Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 9, 2016
All New X-Men #15
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #1
Avengers #1.1
Black Panther World of Wakanda #1
Captain America Steve Rogers #7
Casanova Acedia #7
Clone Conspiracy #2 (Of 5)
Daredevil #13
Dark Tower Drawing of Three Sailor #2 (Of 5)
Deadpool Back In Black #3 (Of 5)
Gwenpool #8
Invincible Iron Man #1
Mosaic #2
Power Man and Iron Fist #10
Solo #2
Spider-Man Deadpool #11
Star Wars Poe Dameron #8
Ultimates #12
Uncanny Avengers #16
Uncanny X-Men #15
Action Comics #967
All Star Batman #4
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #4
Batman/TMNT Adventures #1 (Of 6)
Clean Room #13
Deathstroke #6
Detective Comics #944
Doom Patrol #3
Earth 2 Society #18
Gotham Academy Second Semester #3
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #8
Lost Boys #2 (Of 6)
Mother Panic #1
New Super Man #5
Red Hood and the Outlaws #4
Scooby Apocalypse #7
Supergirl #3
Superwoman #4
Vigilante Southland #1 (Of 6)
Wonder Woman #10
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #58
Betty & Veronica #2
Betty Boop #2
Cannibal #2
Cavewoman Ankhas Revenge #1 (Of 3)
Chimichanga Sorrow of World’s Worst Face #2 (Of 4)
Donald Duck #18
Flash #10
18 Days #17
Fuse #23
Glitterbomb #3
Homies #2 (Of 4)
James Bond #11
James Bond Hammerhead #2 (Of 6)
Jonesy #8
Lumberjanes Gotham Academy #6
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #48
Resident Alien #3 (Of 4) Man with No Name
Serenity No Power In The Verse #1 (Of 6)
Sonic the Hedgehog #288
Sons of Anarchy Redwood Original #4
Spongebob Comics #62
Star Trek Boldly Go #2
Strain Mr. Quinlan Vampire Hunter #3 (Of 5)
The Inspector Pink Files #1
Violent Love #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Civil War II Choosing Sides TPB
Civil War II Gods of War TPB
Days Missing HC Vol. 03 Enox
DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics Justice League TPB
Deadpool V Gambit TPB V Is For Vs
Green Lantern Corps Edge of Oblivion TPB
Rocket Raccoon and Groot TPB Vol. 02
Sandman Overture TPB
Sugar & Spike Metahuman Investigations TPB
Tank Girl 2 Girls 1 Tank TPB
Unbelievable Gwenpool TPB Vol. 01 Believe It
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Black Panther World of Wakanda #1
Invincible Iron Man #1
Uncanny Avengers #16
Batman/TMNT Adventures #1 (Of 6)
Mother Panic #1
Vigilante Southland #1 (Of 6)
Cavewoman Ankhas Revenge #1 (Of 3)
Resident Alien #3 (Of 4) Man with No Name
The Inspector Pink Files #1
Sandman Overture TPB
Tank Girl 2 Girls 1 Tank TPB
Unbelievable Gwenpool TPB Vol. 01 Believe It
Author Archives: shudlow
Shipping List, November 2, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Avengers #1
Champions #2
Deadpool and Mercs for Money #5
Death of X #3 (Of 4)
Foolkiller #1
Moon Knight #8
Occupy Avengers #1
Scarlet Witch #12
Spider-Man 2099 #17
Spider-Woman #13
Spidey #12
Unworthy Thor #1 (Of 5)
Aquaman #10
Batman #10
Batman 66 meets Steed and Mrs. Peel #5 (Of 6)
Catwoman Election Night #1
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #1
Cyborg #4
DC Comics Bombshells #19
Death of Hawkman #2 (Of 6)
Doom Patrol #2
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #3
Flintstones #5
Green Arrow #10
Green Arrow #9
Green Lanterns #10
Harley Quinn #6
Harley Quinn #7
Justice League #8
Midnighter and Apollo #2 (Of 6)
Nightwing #8
Red Thorn #12
Shade the Changing Girl #2
Sheriff of Babylon #12 (Of 12)
Superman #10
Unfollow #13
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
American Monster #5
AoD/Xena Forever and a Day #2 (Of 6)
Big Trouble in Little China/Escape from New York #2
Bitch Planet #9
CBLDF Liberty Annual 2016
Cinema Purgatorio #6
Deadly Class #23
Eden’s Fall #3
Invader Zim #14
Josie & The Pussycats #2
Motor Girl #1
Nailbiter #26
Revival #44
Rise of the Black Flame #3 (Of 5)
Sonic Mega Drive Next Level One Shot
Southern Bastards #15
Strange Fruit #4
Walking Dead #160
Wicked & Divine #23
Woods #27
World of Tanks #2
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time TPB Vol. 10
Aleister & Adolf HC
Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man TPB
Complete Elfquest TPB Vol. 03
Dark Knight III Master Race #6 Collector’s Edition
DC Super Hero Girls TPB Vol. 02 Hits and Myths
Extraordinary X-Men TPB Vol. 02 Apocalypse Wars
Jingle Belle Whole Package TPB
Lady Killer TPB Vol. 01
Ms. Marvel Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Muhammad Ali HC
My Little Pony Friends Forever Omnibus TPB Vol. 01
Nailbiter TPB Vol. 05 Bound by Blood
Northlanders TPB Book 02 The Icelandic Saga
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta HC Book 01
Treasury of 20th Century Murder HC Vol. 03
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl HC Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers #1
Scarlet Witch #12
Unworthy Thor #1 (Of 5)
Catwoman Election Night #1
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #3
Justice League #8
Big Trouble in Little China/Escape from New York #2
Motor Girl #1
Sonic Mega Drive Next Level One Shot
Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man TPB
DC Super Hero Girls TPB Vol. 02 Hits and Myths
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta HC Book 01
Shipping List, October 26, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Agents of Shield #10
All New All Different Avengers #15
Captain America Steve Rogers #6
Civil War II #6
Deadpool #21
Deadpool Vs Gambit #5 (Of 5)
Doctor Strange Mystic Apprentice #1
Doctor Strange Sorcerers Supreme #1
Extraordinary X-Men #15
Guardians of Galaxy #13
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #12
Ms. Marvel #12
New Avengers #17
Nighthawk #6
Prowler #1
Punisher Annual #1
Silver Surfer #7
Spider-Man Deadpool #10
Star Wars #24
Star Wars Poe Dameron #7
Totally Awesome Hulk #11
Ultimates #12
Venom Space Knight #13
Vision #12
Action Comics #966
Batgirl #4
Batman Beyond #1
Blue Beetle #2
Deathstroke #5
Detective Comics #943
Doctor Fate #17
Flash #9
Frostbite #2 (Of 6)
Future Quest #6
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #7
Hellblazer #3
Scooby Doo Team Up #19
Suicide Squad #5
Teen Titans #1
Titans #4
Vigilante Southland #1 (Of 6)
Wonder Woman #9
Wonder Woman 75th Anniversary Special #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Defiance #6
Birthright #20
Chew #59
Descender #16
Doctor Who 10th Year Two #15
Elephantmen #73
Image Plus #7
Invisible Republic #12
Judge Dredd (Ongoing) #11
Jughead #10
Lucas Stand #5
Lumberjanes #31
Mae #6
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #8
My Little Pony Friends Forever #33
Odyc #12
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #22
Over the Garden Wall Ongoing #7
Postal #16
Renato Jones One Percent #5
Rick & Morty #19
Saga #39
Serenity No Power in the Verse #1 (Of 6)
Seven to Eternity #2
Sombra #4 (Of 4)
Sonic Universe #91
Spookhouse #1
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #19
Surgeon X #2
Thief of Thieves #36
TMNT Universe #3
Wayward #17
Witchfinder City of the Dead #3
X-Files Origins #3 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Black Widow TPB Vol. 01 Shield’s Most Wanted
Captain America TPB White
Carnage TPB Vol. 02 World Tour
Casanova Complete Edition HC Vol. 01 Luxuria
Deadpool Worlds Greatest TPB Vol. 04 Temporary Insanity
East of West TPB Vol. 06
Flash by Geoff Johns TPB Book 03
Get Jiro Blood and Sushi TPB
International Iron Man HC
Moebius Library World of Edena HC
Midnight Days TPB
Nightwing TPB Vol. 05 The Hunt for Oracle
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta TPB Vol. 02
Signature Art of Brian Stelfreeze HC
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB Original Marvel Years
Superman The Final Days of Superman HC
Tomb Raider 2016 TPB Vol. 01 Spore
Tonoharu HC Part Three
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Doctor Strange Mystic Apprentice #1
Batman Beyond #1
Serenity No Power in the Verse #1 (Of 6)
Shipping List, October 19, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 19, 2016
A-Force #10
All New X-Men #14
Amazing Spider-Man #20
Astonishing Ant-Man #13
Black Panther #7
Black Widow #7
Captain America Sam Wilson #14
Carnage #13
Civil War II #5
Civil War II Kingpin #4 (Of 4)
Deadpool Back in Black #2 (Of 5)
Deadpool Too Soon #1 (Of 4)
Death of X #1 (Of 4)
Death of X #2 (Of 4)
Doctor Strange #13
Infamous Iron Man #1
Mighty Thor #12
Mockingbird #8
Patsy Walker aka Hellcat #11
Powers #7
Silk #13
Spider-Gwen #13
Spider-Woman #12
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #13
Uncanny Inhumans #14
X-Men 92 #8
Aquaman #9
Astro City #40
Batman #9
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #1
Cyborg #3
Dark Knight III Master Race #6
Green Arrow #9
Green Lanterns #9
Harley Quinn #5
Harley Quinn #6
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five #20
Justice League #7
Lucifer #11
Nightwing #7
Raven #2 (Of 6)
Suicide Squad Most Wanted #3 (Of 6)
Superman #9
Trinity #2
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #4
Aliens Life and Death #2 (Of 4)
Archie #13
Beauty #11
Black Hammer #4
BPRD Hell on Earth #146
Bunker #19
Dark Horse Presents #27
Dept H #7
Doctor Who 12th Year Two #10
Doctor Who 3rd #2 (Of 5)
Doctor Who Supremacy of the Cybermen #4 (Of 5)
Evil Ernie Godeater #3 (Of 5)
Garth Ennis Red Team Double Tap #4 (Of 9)
Ghostbusters International #10
Godzilla Rage across Time #3 (Of 5)
Hadrians Wall #2
Harrow County #17
Hellboy and BPRD 1954 #2 (Of 2)
Herobear and the Kid 2016 Fall Special #1
Homies #1 (Of 4)
Horizon #4
I Hate Fairyland #10
Invader Zim #14
Kiss #1
Love & Rockets Magazine #1
Manifest Destiny #24
Midnight of the Soul #5 (Of 5)
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #47
Pink Panther Trick or Pink #1
Power Rangers Pink #4
Powerpuff Girls (2016) #4
Rick & Morty Lil Poopy Superstar #4 (Of 5)
Rumble #15
Samurai Brothers in Arms #2 (Of 6)
Simpsons Comics #233
Snowfall #6
Spread #17
Star Trek Boldly Go #1
Symmetry #8
Throwaways #4
Tomb Raider 2016 #9
Usagi Yojimbo #158
War Stories #20
Weird Detective #5 (Of 5)
X-Files (2016) #7
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New Inhumans TPB Vol. 02 Skyspears
All New Wolverine TPB Vol. 02 Civil War II
Aquaman A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Bandette HC Vol. 03 House of the Green Mask
Buffy High School Years Glutton Punishment TPB
Captain Marvel TPB Vol. 02 Earths Mightiest Hero
Casanova Acedia TPB Vol. 01
Daredevil Punisher TPB Seventh Circle
Doctor Strange TPB Separate Reality
Fifth Beatle Brian Epstein Story TPB
Girl who kicked the Hornets Nest TPB
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 09 Outbreak
Hellboy and the BPRD 1952 TPB
Jingle Belle Whole Package TPB
Johnny Homicidal Maniac TPB
Legendary Star-Lord TPB Vol. 04 Out of Orbit
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta TPB Vol. 01
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta TPB Vol. 03
Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Vol. 46
Paper Girls TPB Vol. 01
Predator Life and Death TPB
Squee TPB
Strain HC Vol. 01
Supergirl by Peter David TPB Book 01
Teen Titans Go Bring It On TPB
Tick Big Blue Destiny Comp Works TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool Too Soon #1 (Of 4)
Death of X #2 (Of 4)
Infamous Iron Man #1
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye #1
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five #20
Suicide Squad Most Wanted #3 (Of 6)
Doctor Who Supremacy of the Cybermen #4 (Of 5)
Kiss #1
Pink Panther Trick or Pink #1
Aquaman A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Doctor Strange TPB Separate Reality
Paper Girls TPB Vol. 01
Shipping List, October 12, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Civil War II Ulysses #3 (Of 3)
Clone Conspiracy #1 (Of 5)
Daredevil #12
Dark Tower Drawing of Three Sailor #1 (Of 5)
Darth Vader #25
Deadpool #20
Great Lakes Avengers #1
Gwenpool #7
Howard the Duck #11
Moon Knight #7
Mosaic #1
Old Man Logan #12
Power Man and Iron Fist #9
Punisher #6
Solo #1
Star Wars Han Solo #4 (Of 5)
Thunderbolts #6
Ultimates #11
Uncanny Avengers #15
Action Comics #965
All Star Batman #3
American Vampire Anthology #2
Batgirl #3
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #3
Deathstroke #4
Detective Comics #942
Doom Patrol #2
Earth 2 Society #17
Flash #7
Flash #8
Gotham Academy Second Semester #2
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #5
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #6
Lost Boys #1 (Of 6)
New Super Man #4
Red Hood and the Outlaws #3
Scooby Apocalypse #6
Scooby Doo Where Are You #74
Shade The Changing Girl #1
Sheriff of Babylon #11 (Of 12)
Suicide Squad #4
Supergirl #2
Superwoman #3
Teen Titans Go #18
Unfollow #12
Wonder Woman #8
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #57
Black Monday Murders #1
Black Monday Murders #3
Black Science #25
Bobs Burgers Ongoing #16
Briggs Land #3
Cavewoman Shattered Time #1 (Of 2)
Cavewoman Trouble For Two #1
Cinema Purgatorio #6
Fix #6
Fuse #22
Glitterbomb #2
Hillbilly #3
James Bond Hammerhead #1 (Of 6)
Jonesy #7
Josie & the Pussycats #1
Jupiter’s Legacy Vol. 2 #4 (Of 5)
Kill or be Killed #1
Kill or be Killed #3
Lazarus #25
Letter 44 #28
Lumberjanes Gotham Academy #5
Mickey Mouse Shorts Season 1 #4 (Of 4)
Monstress #7
October Faction Deadly Season #1
Reborn #1
Resident Alien The Man with No Name #2 (Of 4)
Sex #32
Sonic the Hedgehog #287
Sons of Anarchy Redwood Original #3
Southern Cross #8
Spongebob Comics #61
Strain Mr. Quinlan Vampire Hunter #2 (Of 5)
TMNT Ongoing #63
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New All Different Avengers TPB Vol. 02 Family Business
All New X-Men Inevitable TPB Vol. 02 Apocalypse Wars
Batman by Ed Brubaker TPB Vol. 02
Catwoman TPB Vol. 08 Run Like Hell
Cheap Novelties Pleasures of Urban Decay HC
Convergence TPB
Daredevil Back In Black TPB Vol. 02 Supersonic
Dark Tower Drawing of Three TPB Bitter Medicine
Extraordinary X-Men TPB Vol. 02 Apocalypse Wars
Fade Out HC
Garden of Flesh HC
Godzilla Oblivion TPB
Hellboy in Hell TPB Vol. 02 Death Card
Justice League United TPB Vol. 02 The Infinitus Saga
Last Gang In Town TPB
Punisher Max TPB Complete Collection Vol. 03
Red Hood/Arsenal TPB Vol. 02 Devil’s Daughter
Spider-Man Complete Clone Saga TPB Book 01
Street Fighter X/GI Joe TPB
Superman American Alien HC
Tokyo Ghost TPB Vol. 02
Troll Bridge HC
Walt Disney Archives Collection Jiminy Cricket Maquette
We Are Robin TPB Vol. 02 Jokers
Wolverine Old Man Logan TPB Vol. 02 Bordertown
X-Men Apocalypse Wars HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Clone Conspiracy #1 (Of 5)
Great Lakes Avengers #1
Solo #1
Doom Patrol #2
Lost Boys #1 (Of 6)
Suicide Squad #4
James Bond Hammerhead #1 (Of 6)
Kill or be Killed #3
Southern Cross #8
Convergence TPB
Godzilla Oblivion TPB
Punisher Max TPB Complete Collection Vol. 03
Shipping List, October 5, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 5, 2016
All New Wolverine #13
Amazing Spider-Man #19
Cage #1 (Of 4)
Champions #1
Civil War Ii #5
Deadpool and Mercs For Money #4
Deadpool Back In Black #1 (Of 5)
Deadpool Vs Gambit #4 (Of 5)
Death Of X #1 (Of 4)
Doctor Strange #12
Enchanted Tiki Room #1 (Of 5)
Invincible Iron Man #14
Jessica Jones #1
Scarlet Witch #11
Spider-Man 2099 #16
Spidey #11
Squadron Supreme #12
Aquaman #8
Art Ops #12
Batman #8
Batman 66 meets Steed and Mrs. Peel #4 (Of 6)
Clean Room #12
Cyborg #2
DC Comics Bombshells #18
Deadman Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1 (Of 3)
Death of Hawkman #1 (Of 6)
Everafter from the pages of Fables #2
Flintstones #4
Future Quest #5
Green Arrow #8
Green Lanterns #8
Harley Quinn #5
He Man/Thundercats #1 (Of 6)
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five #19
Uncanny X-Men #14
Justice League #6
Looney Tunes #233
Midnighter and Apollo #1 (Of 6)
Nightwing #6
Shade the Changing Girl #1
Suiciders Kings of Hella #6 (Of 6)
Superman #8
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Army of Darkness/Xena Forever and a Day #1 (Of 6)
Archie #12
Archie Meets Ramones One Shot
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #13
Betty Boop #1
Big Trouble Little China Escape New York #1
Cannibal #1
Doctor Who 9th #6
Evil Ernie Godeater #3 (Of 5)
Ghostbusters International #9
Godzilla Rage Across Time #2 (Of 5)
18 Days #16
Jackboot & Ironheel #3 (Of 4)
James Bond #10
Midnight of the Soul #5 (Of 5)
Moonshine #1
Paper Girls #10
Red One #4
Revival #43
Rise of the Black Flame #2 (Of 5)
Shadow Death of Margo Lane #5 (Of 5)
Shipwreck #1
Spawn #266
Strange Attractors #5
Super F*Ckers Forever #3 (Of 5)
TMNT Universe #2
Transformers #57
Uncle Scrooge #19
Walking Dead #159
Woods #26
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Black Dog Dreams of Paul Nash TPB
Black Road TPB Vol. 01
Charles Burns Last Look HC
Doctor Strange HC Vol. 02 Last Days of Magic
Elseworlds Batman TPB Vol. 02
Garden of Flesh HC
Grayson TPB Vol. 04 A Ghost in the Tomb
Green Lantern The Silver Age TPB Vol. 01
Hawkeye HC Vol. 03
My Little Pony TPB Vol. 05 Crystal Empire
Solstice HC
Swamp Thing The Dead Don’t Sleep TPB
TMNT Ongoing TPB Vol. 15 Leatherhead
Trees TPB Vol. 02
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe TPB
Vote Loki TPB
Walking Dead 2017 Calendar
Walking Dead HC Vol. 13
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Cage #1 (Of 4)
Champions #1
Deadpool Back in Black #1 (Of 5)
Deadman Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1 (Of 3)
Death of Hawkman #1 (Of 6)
Midnighter and Apollo #1 (Of 6)
Archie Meets Ramones One Shot
Moonshine #1
Paper Girls #10
Charles Burns Last Look HC
Green Lantern The Silver Age TPB Vol. 01
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe TPB
Shipping List, September 28, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 28, 2016
All New X-Men #13
Captain America Sam Wilson #13
Captain America Steve Rogers #5
Captain Marvel #9
Civil War II Gods of War #4 (Of 4)
Civil War Ii Kingpin #3 (Of 4)
Deadpool #19
Deadpool Annual #1
Doctor Strange Annual #1
Extraordinary X-Men #14
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #11
Ms. Marvel #11
New Avengers #16
Nighthawk #5
Nova #11
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #10
Spider-Gwen #12
Spider-Man Deadpool #9
Spider-Woman #11
Star Wars #23
Thunderbolts #5
Totally Awesome Hulk #10
Ultimates #11
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #12
Web Warriors #11
X-Men 92 #7
Action Comics #964
Astro City #39
Batgirl #3
Batman Beyond Rebirth #1
Blue Beetle #1
DC Comics Bombshells #17
Deathstroke #3
Detective Comics #941
Flash #7
Frostbite #1 (Of 6)
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #5
Harley Quinn and her Gang of Harleys #6 (Of 6)
Hellblazer #2
Nightwing #4
Scooby Doo Team Up #18
Sixpack & Dogwelder Hard-Travelin Heroz #2 (Of 6)
Suicide Squad #3
Teen Titans Rebirth #1
Titans #3
Unfollow #11
Wacky Raceland #4 (Of 6)
Wonder Woman #7
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Comics #3
Aliens Defiance #5
Briggs Land #2
Buffy Season 10 #30
Deadly Class #22
Descender #15
Disney Darkwing Duck #5
Doctor Who 11th Year Two #13
Doctor Who 12th Year Two #9
Doctor Who 4th #5 (Of 5)
Doctor Who Supremacy of the Cybermen #3 (Of 5)
Dream Police #12
Eden’s Fall #2
Elfquest Final Quest #16
Fone Bone 4-in Vinyl Figure
Glitterbomb #1
Hillbilly #3
Image Plus #1 (Walking Dead Here’s Negan Pt 1)
Image Plus #6 (Walking Dead Here’s Negan Pt 6)
Josie & The Pussycats #1
Leaving Megalopolis Surviving Megalopolis #6
Lumberjanes #30
Mae #5
Munchkin #21
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #46
Odyc #11
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #21
Over Garden Wall Ongoing #6
Postal #15
Prometheus Life and Death #4
Rick & Morty #18
Saga #38
Sex #31
Simpsons Illustrated #25
Skybourne #1
Snotgirl #3
Sombra #3 (Of 4)
Sonic Universe #90
Strawberry Shortcake #6
Surgeon X #1
Tank Girl Gold #1 (Of 4)
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #100
Thief of Thieves #35
Transformers #57
Walking Dead #157
Walt Disney Comics & Stories #734
Wayward #16
Witchfinder City of the Dead #2
X-Files Origins #2
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New All Different Avengers TPB Vol. 02 Family Business
Black Panther Epic Collection TPB Panther’s Rage
Captain America Sam Wilson TPB Vol. 02 Standoff
Cheap Novelties Pleasures of Urban Decay HC
Dear Creature HC
Doctor Who 9th TPB Vol. 01 Weapons Of Past Destruction
Green Lantern TPB Vol. 07 Renegade
Sandman TPB Vol. 03 Dream Country
Sandman TPB Vol. 04 Season of Mists
Spider-Man Complete Clone Saga Epic TPB Book 01
Superman TPB Vol. 01 Before Truth
Think Tank TPB Vol. 04 Creative Destruction
Wonder Woman The True Amazon HC
X-Men Apocalypse Wars HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Civil War Ii Kingpin #3 (Of 4)
Deadpool Annual #1
Doctor Strange Annual #1
Batman Beyond Rebirth #1
Teen Titans Rebirth #1
Wacky Raceland #4 (Of 6)
Disney Darkwing Duck #5
Surgeon X #1
Transformers #57
Black Panther Epic Collection TPB Panther’s Rage
Cheap Novelties Pleasures of Urban Decay HC
Wonder Woman The True Amazon HC
Shipping List, September 21, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Agents of Shield #9
All New Wolverine #12
Amazing Spider-Man #18
Astonishing Ant-Man #12
Carnage #12
Civil War II #5
Civil War II Choosing Sides #6 (Of 6)
Civil War II X-Men #4 (Of 4)
Deadpool Vs Gambit #5 (Of 5)
Empress #6 (Of 7)
Extraordinary X-Men Annual #1
Guardians of the Galaxy #12
International Iron Man #7
Karnak #5
Mighty Thor #11
Patsy Walker aka Hellcat #10
Power Man and Iron Fist #8
Punisher #5
Silk #12
Star Wars Han Solo #3 (Of 5)
Uncanny X-Men #13
Venom Space Knight #12
Vision #11
Vote Loki #4
Aquaman #7
Batman #7
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Directors Cut
Cyborg #1
Cyborg Rebirth #1
DC Comics Bombshells Annual #1
Doctor Fate #16
Green Arrow #7
Green Lanterns #7
Harley Quinn #4
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five #18
Justice League #5
Lucifer #10
Nightwing #5
Raven #1 (Of 6)
Red Thorn #11
Suicide Squad Most Wanted El Diablo & Boomerang #2
Superman #7
Trinity #1
Wonder Woman 77 Special #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Etc.
Adventure Time 2016 Spoooktacular #1
Aliens Life and Death #1 (Of 4)
Archie #12
Black Hammer #3
BPRD Hell on Earth #145
Cavewoman My Little Dino
Chew #58
Crossed Plus 100 #18
Dark Horse Presents #26
Demonic #2 (Of 6)
Dept H #6
Donald Duck #17
Dresden Files Wild Card #6 (Of 6)
Hellboy and BPRD 1954 #1 (Of 2) Black Sun
Horizon #3
I Hate Fairyland #9
Invader Zim #13
Invisible Republic #11
Jackboot & Ironheel #2 (Of 4)
Judge Dredd (Ongoing) #10
Lucas Stand #4
Manifest Destiny #23
Mickey Mouse Shorts Season 1 #3 (Of 4)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #7
My Little Pony Friends Forever #32
Red Team Double Tap #3 (Of 9)
Rick & Morty Lil Poopy Superstar #3 (Of 5)
Ringside #7
Rumble #14
Saga #37
Seven To Eternity #1
Sex #31
She Wolf #4
Simpsons Treehouse of Horror #22
Star Trek New Visions Special Swarm
Strange Attractors #4
Super F*Ckers Forever #2 (Of 5)
TMNT Amazing Adventures #14
TMNT Ongoing #62
Tomb Raider 2016 #8
Uncle Scrooge #18
Weird Detective #4 (Of 5)
Wicked & Divine 1831 One Shot
Xena Warrior Princess #6
X-Files (2016) #6
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventures of Supergirl TPB
Amazing Spider-Man and Silk TPB Spiderfly Effect
Astonishing Ant-Man TPB Vol. 02 Small Time Criminal
Batman HC Vol. 09 Bloom
Black Magick TPB Vol. 01 Awakening Part One
Captain America Epic Collection TPB Coming of the Falcon
Constantine The Hellblazer TPB Vol. 02 The Art of the Deal
Crossed TPB Vol. 01
Doctor Strange Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Fables Deluxe Edition HC Vol. 13
Justice League HC Vol. 07 Darkseid War Part 1
Justice League HC Vol. 08 Darkseid War Part 2
Justice League TPB Vol. 07 Darkseid War Part 1
Power Man and Iron Fist TPB Vol. 01 Boys Are Back In Town
Rick & Morty TPB Vol. 03
Rocket Raccoon and Groot TPB Vol. 00 Bite and Bark
TMNT Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything TPB
Usagi Yojimbo Saga TPB Vol. 07
X-Men Fatal Attractions TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Civil War II #5
Extraordinary X-Men Annual #1
Patsy Walker aka Hellcat #10
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Directors Cut
Cyborg #1
Raven #1 (Of 6)
Aliens Life and Death #1 (Of 4)
Hellboy and BPRD 1954 #1 (Of 2) Black Sun
Wicked & Divine 1831 One Shot
Black Magick TPB Vol. 01 Awakening Part One
Doctor Strange Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Fables Deluxe Edition HC Vol. 13
Shipping List, September 14, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 14, 2016
A-Force #9
All New Inhumans #11
All New X-Men #13
Amazing Spider-Man #17
Black Panther #6
Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #4 (Of 4)
Civil War II Gods of War #4 (Of 4)
Civil War II Ulysses #2 (Of 3)
Deadpool #18
Gwenpool #6
Mockingbird #7
Old Man Logan #11
Spider-Man #8
Spider-Man 2099 #15
Uncanny Avengers #14
Uncanny Inhumans #13
Action Comics #963
All Star Batman #2
Astro City #38
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #2
Batman 66 meets Steed and Mrs. Peel #3 (Of 6)
Dark Knight III The Master Race #1
DC Comics Bombshells #17
Deathstroke #2
Detective Comics #940
Doom Patrol #1
Earth 2 Society #16
Flash #6
Gotham Academy Second Semester #1
Green Lanterns #6
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #4
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five #17
New Super Man #2
New Super Man #3
Red Hood and the Outlaws #2
Scooby Apocalypse #5
Suicide Squad #2
Superwoman #2
Teen Titans #24
Wonder Woman #6
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #56
Birthright #19
Black Monday Murders #2
Black Science #24
Bobs Burgers Ongoing #15
Briggs Land #2
Cavewoman My Little Dino
Cinema Purgatorio #5
Doctor Who 10th Year Two #14
Doctor Who 3rd #1 (Of 5)
Doctor Who Supremacy of the Cybermen #3 (Of 5)
Eden’s Fall #1
Fix #5
Hadrian’s Wall #1
Harrow County #16
House of Penance #6 (Of 6)
Jonesy #6
Jughead #9
Lady Killer 2 #2
Letter 44 #27
Lumberjanes Gotham Academy #4
Power Rangers Pink #3
Powerpuff Girls (2016) #3
Prometheus Life and Death #4
Resident Alien The Man with No Name #1 (Of 4)
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #9
Samurai Brothers in Arms #1 (Of 6)
Scarlet Witch #10
Sonic the Hedgehog #286
Sons of Anarchy Redwood Original #2
Southern Cross #7
Spongebob Comics #60
Spread #16
Strain Mr. Quinlan Vampire Hunter #1 (Of 5)
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #18
Symmetry #7
Throwaways #3
Tokyo Ghost #10
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Chimichanga HC
Daredevil Back In Black TPB Vol. 02 Supersonic
Fix TPB Vol. 01
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 06 Last Action Hero
Harley Quinn HC Vol. 05 The Joker’s Last Laugh
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 04 A Call to Arms
Harrow County TPB Vol. 03 Snake Doctor
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TPB Vol. 01
Punisher War Journal by Carl Potts and Jim Lee TPB
Sadistic Magician TPB Vol. 01 Jim Mahfood Sketchbook
Suicide Squad Most Wanted Katana TPB
Treasury 20th Century Murder HC Vol. 06 Stanford White
Violent TPB Vol. 01 Blood like Tar
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 26 Call to Arms
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 08 Twist of Fate
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New X-Men #13
Old Man Logan #11
Gotham Academy Second Semester #1
Strain Mr. Quinlan Vampire Hunter #1 (Of 5)
Chimichanga HC
Shipping List, September 7, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 7, 2016
All New All Different Avengers #14
Daredevil #11
Deadpool and Mercs for Money #3
Doctor Strange #11
Invincible Iron Man #13
Moon Knight #6
Silk #12
Spidey #10
Squadron Supreme #11
Star Wars Poe Dameron #6
Uncanny Inhumans Annual #1
Uncanny X-Men #12
Aquaman #6
Batman #6
Batman Beyond #16
Bloodlines #6 (Of 6) Ground Zero
Cyborg Rebirth #1
Everafter From the Pages of Fables #1
Flintstones #3
Green Arrow #6
Harley Quinn #3
Justice League #4
Nightwing #4
Scooby Doo Where Are You #73
Sheriff of Babylon #10 (Of 12)
Supergirl #1
Superman #6
Unfollow #11
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Beauty #10
Buffy Season 10 #30
Crossed Plus 100 #18
Doctor Who 9th #5
Drifter #14
Eclipse #1
18 Days #15
Evil Ernie Godeater #2 (Of 5)
Fuse #21
Glitterbomb #1
Godzilla Rage across Time #1 (Of 5)
Kill or be Killed #2
Mercury Heat #11
Midnight of the Soul #4 (Of 5)
Nailbiter #25
Nowhere Men #11
Paper Girls #9
Red One #3
Revival #42
Rick & Morty Lil Poopy Superstar #2 (Of 5)
Rise of the Black Flame #1 (Of 5)
Sex #31
Shadow Death of Margo Lane #4 (Of 5)
Skybourne #1
Strange Attractors #4
Walking Dead #158
Woods #25
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Arkham Poison Ivy TPB
Batman HC Vol. 09 Bloom
Batman TPB Vol. 08 Superheavy
Criminal TPB Vol. 07 Wrong Time, Wrong Place
Disney Rosa Duck Library HC Vol. 05 Richest Duck
Doctor Who 12th TPB Vol. 02 Fractures
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 22
Lost Work of Will Eisner TPB
New Lone Wolf and Cub TPB Vol. 10
New Romancer TPB
Plants Vs Zombies Petal to the Metal HC
Poison Ivy Cycle of Life and Death TPB
Revival TPB Vol. 07 Forward
Robin Son of Batman TPB Vol. 01 Year of Blood
Secret Wars TPB
Sonic Boom TPB Vol. 01 Big Boom
Spider-Man Miles Morales TPB Vol. 01
Star Wars Episode II Attack of Clones HC
Star Wars HC Vol. 01
Supergirl Friends and Fugitives TPB
Teen Titans TPB Vol. 03 The Sum of its Parts
Thor by Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman HC Vol. 0
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Moon Knight #6
Deadpool and Mercs for Money #3
Uncanny Inhumans Annual #1
Cyborg Rebirth #1
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #1
Supergirl #1
Glitterbomb #1
Godzilla Rage across Time #1 (Of 5)
Rise of the Black Flame #1 (Of 5)
Disney Rosa Duck Library HC Vol. 05 Richest Duck
Robin Son of Batman TPB Vol. 01 Year of Blood
Star Wars HC Vol. 01