum Teens Are Go #4
Regression #2
Rose #3
Sons of the Devil #13
Spookhouse #5
TMNT Ongoing #70
Trespasser #1 (Of 4)
Winnebago Graveyard #1 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Afterlife with Archie TPB Vol. 01 Escape From Riverdale
Archie TPB Vol. 01
Batwoman by Greg Rucka and JH Williams III TPB
Judgment Day HC
Mary Wept over the Feet of Jesus HC
Ms. Marvel HC Vol. 03
Nightwing TPB Vol. 02 Back to Bludhaven
Plants Vs Zombies Battle Extravagonzo HC
Sabrina Chilling Adventures TPB Vol. 01
Teen Titans TPB Vol. 01 Damian Knows Best
Venom TPB Vol. 01 Homecoming
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #8
Secret Empire United #1
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #11
Suicide Squad #19
24 Legacy Rules of Engagement #2 (Of 5)
American Gods Shadows #4

Shipping List, June 21, 2017!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 21, 2017

All New Guardians of Galaxy #4
America #4
Captain America Steve Rogers #18
Doctor Strange #22
Iceman #2
Invincible Iron Man #8
Luke Cage #2
Man-Thing #5 (Of 5)
Mighty Thor #20
Monsters Unleashed #3
Nick Fury #3
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #1
Royals #4
Secret Empire Brave New World #2 (Of 5)
Secret Empire Underground #1
Silver Surfer #12
Spider-Man 2099 #24
Star Wars Darth Maul #4 (Of 5)
Star Wars Darth Vader #2
Star Wars Poe Dameron Annual #1
Ultimates 2 #8
US Avengers #7
Weapons of Mutant Destruction #1
X-Men Gold #6
All Star Batman #11
Batman #25
Batwoman #4
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #9
Daredevil #22
DC Comics Bombshells #29
Green Arrow #25
Green Lanterns #25
Harley Quinn #22
Injustice 2 #4
Justice League #23
Lobo/Road Runner Special #1
Nightwing #23
Super Sons #5
Superman #25
Teen Titans Go #22
Trinity #10
Wild Storm #5
Wonder Woman/Tasmanian Devil Special #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #12
Aliens Defiance #12
Angel Season 11 #6
Archie #21
Black Hammer #10
Black Monday Murders #6
Buffy Season 11 #8
Cavewoman Leave My Man Alone #1
Crosswind #1
Dept H #15
Doctor Who 10th Year Three #6
Doctor Who 12th Year Three #4
Few #6 (Of 6)
Forever War #5 (Of 6)
God Country #6
Grrl Scouts Magic Socks #2
Horizon #12
I Hate Fairyland #13
Invincible #137
James Bond Felix Leiter #6 (Of 6)
Mickey Mouse #21
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #16
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #55
Normals #2
Old Guard #5
Plastic #3 (Of 5)
Red Sonja #6
Royal City #4
Shaolin Cowboy Who’ll Stop the Reign #3
Shirtless Bear-Fighter #1 (Of 5)
The Chair #1 (Of 4)
Tank Girl World War Tank Girl #3 (Of 4)
TMNT Universe #11
Uncle Scrooge #27
X-Files Origins II Dog Days of Summer #1 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Comics TPB Vol. 02
Avengers Unleashed TPB Vol. 01 Kang War One
DC Super Hero Girls TPB Vol. 03 Summer Olympus
Doctor Who 12th TPB Vol. 05 The Twist
Doctor Who 4th TPB Gaze of Medusa
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 02 Joker Loves Harley
Invincible Iron Man Ironheart HC Vol. 01
Justice League Vs Suicide Squad HC
Pusheen Sushi 9-inch Plush
Red Range A Wild Western Adventure HC
September Mourning Vol. 01
Spider-Gwen TPB Vol. 03 Long-Distance
Star Wars Doctor Aphra TPB Vol. 01 Aphra
Star Wars Poe Dameron TPB Vol. 02 Gathering Storm
Star-Lord TPB Grounded
Superman The Golden Age TPB Vol. 03
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #1
Lobo/Road Runner Special #1
Cavewoman Leave My Man Alone #1
Justice League Vs Suicide Squad HC