Shipping List, May 13, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Angela Asgard’s Assassin #6
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #8
Captain America and Mighty Avengers #8
Captain Marvel #15
Dark Tower Drawing Three House Cards #3 (Of 5)
Darth Vader #5
Guardians 3000 #8
Howard the Duck #3
Legendary Star Lord #12
Magneto #18
Ms Marvel #15
Night Nurse #1
Secret Wars #2
Silk #4
Spider-Man 2099 #12
Storm #11
Thor #8
Uncanny Avengers #4
Wolverines #18
Arrow Season 2.5 #8
Astro City #23
Batman Arkham Knight #4
Coffin Hill #18
Convergence #6
Convergence Action Comics #1
Convergence Aquaman #2
Convergence Batman Shadow of the Bat #2
Convergence Catwoman #2
Convergence Crime Syndicate #1
Convergence Green Arrow #2
Convergence Green Lantern Parallax #2
Convergence Justice League International #2
Convergence Plastic Man Freedom Fighters #1
Convergence Suicide Squad #2
Convergence Superboy #2
Convergence Supergirl Matrix #2
Convergence Superman Man of Steel #2
Fables The Wolf Among Us #5
FBP Federal Bureau of Physics #20
Injustice Gods among Us Year Four #1
Mortal Kombat X #6
Scooby Doo Where Are You #57
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #9
Strange Sports Stories #3 (Of 4)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #23
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #5
Auteur Sister Bambi #1
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #2
Bill & Ted Most Triumphant Return #3 (Of 6)
Birthright #7
Black Science #14
BSG Death of Apollo #6 (Of 6)
Chrononauts #3
Copperhead #7
Cowl #10
D4ve #4 (Of 5)
Deep State #6
Dresden Files Down Town #4 (Of 6)
East of West #19
Escape From New York #6
Five Ghosts Special #1
GI Joe Snake Eyes Agent of Cobra #5 (Of 5)
Harrow County #1
Imperium #4
Injection #1
Joe Frankenstein #3 (Of 4)
Judge Dredd #29
Lady Killer #5
Mantle #1
Maxx Maxximized #19
Miami Vice Remix #3 (Of 5)
Mouse Guard Legends of Guard Vol. 03 #3 (Of 4)
My Little Pony Friends Forever #16
Mythic #1
Odyc #5
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #8
PS Blackcross #3 (Of 6)
Rebels #2
Rick & Morty #2
Runlovekill #2
Saga #28
Savior #2
Sixth Gun Dust To Dust #3
Sonic the Hedgehog #272
Southern Cross #3
Spongebob Comics #44
Spread #7
Star Trek New Visions Resistance
Star Trek Ongoing #45
TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #5
Uncle Scrooge #2
Unity #18
Walking Dead #141
X-O Manowar #36
Zombies Vs Robots #4
Zombies Vs Robots #5
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Aliens Fire and Stone TPB
Avengers Time Runs Out HC Vol. 03
Batman Arkham Riddler TPB
Batman Batman and Son TPB
Batman Dark Knight Returns TPB
Batman Dark Knight Unwrapped David Finch HC
Blackest Night TPB
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier TPB Vol. 01 Man on Wall
Donald Duck HC Vol. 06 Pixilated Parrot
Fables Deluxe Edition HC Vol. 10
Forever Evil TPB
Green Lantern HC Vol. 06 The Life Equation
Green Lantern TPB Vol. 05 Test of Wills
My Little Pony TPB Vol. 01 The Magic Begins
Revival TPB Vol. 04 Escape To Wisconsin
Revival TPB Vol. 05 Gathering of Waters
Robin The Boy Wonder A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Sex Criminals TPB Vol. 02 Two Worlds One Cop
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB Vol. 01
Thor HC Vol. 01 Goddess of Thunder
TMNT Classics TPB Vol. 10
Tomb Raider TPB Vol. 02 Secrets and Lies
V For Vendetta TPB
Watchmen TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Angela Asgard’s Assassin #6
Night Nurse #1
Uncanny Avengers #4
Convergence Aquaman #2
Injustice Gods among Us Year Four #1
Strange Sports Stories #3 (Of 4)
Bill & Ted Most Triumphant Return #3 (Of 6)
Mythic #1
Spongebob Comics #44
Blackest Night TPB
Donald Duck HC Vol. 06 Pixilated Parrot
Thor HC Vol. 01 Goddess of Thunder

Shipping List, May 6, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 6, 2015

All New Captain America Special #1
Amazing Spider-Man #18
Ant-Man #5
Avengers Vs #1
Empire of Dead Act Three #2 (Of 5)
Guardians Team-Up #5
Hulk #16
Inhuman Annual #1
Kanan Last Padawan #2
Operation Sin #5 (Of 5)
Punisher #18
Return of the Living Deadpool #4 (Of 4)
Rocket Raccoon #11
Secret Wars #1
Spider-Gwen #4
Spider-Woman #7
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5
Wolverines #17
Batman 66 #22
Convergence #1
Convergence #5
Convergence Atom #2
Convergence Batgirl #2
Convergence Batman & Robin #2
Convergence Batman & The Outsiders #1
Convergence Green Lantern Corps #1
Convergence Harley Quinn #2
Convergence Justice League #2
Convergence Nightwing Oracle #2
Convergence Question #2
Convergence Speed Force #2
Convergence Superboy #1
Convergence Superboy & The Legion #1
Convergence Supergirl Matrix #1
Convergence Superman #2
Convergence Titans #2
Effigy #4
Flash Season Zero #8
Hinterkind #18
Names #9 (Of 9)
Scooby Doo Team Up #10
Scooby Doo Where Are You #48
Wolf Moon #6 (Of 6)
Wonder Woman 77 Special #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
68 Bad Sign One Shot
Adventure Time #39
Afterlife With Archie #8
Angel and Faith Season 10 #14
Arcadia #1
Artifacts Lost Tales #1
Baltimore Cult of the Red King #1 (Of 5)
Big Con Job #3 (Of 4)
Cavewoman The Return #2
Crossed Badlands #77
Day Men #7
Dead Drop #1 (Of 4)
Dead Letters #9
Descender #3
Elephantmen #64
Feathers #5
God Hates Astronauts #8
God Is Dead #35
John Carter Warlord #6
Jupiter’s Circle #2
Lazarus #16
Miami Vice Remix #2 (Of 5)
Minimum Wage So Many Bad Decisions #1 (Of 6)
Nailbiter #12
October Faction #6
Rachel Rising #33
Rat God #4 (Of 5)
Roche Limit Clandestiny #1
Rocket Girl #6
Samurai Jack #19
Swords of Sorrow #1 (Of 6)
Thief of Thieves #28
TMNT Mutanimals #3 (Of 4)
Transformers #40
Uber #24
Uncanny Season 2 #2 (Of 6)
Uncle Scrooge #1
Wicked & Divine #10
Zero #16
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New X-Men TPB Vol. 05 One Down
Army of Darkness Ash Gets Hitched TPB
Batman Earth One HC Vol. 02
Batman Superman HC Vol. 03 Second Chance
Batman Superman TPB Vol. 02 Game Over
Captain America Return of Winter Soldier Omnibus HC
Girl Who Played With Fire TPB
Guardians of the Galaxy HC Vol. 01
Knight Takes Queen TPB 2nd Knight Life Collection
Mad Max Fury Road HC
Rat Queens TPB Vol. 02 Far Reaching Tentacles of N’r
Secret Wars Prelude TPB
Southern Bastards TPB Vol. 02 Gridiron
Star Wars HC Episode IV New Hope
Strain TPB Vol. 05 Night Eternal
Superman Vs Darkseid TPB
Usagi Yojimbo Senso HC
Vision Yesterday and Tomorrow TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New Captain America Special #1
Secret Wars #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5
Convergence Harley Quinn #2
Convergence Superman #2
Wonder Woman 77 Special #1
Baltimore Cult of the Red King #1 (Of 5)
God Hates Astronauts #8
Roche Limit Clandestiny #1
Batman Earth One HC Vol. 02
Guardians of the Galaxy HC Vol. 01
Southern Bastards TPB Vol. 02 Gridiron

Shipping List, April 29, 2015

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 29, 2015

All New Captain America #6
Avengers #44
Daredevil #15
Deathlok #7
Fantastic Four #645
Inhuman #14
Moon Knight #14
New Avengers #33
New Avengers Ultron Forever #1
Nova #30
Princess Leia #3 (Of 5)
Secret Avengers #15
Shield #5
Silk #3
Silver Surfer #11
Spider-Man and X-Men #6
Superior Iron Man #8
Wolverines #16
X-Men #26
Batman #40
Convergence #4
Convergence Action Comics #1
Convergence Blue Beetle #1
Convergence Booster Gold #1
Convergence Crime Syndicate #1
Convergence Detective Comics #1
Convergence Green Lantern Parallax #1
Convergence Infinity Inc #1
Convergence Justice Society of America #1
Convergence Plastic Man Freedom Fighters #1
Convergence Shazam #1
Convergence Suicide Squad #1
Convergence Worlds Finest Comics #1
He Man The Eternity War #5
Injustice Gods among Us Year Three Annual #1
Justice League #40
Multiversity #2
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #9
Superman #40
Vertigo Quarterly SFX #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Alex + Ada #14
Big Trouble in Little China #10
Bitch Planet #4
Blood Queen Vs Dracula #3 (Of 4)
Burning Fields #4
Conan Red Sonja #4
Crossed Badlands #76
Fuse #12
Garbage Pail Kids Fables Fantasy & Farts
GI Joe (2014) #8
GI Joe Snake Eyes Agent of Cobra #4 (Of 5)
God Is Dead #34
Hit 1957 #2 (Of 4)
Invincible #119
Jem & the Holograms #2
Judge Dredd #29
Lady Death Apocalypse #4
Mice Templar V Nights End #2 (Of 5)
Morning Glories #45
Munchkin #4
My Little Pony Fiendship Is Magic #5
Order of the Forge #1 (Of 3)
Outcast #8
Pastaways #2
Pisces #1
Quantum & Woody Must Die #4 (Of 4)
Red One #2
Resident Alien Sam Hain Mystery #0
Rumble #5
Sonic Boom #7
Spread #7
Star Wars Insider #157
The Devilers #6 (Of 7)
They’re not like Us #5
Tithe #1
TMNT New Animated Adventures #22
TMNT Ongoing #45
Transformers More than Meets the Eye #40
War Stories #8
Wayward #7
Witchblade #182
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man Edge of Spider-Verse TPB
Avengers Epic Collection Behold Vision TPB
Avengers West Coast Vision Quest TPB
Batman HC Vol. 06 The Graveyard Shift
Batman TPB Vol. 05 Zero Year Dark City
Dick Tracy HC Vol. 18
Darth Vader & Friends HC
Fables TPB Vol. 21 Happily Ever After
Fantastic Four Omnibus HC Vol. 03
Gotham City Sirens TPB Book 02
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 06 Broken
Original Sin TPB
Original Sins TPB
Palookaville HC Vol. 22
Realist Original HC
Spider-Verse HC
Spread TPB Vol. 01 No Hope
Usagi Yojimbo Saga TPB Vol. 01
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 23
Scott’s Picks of the Week
New Avengers Ultron Forever #1
Silk #3
Superior Iron Man #8
Convergence Action Comics #1
Convergence Justice Society of America #1
Multiversity #2
Blood Queen Vs Dracula #3 (Of 4)
Garbage Pail Kids Fables Fantasy & Farts
Order of the Forge #1 (Of 3)
Batman TPB Vol. 05 Zero Year Dark City
Palookaville HC Vol. 22
Spider-Verse HC

Shipping List, April 22, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 22, 2015

All New X-Men #40
Amazing Spider-Man #17.1
Amazing X-Men #19
Avengers Magazine #1
Avengers Millennium #4 (Of 4)
Avengers Operation Hydra #1
Avengers World #20
Black Widow #17
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men Black Vortex Omega #1
Guardians of the Galaxy #26
Hulk #15
Inhuman Special #1
Star Wars #4
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4
Wolverines #15
Batman 66 #22
Batman Arkham Knight #3
Convergence #1
Convergence #3
Convergence Adventures of f Superman #1
Convergence Batman & Robin #1
Convergence Batman & the Outsiders #1
Convergence Flash #1
Convergence Green Lantern Corps #1
Convergence Hawkman #1
Convergence Justice League America #1
Convergence New Teen Titans #1
Convergence Superboy & The Legion #1
Convergence Swamp Thing #1
Convergence Wonder Woman #1
Effigy #4
Suiciders #3
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #39
Buffy Season 10 #14
Chew #48
Chrononauts #2
Copperhead #6
Creeple Peeple #3 (Of 3)
Creepy Comics #20
Curb Stomp #3
Dawn of the Planet of Apes #6
Deadly Class #12
Divinity #3 (Of 4)
Edward Scissorhands #7
Empire Uprising #1
Empty #3
Frankenstein Underground #2 (Of 5)
Galaxy Quest Journey Continues #4 (Of 4)
God Is Dead #33
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #23
Grindhouse Drive In Bleed Out #4
Halo Escalation #17
Intersect #6
Invisible Republic #2
Ivar Timewalker #4
Kaptara #1
Lazarus #16
Manifest Destiny #14
Maxx Maxximized #18
Miami Vice Remix #2 (Of 5)
Mind MGMT #32
Mister X Razed #3 (Of 4)
My Little Pony Fiendship Is Magic #4
Ninjak #2
Postal #3
Powerpuff Girls Super Smash-Up #4 (Of 6)
Rick & Morty #1
Samurai Jack #18
Satellite Sam #13
Sonic Universe #75
Suicide Risk #24
TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #4
Tomb Raider #15
Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars #2
Uncle Scrooge #1
Velvet #10
Zombies Vs Robots #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Sugary Shorts TPB Vol. 01
Army of Darkness Ash Gets Hitched TPB
Avengers Rage of Ultron HC
Batman 66 TPB Vol. 02
Batman Noel HC
Best of EC Artist Ed HC Vol. 02
Criminal Macabre Third Child TPB
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 01 Hot in the City
Hulk Future Imperfect TPB
Loki Agent of Asgard TPB Vol. 02 I Cannot Tell a Lie
Neonomicon TPB
Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide TPB Vol. 44
Rat Queens TPB Vol. 01 Sass & Sorcery
Realist HC
Spider-Man Complete Alien Costume Saga TPB Book 02
Strain HC Vol. 02 The Fall
Superior Iron Man HC Vol. 01 Infamous
Transformers Classics TPB Vol. 08
Vision Yesterday and Tomorrow TPB
Wolverines TPB Vol. 01 Dancing with the Devil
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers Magazine #1
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men Black Vortex Omega #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4
Convergence #3
Convergence Flash #1
Suiciders #3
Empire Uprising #1
Manifest Destiny #14
Uncle Scrooge #1
Batman Noel HC
Criminal Macabre Third Child TPB
Hulk Future Imperfect TPB

Shipping List, April 15, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Amazing Spider-Man #17
Avengers Millennium #3 (Of 4)
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad #2 (Of 5)
Captain America and Mighty Avengers #7
Deathlok #7
Legendary Star Lord #11
Loki Agent of Asgard #13
Magneto #17
Ms. Marvel #14
Nova #29
Spider-Man 2099 #11
Spider-Man and X-Men #5
Superior Iron Man #7
Thor #7
Uncanny X-Men #33
Wolverines #14
American Vampire Second Cycle #7
Convergence #2
Convergence Aquaman #1
Convergence Batman Shadow of the Bat #1
Convergence Catwoman #1
Convergence Green Arrow #1
Convergence Green Lantern Parallax #1
Convergence Harley Quinn #1
Convergence Justice League Intl #1
Convergence Suicide Squad #1
Convergence Superboy #1
Convergence Supergirl Matrix #1
Convergence Superman Man of Steel #1
Kitchen #6
Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman #9
Strange Sports Stories #2 (Of 4)
Teen Titans Go #9
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
68 Bad Sign One Shot
Archie vs. Predator #1
Betty & Veronica #275
Black Science #13
Bloodshot Reborn #1
BPRD Hell on Earth #130
Chrononauts #2
Crossed Badlands #75
Crossed Plus 100 #4
D4ve #3 (Of 5)
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #9
Django/Zorro #6 (Of 7)
Doctor Who 10th #9
Doctor Who 11th #11
Doctor Who 12th #7
Ei8ht #3 (Of 5)
Eternal #4
Fade Out #5
Ghosted #19
GI Joe Snake Eyes Agent of Cobra #4 (Of 5)
God is Dead #32
Groo Friends and Foes #4
John Carter Warlord #5
Letter 44 #15
Lumberjanes #13
Mega Man #48
Millennium #4 (Of 5)
My Little Pony Fiendship Is Magic #3
October Faction #6
Oddly Normal #6
Revival #29
Runlovekill #1
Sabrina #2
Secret Identities #3
Simpsons Comics #220
Sixth Gun Dust to Dust #2
Sonic the Hedgehog #271
Sons of Anarchy #20
Spawn #251
Star Trek Ongoing #44
Strain Night Eternal #8
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #3
Tithe #1
Transformers #40
Unity #17
X-Files Season 10 #23
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
100 Bullets TPB Book 02
Avengers Rage of Ultron HC
Bandette HC Vol. 02 Stealers Keepers
Batman Adventures Mad Love HC
Blade of the Immortal TPB Vol. 31 Final Curtain
Buffy Season 10 TPB Vol. 02 I Wish
Crime Does Not Pay Archives HC Vol. 09
Deadpool Classic Companion TPB
Deep State TPB Vol. 01
Fell TPB Vol. 01 Feral City
Filth HC
Girlfiend TPB
Halo Escalation TPB Vol. 02
Injustice Gods among Us Year 2 TPB Vol. 01
Injustice Gods among Us Year Two HC Vol. 02
Men of Wrath TPB
Moon Knight TPB Vol. 02 Dead Will Rise
Polar HC Vol. 02 Eye for an Eye
Prometheus Fire & Stone TPB
Shazam A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Spread TPB Vol. 01 No Hope
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 03 Safety Behind Bars
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad #2 (Of 5)
Spider-Man 2099 #11
Uncanny X-Men #33
Convergence Batman Shadow of the Bat #1
Convergence Harley Quinn #1
Strange Sports Stories #2 (Of 4)
Bloodshot Reborn #1
Lumberjanes #13
Runlovekill #1
Avengers Rage of Ultron HC
Fell TPB Vol. 01 Feral City
Shazam A Celebration of 75 Years HC

Shipping List, April 8, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 8, 2015

All New Hawkeye #2
Angela Asgard’s Assassin #5
Ant-Man #4
Avengers Millennium #2 (Of 4)
Avengers World #19
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #7
Captain Marvel #14
Darth Vader #4
Deadpool #45
Guardians 3000 #7
Howard the Duck #2
Hulk #14
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #6
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #12
Princess Leia #1 (Of 5)
Shield #4
Spider-Man 2099 #11
Spider-Woman #6
Storm #10
Arrow Season 2.5 #7
Astro City #22
Batman Arkham Knight #2
Coffin Hill #17
Convergence #1
Convergence Atom #1
Convergence Batgirl #1
Convergence Batman & Robin #1
Convergence Harley Quinn #1
Convergence Justice League #1
Convergence Nightwing Oracle #1
Convergence Question #1
Convergence Speed Force #1
Convergence Superman #1
Convergence Titans #1
Effigy #3
Fables The Wolf Among Us #4
Mortal Kombat X #5
Scooby Doo Where Are You #56
Unwritten Vol. 2 Apocalypse #7
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #22
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #4
Big Man Plans #2 (Of 4)
Birthright #6
Copperhead #6
Deep State #5
Descender #2
Doctor Who 11th #10
Edward Scissorhands #6
Elephantmen #63
Escape From New York #5
Evil Empire #12
Evil Ernie #6
Imperium #3
Dresden Files Down Town #3 (Of 6)
Jungle Girl Season 3 #1 (Of 4)
Jupiter’s Circle #1
Legacy of Luther Strode #1
Lola Xoxo Wasteland Madam #1
Max Ride First Flight #1 (Of 5)
Mouse Guard Legends of Guard Vol. 03 #2 (Of 4)
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #2
Nameless #3
New Vampirella #11
Odyc #4
One Hit Wonder #5 (Of 5)
Orphan Black #1
Rai #8
Rat Queens #10
Rebels #1
Saga #27
Savior #1
Sleepy Hollow Origins #1
Sonic Boom #6
Sonic the Hedgehog #271
Spawn #250
Spongebob Comics #43
Star Trek/Planet of the Apes #5 (Of 5)
Surface #2
Transformers More than meets the Eye #39
Transformers vs. GI Joe #6
Walking Dead #140
Wasteland #60
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers Ultron Unbound TPB
Avengers by Jonathan Hickman HC Vol. 01
Captain Marvel TPB Vol. 02 Stay Fly
Deathstroke the Terminator TPB Vol. 01 Assassins
Harley Quinn HC Vol. 02 Power Outage
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 01 Hot in the City
Jupiter’s Legacy TPB Vol. 01
New Avengers by Jonathan Hickman HC Vol. 01
Sailors Story TPB
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 01
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection TPB Vol. 01 Empire
TMNT Ghostbusters TPB
Transformers TPB Vol. 07
Watchmen TPB
William Shakespeare Forsooth Phantom Menace HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers Millennium #2 (Of 4)
Deadpool #45
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #12
Convergence #1
Convergence Nightwing Oracle #1
Mortal Kombat X #5
Jupiter’s Circle #1
One Hit Wonder #5 (Of 5)
Wasteland #60
Avengers Ultron Unbound TPB
Sailors Story TPB
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 01

Shipping List, April 1, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Amazing Spider-Man #17
Avengers #43
Avengers Millennium #1 (Of 4)
Avengers Ultron Forever #1
Cyclops #12
Dark Tower Drawing Three House Cards #2 (Of 5)
Empire of the Dead Act Three #1 Of (5)
Guardians of the Galaxy Best Story Ever #1
Guardians Team-Up #4
Iron Fist Living Weapon #11
Kanan Last Padawan #1
Magneto #16
Operation Sin #4 (Of 5)
Punisher #17
Return of the Living Deadpool #3 (Of 4)
Rocket Raccoon #10
Spider-Gwen #3
Uncanny Avengers #3
Uncanny Inhumans #0
Wolverines #13
Arkham Manor Endgame #1
Batman and Robin Annual #3
Batman Eternal #52
Batman Superman Annual #2
Batwoman Annual #2
Convergence #0
Flash Season Zero #7
Futures End #48
Gotham Academy Endgame #1
Harley Quinn #16
Hinterkind #17
Looney Tunes #224
Names #8 (Of 9)
Sinestro Annual #1
Superman Wonder Woman #17
Teen Titans Annual #1
Wolf Moon #5 (Of 6)
Wonder Woman #40
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel and Faith Season 10 #13
Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #5 (Of 5)
Big Con Job #2 (Of 4)
Blackcross #2 (Of 6)
Black Science #13
Blood Queen Vs Dracula #2 (Of 4)
Battlestar Galactica Death of Apollo #5 (Of 6)
Buffy Season 10 #13
Cowl #9
Dead@17 Blasphemy Throne #7 (Of 7)
Doctor Who 9th #1 (Of 5)
Dungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldurs Gate #5
Dying and the Dead #2
Eternal Warrior Days of Steel #2 (Of 3)
Feathers #4
Galaxy Quest Journey Continues #3 (Of 4)
GI Joe (2014) #7
God Hates Astronauts #7
Graveyard Shift #4 (Of 4)
Hellboy and the BPRD #5 (Of 5) 1952
Lady Death Apocalypse #3
Lady Killer #4
Lil Depressed Boy Supposed To Be There Too #4
Maxx Maxximized #17
Millennium #3 (Of 5)
Mind Mgmt #31
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #1
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #26
No Mercy #1
Rai #5
Rat God #3 (Of 5)
Rick & Morty #1
Savage Sword of Conan #10
Simpsons Illustrated #16
Southern Bastards #8
Tales From The Con Year Two
TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #3
Ufology #1
Uncanny Season 2 #1 (Of 6)
War Stories #7
Woods #12
X-Files Season 10 #22
X-O Manowar #35
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Absolute Green Arrow by Kevin Smith HC
Avengers by Busiek and Perez Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Avengers Rage of Ultron HC
Avengers Scarlet Witch by Abnett and Lanning TPB
Blade of the Immortal TPB Vol. 31 Final Curtain
Casanova HC Vol. 03 Avaritia
Crisis on Multiple Earths TPB Vol. 01
DC Comics Zero Year TPB
Deep State TPB Vol. 01
Earth 2 Worlds End #26
Elfquest Final Quest TPB Vol. 01
Empowered Unchained TPB Vol. 01
Flash A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Girlfiend TPB
Goon TPB Vol. 14 Occasion of Revenge
Groo Vs Conan TPB
Amazing Spider Man Artifact Edition HC
Lumberjanes TPB Vol. 01
Marvel Captain America 8-in Retro Action Figure Set
New Teen Titans TPB Vol. 02
Once Upon A Time HC Out of the Past
Donald Duck HC Vol. 02
Wonder Woman HC Vol. 06
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 05 Flesh
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Empire of the Dead Act Three #1 Of (5)
Kanan Last Padawan #1
Uncanny Avengers #3
Convergence #0
Gotham Academy Endgame #1
Sinestro Annual #1
Big Con Job #2 (Of 4)
Feathers #4
Rick & Morty #1
Absolute Green Arrow by Kevin Smith HC
Elfquest Final Quest TPB Vol. 01

Shipping List, March 25, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 25, 2015

All New Ghost Rider #12
Amazing X-Men #18
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad #1 (Of 5)
Daredevil #14
Dark Tower Drawing Three House Cards #1 (Of 5)
Darth Vader #3
Deadpool #44
Deathlok #6
Elektra #11
Guardians 3000 #6
Guardians of the Galaxy #25
Howard The Duck #1
Legendary Star Lord #10
New Avengers #32
Nightcrawler #12
Nova #28
Powers #2
Princess Leia #1 (Of 5)
Secret Avengers #14
Spider-Gwen #1
Thanos Vs Hulk #4 (Of 4)
Uncanny X-Men #32
Wolverines #12
Wolverines #9
Aquaman #40
Arkham Manor #6
Batman 66 #21
Batman and Robin #40
Batman Eternal #51
Deathstroke #6
Detective Comics #40
Earth 2 Worlds End #23
Earth 2 Worlds End #25
Effigy #3
Flash #40
Futures End #47
Gotham Academy #6
Gotham by Midnight #5
Green Lantern Corps #40
He Man The Eternity War #4
Inhuman #13
Justice League Dark #40
Multiversity Ultra Comics #1
Red Lanterns #40
Secret Origins #11
Sinestro #11
Star Spangled War Stories GI Zombie #8
Suiciders #2
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #21
Adventure Time #38
Altered States The Shadow One Shot
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #4
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #5
Bart Simpson Comics #95
Bunker #10
Chew #47
Conan/Red Sonja #3
Creeple Peeple #2 (Of 3)
Crossed Badlands #74
D4ve #2 (Of 5)
Dawn of the Planet of Apes #5
DF Star Wars #1
Django Zorro #5 (Of 6)
Doctor Who 11th #10
Dream Police #6
Drifter #5
Edward Scissorhands #5 (Of 5)
Elfquest Final Quest #8
Empty #2
Evil Ernie #5
Fuse #11
GI Joe Snake Eyes Agent of Cobra #3 (Of 5)
God is Dead #31
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #22
Goners #6
Goon Once Upon A Hard Time #2 (Of 4)
Grindhouse Drive In Bleed Out #3
Halo Escalation #16
Hit 1957 #1 (Of 4)
Humans #3
Intersect #5
Invincible #118
Jem & The Holograms #1
Joe Frankenstein #2 (Of 4)
Mega Man #47
Miami Vice Remix #1 (Of 5)
Mice Templar V Nights End #1 (Of 5)
Mister X Razed #2 (Of 4)
Morning Glories #44
Munchkin #3
My Little Pony Friends Forever #15
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #29
October Faction #5
Pastaways #1
Quantum & Woody Must Die #3 (Of 4)
Rat God #2 (Of 5)
Red Sonja #15
Rumble #4
Samurai Jack #17
Sidekick #10
Sixth Gun #47
Sonic The Hedgehog #270
Sonic Universe #74
Star Trek New Visions A Scent of Ghosts
Suicide Risk #23
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #91
The Valiant #4 (Of 4)
They’re Not Like Us #4
Thief of Thieves #27
TMNT Mutanimals #2 (Of 4)
TMNT New Animated Adventures #21
Tomb Raider #14
Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars #1
V-Wars #11
Walking Dead #139
Wayward #6
Wicked & Divine #9
Wytches #5
Zombies Vs Robots #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB Round Robin
Batman 66 Meets the Green Hornet HC
Batman Adventures TPB Vol. 01
Big Hard Sex Criminals HC
Catwoman #40
Colder TPB Vol. 01
Corto Maltese TPB Under the Sign of Capricorn
Criminal TPB Vol. 03 The Dead and the Dying
Crisis on Infinite Earths TPB
Hawkeye TPB Avenging Archer
Identity Crisis TPB
Infinite Crisis TPB
Inhuman TPB Vol. 02 Axis
It’s A Good Life If You Don’t Weaken TPB
Kill My Mother TPB
Letter 44 TPB Vol. 02
Morning Glories TPB Vol. 08
Murder Book TPB
Nemo River of Ghosts HC
Runaways Complete Collection TPB Vol. 03
Secret Avengers TPB Vol. 02 Labyrinth
Sex TPB Vol. 03 Broken Toys
She-Hulk TPB Vol. 02 Disorderly Conduct
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 01 Days Gone Bye
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 05 Best Defense
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 07 The Calm Before
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 09 Here We Remain
Wayward TPB Vol. 01 String Theory
Wolverine Origin II TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad #1 (Of 5)
Legendary Star Lord #10
Wolverines #12
Batman 66 #21
Multiversity Ultra Comics #1
Suiciders #2
Altered States The Shadow One Shot
Hit 1957 #1 (Of 4)
Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars #1
Corto Maltese TPB Under the Sign of Capricorn
Crisis on Infinite Earths TPB
Wolverine Origin II TPB

Shipping List, March 18, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 18, 2015

All New Captain America #5
All New X-Men #39
Amazing Spider-Man #16.1
Black Widow #16
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #6
Captain America and Mighty Avengers #6
Cyclops #11
Guardians Team-Up #3
Hulk #13
Loki Agent of Asgard #12
Magneto #16
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #5
Moon Knight #13
Princess Leia #2 (Of 5)
Punisher #16
Silk #2
Storm #9
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3
Wolverines #11
Batgirl #40
Batgirl Endgame #1
Batman Eternal #50
Batman Superman #20
Batwoman #40
Earth 2 Worlds End #24
Futures End #46
Green Lantern #40
Green Lantern New Guardians #40
Kitchen #5
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #12
Red Hood and the Outlaws #40
Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman #8
Strange Sports Stories #1 (Of 4)
Supergirl #40
Superman #39
Teen Titans #8
Trinity of Sin #6
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Alex + Ada #13
Angry Birds Transformers #4 (Of 4)
BPRD Hell on Earth #129
Buffy Season 10 #13
Burning Fields #3
Chrononauts #1
Cowl #9
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #8
Divinity #2 (Of 4)
Doctor Who 12th #6
Ei8ht #2 (Of 5)
Eternal #3
Frankenstein Underground #1 (Of 5)
Groo Friends and Foes #3
Invisible Republic #1
Ivar Timewalker #3
John Carter Warlord Mars Special
Judge Dredd #28
Little Nemo Return to Slumberland #4
Lumberjanes #12
Manhattan Projects Sun Beyond The Stars #1
Millennium #2 (Of 5)
Mind Mgmt #31
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #28
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #7
Red One #1
Powerpuff Girls Super Smash-Up #3 (Of 6)
Satellite Sam #12
Secret Identities #2
Simpsons Comics #219
Sons of Anarchy #19
Sparks Nevada Marshal on Mars #2 (Of 4)
Spread #6
Star Trek New Visions A Scent of Ghosts
Star Trek/Planet of the Apes #4 (Of 5)
Strain Night Eternal #7
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #2
TMNT Ongoing #44
Transformers #39
Tuki save the Humans #3
Witchblade #181
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New X-Men HC Vol. 06 Ultimate Adventure
Avengers Omnibus HC Vol. 02
Bobs Burgers TPB Vol. 01
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Panel To Panel Seasons 8
Deadly Class TPB Vol. 02 Kids of the Black Hole
Deadpools Art of War TPB
Goon TPB Vol. 01 Nothin But Misery
Guardians of the Galaxy HC Vol. 04 Original Sin
Invincible Compendium TPB Vol. 01
Justice League of America TPB Vol. 02 Survivors of Earth
Lazarus TPB Vol. 03 Conclave
Ms. Marvel TPB Vol. 02 Generation Why
Pop Books Cthulhu Vinyl Figure
Rocketeer The Complete Adventures TPB
Sculptor HC
Southern Bastards TPB Vol. 01 Here Was a Man
Superior Spider-Man HC Vol. 03
Superman Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 01 Power Couple
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose TPB Vol. 08
Tex The Lonesome Rider HC
Tick Naked City Color TPB
United States of Murder Inc HC Vol. 01 Truth
Usagi Yojimbo Saga TPB Vol. 02
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 02 Miles Behind Us
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 04 Hearts Desire
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 06 Sorrowful Life
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 08 Made To Suffer
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 10 What We Become
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man #16.1
Loki Agent of Asgard #12
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3
Batgirl Endgame #1
Red Hood and the Outlaws #40
Strange Sports Stories #1 (Of 4)
Chrononauts #1
Star Trek New Visions A Scent of Ghosts
Tuki save the Humans #3
Avengers Omnibus HC Vol. 02
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Panel To Panel Seasons 8
Superman Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 01 Power Couple

Shipping List, February 25, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 25, 2015

All New Captain America Fear Him #4 (Of 4)
All New Invaders #15
All New X-Men #38
Amazing Spider-Man #15
Amazing X-Men #17
Criminal Special Edition One Shot
Daredevil #13
Darth Vader #1
Deadpool #42
Fantastic Four #643
Inhuman #12
Men of Wrath #5 (Of 5)
New Avengers #30
Secret Avengers #13
Shield #3
Spider-Gwen #1
Spider-Man 2099 #9
Spider-Man and X-Men #3
Superior Iron Man #5
Thor Annual #1
Uncanny Avengers #2
Wolverines #8
Aquaman #39
Arkham Manor #5
Batman #39
Batman 66 #20
Batman Eternal #47
Bodies #8
Catwoman #39
Deathstroke #5
Earth 2 Worlds End #21
Effigy #2
Flash #39
Futures End #43
Gotham Academy #5
Gotham by Midnight #4
Green Lantern Corps #39
He Man, The Eternity War #3
Justice League Dark #39
Mortal Kombat X #3
Red Lanterns #39
Secret Origins #10
Sinestro #10
Star Spangled War Stories GI Zombie #7
Suiciders #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #37
Chew #46
Colder Bad Seed #5
Curb Stomp #1
D4ve #1 (Of 5)
Dawn of the Planet of Apes #4
Django Zorro #4 (Of 6)
Doctor Who 11th #8
Doctor Who 12th #5
Edward Scissorhands #4 (Of 5)
Evil Empire #11
Futurama Comics #74
Galaxy Quest Journey Continues #2 (Of 4)
GI Joe Snake Eyes Agent of Cobra #2 (Of 5)
Graveyard Shift #3 (Of 4)
Halo Escalation #15
Intersect #4
Joe Frankenstein #1
John Carter Warlord #4
King Prince Valiant #1 (Of 4)
Low #6
Mister X Razed #1 (Of 4)
Munchkin #2
Odyc #3
Orphan Black #1
Quantum & Woody Must Die #2 (Of 4)
Rasputin #5
Roche Limit #5
Sex #20
Sonic Universe #73
Star Trek Ongoing #42
Superannuated Man #6 (Of 6)
They’re Not Like Us #3
Thief of Thieves #26
TMNT Mutanimals #1 (Of 4)
TMNT New Animated Adventures #20
TMNT Ongoing #43
Tomb Raider #13
Transformers Drift, Empire of Stone #4 (Of 4)
Uncle Grandpa #4
Wicked & Divine #8
Zombies Vs Robots #2
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers and X-Men Axis HC
Batman TPB Vol. 04 Zero Year Secret City
Death of Wolverine TPB Logan Legacy
Fade Out TPB Vol. 01
Flash TPB Vol. 01 Move Forward
Invincible Compendium TPB Vol. 01
Justice League Dark TPB Vol. 05 Paradise Lost
Kick-Ass 3 TPB
Munchkin Kobolds Ate My Baby Pack
New Avengers TPB Vol. 03 Other Worlds
Scooby Doo Team Up TPB
Sculptor HC
Sex Criminals TPB Vol. 02 Two Worlds One Cop
Thor TPB To Wake Mangog
Transformers Windblade TPB
Walking Dead HC Vol. 11
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool #42
Spider-Gwen #1
Spider-Gwen #1
Bodies #8
He Man, The Eternity War #3
Suiciders #1
Joe Frankenstein #1
Mister X Razed #1 (Of 4)
TMNT Mutanimals #1 (Of 4)
Avengers and X-Men Axis HC
Justice League Dark TPB Vol. 05 Paradise Lost
Walking Dead HC Vol. 11