Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 29, 2017
All New X-Men #19
Avengers #5.1
Black Panther World of Wakanda #5
Black Widow #12
Deadpool and Mercs for Money #9
Ghost Rider #5
Infamous Iron Man #6
Inhumans Prime #1
Man-Thing #2 (Of 5)
Mighty Captain Marvel #3
Occupy Avengers #5
Old Man Logan #20
Spider-Woman #17
Star-Lord #5
Thanos #5
Thunderbolts #11
X-Men Prime #1
Adam Strange Future Quest Special #1
Batgirl Annual #1
Booster Gold Flintstones Special #1
Clean Room #17
Dark Knight III Master Race #8 (Of 9)
Green Lantern Space Ghost Special #1
Harley Quinn #16
Harleys Little Black Book #6
Justice League of America #3
Kamandi Challenge #3 (Of 12)
Suicide Squad Banana Splits Special #1
Titans Annual #1
Unfollow #17
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Defiance #10
Aliens Vs Predator Life and Death #4
Cinema Purgatorio #9
Deadly Class #27
Doctor Who 9th #11
Elfquest Final Quest #19
Hadrians Wall #5
James Bond Hammerhead #6 (Of 6)
Jughead The Hunger One Shot
Lazarus #26
Lobster Johnson Pirates Ghost #1
Moonshine #6
Old Guard #2
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #26
Postal #19
Quantum Teens Are Go #2
Red Team Double Tap #8 (Of 9)
Rick & Morty #24
Serenity No Power In The Verse #6 (Of 6)
Space Riders Galaxy of Brutality #1
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #103
Visitor How and Why He Stayed #2 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Original TPB Vol. 09 Brain Robbers
Astonishing Ant-Man TPB Vol. 03 Trial of Ant-Man
Captain America Falcon Secret Empire TPB
Doctor Who 10th TPB Vol. 05 Arena of Fear
Doom Patrol TPB Book 03
Game Trade Magazine #206
Hillbilly TPB Vol. 01
Image Plus #12 (Walking Dead Heres Negan Pt 12)
Injustice Gods Among Us Year One Complete Collection TPB
Invincible TPB Vol. 23
Power Rangers Aftershock Movie TPB
Saga HC Vol. 01
Saga TPB Vol. 07
Spider-Man Miles Morales TPB Vol. 02
Supergirl by Peter David TPB Book 02
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns TPB Book 01
Torchwood TPB Vol. 01 World Without End
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers #5.1
Inhumans Prime #1
X-Men Prime #1
Adam Strange Future Quest Special #1
Green Lantern Space Ghost Special #1
Suicide Squad Banana Splits Special #1
Aliens Vs Predator Life and Death #4
Jughead The Hunger One Shot
Space Riders Galaxy of Brutality #1
Captain America Falcon Secret Empire TPB
Saga HC Vol. 01
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns TPB Book 01
Author Archives: shudlow
Shipping List, March 22, 2017!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #5
Black Panther #12
Captain America Steve Rogers #14
Deadpool #28
Doctor Strange/Punisher Magic Bullets #4 (Of 4)
Elektra #2
Extraordinary X-Men #20
Gamora #4
Hulk #4
Invincible Iron Man #5
Iron Fist #1
Jessica Jones #6
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #17
Prowler #6
Rocket Raccoon #4
Spider-Gwen #18
Star Wars Darth Maul #2 (Of 5)
Ultimates 2 #5
Uncanny Inhumans #20
Unworthy Thor #5 (Of 5)
Action Comics #976
Batgirl #9
Batman 66 Meets Wonder Woman 77 #3 (Of 6)
Batman Beyond #6
Batman/TMNT Adventures #5 (Of 6)
Blue Beetle #7
Deathstroke #15
Detective Comics #953
Doom Patrol #5
Flash #19
Future Quest #11
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #17
Hellblazer #8
Justice League of America #2
Looney Tunes #236
Mother Panic #5
Scooby Doo Team Up #24
Suicide Squad #14
Teen Titans #6
Wonder Woman #19
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
AoD/Xena Forever and a Day #6 (Of 6)
Beauty #13
Birthright #23
Black Hammer #7
Black Road #8
Buffy Season 11 #5
Circuit Breaker #4 (Of 5)
Curse Words #3
Dept H #12
Descender #20
Disney Darkwing Duck #8
Ghostbusters 101 #1
Kiss #6
Letter 44 #31
Loose Ends #3 (Of 4)
Lumberjanes #36
Magdalena #1
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #52
Reborn #5
Ringside #9
Riverdale One Shot
She Wolf #7
Simpsons Comics #238
Spirit Corpse Makers #2 (Of 5)
Spread #20
Star Trek Green Lantern Vol. 2 #4
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #22
TMNT Ongoing #68
Underwinter #1
Violent Love #5
Wicked & Divine #27
WWE #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batgirl TPB Vol. 01 Beyond Burnside (Rebirth)
Batman by Brian K Vaughan TPB
Carnage USA TPB
Civil War II Fallout TPB
Deadpool Too Soon TPB
DMZ TPB Book 03
Doctor Who 11th TPB Vol. 05 The One
Fire The Zora Neale Hurston Story HC
Looney Tunes Greatest Hits TPB Vol. 02 You’re Despicable
Michael Wm Kaluta Starstruck Artist Edition HC
Over the Garden Wall Ongoing TPB Vol. 01
Pellucidar at Earths Core TPB
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl TPB Vol. 05
Uncanny Avengers Unity TPB Vol. 03 Civil War II
X-Force Epic Collection TPB Under Gun
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Extraordinary X-Men #20
Iron Fist #1
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #17
Scooby Doo Team Up #24
Ghostbusters 101 #1
Underwinter #1
Fire The Zora Neale Hurston Story HC
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl TPB Vol. 05
Shipping List, March 15, 2017!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Amazing Spider-Man #25
Black Panther World of Wakanda #5
Captain America Sam Wilson #20
Daredevil #18
Deadpool the Duck #5 (Of 5)
Great Lakes Avengers #6
Guardians of the Galaxy #18
Harley Quinn #15
Harley Quinn #16
Mighty Thor #17
Monsters Unleashed #5 (Of 5)
Ms. Marvel #16
Patsy Walker aka Hellcat #16
Spider-Man #14
Star Wars Poe Dameron #12
Star-Lord #4
Totally Awesome Hulk #17
Uncanny Avengers #21
Uncanny X-Men #19
US Avengers #4
Venom #5
All Star Batman #8
Aquaman #19
Batman #19
Batwoman #1
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #6
DC Comics Bombshells #24
Green Arrow #19
Green Lanterns #19
He Man Thundercats #6 (Of 6)
Injustice Ground Zero #8
Justice League #17
Lucifer #16
Nightwing #17
Scooby Doo Where Are You #79
Super Sons #2
Superman #19
Titans #9
Trinity #7
Wild Storm #2
Wonder Woman 77 Bionic Woman #3 (Of 6)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #9
American Gods Shadows #1
Angel Season 11 #3
Archie #18
Avatarex #3
Casanova Acedia #8
Cavewoman Monster Dreams #1
Dark Horse Presents #32
Dead Inside #4 (Of 5)
Doctor Who 10th Year Three #3
East of West #32
Ether #5
God Country #3
Horizon #9
I Hate Fairyland #11
Injection #11
Invincible #134
James Bond Felix Leiter #3 (Of 6)
Kill or be Killed #7
Manifest Destiny #27
Mickey Mouse #18
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #13
Nailbiter #30
Red Sonja #3
Sex Criminals #17
Spawn #271
Spookhouse #3
Uncle Scrooge #24
Vampirella #1
Walt Disney Comics & Stories #737
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers Steed & Mrs. Peel TPB Vol. 01
Bart Simpson TPB Suckerpunch
Batman & Superman In Worlds Finest TPB Vol. 01
Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 17 Headcanon
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 01 Die Laughing (Rebirth)
Jack of Fables HC Book 01
Sandman TPB Vol. 06 Fables and Reflections
Unbelievable Gwenpool TPB Vol. 02 Head of Modok
Wolverine Vs Marvel Universe TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Great Lakes Avengers #6
Monsters Unleashed #5 (Of 5)
Totally Awesome Hulk #17
Batwoman #1
Justice League #17
Wonder Woman 77 Bionic Woman #3 (Of 6)
American Gods Shadows #1
Cavewoman Monster Dreams #1
Nailbiter #30
Bart Simpson TPB Suckerpunch
Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 17 Headcanon
Sandman TPB Vol. 06 Fables and Reflections
Shipping List, March 8, 2017!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 8, 2017
All New Wolverine #18
Captain America Steve Rogers #13
Deadpool and Mercs for Money #7
Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme #6
Enchanted Tiki Room #5 (Of 5)
Guardians of the Galaxy #1.MU
Gwenpool #12
Gwenpool #13
IvX #6 (Of 6)
Jessica Jones #6
Kingpin #2
Man-Thing #1 (Of 5)
Mosaic #6
Nova #4
Old Man Logan #19
Power Man and Iron Fist #14
Silver Surfer #9
Spider-Man Deadpool #15
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #5
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #18
Action Comics #975
Astro City #42
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8
Deathstroke #14
Detective Comics #952
Earth 2 Society #22
Flash #18
Gotham Academy Second Semester #7
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #16
Justice League of America #2
Justice League/Power Rangers #3 (Of 6)
Lost Boys #6 (Of 6)
Mother Panic #4
New Super Man #9
Red Hood and the Outlaws #8
Scooby Apocalypse #11
Suicide Squad #13
Supergirl #7
Superwoman #8
Titans #9
Wonder Woman #17
Wonder Woman #18
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
All New Fathom #2
Belfry (One-Shot)
Copperhead #11
D4veocracy #2
Darkwing Duck #8
Elephantmen #75
18 Days #21
Grass Kings #1
Harrow County #21
Hellboy and BPRD 1954 Ghost Moon #1
Jonesy #11
Josie & The Pussycats #5
Lady Killer 2 #4
Low #16
Motor Crush #4
Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern #2
Redline #1
Shadows on the Grave #3
Throwaways #6
TMNT Universe #8
Torchwood 2 #2
Uber Invasion #4
Wicked & Divine #27
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers and X-Men TPB Axis
Cannibal TPB Vol. 01
DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics Justice League TPB
Deathstroke TPB Vol. 01 The Professional (Rebirth)
Manara Library TPB Vol. 01 Indian Summer
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TPB Vol. 02
New Lone Wolf and Cub TPB Vol. 11
Power Man and Iron Fist TPB Vol. 02 Civil War II
Saga TPB Vol. 01
Sandman TPB Vol. 05 A Game of You
Superman TPB Vol. 02 Return to Glory
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Guardians of the Galaxy #1.MU
Man-Thing #1 (Of 5)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #18
Detective Comics #952
Justice League/Power Rangers #3 (Of 6)
Scooby Apocalypse #11
Copperhead #11
Redline #1
Wicked & Divine #27
Avengers and X-Men TPB Axis
Manara Library TPB Vol. 01 Indian Summer
Sandman TPB Vol. 05 A Game of You
Shipping List, March 1, 2017!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 1, 2017
America #1
Avengers #5
Bullseye #2 (Of 5)
Champions #6
Clone Conspiracy Omega
Deadpool #28
Doctor Strange #18
Hawkeye #4
Monsters Unleashed #4 (Of 5)
Moon Knight #12
Silk #18
Spider-Man 2099 #21
Spider-Man Homecoming Prelude #1 (Of 2)
Star Wars #29
Totally Awesome Hulk #1.MU
Unstoppable Wasp #3
Aquaman #18
Batman #18
Cyborg #10
DC Comics Bombshells #23
Death of Hawkman #6 (Of 6)
Everafter from the pages of Fables #7
Flintstones #9
Green Arrow #18
Green Lanterns #18
Harley Quinn #15
Injustice Ground Zero #7
Justice League #16
Midnighter and Apollo #6 (Of 6)
Nightwing #16
Savage Things #1
Shade the Changing Girl #6
Super Powers #5 (Of 6)
Superman #18
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #62
Baltimore The Red Kingdom #2
Big Trouble Little China Escape New York #6
Cinema Purgatorio #8
Doctor Who 11th Year Three #3
Doctor Who 9th #10
Extremity #1
Forever War #1 (Of 6)
Invisible Republic #15
James Bond #1
Judge Dredd Annual #1
My Little Pony Annual 2017 #1
Nailbiter #30
Paper Girls #12
Rat Queens #1
Riverdale One Shot
Royal City #1
Think Tank Vol. 5 #1
Violent Love #4
Walking Dead #165
Woods #30
X-Files (2016) #11
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Carnage USA TPB
Corto Maltese in Siberia TPB
Dave Stevens Rocketeer Artisan Ed TPB
Death of X TPB
Game Trade Magazine #205
Image Plus #11
Lucifer TPB Vol. 02 Father Lucifer
Lumberjanes Gotham Academy TPB
Suicide Squad TPB Vol. 01 The Black Vault (Rebirth)
Tales from the Darkside HC
Titans TPB Vol. 01 The Return of Wally West (Rebirth)
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 27 Whisperer War
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB Genesis and Apocalypse
Zatanna by Paul Dini TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
America #1
Clone Conspiracy Omega
Totally Awesome Hulk #1.MU
Death of Hawkman #6 (Of 6)
Savage Things #1
Super Powers #5 (Of 6)
Extremity #1
Judge Dredd Annual #1
Royal City #1
Carnage USA TPB
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 27 Whisperer War
Zatanna by Paul Dini TPB
Shipping List, February 22, 2017!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 22, 2017
All New X-Men #1.MU
Amazing Spider-Man #24
Avengers #4.1
Black Panther #11
Captain America Steve Rogers #12
Champions #1.MU
Deadpool and Mercs for Money #7
Deadpool the Duck #4 (Of 5)
Elektra #1
Enchanted Tiki Room #5 (Of 5)
Extraordinary X-Men #19
Ghost Rider #4
Great Lakes Avengers #5
Hulk #3
Infamous Iron Man #5
Ivx #5 (Of 6)
Mighty Captain Marvel #2
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #16
Mosaic #5
Occupy Avengers #4
Prowler #5
Rocket Raccoon #3
Scarlet Witch #15
Solo #5
Spider-Gwen #17
Spider-Man Deadpool #14
Spider-Woman #16
Thanos #4
Thunderbolts #10
Uncanny Avengers #20
Action Comics #974
Astro City #41
Batgirl #8
Batman 66 meets Wonder Woman 77 #2 (Of 6)
Batman Beyond #5
Blue Beetle #6
Clean Room #16
Deathstroke #13
Detective Comics #951
Flash #17
Frostbite #6 (Of 6)
Future Quest #10
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #15
Hellblazer #7
Justice League of America #1
Justice League of America Rebirth #1
Kamandi Challenge #2 (Of 12)
Scooby Doo Team Up #23
Suicide Squad #12
Supergirl Being Super #2 (Of 4)
Teen Titans #5
Wonder Woman #16
Wonder Woman #17
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Vs Predator Life and Death #3
Beauty #12
Belfry (One-Shot)
Black Road #7
Black Science #28
Cavewoman Ankha’s Revenge #3 (Of 3)
Curse Words #2
Descender #19
Doctor Who 3rd #5 (Of 5)
Drifter #17
Fix #8
Homies #3 (Of 4)
Jughead #13
Letter 44 #30
Loose Ends #2 (Of 4)
Monstress #10
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #51
October Faction Deadly Season #5
Old Guard #1
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #25
Over the Garden Wall Ongoing #11
Pink Panther Snow Day
Quantum Teens Are Go #1
Revival #47
Rick & Morty #23
Serenity No Power In The Verse #5 (Of 6)
She Wolf #6
Slam #4
Star Trek Green Lantern Vol. 2 #3
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #21
Sun Bakery #1
Surgeon X #6
TMNT Universe #7
Visitor How and Why He Stayed #1 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Comics TPB Vol. 01
Autumnlands TPB Vol. 02 Woodland Creatures
Batman Night of the Monster Men HC
Daredevil Back In Black TPB Vol. 03
Deadpool Back In Black TPB
Doctor Strange HC Vol. 03 Blood In Aether
Elektra by Milligan, Hama and Deodato Jr. Complete Collection TPB
Hellboy and the BPRD 1952 TPB
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five HC Vol. 02
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five TPB Vol. 01
Jughead TPB Vol. 02
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta TPB Vol. 04
Punisher and Bullseye TPB Deadliest Hits
Rick & Morty Lil Poopy Superstar TPB Vol. 01
Saga TPB Vol. 01
Saga TPB Vol. 03
Saga TPB Vol. 05
Snotgirl TPB Vol. 01 Green Hair Don’t Care
Superman Batman TPB Vol. 05
Wolverine Vs Deadpool TPB
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 01 The Lies (Rebirth)
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Champions #1.MU
Mighty Captain Marvel #2
Spider-Woman #16
Astro City #41
Justice League of America #1
Supergirl Being Super #2 (Of 4)
Belfry (One-Shot)
Old Guard #1
Star Trek Green Lantern Vol. 2 #3
Autumnlands TPB Vol. 02 Woodland Creatures
Punisher and Bullseye TPB Deadliest Hits
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 01 The Lies (Rebirth)
Shipping List, February 15, 2017!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Black Panther World of Wakanda #4
Captain America Sam Wilson #19
Captain America Steve Rogers #11
Clone Conspiracy #5 (Of 5)
Daredevil #17
Deadpool #27
Doctor Strange #1.MU
Doctor Strange #17
Gamora #3
Gwenpool #12
Invincible Iron Man #4
Mighty Thor #16
Monsters Unleashed #3 (Of 5)
Patsy Walker aka Hellcat #15
Punisher #9
Silk #17
Spider-Man #13
Star Wars Poe Dameron #11
Star-Lord #3
Ultimates 2 #4
Uncanny Inhumans #19
Uncanny X-Men #18
US Avengers #3
Venom #4
Aquaman #17
Batman #17
Batman/TMNT Adventures #4 (Of 6)
Batwoman Rebirth #1
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #5
Green Arrow #17
Green Lanterns #17
Harley Quinn #14
He Man Thundercats #5 (Of 6)
Injustice Ground Zero #6
Justice League #15
Lucifer #15
Mother Panic #3
Nightwing #15
Raven #6 (Of 6)
Super Sons #1
Superman #17
Teen Titans Go #20
Trinity #6
Unfollow #16
Wild Storm #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #8
Angel Season 11 #2
Archie #17
Buffy Season 11 #4
Dark Horse Presents #31
Dead Inside #3 (Of 5)
Dept H #11
Doctor Who 10th Year Three #2
Ether #4
Forever War #1 (Of 6)
God Country #2
Horizon #8
Invader Zim #17
Invincible #133
James Bond Hammerhead #5 (Of 6)
Kill Or Be Killed #6
Kiss #5
Lumberjanes #35
Manifest Destiny #26
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #12
My Little Pony Friends Forever #37
Postal #18
Sex Criminals #16
Simpsons Comics #237
Spread #19
They’re not like Us #14
TMNT Ongoing #67
Uber Invasion #3
Violent Love #4
Walking Dead #164
WWE #2
X-Files (2016) #9
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batgirl A Celebration of 50 Years HC
Batman The Golden Age TPB Vol. 02
Batman TPB Vol. 01 The Court of Owls
Deadpool and Mercs for Money TPB Vol. 01 Mo Mercs Mo Problems
Deadpool and Secret Defenders TPB
Extraordinary X-Men TPB Vol. 03 Kingdoms Fall
Green Lantern TPB Vol. 08 Reflections
Guardians of the Galaxy HC Vol. 03 New Guard Civil War II
New Lone Wolf and Cub TPB Vol. 11
Rick & Morty TPB Vol. 04
Saga TPB Vol. 02
Saga TPB Vol. 04
Seven to Eternity TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Doctor Strange #1.MU
Star Wars Poe Dameron #11
Batwoman Rebirth #1
Wild Storm #1
Dark Horse Presents #31
Forever War #1 (Of 6)
Deadpool and Secret Defenders TPB
Seven to Eternity TPB Vol. 01
Shipping List, February 8, 2017!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 8, 2017
All New Wolverine #17
Amazing Spider-Man Renew your Vows #4
Black Widow #11
Dark Tower Drawing of Three, Sailor #5 (Of 5)
Deadpool the Duck #3 (Of 5)
Doctor Strange Punisher Magic Bullets #3 (Of 4)
Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme #5
Guardians of the Galaxy #17
Hawkeye #2
IvX #4 (Of 6)
Jessica Jones #5
Kingpin #1
Ms. Marvel #15
Power Man and Iron Fist #13
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #4
Totally Awesome Hulk #16
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #17
Uncanny Inhumans #1.MU
Unworthy Thor #4 (Of 5)
Action Comics #973
All Star Batman #7
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #7
Deadman Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #3 (Of 3)
Deathstroke #12
Detective Comics #950
Earth 2 Society #21
Flash #16
Gotham Academy Second Semester #6
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #14
Justice League of America Rebirth #1
Justice League Power Rangers #2 (Of 6)
Lost Boys #5 (Of 6)
New Super Man #8
Red Hood and the Outlaws #7
Scooby Apocalypse #10
Scooby Doo Where Are You #78
Suicide Squad #11
Supergirl #6
Superwoman #7
Titans #8
Wonder Woman #16
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
All New Fathom #1
AoD/Xena Forever and a Day #5 (Of 6)
Birthright #22
Black Science #28
Blubber #4
Doctor Who 11th Year Three #2
East of West #31
18 Days #20
Homies #4 (Of 4)
James Bond Felix Leiter #2 (Of 6)
John Carter The End #1
Jonesy #10
Mickey Mouse #17
Moonshine #5
Motor Crush #3
Pink Panther Cartoon Hour Special
Red Sonja #2
Samurai Brothers In Arms #6 (Of 6)
Snowfall #8
Sons of Anarchy Redwood Original #7
Southern Cross #11
Spawn #270
Surgeon X #4
Throwaways #5
Torchwood 2 #1
War Stories #22
Wicked & Divine #26
World of Tanks #5
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New All Different Avengers TPB Vol. 03 Civil War
Black History In Its Own Words HC
Earth 2 TPB Vol. 06 Collision
Hal Jordan & GLC TPB Vol. 01 Sinestro’s Law
Invisibles TPB Book 01
JLA Gods and Monsters TPB
Nameless TPB
New Teen Titans TPB Vol. 06
Robin War TPB
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB Empire Vol. 03
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme #5
Kingpin #1
Uncanny Inhumans #1.MU
Deadman Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #3 (Of 3)
Justice League of America Rebirth #1
Superwoman #7
Blubber #4
Pink Panther Cartoon Hour Special
Torchwood 2 #1
All New All Different Avengers TPB Vol. 03 Civil War
Black History In Its Own Words HC
New Teen Titans TPB Vol. 06
Shipping List, February 1, 2017
Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 1, 2017
All New X-Men #1.MU
Avengers #4
Bullseye #1 (Of 5)
Champions #5
Deadpool #26
Deadpool and Mercs for Money #7
Deadpool and Mercs for Money #8
Gwenpool #11
Hawkeye #3
Karnak #6
Monsters Unleashed #2 (Of 5)
Moon Knight #11
Nova #3
Old Man Logan #17
Spider-Man 2099 #20
Star Wars #28
Star Wars Darth Maul #1 (Of 5)
Unstoppable Wasp #2
Aquaman #16
Batman #16
Cyborg #9
DC Comics Bombshells #22
Death of Hawkman #5 (Of 6)
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #6
Flintstones #8
Green Arrow #16
Green Lanterns #16
Harley Quinn #13
Injustice Ground Zero #5
Justice League #14
Midnighter and Apollo #5 (Of 6)
Nightwing #14
Shade the Changing Girl #5
Super Powers #4 (Of 6)
Superman #16
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #61
Baltimore The Red Kingdom #1
Big Trouble in Little China/Escape from New York #5
Deadly Class #26
Doctor Who 12th Year Two #14
Image Plus #10
Invincible #132
Josie & the Pussycats #4
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #50
Nailbiter #29
Paper Girls #11
Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern #1
Star Trek New Visions Sam
Uncle Scrooge #23
Vampirella #0
Walking Dead #163
Spirit Corpse Makers #1 (Of 5)
Woods #29
X-Files (2016) #10
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Detective TPB Vol. 01 Rise of Batmen
Captain Marvel TPB Vol. 02 Civil War II
Civil War II HC
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 23
Harley Quinn and her Gang of Harleys TPB
He-Man & Masters of the Universe Newspaper Comic Strip TPB
Robin Son of Batman TPB Vol. 02 Dawn of the Demons
Scooby Apocalypse TPB Vol. 01
Sheriff of Babylon TPB Vol. 02 Pow Pow Pow
Spider-Gwen HC Vol. 01
Wolverine Old Man Logan HC
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 09 Resurrection
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New X-Men #1.MU
Moon Knight #11
Star Wars Darth Maul #1 (Of 5)
Death of Hawkman #5 (Of 6)
Midnighter and Apollo #5 (Of 6)
Super Powers #4 (Of 6)
Baltimore The Red Kingdom #1
Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern #1
Spirit Corpse Makers #1 (Of 5)
Civil War II HC
Scooby Apocalypse TPB Vol. 01
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 23
Shipping List, January 25, 2017
Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Avengers #1.Mu
Black Panther #10
Captain America Steve Rogers #7
Captain America Steve Rogers #10
Carnage #16
Civil War II Oath #1
Daredevil #16
Deadpool #25
Doctor Strange #16
Enchanted Tiki Room #4 (Of 5)
Extraordinary X-Men #18
Ghost Rider #3
Hulk #2
Infamous Iron Man #4
Ivx #3 (Of 6)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #15
Prowler #4
Punisher #8
Solo #4
Spider-Man Deadpool #1.Mu
Spider-Woman #15
Star Wars #27
Thanos #3
Thunderbolts #9
Totally Awesome Hulk #15
Action Comics #972
Batgirl #7
Batman ‘66 Meets Wonder Woman ‘77 #1 (Of 6)
Batman Beyond #4
Batman TMNT Adventures #3 (Of 6)
Blue Beetle #5
Deathstroke #11
Detective Comics #949
Doom Patrol #4
Flash #15
Frostbite #5 (Of 6)
Future Quest #9
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #13
Hellblazer #6
Justice League of America Killer Frost Rebirth #1
Justice League Suicide Squad #6 (Of 6)
Kamandi Challenge #1 (Of 12)
Looney Tunes #235
Odyssey of the Amazons #1 (Of 6)
Scooby Doo Team Up #22
Suicide Squad #10
Teen Titans #4
Wonder Woman #15
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Defiance #9
Aliens Vs Predator Life and Death #2
Betty Boop #4 (Of 4)
Briggs Land #6
Buffy Season 11 #3
D4veocracy #1
Dante One-Shot
Dead Inside #2 (Of 5)
Dept H #10
Darkwing Duck #7
Elfquest Final Quest #18
Ether #3
Harrow County #20
Hellboy Winter Special 2017 One Shot
Hillbilly #5
Kiss Demon #1 (Of 4)
Letter 44 #29
Loose Ends #1 (Of 4)
Lumberjanes #34
My Little Pony Friends Forever #36
Optimus Prime #3
Over the Garden Wall Ongoing #10
Power Rangers Pink #6
Reborn #4
Red Team Double Tap #7 (Of 9)
Revival #46
Rick & Morty #22
Saga #42
Serenity No Power in the Verse #4 (Of 6)
She Wolf #5
Simpsons Illustrated #27
Skybourne #3
Slayer Repentless #1 (Of 3)
Star Trek Green Lantern Vol. 2 #2
Surgeon X #5
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #102
TMNT Ongoing #66
Tomb Raider 2016 #12
Uber Invasion #2
Wayward #20
Wonder Woman ‘77/Bionic Woman #2 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Arkham Manbat TPB
Black Monday Murders TPB Vol. 01 All Hail God Mammon
Deadpool Beginnings Omnibus HC
Green Lanterns TPB Vol. 01 Rage Planet
Harrow County TPB Vol. 04 Family Tree
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB By Force of Arms
Neil Gaiman’s Forbidden Brides Slaves Dread Desire TPB
Nightwing TPB Vol. 01 Better Than Batman
Paper Girls TPB Vol. 02
Punisher Max Complete Collection TPB Vol. 05
Spider-Man Complete Clone Saga Epic TPB Vol. 02
Superman Batman Saga of the Super Sons TPB
Thief of Thieves TPB Vol. 06
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Civil War II Oath #1
Spider-Man Deadpool #1.Mu
Thanos #3
Batman ‘66 Meets Wonder Woman ‘77 #1 (Of 6)
Justice League of America Killer Frost Rebirth #1
Kamandi Challenge #1 (Of 12)
D4veocracy #1
Kiss Demon #1 (Of 4)
Loose Ends #1 (Of 4)
Black Monday Murders TPB Vol. 01 All Hail God Mammon
Deadpool Beginnings Omnibus HC
Superman Batman Saga of the Super Sons TPB