Shipping List, July 22, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Age of Apocalypse #1
All New Hawkeye #4
Amazing Spider-Man #18.1
Civil War #1
E Is For Extinction #2
Future Imperfect #3
Kanan #4
Loki, Agent of Asgard #16
Magneto #20
Marvel Zombies #2
Old Man Logan #3
Punisher #20
Secret Wars #4
Spider-Woman #9
Star Wars Lando #1 (Of 5)
Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #1
Uncanny X-Men #35
Weirdworld #2
Aquaman #42
Batman 66 #25
Cyborg #1
Deathstroke #8
Effigy #7
Flash #42
Gotham Academy #8
Gotham by Midnight #7
Grayson #10
Harley Quinn & Power Girl #2 (Of 6)
Injustice Gods among Us Year Four #6
JLA Gods and Monsters Batman #1
Justice League 3001 #2
Prez #2 (Of 12)
Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman #12
Sinestro #13
Teen Titans #10
We Are Robin #2
Wonder Woman #42
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
68 Last Rights #1 (Of 4)
Adventure Time #42
Archie Vs Predator #4 (Of 4)
Archie Vs Sharknado One Shot
Bart Simpson Comics #97
Big Man Plans #4 (Of 4)
Birthright #9
Blacklist #1
Book of Death, Fall of Bloodshot #1
Buffy Season 10 #17
Burning Fields #6
Cowl #11
Dresden Files Down Town #6 (Of 6)
Edward Scissorhands #10
Elfquest Final Quest #10
Fight Club 2 #2
Fight Club 2 #3
Frankenstein Underground #5 (Of 5)
God Is Dead #39
Halo Escalation #19
Insufferable #3
Ivar Timewalker #7
John Carter Warlord #9
Mickey Mouse #2
Mind Mgmt #35
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #32
Revival #30
Rick & Morty #4
Runlovekill #4
Sidekick #11
Sonic Universe #78
Sons of Anarchy #23
Sons of the Devil #3
Star Trek Ongoing #47
Star Wars Insider #159
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #6
TMNT Casey & April #2 (Of 4)
Transformers #43
Transformers Robots in Disguise Animated #1
Uncle Scrooge #4
Walt Disney Comics & Stories #721
Winterworld Frozen Fleet #3 (Of 3)
Wolf #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Arkham Manor TPB Vol. 01
Awkward TPB
Batman Gothic HC
Batwoman TPB Vol. 06 The Unknowns
Big, Big Overstreet Price Guide Vol. 45
Daredevil TPB Vol. 03 Daredevil You Know
Dead@17 TPB Vol. 07 Blasphemy Throne
Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 12 Deadpool Corps
Fables TPB Vol. 22
Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest HC
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB Vol. 03 Guardians Disassembled
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 01 Hot In The City
Hip Hop Family Tree TPB Vol. 01
Legendary Star-Lord TPB Vol. 02 Rise of Black Vortex
Mind Mgmt HC Vol. 01 Manager
Mind Mgmt HC Vol. 05 The Eraser
My Little Pony Friends Forever TPB Vol. 01
October Faction TPB Vol. 01
Rocket Raccoon HC Vol. 02 Storytailer
Scooby Doo Team Up TPB
Spider-Man and X-Men TPB
Vertigo CMYK TPB
Wally Wood EC TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Kanan #4
Old Man Logan #3
Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #1
Cyborg #1
JLA Gods and Monsters Batman #1
We Are Robin #2
Archie Vs Sharknado One Shot
Frankenstein Underground #5 (Of 5)
Transformers Robots in Disguise Animated #1
Batman Gothic HC
Hip Hop Family Tree TPB Vol. 01
Rocket Raccoon HC Vol. 02 Storytailer

Shipping List, July 15, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Ant-Man Annual #1
Armor Wars #3
Captain Britain and Mighty Defenders #1 (Of 2)
Captain Marvel and Carol Corps #2
Dark Tower Drawing of the Three, House of Cards #5 (Of 5)
Guardians of Knowhere #1
Hail Hydra #1
Hawkeye #22
Inhumans Attilan Rising #3
Korvac Saga #2
Moon Knight #17
Planet Hulk #3
Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Of 4)
Siege #1
Silver Surfer #13
Where Monsters Dwell #3 (Of 5)
Years of Future Past #3
Astro City #25
Black Canary #2
Doomed #2
Dr Fate #2
Green Lantern The Lost Army #2
Harley Quinn #18
Justice League #42
Martian Manhunter #2
Robin, Son of Batman #2
Secret Six #4
Superman Wonder Woman #19
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Fionna & Cake Card Wars #1 (Of 6)
Archie #1
Big Trouble in Little China #13
Book of Death #1 (Of 4)
BPRD Hell on Earth #133
Crossed Badlands #80
Crossed Plus 100 #6
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #12
Dead Drop #3 (Of 4)
Drifter #6
Elephantmen #65
Empty #5
Empty Zone #2
Fiction #2 (Of 4)
Godzilla In Hell #1
Groo Friends and Foes #7
Invincible #121
Island #1
Jupiter’s Circle #4
King Prince Valiant #3 (Of 4)
Legacy of Luther Strode #1
Letter 44 #18
Lumberjanes #16
Mantle #3
Mega Man #51
Mercury Heat #1
Plants Vs Zombies #2 Bully For You
Postal #5
Rachel Rising #35
Revival #31
Roche Limit Clandestiny #3
Secret Identities #6
Simpsons Comics #222
Sixth Gun Valley of Death #2 (Of 3)
Sonic Worlds Unite Battles #1
Strain Night Eternal #11
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #93
Trees #11
Usagi Yojimbo #147
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New X-Men HC Vol. 07 Utopians
Batman Harley Quinn TPB
Batman Second Chances TPB
Disney Traditions Scrooge McDuck Figurine
Invisibles HC Book 04
Long Walk To Valhalla HC
New 52 Futures End TPB Vol. 02
New Suicide Squad TPB Vol. 01 Pure Insanity
Predator Fire & Stone TPB
Simpsons Comics Colossal Compendium TPB Vol. 03
Spider-Man 2099 TPB Vol. 02 Spider-Verse
Star Wars Jedi Academy Year HC Vol. 03 Phantom Bully
Wolverines TPB Vol. 03 Living and the Dead
X-Men TPB Vol. 05 Burning Earth
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Ant-Man Annual #1
Guardians of Knowhere #1
Hail Hydra #1
Black Canary #2
Harley Quinn #18
Superman Wonder Woman #19
Crossed Badlands #80
Godzilla In Hell #1
Sonic Worlds Unite Battles #1
Invisibles HC Book 04
Long Walk To Valhalla HC
X-Men TPB Vol. 05 Burning Earth

Shipping List, July 8, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 8, 2015

1872 #1
Age of Apocalypse #1
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #2
Civil War #1
Ghost Racers #2
Inferno #3
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #9
Marvel Zombies #1
Master of Kung Fu #3 (Of 4)
Mrs. Deadpool and Howling Commandos #2
Runaways #2
Secret Wars 2099 #3 (Of 5)
Spider-Island #1 (Of 5)
Spider-Verse #3
Squadron Sinister #2
Star Wars Lando #1 (Of 5)
All Star Section 8 #2 (Of 6)
Arrow Season 2.5 #10
Batman #42
Batman Superman #22
Catwoman #42
Coffin Hill #20
Constantine The Hellblazer #2
Deathstroke #7
Earth 2 Society #2
Fables The Wolf Among Us #7
Gotham Academy #8
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #5
Justice League of America #2
Justice League United #11
Mad Max Fury Road Max #1 (Of 2)
New Suicide Squad #10
Red Hood Arsenal #2
Scooby Doo Where Are You #59
Starfire #2
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
21st Century Tank Girl #2 (Of 3)
Abe Sapien #24
Archie #1
Big Man Plans #4 (Of 4)
Bill & Ted Most Triumphant Return #5 (Of 6)
Black Science #16
Bloodshot Reborn #4
Bloodstrike #1
Covenant #2
Descender #5
Doctor Who 11th #14
Eerie Comics #7
Fight Club 2 #2
God Is Dead #38
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #25
Halo Escalation #19
Harrow County #3
Injection #3
Invader Zim #1
Lady Death Apocalypse #6
Legacy of Luther Strode #2
Letter 44 #17
Maxx Maxximized #21
Negative Space #1 (Of 4)
Oddly Normal #8
Pisces #3
Providence #2 (Of 12)
Rebels #4
Revival #30
Saga #30
Savior #4
Sonic the Hedgehog #274
Spongebob Comics #46
Star Trek Green Lantern #1 (Of 6)
Star Trek New Visions 1971
Starve #2
Strange Fruit #1
TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #7
Tomorrows #1 (Of 6)
Unity #20
Vampirella/Army of Darkness #1 (Of 4)
Walking Dead #144
Witchblade #183
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man TPB Vol. 03 Spider-Verse
Bacchus TPB
Batman Arkham Knight HC Vol. 01
Batman Eternal TPB Vol. 02
Batman The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga TPB Vol. 02 (Of 3)
Bone One Volume TPB
Creepy Presents Alex Toth HC
Crossed TPB Vol. 13
High Crimes HC
Iron Fist Epic Collection TPB Fury of Iron Fist
Justice League HC Vol. 06 Injustice League
King Size Kirby Slipcase HC
New Avengers TPB Vol. 04 Perfect World
Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Vol. 45
Storm TPB Vol. 02 Bring Thunder
Tales of TMNT TPB Vol. 07
They’re Not Like Us TPB Vol. 01 Black Holes for the Young
Thor HC Vol. 02 Who Holds Hammer
Will Eisner’s The Spirit: A Celebration of 75 Years HC
William Shakespeare Clone Army Attacketh HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Civil War #1
Mrs. Deadpool and Howling Commandos #2
Star Wars Lando #1 (Of 5)
Constantine The Hellblazer #2
Mad Max Fury Road Max #1 (Of 2)
Red Hood Arsenal #2
Archie #1
Invader Zim #1
Star Trek Green Lantern #1 (Of 6)
Bacchus TPB
Batman The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga TPB Vol. 02 (Of 3)
Iron Fist Epic Collection TPB Fury of Iron Fist

Shipping List, July 1, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A-Force #2
Amazing Spider-Man #19.1
Darth Vader #7
Future Imperfect #2
Giant Size Little Marvel AvX #2
Groot #2
Guardians Team-Up #7
Princess Leia #5 (Of 5)
Red Skull #1 (Of 3)
Secret Wars #4
Secret Wars Journal #3 (Of 5)
Spider-Gwen #5
Ultimate End #3 (Of 5)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7
X-Tinction Agenda #2
Years of Future Past #2
Action Comics #42
American Vampire Second Cycle #8
Bat Mite #2 (Of 6)
Batman Arkham Knight #6
Batman Beyond #2
Bizarro #2 (Of 6)
Detective Comics #42
FBP Federal Bureau of Physics #22
Flash Season Zero #10
Green Arrow #42
He Man The Eternity War #7
Lobo #8
Midnighter #2
Mortal Kombat X #8
Omega Men #2
Scooby Doo Team Up #11
Vertigo Quarterly SFX #2
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Airboy #2 (Of 4)
Angel and Faith Season 10 #16
Arcadia #3
Baltimore Cult of the Red King #3 (Of 5)
Berlin #19
Big Trouble in Little China #12
Bobs Burgers Ongoing #1
Bunker #12
Cavewoman Castaway One Shot
Chew #50
Deadly Class #14
Doctor Who 12th #9
18 Days #1
Futurama Comics #75
God Is Dead #37
Humans #6
Imperium #6
Jupiter’s Circle #4
Miami Vice Remix #5 (Of 5)
Mickey Mouse #1
Minimum Wage So Many Bad Decisions #3 (Of 6)
My Little Pony Friends Forever #18
Nailbiter #14
Oddly Normal #8
Onyx #1 (Of 4)
Outcast #10
Regular Show #25
Satellite Sam #15
Sonic Boom #9
Spirit #1
TMNT Ongoing #47
Uber #26
Uncanny Season 2 #4 (Of 6)
War Stories #10
We Stand on Guard #1
Wicked & Divine #12
Woods #14
X-Files Season 10 #25
X-O Manowar #38
Zero #18
Zombies Vs Robots #7
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Absolute Y The Last Man HC Vol. 01
Aquaman TPB Vol. 05 Sea of Storms
Autumnlands TPB Vol. 01 Tooth & Claw
Avengers TPB Vol. 06 Infinite Avengers
Corto Maltese TPB
Criminal TPB Vol. 06 Last of the Innocent
DMZ HC Book 04
Guardians of Galaxy and X-Men HC Black Vortex
Lone Wolf & Cub Omnibus TPB Vol. 09
Mike Zeck Classic Marvel Stories HC
Runaways Complete Collection TPB Vol. 04
Shield TPB Vol. 01 Perfect Bullets
Supreme Blue Rose TPB
Thor God of Thunder HC Vol. 02
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man #19.1
Red Skull #1 (Of 3)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7
American Vampire Second Cycle #8
Flash Season Zero #10
Bobs Burgers Ongoing #1
18 Days #1
X-Files Season 10 #25
Aquaman TPB Vol. 05 Sea of Storms
Guardians of Galaxy and X-Men HC Black Vortex

Shipping List, June 24, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Age of Ultron Vs Marvel Zombies #1
Ant-Man Larger Than Life #1
Black Widow #19
Daredevil #16
E Is For Extinction #1
Howard the Duck #4
Infinity Gauntlet #1
Infinity Gauntlet #2
Korvac Saga #1
Loki Agent of Asgard #15
Modok Assassin #2 (Of 5)
Planet Hulk #2
Punisher #19
Secret Wars 2099 #2 (Of 5)
Shield #7
Uncanny Avengers #5
Where Monsters Dwell #2 (Of 5)
X-Men 92 #1
Aquaman #41
Arrow Season 2.5 #9
Batgirl #41
Batman 66 #24
Deathstroke #7
Effigy #6
Flash #41
Gotham by Midnight #6
Grayson #9
Green Lantern The Lost Army #1
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #4
Justice League 3001 #1
Suiciders #5
Superman #41
Teen Titans #9
We Are Robin #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #41
Annihilator #6 (Of 6)
Auteur Sister Bambi #2
Crossed Badlands #79
Dawn Vampirella #4 (Of 6)
Deep State #7
DF Star Wars #1
Doctor Who 10th #12
Donald Duck #2
Empire Uprising #3
Fade Out #7
Fight Club 2 #2
Frankenstein Underground #4 (Of 5)
Garbage Pail Kids Gross Encounters (One Shot)
Grindhouse Drive In Bleed Out #6
Halo Escalation #19
Invisible Republic #4
Jem & The Holograms #4
John Carter Warlord #8
Kaptara #3
Legacy of Luther Strode #2
Material #2
Mythic #2
Ninjak #4
Nonplayer #1 (Of 6)
Pastaways #4
Rasputin #6
Resident Alien Sam Hain Mystery #2
Sex #22
Shadow #100
Sonic Universe #77
Sons of the Devil #2
Southern Cross #4
Spawn #253
Spread #8
Thief of Thieves #29
Tithe #3
TMNT New Animated Adventures #24
Tomb Raider #17
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #42
Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars #4
Ufology #3
Walking Dead #143
Wayward #9
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New Captain America HC Vol. 01 Hydra Ascendant
Ant-Man Giant-Man Epic Collection TPB Man in Ant Hill
Ant-Man TPB Vol. 01 Second Chance Man
Batman & Robin HC Vol. 06 The Hunt for Robin
Batman & Robin TPB Vol. 05 The Big Burn
Berlin TPB Book 01
Crossed TPB Vol. 05
Cyclops TPB Vol. 02 Pirates Life for Me
Don Rosa Life & Times Scrooge Mcduck HC
Howard the Duck TPB Vol. 01 Complete Collection
Invincible TPB Vol. 21
Joker Death of the Family TPB
JSA Omnibus HC Vol. 03
Massive TPB Vol. 05 Ragnarok
On The Ropes TPB
Saga TPB Vol. 01
Saga TPB Vol. 03
Secret Six TPB Vol. 02
Wytches TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Age of Ultron Vs Marvel Zombies #1
Ant-Man Larger Than Life #1
Loki Agent of Asgard #15
Batgirl #41
Green Lantern The Lost Army #1
Superman #41
Donald Duck #2
Resident Alien Sam Hain Mystery #2
Walking Dead #143
Ant-Man Giant-Man Epic Collection TPB Man in Ant Hill
Joker Death of the Family TPB
Wytches TPB Vol. 01

Shipping List, June 17, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Armor Wars #2
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad #4 (Of 5)
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #9
Darth Vader #6
Darth Vader Directors Cut #1
Empire of Dead Act Three #3 (Of 5)
Giant Size Little Marvel AvX #1
Magneto #19
Moon Knight #16
Ms Marvel #16
Old Man Logan #2
Runaways #1
Squadron Sinister #1
Star Wars Directors Cut #1
Thors #1
Years of Future Past #1
Astro City #24
Batman Beyond #1
Black Canary #1
Doomed #1
Dr. Fate #1
Harley Quinn & Power Girl #1 (Of 6)
Justice League of America #1
Kitchen #8
Mad Max Fury Road Furiosa #1
Martian Manhunter #1
Prez #1 (Of 12)
Robin, Son of Batman #1
Secret Six #3
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #11
Sinestro #12
Superman Wonder Woman #18
Teen Titans Go #10
Wonder Woman #41
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Airboy #1 (Of 4)
Alex + Ada #15
Archie Vs Predator #3
Bloodshot Reborn #3
BPRD Hell on Earth #132
Buffy Season 10 #16
Burning Fields #5
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #11
Doctor Who 11th #13
Doctor Who 9th #2 (Of 5)
Edward Scissorhands #9
Ei8ht #5 (Of 5)
Empty Zone #1
Escape From New York #7
Fiction #1 (Of 4)
Ghostbusters Get Real #1 (Of 4)
God Hates Astronauts #9
Groo Friends and Foes #6
Ivar Timewalker #6
Dresden Files Down Town #5 (Of 6)
Joe Frankenstein #4 (Of 4)
Lazarus #17
Letter 44 #17
Low #7
Lumberjanes #15
Manifest Destiny #15
Mega Man #50
Mega Man Worlds Unite Battles #1
Mind MGMT #34
Nonplayer #2 (Of 6)
October Faction #8
Plants Vs Zombies #1 Bully For You
PS Blackcross #4 (Of 6)
Revival #30
Rick & Morty #3
Runlovekill #3
Secret Identities #5
Simpsons Comics #221
Sons of Anarchy #22
Southern Bastards #9
Spongebob Comics Annual Giant Swimtacular #3
Star Trek Ongoing #46
Strain Night Eternal #10
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #5
Stumptown V3 #6
Surface #3
Tales of Honor Bred To Kill #1
TMNT Casey & April #1 (Of 4)
Transformers #42
Transformers Vs GI Joe #7
Trees #10
Usagi Yojimbo #146
Winterworld Frozen Fleet #1 (Of 3)
X-O Manowar #37
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Banana Guard Academy TPB Vol. 01
Age of Ultron TPB
Amazing X-Men TPB Vol. 03 Once and Future Juggernaut
Annihilation Conquest Omnibus HC
Avengers Time Runs Out HC Vol. 04
Aw Yeah Comics TPB Vol. 02 Time For Adventure
Batman Dark Knight Returns TPB
Batman Hush Complete TPB
Batman Year One TPB
Black Canary and Zatanna Bloodspell TPB
Bone One Volume TPB
Captain America Epic Collection TPB Streets of Poison
Civil War TPB
Colder TPB Vol. 02 Bad Seed
Deadpool Kills Deadpool TPB
Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe TPB
Deadpool TPB Vol. 01 Dead Presidents
Deadpool Vs Carnage TPB
Deadpool Vs X-Force TPB
Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #2 (Of 4)
Deathstroke TPB Vol. 01 Gods of War
Dungeons & Dragons Abraxis Wren of Eberron TPB
Grave Business & Other Stories HC
Jungle Tales of Tarzan HC
Ghosted TPB Vol. 04 Ghost Town
Godzilla Half Century War TPB
Gotham Academy TPB Vol. 01
Justice League TPB Vol. 01 Origin
Little Nemo Return to Slumberland TPB
New Lone Wolf and Cub TPB Vol. 05
Red Hood and the Outlaws TPB Vol. 06 Lost & Found
Return of the Gremlins HC
Saga TPB Vol. 02
Saga TPB Vol. 04
Sandman TPB Vol. 01 Preludes & Nocturnes
Sandman TPB Vol. 02 The Dolls House
Sandman TPB Vol. 03 Dream Country
Sandman TPB Vol. 04 Season of Mists
Sandman TPB Vol. 05 A Game of You
Sandman TPB Vol. 06 Fables and Reflections
Sandman TPB Vol. 07 Brief Lives
Sandman TPB Vol. 08 Worlds End
Sandman TPB Vol. 09 The Kindly Ones
Sandman TPB Vol. 10 The Wake
Spider-Woman TPB Vol. 01 Spider-Verse
Star Trek Legion of Superheroes TPB
V for Vendetta TPB
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 01 Days Gone Bye
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 02 Miles Behind Us
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 03 Safety Behind Bars
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 04 Hearts Desire
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 05 Best Defense
Watchmen TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Darth Vader Directors Cut #1
Thors #1
Black Canary #1
Doomed #1
Mega Man #50
Nonplayer #2 (Of 6)
Annihilation Conquest Omnibus HC
Bone One Volume TPB
V for Vendetta TPB

Shipping List, June 10, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 10, 2015

1602 Witch Hunter Angela #1
Captain America and Mighty Avengers #9
Captain Marvel and Carol Corps #1
Dark Tower Drawing Three House Cards #4 (Of 5)
Ghost Racers #1
Inferno #2
Infinity Gauntlet #1
Inhumans Attilan Rising #2
Kanan Last Padawan #3
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #8
Marvel Zombies #1
Mrs. Deadpool and Howling Commandos #1
Princess Leia #3 (Of 5)
Secret Wars 2099 #2 (Of 5)
Secret Wars Journal #2 (Of 5)
Silk #5
Silver Surfer #12
Spider-Gwen #5
Spider-Verse #2
Ultimate End #2 (Of 5)
Arrow Season 2.5 #9
Batman #41
Batman Superman #21
Catwoman #41
Coffin Hill #19
Constantine The Hellblazer #1
Convergence Blue Beetle #2
Convergence Booster Gold #2
Convergence Crime Syndicate #2
Detective Comics #41
Earth 2 Society #1
Fables The Wolf Among Us #6
FBP Federal Bureau of Physics #21
Gotham Academy #7
Harley Quinn #17
Injustice Gods among Us Year Four #3
New Suicide Squad #9
Red Hood Arsenal #1
Scooby Doo Where Are You #58
Section 8 #1 (Of 6)
Starfire #1
Strange Sports Stories #4 (Of 4)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
21st Century Tank Girl #1 (Of 3)
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #6
Bill & Ted Most Triumphant Return #4 (Of 6)
Big Con Job #4 (Of 4)
Birthright #8
Black Science #15
Blubber #1
Chrononauts #4
Copperhead #8
Crossed Plus 100 #5
Deadly Class #13
Descender #4
Doctor Who 10th #11
Donald Duck #1
Fight Club 2 #1
Harrow County #2
Hit 1957 #3 (Of 4)
Injection #2
Insufferable #2
Lady Death Apocalypse #5
Lil Depressed Boy Supposed To Be There Too #5
Mantle #2
Miami Vice Remix #4 (Of 5)
Midnight Society The Black Lake #1
Mouse Guard Legends of Guard Vol. 03 #4 (Of 4)
Munchkin #5
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #31
Nameless #4
Providence #1 (Of 12)
Rachel Rising #34
Ragnarok #5
Rebels #3
Roche Limit Clandestiny #2
Saga #29
Savior #3
Sonic the Hedgehog #273
Sonic Universe #76
Spongebob Comics #45
Starve #1
TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #6
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #41
Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars #3
Uncle Scrooge #3
Unity #19
Walking Dead #142
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Flip Side TPB Vol. 01
Alien Vs Predator Fire & Stone TPB
Ant-Man TPB Scott Lang
Batgirl HC Vol. 01 The Batgirl of Burnside
Batman Cataclysm TPB
Bodies TPB
Criminal Macabre Omnibus TPB Vol. 03
Deadpool by Posehn and Duggan HC Vol. 02
East of West TPB Vol. 04 Who Wants War
Ghost Fleet TPB Vol. 01 Deadhead
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man TPB Vol. 02 Revelations
Ms. Marvel TPB Vol. 03 Crushed
Nightwing TPB Vol. 02 Rough Justice
Silver Surfer TPB Vol. 02 Worlds Apart
Wake TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Captain Marvel and Carol Corps #1
Marvel Zombies #1
Spider-Verse #2
Constantine The Hellblazer #1
New Suicide Squad #9
Red Hood Arsenal #1
Bill & Ted Most Triumphant Return #4 (Of 6)
Descender #4
Spongebob Comics #45
Batman Cataclysm TPB
Deadpool by Posehn and Duggan HC Vol. 02
Ghost Fleet TPB Vol. 01 Deadhead

Shipping List, June 3, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, June 3, 2015

All New X-Men #41
Amazing Spider-Man #18.1
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #1
Armor Wars #1
Darth Vader #6
Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #1 (Of 4)
Future Imperfect #1
Giant Size Little Marvel AvX #1
Groot #1
Guardians Team-Up #6
Master of Kung Fu #2 (Of 4)
Princess Leia #4 (Of 5)
Secret Wars #3
Secret Wars Battleworld #2 (Of 4)
Spider-Woman #8
Star Wars #5
Star Wars #6
Superior Iron Man #9
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6
Wolverines #20
X-Tinction Agenda #1
Years of Future Past #1
Bat Mite #1 (Of 6)
Batman Arkham Knight #5
Batman Beyond #1
Bizarro #1 (Of 6)
Convergence Justice League America #2
Flash Season Zero #9
Green Arrow #41
Green Lantern #41
Justice League #41
Lobo #7
Looney Tunes #225
Midnighter #1
Mortal Kombat X #7
Omega Men #1
Wonder Woman Annual #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Action Comics #41
Airboy #1 (Of 4)
Angel and Faith Season 10 #15
Arcadia #2
Archie #666
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #6
Baltimore Cult of the Red King #2 (Of 5)
Big Man Plans #3 (Of 4)
Blood Queen Vs Dracula #4 (Of 4)
BPRD, Hell on Earth #131
Bunker #11
Covenant #1
Crossed Badlands #78
D4ve #5 (Of 5)
Dead Drop #2 (Of 4)
Doctor Who 12th #8
Empty #4
Feathers #6
Groo Friends and Foes #5
Humans #5
Imperium #5
Jupiter’s Circle #3
Lola Xoxo Wasteland Madam #2
Maxx Maxximized #20
Mice Templar V Nights End #3 (Of 5)
Millennium #5 (Of 5)
Minimum Wage So Many Bad Decisions #2 (Of 6)
Morning Glories #46
My Little Pony Fiendship Is Magic #4
My Little Pony Friends Forever #17
Nailbiter #13
Nonplayer #2 (Of 6)
Rat God #5 (Of 5)
Samurai Jack #20
Simpsons Illustrated #17
Sixth Gun Valley of Death #1 (Of 3)
Sonic Boom #8
Strain Night Eternal #9
Suicide Risk #25
TMNT Mutanimals #4 (Of 4)
TMNT New Animated Adventures #23
Transformers Vs GI Joe #7
Uncanny Season 2 #3 (Of 6)
War Stories #9
Wicked & Divine #11
Winterworld Frozen Fleet #1 (Of 3)
Winterworld Frozen Fleet #2 (Of 3)
Woods #13
Zero #17
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Noir The Dark Knight Returns HC
Big Trouble In Little China TPB Vol. 01
Bravo for Adventure HC
Civil War Wolverine TPB
Civil War X-Men TPB
Complete Pistolwhip HC
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 19
Fuse TPB Vol. 02 Gridlock
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 03 The Trial of Oliver Queen
House of Hem TPB
League of Regrettable Superheroes TPB
Star Wars Marvel Yrs Omnibus HC Vol. 02
Swamp Thing TPB Vol. 06 The Sureen
Thanos Infinity Relativity HC
TMNT Ongoing TPB Vol. 11 Attack on Technodrome
Usagi Yojimbo Saga TPB Vol. 03
Venom by Remender Complete Collection TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #1
Giant Size Little Marvel AvX #1
Groot #1
Batman Beyond #1
Justice League #41
Wonder Woman Annual #1
Bunker #11
Minimum Wage So Many Bad Decisions #2 (Of 6)
Sixth Gun Valley of Death #1 (Of 3)
Batman Noir The Dark Knight Returns HC
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 19
Star Wars Marvel Yrs Omnibus HC Vol. 02

Shipping List, May 27, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 27, 2015

All New Hawkeye #3
Avengers Vs #1
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad #3 (Of 5)
Black Widow #18
Infinity Gauntlet #1
Inhumans Attilan Rising #1
Iron Fist Living Weapon #12
Modok Assassin #1 (Of 5)
Nova #31
Old Man Logan #1
Secret Wars 2099 #1 (Of 5)
Secret Wars Journal #1 (Of 5)
Shield #6
Uncanny Avengers Ultron Forever #1
Where Monsters Dwell #1 (Of 5)
Batman 66 #23
Coffin Hill #18
Convergence #6
Convergence #8
Convergence Action Comics #2
Convergence Aquaman #2
Convergence Blue Beetle #2
Convergence Booster Gold #2
Convergence Catwoman #2
Convergence Crime Syndicate #1
Convergence Crime Syndicate #2
Convergence Detective Comics #2
Convergence Infinity Inc #2
Convergence Justice League Intl #2
Convergence Justice Society of America #2
Convergence Plastic Man Freedom Fighters #2
Convergence Shazam #2
Convergence Suicide Squad #2
Convergence Superboy #2
Convergence Worlds Finest Comics #2
He Man The Eternity War #6
Injustice Gods among Us Year Four #2
Sandman Overture #5 (Of 6)
Suiciders #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #40
Bart Simpson Comics #96
Big Trouble in Little China #11
CBLDF Presents Elephantmen Shots #1
Chew #49
Curb Stomp #4
Deadly Class #13
Divinity #4 (Of 4)
Edward Scissorhands #8
Elfquest Final Quest #9
Fight Club 2 #1
Frankenstein Underground #3 (Of 5)
God is Dead #36
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #24
Grindhouse Drive In Bleed Out #5
Halo Escalation #18
Inferno #1
Injection #1
Invincible #120
Invisible Republic #3
Ivar Timewalker #5
John Carter Warlord #7
Judge Dredd #30
Prince Valiant #2 (Of 4)
Material #1
Mister X Razed #4 (Of 4)
Mouse Guard Legends of Guard Vol. 03 #3 (Of 4)
Munchkin #5
October Faction #7
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #9
Pastaways #3
Pisces #2
Postal #4
Providence #1 (Of 12)
Ragnarok #5
Red Sonja #16
Sex #21
Sonic the Hedgehog #272
Sonic Universe #76
Sons of the Devil #1
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #92
They’re Not Like Us #6
TMNT Ongoing #46
Tomb Raider #16
Transformers More than Meets Eye #41
Uber #25
Wayward #8
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batgirl TPB Vol. 05 Deadline
Batman Adventures TPB Vol. 02
Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 11 Merc with a Mouth
Deadpool TPB Vol. 08 All Good Things
Giant Size X-Men 40th Anniversary HC
Guardians 3000 TPB Vol. 01 Time After Time
Humans TPB Vol. 01 Humans for Life
Louise Brooks Detective HC
Nightcrawler TPB Vol. 02 Reborn
Thanos Vs Hulk TPB
Wolverine Old Man Logan TPB
Wolverines TPB Vol. 02 Claw Blade and Fang
Y The Last Man TPB Book 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Infinity Gauntlet #1
Inhumans Attilan Rising #1
Old Man Logan #1
Convergence Catwoman #2
Convergence Plastic Man Freedom Fighters #2
Sandman Overture #5 (Of 6)
CBLDF Presents Elephantmen Shots #1
Fight Club 2 #1
Sons of the Devil #1
Batgirl TPB Vol. 05 Deadline
Giant Size X-Men 40th Anniversary HC
Humans TPB Vol. 01 Humans for Life

Shipping List, May 20, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A-Force #1
Avengers World #21
Daredevil #15.1
Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #1 (Of 4)
Guardians of the Galaxy #27
Inhuman Annual #1
Loki Agent of Asgard #14
Master of Kung Fu #1 (Of 4)
Moon Knight #15
Planet Hulk #1
Return of the Living Deadpool #4 (Of 4)
Secret Wars #1
Secret Wars Battleworld #1 (Of 4)
Spider-Verse #1
Star Wars #5
Ultimate End #1 (Of 5)
Uncanny X-Men #34
Wolverines #19
Convergence #1
Convergence #7
Convergence Adventures of Superman #2
Convergence Atom #2
Convergence Batgirl #2
Convergence Batman & Robin #2
Convergence Batman & the Outsiders #2
Convergence Flash #2
Convergence Green Lantern Corps #1
Convergence Green Lantern Corps #2
Convergence Hawkman #2
Convergence Justice League America #2
Convergence New Teen Titans #2
Convergence Speed Force #2
Convergence Superboy & the Legion #2
Convergence Superman #2
Convergence Swamp Thing #2
Convergence Titans #2
Convergence Wonder Woman #2
Kitchen #7
Mad Max Fury Road Nux & Immortal Joe #1
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #10
Superman #40
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Archie Vs Predator #2
Bloodshot Reborn #2
Buffy Season 10 #15
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #10
Django Zorro #7 (Of 7)
Doctor Who 10th #10
Doctor Who 11th #12
Donald Duck #1
Ei8ht #4 (Of 5)
Empire Uprising #2
Fade Out #6
Ghosted #20
Goon Once Upon a Hard Time #3 (Of 4)
Groo Friends and Foes #5
Insufferable #1
Jem & The Holograms #3
Kaptara #2
Lazarus #16
Letter 44 #16
Mega Man #49
Mind MGMT #33
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #30
Nailbiter #11
New Vampirella #12
Ninjak #3
Powers #3
Resident Alien Sam Hain Mystery #1
Satellite Sam #14
Secret Identities #4
Simpsons Summer Shindig #9
Sons of Anarchy #21
Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars #3 (Of 4)
Spawn #252
Strain Night Eternal #9
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #4
TMNT New Animated Adventures #22
Transformers #41
Trees #9
Ufology #2
Usagi Yojimbo #145
Wasteland #52
Winterworld Frozen Fleet #1 (Of 3)
Wytches #6
X-Files Season 10 #24
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Age of Ultron TPB
All New Ghost Rider TPB Vol. 02 Legend
Angel & Faith Season 10 TPB Vol. 02 Lost and Found
Axis Revolutions TPB
Detective Comics TPB Vol. 05 Gothtopia
Batman Hush Complete TPB
Batman Year One TPB
Civil War Adventure TPB Vol. 01
Civil War Amazing Spider-Man TPB
Civil War TPB
Civil War TPB Ms. Marvel
Ex Machina TPB Book 05
Fables 1001 Nights of Snowfall TPB
Fables TPB Vol. 01 Legends In Exile
Fantastic Four Epic Collection: Strange Days TPB
Grendel Vs Shadow HC
JLA TPB Vol. 07
My Friend Dahmer TPB
My Little Pony TPB Vol. 02 When Cutie Calls
Plants Vs Zombies HC Timepocalypse
Sex Criminals TPB Vol. 01
Southern Bastards TPB Vol. 01 Here Was A Man
Stray Bullets TPB Vol. 02 Somewhere Out West
Uncanny Avengers TPB Vol. 04 Avenge Earth
Uncanny X-Men TPB Vol. 04 Vs Shield
Unwritten TPB Vol. 11
Walking Dead Compendium TPB Vol. 01
Walking Dead Compendium TPB Vol. 02
Watchmen TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #1 (Of 4)
Planet Hulk #1
Ultimate End #1 (Of 5)
Convergence Flash #2
Convergence Swamp Thing #2
Mad Max Fury Road Nux & Immortal Joe #1
Donald Duck #1
Letter 44 #16
Resident Alien Sam Hain Mystery #1
Civil War TPB
My Friend Dahmer TPB
Watchmen TPB