Shippng List, March 11, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 11, 2015

All New X-Men #37
Amazing Spider-Man #16
Amazing Spider-Man Special #1
Ant-Man #3
Captain Marvel #13
Casanova Acedia #2
Deadpool #43
Fantastic Four #644
Guardians Team-Up #2
Howard the Duck #1
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #11
Ms. Marvel #13
New Avengers #31
Nova Annual #1
Silver Surfer #10
Spider-Gwen #1
Spider-Gwen #2
Spider-Man 2099 #10
Spider-Man and X-Men #4
Star Wars #3
Superior Iron Man #6
Thor #6
Wolverines #10
Action Comics #40
Arrow Season 2.5 #6
Astro City #21
Batman Arkham Knight #1
Batman Eternal #49
Coffin Hill #16
Constantine #23
Detective Comics Endgame #1
Earth 2 Worlds End #23
Fables The Wolf Among Us #3
FBP, Federal Bureau of Physics #19
Futures End #45
Green Lantern Corps #40
Injustice Gods among Us Year Three #11
Justice League United #10
Klarion #6
Mortal Kombat X #4
New Suicide Squad #8
Scooby Doo Where Are You #55
Smallville Season 11 Continuity #4 (Of 4)
Worlds Finest #32
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #21
Adventure Time #37
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #3
Archie #665
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #4
Big Trouble in Little China #9
Bill & Ted Most Triumphant Return #1 (Of 6)
D4ve #1 (Of 5)
Dead Letters #8
Doctor Who 11th #8
Dresden Files Down Town #2 (Of 6)
East of West #18
Escape From New York #4
Ghosted #18
Hellbreak #1
Lola Xoxo #6
Mouse Guard Legends of Guard Vol. 03 #1 (Of 4)
New Vampirella #10
Ninjak #1
Postal #2
Rachel Rising #32
Sheltered #15
Sidekick #10
Sinergy #5
Sixth Gun Dust to Dust #1
Sonic Boom #5
Sonic the Hedgehog #270
Sonic Universe #73
Southern Cross #1
Spawn Resurrection #1
Spongebob Comics #42
Star Wars Insider #156
Surface #1
TMNT New Animated Adventures #13
Unity #16
Walking Dead #138
War Stories #6
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Astro City Private Lives HC
Astro City Victory TPB
Avengers Quicksilver TPB
Batman Beyond Justice Lords Beyond TPB
Casey at Bat and Diamond Tales HC
Deadpool TPB Vol. 07 Axis
Humans TPB Vol. 01 Humans for Life
Justice League TPB Vol. 05 Forever Heroes
Tiny Titans Return to the Treehouse TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man Special #1
Howard the Duck #1
Detective Comics Endgame #1
Mortal Kombat X #4
Bill & Ted Most Triumphant Return #1 (Of 6)
Spawn Resurrection #1
Casey at Bat and Diamond Tales HC
Deadpool TPB Vol. 07 Axis

Shipping List, March 4, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 4, 2015

All New Hawkeye #1
Angela Asgard’s Assassin #4
Avengers #42
Avengers World #18
Guardians Team-Up #1
Hulk #12
Iron Fist Living Weapon #10
Marvels Ant-Man Prelude #2 (Of 2)
Operation Sin #3 (Of 5)
Princess Leia #1 (Of 5)
Return of the Living Deadpool #2 (Of 4)
Rocket Raccoon #9
She-Hulk #12
Spider-Woman #5
Star Wars #2
Wolverines #9
X-Men #25
Aquaman and the Others #11
Batman Eternal #48
Batwoman #39
Detective Comics #40
Earth 2 #32
Earth 2 Worlds End #22
Flash Season Zero #6
Futures End #44
Grayson #8
Green Arrow #40
Green Lantern #40
Harley Quinn #15
Harley Quinn Valentines Day Special #1
Hinterkind #16
Justice League 3000 #15
Lobo #6
Names #7 (Of 9)
Scooby Doo Team Up #9
Supergirl #39
Swamp Thing #40
Wolf Moon #4 (Of 6)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel and Faith Season 10 #12
Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #4 (Of 5)
Big Con Job #1 (Of 4)
Big Man Plans #1 (Of 4)
Black Science #12
Blackcross #1 (Of 6)
Blood Queen Vs Dracula #1 (Of 4)
Battlestar Galactica Death of Apollo #4 (Of 6)
Crossed Badlands #73
Crossed Plus 100 #3
Descender #1
Doctor Who 10th #8
Doctor Who 11th #9
Feathers #3
GI Joe (2014) #6
God Hates Astronauts #6
God Is Dead #30
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #21
Groo Friends and Foes #2
Hellboy and the BPRD #4 (Of 5) 1952
Imperium #2
Lady Death Apocalypse #2
Lady Killer #3
My Little Pony Friends Forever #14
Nailbiter/Hack Slash One Shot
Nameless #2
Peter Panzerfaust #23
Powerpuff Girls Super Smash-Up #2 (Of 6)
Rat God #2 (Of 5)
Rat Queens #9
Red Sonja #100
Revival #28
Saga #26
‘68 Jungle Jim Guts N Glory One Shot
Star Trek/Planet of the Apes #3 (Of 5)
Supreme Blue Rose #7
Transformers #38 Days of Deception
Transformers More than Meets the Eye #38
Uber #23
Winterworld #0
Woods #11
X-O Manowar #34
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers TPB Vol. 05 Adapt or Die
Dead Boy Detectives TPB Vol. 02 Ghost Snow
Death of Wolverine TPB Weapon X Program
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool TPB
Marvels Avengers TPB Age of Ultron Prelude
Nailbiter TPB Vol. 02 Bloody Hands
New Lone Wolf and Cub TPB Vol. 04
Super Villains Unite TPB Complete Super Villain Team-Up
Teen Titans Go TPB Vol. 01 Party Party
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Guardians Team-Up #1
Princess Leia #1 (Of 5)
Harley Quinn #15
Swamp Thing #40
Blackcross #1 (Of 6)
Descender #1
Dead Boy Detectives TPB Vol. 02 Ghost Snow
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool TPB
New Lone Wolf and Cub TPB Vol. 04

Shipping List, February 18, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 18, 2015

All New Captain America #4
All New Captain America Fear Him #3 (Of 4)
Avengers World #17
Black Widow #15
Captain America and Mighty Avengers #5
Darth Vader #1
Deathlok #5
Iron Fist Living Weapon #9
Legendary Star Lord #9
Loki Agent of Asgard #11
Magneto #15
Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (Of 4)
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #10
Moon Knight #12
Ms Marvel #12
Nova #27
Rocket Raccoon #8
She-Hulk #12
Silk #1
Silver Surfer #9
Storm #8
Uncanny X-Men #31
Wolverines #7
Batgirl #39
Batman and Robin #39
Batman Eternal #46
Batman Superman #19
Batwoman #39
Earth 2 Worlds End #20
Fables #149
Futures End #42
Green Lantern New Guardians #39
Injustice Gods among Us Year Three #10
Justice League #39
Kitchen #4
Multiversity Mastermen #1
Red Hood and the Outlaws #39
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #7
Supergirl #39
Superman Wonder Woman #16
Teen Titans #7
Teen Titans Go #8
Trinity of Sin #5
Wonder Woman #39
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Alice Cooper #6
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #4
Bitch Planet #3
BPRD Hell on Earth #128
Buffy Season 10 #12
Burning Fields #2
Creepy Comics #19
Crossed Badlands #72
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #7
Dawn Vampirella #3 (Of 6)
Deadly Class #11
Doctor Who 10th #7
Drifter #4
Dungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldurs Gate #1
Dungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldurs Gate #2
Dungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldurs Gate #3
Dungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldurs Gate #4
Ei8ht #1 (Of 5)
Eternal #2
Evil Ernie #4
Fuse #10
God Is Dead #29
Goners #5
Goon Once Upon a Hard Time #1
Groo Friends and Foes #2
Invincible #117
Ivar Timewalker #2
Lazarus #15
Letter 44 #14
Lone Ranger Vindicated #4 (Of 4)
Lumberjanes #11
Manifest Destiny #13
Mega Man #46
MPH #5 (Of 5)
Peter Panzerfaust #23
Red Sonja #100
Rumble #3
Secret Identities #1
Simpsons Comics #218
Sons of Anarchy #18
Sparks, Nevada, Marshal on Mars #1 (Of 4)
Spawn #250
Strain Night Eternal #6
Suicide Risk #22
The Valiant #3 (Of 4)
TMNT New Animated Adventures #13
Unity #15
Vampirella Feary Tales #5 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Age of Ultron TPB
Amazing Spider-Man HC Who Am I
Axis Carnage and Hobgoblin TPB
Barbarella Wrath of the Minute Eater HC
Batman Blink TPB
Batman Earth One HC Vol. 01
Civil War Prelude TPB New Warriors
Constantine TPB Vol. 03 The Voice In The Fire
Damian Son of Batman TPB
Daredevil TPB Vol. 02 West Case Scenario
Green Lantern New Guardians TPB Vol. 05 Godkillers
Injustice Gods among Us TPB Vol. 01
Scalped HC Book 01
Storm TPB Vol. 01 Make It Rain
Ultimate X-Men Ultimate Collection TPB Vol. 05
X-Men TPB Vol. 04 Exogenous
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Darth Vader #1
Ms Marvel #12
Silk #1
Batwoman #39
Multiversity Mastermen #1
Teen Titans Go #8
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #7
Secret Identities #1
TMNT New Animated Adventures #13
Age of Ultron TPB
Barbarella Wrath of the Minute Eater HC
Scalped HC Book 01

Shipping List, February 11, 2014!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 11, 2015

All New Captain America Fear Him #2 (Of 4)
All New Ghost Rider #11
All New X-Men #36
Amazing Spider-Man #14
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #5
Captain Marvel #12
Cyclops #10
Darth Vader #1
Guardians 3000 #5
Guardians of the Galaxy #24
Nightcrawler #11
Spider-Woman #4
Thanos Vs Hulk #3 (Of 4)
Thor #5
Wolverines #6
X-Force #15
X-Men #24
Arrow Season 2.5 #5
Astro City #20
Batman Eternal #45
Coffin Hill #15
Constantine #22
Earth 2 Worlds End #19
Fables The Wolf Among Us #2
FBP Federal Bureau of Physics #18
Futures End #41
Green Lantern Corps #39
Harley Quinn Valentines Day Special #1
Injustice Gods among Us Year Three #9
Justice League 3000 #14
Justice League United #9
Klarion #5
Mortal Kombat X #2
New Suicide Squad #7
Scooby Doo Where Are You #54
Secret Six #2
Smallville Season 11 Continuity #3 (Of 4)
Worlds Finest #31
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #20
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #2
Archie #664
Cavewoman The Return #1
Cavewoman Zombie Situation #1
Conan Red Sonja #2
Deep State #4
Divinity #1 (Of 4)
Doctor Who 11th #8
Dresden Files Down Town #1 (Of 6)
Edward Scissorhands #4 (Of 5)
Elephantmen #62
Empty #1
Frozen Adaptation #1
Ghosted #17
Itty Bitty Comics The Mask #4
Morning Glories #43
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #27
Prometheus Fire & Stone Omega One Shot
Q2 Rtn Quantum & Woody #5 (Of 5)
Rachel Rising #31
Rai #7
Satellite Sam #11
Sixth Gun #46
Sonic The Hedgehog #269
Southern Bastards #7
Spongebob Comics #41
Star Trek Ongoing #41
Transformers Vs GI Joe #5
Uber #22
Walking Dead #137
War Stories #5
Wilds End #6
Witchblade #180
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avatar Last Airbender Rift HC
Batman Dark Night Dark City TPB
Batman The Dark Knight TPB Vol. 04 Clay
Coffin Hill TPB Vol. 02 Dark Endeavors
Creepy Archives HC Vol. 21
Dc The New Frontier HC
Fables Complete Covers by James Jean HC
Guardians of the Galaxy/All New X-Men TPB Trial of Jean Grey
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 10 In the Line of Fire
Intelligent Sentient HC
Baron Bean 1917 HC Vol. 06
Love and Rockets New Stories TPB Vol. 07
Oz TPB Emerald City of Oz
Rocket Raccoon HC Vol. 01 Chasing Tale
Secret Six TPB Vol. 01 Villains United
Superman Krypton Returns HC
Trees TPB Vol. 01
Zombies Vs Robots Warbook Omnibus TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New X-Men #36
Darth Vader #1
Thor #5
Earth 2 Worlds End #19
New Suicide Squad #7
Smallville Season 11 Continuity #3 (Of 4)
Frozen Adaptation #1
Satellite Sam #11
Wilds End #6
Fables Complete Covers by James Jean HC
Guardians of the Galaxy/All New X-Men TPB Trial of Jean Grey
Trees TPB Vol. 01

Shipping List, February 4, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 4, 2015

All New Captain America Fear Him #1 (Of 4)
Angela Asgard’s Assassin #3
Ant-Man #2
Avengers #41
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men Black Vortex Alpha #1
Hawkeye #21
Hulk #11
Marvels Ant-Man Prelude #1 (Of 2)
Miracleman #15
Ms Marvel #11
Operation Sin #2 (Of 5)
Punisher #15
Return of the Living Deadpool #1 (Of 4)
Star Wars #1
Star Wars #2
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2
United States of Murder Inc #6
Wolverines #5
Action Comics #39
American Vampire Second Cycle #6
Aquaman and the Others #10
Batman 66 #19
Batman Eternal #44
Detective Comics #39
Earth 2 #31
Earth 2 Worlds End #18
Flash Season Zero #5
Futures End #40
Grayson #7
Green Arrow #39
Green Lantern #39
Hinterkind #15
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #8
Lobo #5
Looney Tunes #223
Names #6 (Of 9)
Superman #38
Swamp Thing #39
Wolf Moon #3 (Of 6)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel and Faith Season 10 #11
Annihilator #5 (Of 6)
Birthright #5
Bunker #9
Cowl #8
Crossed Badlands #71
Dawn of the Planet of Apes #3
Dead@17 Blasphemy Throne #6 (Of 7)
Django Zorro #3 (Of 6)
Dungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldurs Gate #1
Dungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldurs Gate #2
Dungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldurs Gate #3
East of West #17
Escape From New York #3
Feathers #2
Ghost Fleet #4
GI Joe (2014) #5
God Is Dead #28
Goon Once Upon A Hard Time #1
Hellboy and the BPRD #3 (Of 5)
Humans #4
Imperium #1
Lady Death Apocalypse #1
Lady Killer #2
Mega Man #45
Nailbiter #10
Nameless #1
New Vampirella #9
Oddly Normal #5
Postal #1
Rat God #1 (Of 5)
Saga #25
Sheltered #14
Simpsons Illustrated #15
Sinergy #4
Sixth Gun Days of the Dead #5 (Of 5)
Sonic Universe #72
Spawn #250
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #1
Transformers More than Meets the Eye #37
Velvet #9
Woods #10
Wytches #4
X-O Manowar #33
Zombies Vs Robots #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Abe Sapien TPB Vol. 05 Sacred Places
Complete Elfquest TPB Vol. 02
Disney Darkwing Duck Omnibus TPB Vol. 01
Flash TPB Vol. 04 Reverse
Inhumanity TPB
Invisibles HC Book 03 Deluxe Edition
Lenore Pink Bellies TPB
Spider-Man 2099 Classic TPB Vol. 03 Fall of Hammer
Superman Earth One HC Vol. 03
Superman TPB Vol. 04 Psiwar
Teen Titans TPB Vol. 05 The Trial of Kid Flash
Uncanny Avengers Omnibus HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New Captain America Fear Him #1 (Of 4)
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men Black Vortex Alpha #1
Return of the Living Deadpool #1 (Of 4)
American Vampire Second Cycle #6
Flash Season Zero #5
Superman #38
Bunker #9
Lady Death Apocalypse #1
Rat God #1 (Of 5)
Disney Darkwing Duck Omnibus TPB Vol. 01
Invisibles HC Book 03 Deluxe Edition
Uncanny Avengers Omnibus HC

Shipping List, January 28, 2014!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 21, 2015

All New Invaders #14
Amazing X-Men #16
Deadpool #41
Inhuman #11
New Avengers #29
Nova #26
Secret Avengers #12
Spider-Man 2099 #8
Spider-Man and X-Men #2
Star Wars #1
Thor #4
Uncanny Avengers #1
Uncanny X-Men #30
Wolverines #4
Aquaman #38
Arkham Manor #4
Batman #38
Batman Eternal #43
Bodies #7
Catwoman #38
Deathstroke #4
Earth 2 Worlds End #17
Flash #38
Futures End #39
Gotham Academy #4
Gotham by Midnight #3
Green Lantern Corps #38
Harley Quinn #14
He Man The Eternity War #2
Infinity Man and the Forever People #7
Justice League Dark #38
Multiversity Guidebook #1
Red Lanterns #38
Secret Origins #9
Sinestro #9
Star Spangled War Stories GI Zombie #6
Unwritten Vol. 2 Apocalypse #12
Vertigo Quarterly #1 Black
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #36
Alex + Ada #12
Angry Birds Transformers #3 (Of 4)
Bart Simpson Comics #94
Big Trouble in Little China #8
Bitch Planet #2
Casanova Acedia #1
Colder Bad Seed #4
Death Vigil #6
Dungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldurs Gate #4
Dying and the Dead #1
Effigy #1
Elfquest Final Quest #7
Evil Empire #10
Fathers Day #4 (Of 4)
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #20
Graveyard Shift #2 (Of 4)
Halo Escalation #14
Judge Dredd #27
Lady Death (Ongoing) #26
Manifest Destiny #12
Maxx Maxximized #16
Mind Mgmt #30
Munchkin #1
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #27
Powerpuff Girls Super Smash-Up #1 (Of 6)
Predator Fire and Stone #4 (Of 4)
Punks The Comic #4
Quantum & Woody Must Die #1 (Of 4)
Rasputin #4
Revival #27
Sex #19
Sex Criminals #10
Sleepy Hollow #4 (Of 4)
Sonic Boom #4
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #90
They’re Not Like Us #2
TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #2
TMNT Ghostbusters #4 (Of 4)
Tomb Raider #12
Transformers Drift Empire of Stone #3 (Of 4)
Umbral #12
Unity #14
V-Wars #10
Winterworld #7
X-Files Season 10 #20
X-O Manowar #32
Zero #14
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Angel & Faith TPB Vol. 01 Live Through This
Battling Boy TPB Vol. 01
Black Science TPB Vol. 02 Welcome Nowhere
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand TPB
Chew TPB Vol. 08 Family Recipes
Criminal TPB Vol. 01 Coward
Deadpool TPB Ones with Deadpool
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 18
Fatale HC Vol. 01
Flash HC Vol. 05 History Lessons
Guardians of the Galaxy/All New X-Men TPB Trial of Jean Grey
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Love & Rockets Library Gilbert TPB Vol. 05 Ofelia
Lucifer’s Sword TPB
Outcast TPB Vol. 01
Saga TPB Vol. 01
Saga TPB Vol. 03
Savage Sword of Conan TPB Vol. 18
Shadow Hero TPB
Showcase Presents Blue Beetle TPB
Spider-Man Big Time TPB Vol. 03 Complete Collection
Squidder TPB
Superior Foes of Spider-Man TPB Vol. 03 Game Over
Walking Dead HC Vol. 01
Wolverine and the X-Men TPB Vol. 02 Death of Wolverine
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 01 Blood
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool #41
Secret Avengers #12
Uncanny Avengers #1
Arkham Manor #4
He Man The Eternity War #2
Multiversity Guidebook #1
Casanova Acedia #1
Effigy #1
Sex Criminals #10
Battling Boy TPB Vol. 01
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Superior Foes of Spider-Man TPB Vol. 03 Game Over

Shipping List, January 21, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 21, 2015

All New X-Factor #20
All New X-Men #35
Amazing Spider-Man #13
Black Widow #14
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #4
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #4
Deadpool’s Art of War #4 (Of 4)
Elektra #10
Fantastic Four #642
Guardians of the Galaxy #23
Legendary Star Lord #8
Loki Agent of Asgard #10
Magneto #14
Moon Knight #11
Powers #1
Rocket Raccoon #7
Scarlet Spiders #3 (Of 3)
Spider-Verse Team Up #3 (Of 3)
Spider-Woman #3
Superior Iron Man #4
Wolverines #3
Batman and Robin #38
Batman Eternal #42
Batman Superman #18
Batwoman #38
Earth 2 Worlds End #16
Fables #148
Futures End #38
Green Lantern New Guardians #38
Infinite Crisis Fight for the Multiverse #7
Justice League #38
Kitchen #3
Red Hood and the Outlaws #38
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #6
Supergirl #38
Teen Titans #6
Trinity of Sin #4
Wonder Woman #38
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #3
BPRD Hell on Earth #127
Buffy Season 10 #11
Burning Fields #1
Creeple Peeple #1 (Of 3)
Crossed Badlands #70
Crossed Plus 100 #2
Dark Horse Presents 2014 #6
Dead Letters #7
Doctor Who 11th #7
Doctor Who 12th #4
Drifter #3
Galaxy Quest Journey Continues #1 (Of 4)
GI Joe Snake Eyes Agent of Cobra #1 (Of 5)
God Is Dead #27
Goners #4
Groo Friends and Foes #1
Intersect #3
Invincible #116
Ivar Timewalker #1
Lady Death (Ongoing) #26
Lumberjanes #10
Millennium #1 (Of 5)
October Faction #4
Red Sonja #14
Rumble #2
Samurai Jack #16
Simpsons Comics #217
Sonic the Hedgehog #268
Sons of Anarchy #17
Spread #5
Star Trek Planet of the Apes #2 (Of 5)
Star Wars Insider #155
The Shadow Special 2014
Strain Night Eternal #5
The Valiant #2 (Of 4)
TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #1
TMNT New Animated Adventures #19
TMNT Ongoing #42
Transformers #37
Transformers Punishment (One Shot)
Uber #21
Vampirella Feary Tales #4 (Of 5)
Wicked & Divine #7
Wild Blue Yonder #6 (Of 6)
Winterworld #6
Zombies Vs Robots #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Abe Sapien TPB Vol. 05 Sacred Places
Activity TPB Vol. 03
Aquaman and the Others TPB Vol. 01 Legacy of Gold
Avengers Revelations TPB
Batman A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Black Widow TPB Vol. 02 Tightly Tangled Web
BPRD Plague of Frogs TPB Vol. 02
Daredevil by Mark Waid TPB Vol. 07
Diana Prince Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 01
Fatherland Family History TPB
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB Stark Wars
JLA TPB Vol. 06
Legend of Korra Art Animated Series HC Book 03
Legendary Star-Lord TPB Vol. 01 Face It I Rule
Magneto TPB Vol. 02 Reversals
March TPB Book 02
North 40 TPB
Original Sin Companion HC
Run Like Crazy Run Like Hell HC
Saga TPB Vol. 02
Saga TPB Vol. 04
Shadow Master Series TPB Vol. 03
Simpsons Comics Clubhouse TPB
Strain TPB Vol. 01
Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate Collection TPB Book 05
Walking Dead HC Vol. 02
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Fantastic Four #642
Powers #1
Superior Iron Man #4
Batman Superman #18
Kitchen #3
Trinity of Sin #4
Creeple Peeple #1 (Of 3)
GI Joe Snake Eyes Agent of Cobra #1 (Of 5)
Groo Friends and Foes #1
Aquaman and the Others TPB Vol. 01 Legacy of Gold
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB Stark Wars
March TPB Book 02

Shipping List, January 14, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 14, 2015

All New Captain America #3
All New Ghost Rider #10
All New Ultimates #12
Amazing X-Men #15
Avengers #34.2
Avengers #40
Captain Marvel #11
Cyclops #9
Daredevil #12
Deadpool #40
Deathlok #4
Empire of Dead Act Two #5 (Of 5)
Guardians 3000 #4
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #3
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #9
Nightcrawler #10
Shield #2
Silver Surfer #8
Spider-Verse #2 (Of 2)
Star Wars #1
Thanos Vs Hulk #2 (Of 4)
Wolverines #2
X-Force #14
Arrow Season 2.5 #4
Astro City #19
Batgirl #38
Batman Eternal #41
Constantine #21
Earth 2 Worlds End #15
Fables The Wolf Among Us #1
FBP: Federal Bureau of Physics #17
Futures End #37
Grayson #6
Green Lantern Corps #38
Injustice Gods among Us Year Three #7
Justice League United #8
Klarion #4
Mortal Kombat X #1
New Suicide Squad #2
New Suicide Squad #6
Scooby Doo Where Are You #53
Smallville Season 11 Continuity #2 (Of 4)
Superman Wonder Woman #15
Worlds Finest #30
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #19
Adventure Time #35
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #1
Alice Cooper #5
Alien Vs Predator Fire and Stone #4 (Of 4)
Blood Queen #3
Battlestar Galactica Death of Apollo #2 (Of 6)
Conan Red Sonja #1
Copperhead #5
Death Defying Dr Mirage #5 (Of 5)
Deep State #3
Doctor Who 10th #6
Evil Ernie #3
Ex Con #5 (Of 5)
Eye of Newt #1
Fuse #9
Ghosted #16
Itty Bitty Comics The Mask #3
Jupiters Legacy #5
Lazarus #14
Lone Ranger Vindicated #3 (Of 4)
Q2 Rtn Quantum & Woody #4 (Of 5)
Rai #6
Rat Queens Special Braga #1
Shutter #8
Spongebob Comics #40
Star Trek Ongoing #40
Stumptown V3 #5
Suicide Risk #21
Superannuated Man #5 (Of 6)
Supreme Blue Rose #6
Ten Grand #12
Vampirella #100
Walking Dead #136
Wilds End #5
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
American Vampire HC Vol. 07
Animal Man TPB Vol. 07 Red Plague
Avengers Time Runs Out HC Vol. 01
Batman Black and White TPB Vol. 04
Buffy Season 9 Library HC Vol. 01
Crossed Plus 100 HC
Flash TPB Vol. 04 Reverse
Fungus The Unbearable Rot of Being TPB
Green Lantern Corps TPB Vol. 05 Uprising
Henshin TPB
Iron Man TPB Vol. 04 Iron Metropolitan
Lucifer’s Sword TPB
Manifest Destiny TPB Vol. 02
Michael Jordan HC Bull on Parade
Powers TPB Vol. 03 Little Deaths
Sam Zabel and the Magic Pen HC
Star Wars Marvel Yrs Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Sunstone TPB Vol. 01
TMNT Adventures TPB Vol. 09
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing X-Men #15
Empire of Dead Act Two #5 (Of 5)
Star Wars #1
Arrow Season 2.5 #4
Fables The Wolf Among Us #1
Scooby Doo Where Are You #53
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #1
Conan Red Sonja #1
Jupiters Legacy #5
Avengers Time Runs Out HC Vol. 01
Crossed Plus 100 HC
Green Lantern Corps TPB Vol. 05 Uprising

Shipping List, January 7, 2015!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 7, 2015

All New X-Factor #19
Amazing Spider-Man #12
Angela Asgard’s Assassin #2
Ant-Man #1
Avengers No More Bullying #1
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #3
Death of Wolverine Weapon X Program #5 (Of 5)
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #4 (Of 4)
Hulk #10
Iron Fist Living Weapon #8
Legendary Star Lord #7
Marvels Avengers #2 (Of 2)
Men of Wrath #4 (Of 5)
Operation Sin #1 (Of 5)
Punisher #14
Spider-Man 2099 #7
Storm #7
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1
Wolverines #1
X-Force #12
X-Men #23
Action Comics #38
Aquaman and the Others #9
Batman Eternal #40
Detective Comics #38
Earth 2 #30
Earth 2 Worlds End #14
Fairest #33
Flash Season Zero #4
Futures End #36
Green Arrow #38
Green Lantern #38
Hinterkind #14
Justice League 3000 #13
Legends Dark Knight 100 Page Super Spectacular #5
Lobo #4
Names #5 (Of 9)
New Suicide Squad #2
New Suicide Squad #3
New Suicide Squad #4
Scooby Doo Team Up #8
Secret Origins #3
Swamp Thing #38
Trinity of Sin #3
Wolf Moon #2 (Of 6)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.

Angel and Faith Season 10 #10
Archie #663
Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #2
Betty & Veronica #274
Birthright #4
Crossed Badlands #69
Deadly Class #10
Edward Scissorhands #3 (Of 5)
Elephantmen #61
Escape From New York #2
Eternal Warrior Days of Steel #3 (Of 3)
Fade Out #4
Feathers #1
Ghost Fleet #3
God Hates Astronauts #5
God Is Dead #26
Hellboy and the BPRD #2 (Of 5) 1952
Humans #3
Lady Killer #1
Maxx Maxximized #15
My Little Pony Friends Forever #13
Nailbiter #9
New Vampirella #8
Odyc #2
Robocop 2014 #7
Roche Limit #4
Shaft #2
Sinergy #3
SIP Kids #2
Sixth Gun Days of the Dead #4 (Of 5)
Sonic Boom #3
Trees #8
Usagi Yojimbo Senso #6 (Of 6)
V-Wars #9
War Stories #4
Woods #9
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Absolute Batman Incorporated HC
Amazing Spider-Man TPB Vol. 02 Spider-Verse Prelude
Casanova HC Vol. 01 Luxuria
Casanova HC Vol. 02
Death of Wolverine HC
Foolbert Funnies TPB Histories & Fictions
Injustice Gods Among Us TPB Vol. 02
Legenderry A Steampunk Adventure TPB
Lone Wolf & Cub Omnibus TPB Vol. 07
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic TPB Vol. 06
Punisher TPB Vol. 02 Border Crossing
Showcase Presents The Unknown Soldier TPB Vol. 02
Sinestro TPB Vol. 01 The Demon Within
Spawn of Mars HC
Steve Canyon HC Vol. 05 1955-1956
Storyville The Prostitute Murders TPB
Superman The Power Within TPB
TMNT Classics TPB Vol. 09
Treasury of Victorian Murder Compendium HC Vol. 02
Uncanny Avengers HC Vol. 05 Axis Prelude
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers No More Bullying #1
Operation Sin #1 (Of 5)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1
Detective Comics #38
Lobo #4
Trinity of Sin #3
Escape From New York #2
God Hates Astronauts #5
Trees #8
Amazing Spider-Man TPB Vol. 02 Spider-Verse Prelude
Sinestro TPB Vol. 01 The Demon Within
Spawn of Mars HC

Shipping List, December 24, 2014!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 24, 2014

All New Invaders #13
All New X-Factor #18
All New X-Men Annual #1
Avengers and X-Men Axis #9 (Of 9)
Captain America and Mighty Avengers #3
Cyclops #8
Daredevil #11
Dark Tower Drawing of Three Prisoner #5 (Of 5)
Deadpool #39
Death of Wolverine Logan Legacy #7 (Of 7)
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #3 (Of 4)
Loki Agent of Asgard #9
Magneto #13
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #1
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #2
Marvels Avengers #1 (Of 2)
New Avengers #28
Nova #25
Secret Avengers #11
She-Hulk #11
Superior Iron Man #3
Uncanny X-Men #29
Aquaman #37
Arkham Manor #3
Batman 66 #18
Batman Annual #3
Batman Eternal #38
Bodies #6
Catwoman Annual #2
Dead Boy Detectives #12
Deathstroke #3
Earth 2 Worlds End #12
Flash #37
Futures End #34
Gotham by Midnight #2
Grayson Annual #1
Green Lantern Annual #3
Harley Quinn #13
He Man The Eternity War #1
Infinity Man and the Forever People #6
Injustice Gods among Us Year Three #6
Justice League Dark #37
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2
Red Lanterns #37
Robin Rises Alpha #1
Secret Origins #8
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #5
Sinestro #8
Star Spangled War Stories GI Zombie #5
Superman #37
Superman Wonder Woman #14
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #35
Aliens Fire and Stone #4
Big Trouble In Little China #7
Bitch Planet #1
Black Science #11
Blood Queen #2
Blood Queen #3
Blood Queen #4
Blood Queen #5
Blood Queen #6 (Of 6)
Buffy Season 10 #10
Colder Bad Seed #3
Cowl #7
Dawn of Planet of the Apes #2
Dead@17 Blasphemy Throne #5 (Of 7)
Doctor Who 11th #6
Doctor Who 12th #3
East of West World One Shot
Evil Empire #9
Eye of Newt #4
Fathers Day #3 (Of 4)
Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puketacular #1
Graveyard Shift #1 (Of 4)
Grindhouse Drive In Bleed Out #2
Halo Escalation #13
Image Firsts Nailbiter #1
Judge Dredd #26
Judge Dredd Anderson Psi Division #4
Letter 44 #13
Lumberjanes #8
Lumberjanes #9
Massive #30
Mcbain #1
Mercenary Sea #8
Mind Mgmt #29
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #6
Purgatori #4
Rasputin #3
Revival #26
Sleepy Hollow #3 (Of 4)
Sonic Universe #71
Terminator Salvation Final Battle #12 (Of 12)
The Devilers #5 (Of 7)
The Shadow 2014 One Shot
They’re Not Like Us #1
TMNT Ghostbusters #3 (Of 4)
Tomb Raider #11
Unity #13
Wasteland #59
X Files X-Mas Special
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Action Comics TPB Vol. 04 Hybrid
Canteen Kate by Matt Baker HC
Chew TPB Vol. 01
Creeping Death From Neptune HC
Crossed TPB Vol. 04 Badlands
Dark Engine TPB Vol. 01 Art of Destruction
DC Universe Secret Origins TPB
East of West TPB Vol. 01 The Promise
East of West TPB Vol. 03 There Is No Us
Emerald & Other Stories TPB
Green Lantern Lights Out TPB
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 01 Original Sins
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 02 The Devil You Know
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 03 The Fear Machine
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 04 The Family Man
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 05 Dangerous Habits
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 06 Bloodlines
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 07 Tainted Love
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 08 Rake at the Gates of Hell
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 09 Critical Mass
Jack Kirby’s Fourth World Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Lucifer TPB Vol. 05
Manhattan Projects TPB Vol. 05 The Cold War
MMW Warlock TPB Vol. 01
Nova TPB Vol. 04 Original Sin
Scooby Doo Where Are You TPB
Sex Criminals TPB Vol. 01
Sheltered TPB Vol. 01
Showcase Presents Legion of Superheroes TPB Vol. 05
Sunstone TPB Vol. 01
Transformers Vs GI Joe TPB Vol. 01
X-Men Epic Collection TPB Children of Atom
X-Men TPB Vol. 03 Road to Onslaught
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New X-Men Annual #1
Grayson Annual #1
Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puketacular #1
Nova TPB Vol. 04 Original Sin
Sex Criminals TPB Vol. 01

Comics on Sale January 31, 2014
Abigail and the Snowman #1
All New Miracleman Annual #1
Batman Eternal #39
Earth 2 Worlds End #13
East of West #16
Futures End #35
Massive TPB Vol. 04 Sahara
Shield #1
X-O Manowar #31