Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Agents of Shield #2
All New All Different Avengers #5
All New Hawkeye #4
All New Wolverine #5
All New X-Men #4
Captain America Sam Wilson #5
Darth Vader #16
Deadpool #7
Drax #3
Guardians of the Galaxy #5
Illuminati #4
Ms Marvel #4
New Avengers #6
Old Man Logan #2
Red Wolf #3
Silk #4
Spider-Gwen #5
Spider-Man 2099 #6
Spider-Man Deadpool #2
Totally Awesome Hulk #3
Ultimates #4
Weirdworld #3
Batman #49
Batman 66 Meets the Man from Uncle #3 (Of 6)
Batman and Robin Eternal #19
Batman Arkham Knight Batgirl and Harley Quinn #1
Batman Superman #29
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 (Of 6)
Black Canary #8
Catwoman #49
Constantine the Hellblazer #9
Dark and Bloody #1 (Of 6)
DC Comics Bombshells #9
Earth 2 Society #9
Fables The Wolf Among Us #14
Flash #48
Gotham Academy #15
Green Lantern Corps Edge of Oblivion #2 (Of 6)
Harleys Little Black Book #2
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five #3
Legend of Wonder Woman #1 (Of 9)
Legend of Wonder Woman #2 (Of 9)
New Romancer #3 (Of 12)
New Suicide Squad #17
Red Hood Arsenal #9
Scooby Doo Where Are You #66
Slash & Burn #4
Starfire #9
Telos #5
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #31
Adventure Time #49
Alabaster The Good The Bad & The Bird #3
Aliens Vampirella #6 (Of 6)
Arcadia #8
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #9
Badger #1 (Of 5)
Black Jack Ketchum #3 (Of 4)
Black Science #20
Cavewoman Shorts #2 (Of 2)
Cry Havoc #1
Descender #10
Doctor Who 10th Year Two #6
Doctor Who 12th Year Two #2
Dr. Mirage Second Lives #3 (Of 4)
Gutter Magic #2 (Of 4)
Harrow County #9
Injection #7
Insufferable on the Road #1
Invader Zim #7
James Bond #4
Judge Dredd (Ongoing) #2
Jughead #4
Jupiter’s Circle Vol. 2 #3 (Of 6)
Last Contract #2
Last Sons of America #3
Leaving Megalopolis Surviving Megalopolis #2
Letter 44 #23
Lola XoXo Wasteland Madam #4
Low #11 Shore of The Dying Light Part 1 (Of 5)
Manhattan Projects Sun beyond the Stars #4
Massive Ninth Wave #3
Mickey Mouse #9
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #39
Ninjak #12
October Faction #13
Snow Blind #3
Spongebob Comics #53
Spread #13
Star Trek Starfleet Academy #3 (Of 5)
Street Fighter Unlimited #3
They’re Not Like Us #11
TMNT Amazing Adventures #7
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #49
Tuki Save The Humans #4
X-Files Season 11 #7
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Harley and Ivy HC
Black Science HC Beginners Guide to Entropy
Bravest Warriors TPB Vol. 02
Bravest Warriors TPB Vol. 03
Buffy Season 10 TPB Vol. 04 Old Demons
Constantine the Hellblazer TPB Vol. 01 Going Down
Dark Knight Returns TPB
Deadpool Firsts TPB
Fallen Son Death of Captain America TPB
Injustice Gods among Us Year Three TPB Vol. 01
Justice League of America The Silver Age TPB Vol. 01
Love & Rockets Library TPB Vol. 06
Love and Rockets New Stories TPB Vol. 08
Onyx TPB
Red Skull TPB
Sinestro TPB Vol. 03
X-Men TPB Age of Apocalypse Dawn
Y The Last Man TPB Book 04
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New Hawkeye #4
Drax #3
Spider-Man Deadpool #2
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 (Of 6)
Dark and Bloody #1 (Of 6)
Legend of Wonder Woman #2 (Of 9)
Badger #1 (Of 5)
Insufferable on the Road #1
Massive Ninth Wave #3
Black Science HC Beginners Guide to Entropy
Deadpool Firsts TPB
Justice League of America The Silver Age TPB Vol. 01
Author Archives: shudlow
Shipping List, February 3, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 3, 2016
A-Force #2
All New Hawkeye #3
Amazing Spider-Man #7
Captain Marvel #2
Contest of Champions #5
Deadpool #4
Deadpool Mercs for Money #1 (Of 5)
Doctor Strange #5
Guardians of Infinity #3
Howard the Duck #4
Invincible Iron Man #6
Nova #4
Obi-Wan and Anakin #2 (Of 5)
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #2
Scarlet Witch #3
Spider-Man #1
Spider-Man Deadpool #1
Uncanny Avengers #5
Uncanny X-Men #3
Vision #4
Action Comics #49
Batgirl #48
Batman and Robin Eternal #18
Batman Beyond #9
Batman Europa #4 (Of 4)
Detective Comics #49
Green Arrow #49
Green Lantern #49
Looney Tunes #229
Midnighter #9
Sheriff of Babylon #3
Survivors Club #5
Swamp Thing #2 (Of 6)
Unfollow #4
We Are Robin #8
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel and Faith Season 10 #23
Bobs Burgers Ongoing #8
Buffy Season 10 #23
Code Pru #2
Crossed Badlands #93
Donald Duck #10
God Is Dead #47
18 Days #8
Joe Golem Occult Detective #4
Johnny Red #4
Klaus #3
Lara Croft Frozen Omen #5 (Of 5)
Lone Wolf 2100 #2 (Of 4)
Mercury Heat #7
My Little Pony Friends Forever #25
Nailbiter #20
Paper Girls #5
Pretty Deadly #8
Providence #7 (Of 12)
Saints #5
Spawn #260
Street Fighter Unlimited #2
Symmetry #2
Train Called Love #5 (Of 10)
Uncle Scrooge #11
Velvet #13
Victorie City #2 (Of 4)
Walking Dead #151
Walt Disney Comics & Stories #728
War Stories #16
Wolf #5
X-O Manowar #44
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Death of Superman TPB
Giant Size Little Marvel AvX HC
Lumberjanes TPB Vol. 03
Manifest Destiny TPB Vol. 03
New Suicide Squad TPB Vol. 02 Monsters
Secret Hero Society HC Vol. 01 Study Hall of Justice
Superior Foes Spider-Man Omnibus HC
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose TPB Vol. 07
Uncanny X-Men HC Vol. 01
Wicked & Divine TPB Vol. 03
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool Mercs for Money #1 (Of 5)
Obi-Wan and Anakin #2 (Of 5)
Uncanny X-Men #3
Batman Europa #4 (Of 4)
Midnighter #9
Swamp Thing #2 (Of 6)
God Is Dead #47
Lara Croft Frozen Omen #5 (Of 5)
War Stories #16
Death of Superman TPB
Giant Size Little Marvel Avx HC
Wicked & Divine TPB Vol. 03
Shipping List, January 27, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 27, 2016
All New All Different Avengers #4
All New Inhumans #3
All New X-Men #3
Angela Queen of Hel #4
Black Canary #7
Carnage #4
Daredevil #3
Deadpool and Cable Split Second #2 (Of 3)
Extraordinary X-Men #6
Howling Commandos of Shield #4
Kanan #10
Marvels Captain America Civil War Prelude #4 (Of 4)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #3
Old Man Logan #1
Spider-Woman #3
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4
Venom Space Knight #3
Aquaman #48
Art Ops #4
Batgirl #46
Batman and Robin Eternal #17
Cyborg #7
Deathstroke #14
Grayson #16
Jacked #3 (Of 6)
Justice League 3001 #8
Justice League of America #7
Last Gang in Town #2 (Of 7)
Omega Men #8
Scooby Doo Team Up #14
Suicide Squad Most Wanted Deadshot Katana #1 (Of 6)
Superman #48
Superman Lois and Clark #4
Teen Titans #16
Twilight Children #4 (Of 4)
Vertigo Quarterly SFX #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #30
Beauty #6
Black Magick #4
Bloodshot Reborn #10
Blubber #2
Chew #54
Colder Toss The Bones #5 (Of 5)
Cry Havoc #1
Deadly Class #18
Doctor Who 10th Year Two #5
Doctor Who 11th Year Two #5
East of West #24
Elfquest Final Quest #13
Faith #1 (Of 4)
Fuse #17
Ghostbusters International #1
Hellboy Winter Special 2016 #1
Itty Bitty Hellboy Search for the Were-Jaguar #3
Jupiter’s Circle Vol. 2 #3 (Of 6)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0
Monstress #3
Munchkin #13
Negative Space #3 (Of 4)
Odyc #9
Orphan Black Helsinki #3 (Of 5)
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #15
Pastaways #8
Revival #36
Rick & Morty #2
Rick & Morty #10
Ringside #3
Saga #33
Simpsons Illustrated #21
Southern Bastards #13
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #96
TMNT Ongoing #54
Victorie City #1 (Of 4)
Wilds End Enemy Within #5 (Of 4)
X-Files Season 11 #6
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers Death of Mockingbird TPB
Batman by Ed Brubaker TPB Vol. 01
Batman The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga TPB Vol. 03 (Of 3)
Big Trouble In Little China TPB Vol. 02
Black Widow Itsy Bitsy Spider TPB
Complete Elfquest TPB Vol. 01 Original Quest
Groo Friends and Foes TPB Vol. 02
Groot HC
Inhumans TPB Attilan Rising
Invader Zim TPB Vol. 01
Mind Mgmt HC Vol. 06 The Immortals
Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare HC
Shield TPB Vol. 02 Man Called Death
Supergirl TPB Vol. 01 The Girl of Steel
Swamp Thing TPB Vol. 07 Seasons End
Tomb Raider TPB Vol. 01 Season of Witch
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 01 Days Gone Bye
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 02 Miles Behind Us
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 03 Safety Behind Bars
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 04 Hearts Desire
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 05 Best Defense
What If TPB Infinity
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Angela Queen of Hel #4
Deadpool and Cable Split Second #2 (Of 3)
Old Man Logan #1
Grayson #16
Suicide Squad Most Wanted Deadshot Katana #1 (Of 6)
Vertigo Quarterly SFX #4
Cry Havoc #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0
Victorie City #1 (Of 4)
Batman by Ed Brubaker TPB Vol. 01
Groot HC
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 01 Days Gone Bye
Shipping List, January 20, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Astonishing Ant-Man #4
Captain Marvel #1
Dark Tower Drawing of Three Lady of Shadows #5
Deadpool #6
Drax #3
Ms. Marvel #3
New Avengers #5
Patsy Walker aka Hellcat #2
Silver Surfer #1
Spider-Man Deadpool #1
Star Wars #15
Star-Lord #3
Starbrand and Nightmask #2
Uncanny Inhumans #4
Uncanny X-Men #1
Uncanny X-Men #2
Wonder Woman #48
Astro City #31
Batgirl #47
Batman #48
Batman and Robin Eternal #16
Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #6 (Of 6)
Clean Room #4
Dark Knight III Master Race #2
Doctor Fate #8
Fables The Wolf Among Us #13
Harley Quinn #24
Hercules #3
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five #2
Legend of Wonder Woman #1 (Of 9)
Lucifer #2
Martian Manhunter #8
Poison Ivy Cycle of Life and Death #1 (Of 6)
Red Thorn #3
Robin Son of f Batman #8
Secret Six #10
Sinestro #19
Superman Wonder Woman #25
Swamp Thing #1 (Of 6)
Titans Hunt #4 (Of 12)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
‘68 Last Rights #4 (Of 4)
Adventure Time Ice King #1
American Monster #1
Big Trouble In Little China #20
Blacklist #6
BPRD Hell on Earth #139
Buffy Season 10 #23
Crossed Badlands #92
Crossed Plus 100 #13
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #18
Devolution #1 (Of 5)
I Hate Fairyland #4
Imperium #12
Judge Dredd (Ongoing) #2
Lara Croft Frozen Omen #4 (Of 5)
Legacy of Luther Strode #4
Letter 44 #22
Lumberjanes #22
Mythic #6
Nowhere Men #7
Pencil Head #1 (Of 5)
Phonogram The Immaterial Girl #6 (Of 6)
Plants Vs Zombies Ongoing #8 Petal to the Metal
Postal #9
Simpsons Comics #225
Spirit #7
Steam Man #4 (Of 5)
Street Fighter Unlimited #2
Symmetry #2
Tokyo Ghost #4
Tokyo Ghost #5
Transformers #49
Uncle Scrooge #10
Usagi Yojimbo #151
Wayward #13
Wolf #5
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventures of Dog Mendonca Pizzaboy TPB Vol. 03
All New X-Men TPB Vol. 07 Utopians
Batgirl TPB Vol. 01 Silent Knight
Doctor Who Prisoners of Time TPB
Envelope Manufacturer HC
Grayson TPB Vol. 01 Agents of Spyral TPB
Grayson TPB Vol. 02 We All Die At Dawn
Midnight Society Black Lake TPB
New Teen Titans TPB Vol. 04
Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare HC
Punisher Max TPB Vol. 01 Complete Collection
Showcase Presents Batman TPB Vol. 06
Star Wars TPB Lando
Thor TPB Vol. 01 Goddess of Thunder
Worlds of Color Welcome To Oz Adult Coloring Book
X-Men TPB Vol. 01 Inferno
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Captain Marvel #1
Legend of Wonder Woman #1 (Of 9)
American Monster #1
Envelope Manufacturer HC
Thor TPB Vol. 01 Goddess of Thunder
Shipping List, January 13, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Agents of Shield #1
All New All Different Avengers #3
All New Hawkeye #3
All New Wolverine #4
All New X-Men #3
Black Knight #3
Captain America Sam Wilson #5
Extraordinary X-Men #5
Figment 2 #5 (Of 5)
Guardians of the Galaxy #4
Illuminati #3
Mighty Thor #3
Red Wolf #2
Scarlet Witch #2
Secret Wars #9 (Of 9)
Silk #3
Squadron Supreme #3
Uncanny Avengers #4
Web Warriors #3
Batman 66 Meets the Man from UNCLE #2 (Of 6)
Batman and Robin Eternal #15
Batman Superman #28
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (Of 6)
Catwoman #48
Constantine the Hellblazer #8
Deathstroke #13
Earth 2 Society #8
Gotham Academy #14
Green Lantern Corps Edge of Oblivion #1 (Of 6)
New Romancer #2 (Of 12)
New Suicide Squad #16
Red Hood Arsenal #8
Robin War #2 (Of 2)
Scooby Doo Where Are You #65
Slash & Burn #3
Starfire #8
Superman American Alien #3 (Of 7)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #30
Alabaster The Good The Bad & The Bird #2
Birthright #13
Black Jack Ketchum #2 (Of 4)
Cavewoman Sisters of the Arena #1 (Of 2)
Citizen Jack #3
Codename Baboushka Conclave of Death #4
Descender #9
Doctor Who 8th #3 (Of 5)
Donald Duck #9
Dr. Mirage Second Lives #2 (Of 4)
Groo Friends and Foes #12
Gutter Magic #1 (Of 4)
Huck #3
Injection #6
John Flood #6
Leaving Megalopolis Surviving Megalopolis #1
Massive Ninth Wave #2
Mickey Mouse #8
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #38
Ninjak #11
Rebels #10
Red Sonja Vol. 3 #1
Rowans Ruin #4
Snow Blind #2
Sonic Universe #82
Spongebob Comics #52
Spread #12
Star Trek Ongoing #53
TMNT Amazing Adventures #6
Violent #2
Walking Dead #150
Walt Disney Comics & Stories #727
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Afterlife with Archie TPB Vol. 01
Avengers Time Runs Out TPB Vol. 03
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB Touch of Typhoid
Deadpool Flashbacks TPB
Death of Wolverine TPB
Flash TPB Vol. 06 Out of Time
Guardians Team-Up TPB Vol. 02 Unlikely Story
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 12 How to Play with Fire
House of M TPB Warzones
My Little Pony Equestria Girls TPB
Shield TPB Secret History
Star Wars TPB Vol. 02 Showdown on the Smugglers Moon
Starve TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Agents of Shield #1
Red Wolf #2
Secret Wars #9 (Of 9)
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (Of 6)
Green Lantern Corps Edge of Oblivion #1 (Of 6)
Superman American Alien #3 (Of 7)
Cavewoman Sisters of the Arena #1 (Of 2)
Red Sonja Vol. 3 #1
Walking Dead #150
Afterlife with Archie TPB Vol. 01
Deadpool Flashbacks TPB
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 12 How to Play with Fire
Shipping List, January 6, 2016!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 6, 2016
A-Force #1
Amazing Spider-Man #1.2
Carnage #2
Contest of Champions #4
Darth Vader #15
Deadpool #5
Doctor Strange #4
Guardians of Infinity #2
Invincible Iron Man #5
Marvels Captain America Civil War Prelude #3 (Of 4)
Spider-Gwen #4
Spider-Man Deadpool #1
Star Wars #14
Totally Awesome Hulk #2
Ultimates #3
Uncanny X-Men #1
Vision #3
Weirdworld #2
Action Comics #48
Batman and Robin Eternal #14
Batman Beyond #8
DC Comics Bombshells #8
Detective Comics #48
Green Arrow #48
Green Lantern #48
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five #1
Midnighter #8
Sheriff of Babylon #2
Survivors Club #4
Swamp Thing #1 (Of 6)
Telos #4
Unfollow #3
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel and Faith Season 10 #22
Archie #5
Berlin #19
Bitch Planet #6
Black Science #19
Dark Corridor #6
Dead Vengeance #4 (Of 4)
Doctor Who 10th Year Two #4
Doctor Who 12th Year Two #1
Elephantmen #68
Fade Out #12
Four Eyes Hearts of Fire #1 (Of 4)
GI Joe A Real American Hero #223
18 Days #7
Invader Zim #6
Joe Golem Occult Detective #3
Johnny Red #3
Lara Croft Frozen Omen #4 (Of 5)
Last Contract #1
Letter 44 #22
Lone Wolf 2100 #1 (Of 4)
My Little Pony Friends Forever #24
Mythic #6
Nailbiter #19
October Faction #12
Paper Girls #4
Saints #4
Star Trek New Visions Mister Chekov
Star Trek Starfleet Academy #2 (Of 5)
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #11
This Damned Band #6 (Of 6)
TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #13
Tokyo Ghost #4
Uncle Scrooge #10
Woods #19
X-O Manowar #43
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
100 Bullets TPB Book 04
Amazing Spider-Man HC Vol. 01
Color Your Own Deadpool TPB
Deadpool Classic Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars TPB
Detective Comics TPB Vol. 06 Icarus
Girl Crazy HC
Guardians of Galaxy HC Vol. 02
Letter 44 TPB Vol. 03
Red Hood and the Outlaws TPB Vol. 07 Last Call
Sonic Mega Man Worlds Collide TPB
Star Wars Darth Vader TPB Vol. 02 Shadows and Secret
Ultimate End TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
A-Force #1
Spider-Man Deadpool #1
Uncanny X-Men #1
DC Comics Bombshells #8
Injustice Gods among Us Year Five #1
Swamp Thing #1 (Of 6)
Berlin #19
Four Eyes Hearts of Fire #1 (Of 4)
This Damned Band #6 (Of 6)
100 Bullets TPB Book 04
Deadpool Classic Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Sonic Mega Man Worlds Collide TPB
Shipping List, December 30, 2015!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 30, 2015
All New Wolverine #1
All New Wolverine #3
Amazing Spider-Man #6
Astonishing Ant-Man #3
Captain America White #5 (Of 5)
Carnage #3
Chewbacca #5 (Of 5)
Deadpool and Cable Split Second #1 (Of 3)
Drax #2
Figment 2 #4 (Of 5)
Howard the Duck #3
Howling Commandos of Shield #3
Marvels Captain America Civil War Prelude #2 (Of 4)
Nova #3
Obi-Wan and Anakin #1 (Of 5)
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #1
Spider-Man 2099 #5
Spidey #2
Batman and Robin Eternal #13
Batman Europa #3 (Of 4)
Black Canary #6
Doctor Fate #7
Flash #47
Harley Quinn & Power Girl #6 (Of 6)
Injustice Gods among Us Year Four Annual #1
Justice League #47
Omega Men #7
Superman Annual #3
Superman Lois and Clark #3
Superman Wonder Woman Annual #2
Wonder Woman #47
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Vampirella #5 (Of 6)
Black Magick #3
Bobs Burgers Ongoing #7
Code Pru #1
Colder Toss The Bones #4 (Of 5)
Drive #3 (Of 4)
East of West #23
God Is Dead #46
James Bond #3
Jughead #3
Last Sons of America #2
Lazarus #21
Lobster Johnson Glass Mantis One Shot
Lumberjanes #21
Mega Man #55
Mercury Heat #6
Morning Glories #49
Orphan Black Helsinki #2 (Of 5)
Rat Queens #14
Ringside #2
Rumble #10
Seduction of the Innocent #2 (Of 4)
Spawn #259
Train Called Love #4 (Of 10)
War Stories #15
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Doctor Who 11th Archives Omnibus TPB Vol. 03
Green Arrow by Jeff Lemire HC
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 04 Blood of the Dragon
Hail Hydra TPB
Izombie Liv Moore Action Figure
Jessica Jones TPB Vol. 04 Alias
Nightwing TPB Vol. 03 False Starts
Planet Hulk TPB Warzones
Revival TPB Vol. 06 Thy Loyal Sons & Daughters
Superior Iron Man TPB Vol. 01 Infamous
X-Men Age of Apocalypse TPB Vol. 03 Omega
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool and Cable Split Second #1 (Of 3)
Obi-Wan and Anakin #1 (Of 5)
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #1
Batman Europa #3 (Of 4)
Injustice Gods among Us Year Four Annual #1
Superman Annual #3
Code Pru #1
Lobster Johnson Glass Mantis One Shot
Seduction of the Innocent #2 (Of 4)
Green Arrow by Jeff Lemire HC
Jessica Jones TPB Vol. 04 Alias
Revival TPB Vol. 06 Thy Loyal Sons & Daughters
Shipping List, December 23, 2015!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Amazing Spider-Man #5
Angela Queen of Hel #3
Captain America Sam Wilson #4
Daredevil #2
Darth Vader #14
Deadpool #4
Extraordinary X-Men #4
Gwenpool Special #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #2
New Avengers #4
Patsy Walker aka Hellcat #1
Secret Wars #7 (Of 9)
Spider-Woman #2
Star-Lord #2
Venom Space Knight #2
Aquaman #47
Art Ops #3
Astro City #30
Batman 66 Meets The Man from Uncle #1 (Of 6)
Batman and Robin Eternal #12
Batman Arkham Knight #12
Cyborg #6
Dark Knight III Master Race #2
DC Comics Bombshells #7
Deathstroke #13
Gotham By Midnight #12
He Man The Eternity War #13
Justice League 3001 #7
Justice League of America #6
Last Gang In Town #1 (Of 7)
Robin Son of Batman #7
Sinestro #18
Superman #47
Teen Titans #15
Telos #2
Titans Hunt #3 (Of 12)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #29
Adventure Time Fionna & Cake Card Wars #5 (Of 6)
Arcadia #7
Bloodshot Reborn #9
Buffy Season 10 #22
Chew #53
Deadly Class #17
Doctor Who 11th Year Two #4
Doctor Who 12th #15
Dr. Mirage Second Lives #1 (Of 4)
Fight Club 2 #8
Invisible Republic #8
Itty Bitty Hellboy Search for the Were-Jaguar #2
Jacked #2 (Of 6)
John Carter Warlord #14 (Of 14)
Jupiter’s Circle Vol. 2 #2
Munchkin #12
Nameless #6
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #14
Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare #3 (Of 3)
Pretty Deadly #7
Rai #12
Rick & Morty #9
Rocketeer at War #1 (Of 4)
Saga #32
Sidekick #12
Snow Blind #1
Spirit #6
TMNT Ongoing #53
Transformers Holiday Special
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #48
Transformers Vs GI Joe #10
Vampirella #1969
Walt Disney Comics & Stories #726
Wilds End Enemy Within #4 (Of 4)
X-Files X-Mas Special
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Absolute Green Lantern Green Arrow HC
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift TPB
BPRD Hell on Earth TPB Vol. 12 Metamorphosis
Cheech Wizards Book of Me HC
Deathstroke The Terminator TPB Vol. 02 Sympathy
Future Imperfect TPB Warzones
Scalped HC Book 03
TMNT Ongoing TPB Vol.12
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Captain America Sam Wilson #4
Patsy Walker aka Hellcat #1
Venom Space Knight #2
Batman 66 Meets The Man from Uncle #1 (Of 6)
Last Gang In Town #1 (Of 7)
Titans Hunt #3 (Of 12)
Dr. Mirage Second Lives #1 (Of 4)
Rocketeer at War #1 (Of 4)
X-Files X-Mas Special
Absolute Green Lantern Green Arrow HC
Cheech Wizards Book of Me HC
Future Imperfect TPB Warzones
Shipping List, December 16, 2015!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 16, 2015
All New Inhumans #2
All New Wolverine #1
All New X-Men #2
Amazing Spider-Man #1.1
Carnage #2
Dark Tower Drawing of Three Lady of Shadows #4
Darth Vader #13
Darth Vader Annual #1
Deadpool #3.1
Howard the Duck #2
Illuminati #2
Kanan #9
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #14
Marvels Captain America Civil War Prelude #1 (Of 4)
Mighty Thor #1
Mighty Thor #2
Ms. Marvel #2
Silk #2
Squadron Supreme #1
Starbrand and Nightmask #1
Ultimate End #5 (Of 5)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3
Uncanny Inhumans #3
Web Warriors #2
Weirdworld #1
Batgirl #46
Batman 66 #30
Batman and Robin Eternal #11
Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #5 (Of 6)
Batman Europa #2 (Of 4)
Clean Room #3
Harley Quinn #23
Justice League #46
Justice League United #16
Looney Tunes #228
Martian Manhunter #7
Red Thorn #2
Secret Six #9
Superman American Alien #2 (Of 7)
Teen Titans Go #13
We Are Robin #7
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Fionna & Cake Card Wars #6 (Of 6)
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #8
Beauty #5
BPRD Hell on Earth #138
Crossed Badlands #91
Crossed Plus 100 #12
Dark Corridor #5
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #17
Descender #8
Dragon Age Magekiller #1 (Of 5)
Grampa Simpsons Choose Your Own Adventure #1
Hacktivist Vol. 2 #6 (Of 6)
Huck #2
I Hate Fairyland #3
Imperium #11
Invincible #126
Ivar Timewalker #12
Judge Dredd (Ongoing) #1
Klaus #2
Lucifer #1
Lumberjanes #21
My Little Pony Friends Forever #23
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #37
Phonogram The Immaterial Girl #5 (Of 6)
Pinocchio Vampire Slayer & The Vampire Zoo
Plants Vs Zombies Ongoing #7 Petal to the Metal
Sex #26
Southern Cross #6
Star Trek Starfleet Academy #1 (Of 5)
Steam Man #3 (Of 5)
Tithe #7
Tokyo Ghost #4
Uncle Scrooge #9
Wayward #12
Wicked & Divine #17
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #2
Zombies Vs Robots #10
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows TPB
Batman 66 TPB Vol. 03
Batman Superman TPB Vol. 03 Second Chance
Batman The Doom That Came To Gotham TPB
Catwoman TPB Vol. 04 The One You Love
DMZ Deluxe Edition HC Book 05
Doctor Who 10th HC Vol. 03 Fountains of Forever
Inferno Warzones TPB
Joe The Barbarian TPB
Modok Assassin TPB
Simpsons Comics Chaos TPB
Swamp Thing by Brian K. Vaughan TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man #1.1
Darth Vader Annual #1
Batman Europa #2 (Of 4)
Superman American Alien #2 (Of 7)
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #17
Judge Dredd (Ongoing) #1
DMZ Deluxe Edition HC Book 05
Doctor Who 10th HC Vol. 03 Fountains of Forever
Shipping Post, December 9, 2015!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 9, 2015
All New Hawkeye #2
Amazing Spider-Man #4
Black Knight #2
Chewbacca #4 (Of 5)
Contest of Champions #3
Deadpool #3
Guardians of Galaxy #3
Gwenpool Special #1
Hercules #2
Scarlet Witch #1
Secret Wars #8 (Of 9)
Spider-Gwen #3
Spider-Man 2099 #4
Star Wars Annual #1
Ultimates #2
Uncanny Avengers #3
Venom Space Knight #1
American Vampire Second Cycle #11
Aquaman #46
Batman #47
Batman and Robin Eternal #10
Batman Superman #27
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Of 6)
Catwoman #47
Constantine The Hellblazer #7
Dark Knight III Master Race #1
DC Comics Bombshells #6
Detective Comics #47
Earth 2 Society #7
Fables The Wolf Among Us #12
Gotham Academy #13
Gotham by Midnight #11
Grayson #15
Green Arrow #47
Jacked #1 (Of 6)
Justice League Darkseid War Lex Luthor #1
New Romancer #1 (Of 12)
New Suicide Squad #15
Red Hood Arsenal #7
Scooby Doo Where Are You #64
Slash & Burn #2
Starfire #7
Telos #2
Telos #3
Twilight Children #3 (Of 4)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #29
Adventure Time #47
Adventure Time Fionna & Cake Card Wars #5 (Of 6)
Alabaster The Good The Bad & The Bird #1
Auteur Sister Bambi #5 (Of 5)
Birthright #12
Blacklist #5
Codename Baboushka: Conclave of Death #3
Doctor Who 11th Year Two #3
Doctor Who 12th #16
Doctor Who 8th #2 (Of 5)
Eerie Comics #8
Enormous V2 #3 (Of 6)
GI Joe A Real American Hero #221
Grumpy Cat #3 (Of 3)
Harrow County #8
Hip Hop Family Tree #4
Jupiter’s Circle Vol. 2 #1
Massive Ninth Wave #1
Mickey & Donald Christmas Parade
Mickey Mouse #7
Monstress #2
Munchkin Deck The Dungeons #1
My Little Pony Holiday Special
Ninjak #10
No Mercy #5
Peanuts Snoopy Special #1
Rebels #9
Saints #3
Shadow Vol. 2 #5
Snow Blind #1
Spongebob Comics #51
Star Trek Green Lantern #6 (Of 6)
Star Trek Ongoing #52
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #10
Street Fighter Unlimited #1
Symmetry #1
TMNT Amazing Adventures #5
Trees #13
Unity #25
Vampirella #1969
Violent #1
Walking Dead #149
Walt Disney Comics & Stories #725
We Stand On Guard #6 (Of 6)
Witchblade #185
X-Files Season 11 #5
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Black Panther by Priest TPB Complete Collection
Flinch TPB Book 01
Harley Quinn HC Vol. 03 Kiss Kiss Bang Stab
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 02 Power Outage
Hawkeye HC Vol. 02
Infinity Gauntlet TPB Warzones
Jack The Ripper HC
Kid Eternity HC
My Little Pony Art Is Magic TPB
Runaways Battleworld TPB
Sandman Gallery HC
Suicide Squad TPB Vol. 02 The Nightshade Odyssey
Teen Titans Go Truth Justice and Pizza TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man #4
Gwenpool Special #1
Scarlet Witch #1
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (Of 6)
Justice League Darkseid War Lex Luthor #1
Scooby Doo Where Are You #64
Alabaster The Good The Bad & The Bird #1
Munchkin Deck The Dungeons #1
Street Fighter Unlimited #1
Harley Quinn HC Vol. 03 Kiss Kiss Bang Stab
Hawkeye HC Vol. 02
Jack the Ripper HC