Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 19, 2014
All New Ghost Rider #1
All New Invaders #3
Avengers World #4
Daredevil #1
Dexter Down Under #2 (Of 5)
Disney Kingdoms Seekers of Weird #3 (Of 5)
Iron Man #23.Now
Marvel Knights Hulk #4 (Of 4)
Ms Marvel #2
New Avengers #15
Nova #15
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #10
Superior Spider-Man Annual #2
Thor God of Thunder #20
Thunderbolts #23
Uncanny X-Men #19.Now
Winter Soldier Bitter March #2 (Of 5)
Wolverine and X-Men #2
X-Men #12
American Vampire Second Cycle #1
Animal Man #29
Batman 66 #9
Batman and Aquaman #29
Batman Beyond Universe #8
Batwoman #29
Birds of Prey #29
Green Lantern New Guardians #29
Harley Quinn #4
Red Hood and the Outlaws #29
Suicide Squad #29
Supergirl #29
Superman Unchained #6
Trinity of Sin Pandora #9
Unwritten Vol. 2 Apocalypse #3
Wonder Woman #29
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
A Voice in the Dark #5
Adventure Time #26
Bart Simpson Comics #89
BPRD Hell on Earth #117
Buffy Season 10 #1
Crossed Badlands #49
Curse #3 (Of 4)
Dark Horse Presents #34
Five Ghosts #10
Fox #5
Fuse #2
Ghosted #8
GI Joe #14
God Is Dead #9
Gravel Combat Magician #2
Grimm #11
Harbinger Bleeding Monk #0.2014
Lazarus #7
Letter 44 #5
Maxx Maxximized #5
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #17
Other Dead #6 (Of 6)
Rocket Girl #4
Samurai Jack #6
Sex Criminals #5
Shadow #23
Shadowman #16
Simpsons Comics #210
Sixth Gun #39
Skyman #3 (Of 4)
Sonic The Hedgehog #258
Sovereign #1
Star Wars Darth Vader & Cry Of Shadows #4 (Of 5)
Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi Force War #5 (Of 5)
Strain The Fall #9
Ten Grand #8
Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #2 (Of 6)
The Spider #18
TMNT Utrom Empire #3 (Of 3)
Transformers Regeneration One #100
Transformers Robots in Disguise #27
Undertow #2
Wasteland #52
White Suits #2 (Of 4)
Wild Blue Yonder #4 (Of 5)
X-O Manowar #23
Zero #6
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Army of Darkness Omnibus TPB
Blood Brothers TPB
Batman Broken City TPB
Batman Knightfall TPB Vol. 01
Buffy Season 9 TPB Vol. 01 Freefall
Buffy Season 9 TPB Vol. 02 On Your Own
Buffy Season 9 TPB Vol. 03 Guarded
Buffy Season 9 TPB Vol. 04 Welcome to Team
Cannon Wally Wood TPB
Danger Girl The Chase TPB
Death TPB
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 04 The Kill Machine
Green Lantern Rise of the Third Army TPB
Hellboy First 20 Years HC
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB War Games
Judge Dredd Big Drokkin Treasury Edition
Masters of the Universe TPB Vol. 02 Origins of Eternia
Mighty Avengers TPB Vol. 01 No Single Hero
Mind Mgmt HC Vol. 01 Manager
Nemo Roses of Berlin HC
New Avengers TPB Vol. 01 Everything Dies
Noah HC
Saga TPB Vol. 03
Scenes from an Impending Marriage HC
Showcase Presents Jonah Hex TPB Vol. 02
Steve Canyon HC Vol. 04 1953-1954
Trinity of Sin Pandora TPB Vol. 01 The Curse
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man by Bendis TPB Vol. 04
Wasteland TPB Vol. 09 Thousand Lies
William Shakespeare Empire Striketh Back HC
Wolverine Japans Most Wanted HC
Wolverine Max TPB Vol. 03 Vegas
Young Avengers TPB Vol. 03
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New Ghost Rider #1
Ms Marvel #2
Uncanny X-Men #19.Now
American Vampire Second Cycle #1
Batman Beyond Universe #8
Superman Unchained #6
Buffy Season 10 #1
God Is Dead #9
TMNT Utrom Empire #3 (Of 3)
Batman Knightfall TPB Vol. 01
Hellboy First 20 Years HC
Wolverine Max TPB Vol. 03 Vegas
Author Archives: shudlow
Shipping List, March 12, 2014!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 12, 2014
All New X-Factor #4
All New X-Men #24
Avengers Undercover #1
Captain Marvel #1
Deadpool #25.Now
Fantastic Four #2
Hawkeye #17
Mighty Avengers #8
Secret Avengers #1
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #9
Superior Spider-Man #29
Wolverine #3
X-Force #2
X-Men Legacy #300
Astro City #10
Batgirl #29
Batman #29
Batman Lil Gotham #12
Coffin Hill #6
Black Widow #4
Constantine #12
FBP Federal Bureau of Physics #8
Green Lantern Corps #29
Justice League 3000 #4
Justice League of America #13
Legends of the Dark Knight 100-Page Super Spectacular #2
Royals Masters of War #2 (Of 6)
Scooby Doo Where Are You #43
Smallville Season 11 Alien #4 (Of 4)
Superboy #29
Superman Wonder Woman #6
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #11
Archie #653
Beasts of Burden Hunters Gatherers One Shot
Bloodshot & Hard Corps #20
Deadworld Restoration #4 (Of 4)
East of West #10
Fox #5
Ghost #2
Grimm Warlock #4 (Of 4)
Invincible #109
Judge Dredd #17
Magnus Robot Fighter #1
Manifest Destiny #5
Mercenary Sea #2
Minimum Wage #3
Monster & Madman #1 (Of 3)
My Little Pony Friends Forever #3
Nightwing #29
Nosferatu Wars One Shot
Powerpuff Girls #7
Red Team #7
Returning #1 (Of 4)
Samurai Jack Special Directors Cut
Sonic Universe #61
Sons of Anarchy #7
Spawn #241
Spongebob Comics #30
Star Trek Ongoing #31
Star Wars #15 2013 Ongoing
Star Wars #6 Lucas Draft
Star Wars Insider #148
Stray Bullets #41
Stray Bullets The Killers #1
The Crow Pestilence #1
TMNT Color Classics Series 2 #5
TMNT Ongoing #32
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #27
Unity #5
Walking Dead #123
Witchblade #173
X #11
X-Files Conspiracy Crow #1
X-Files Season 10 #10
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
47 Ronin HC
All New X-Men TPB Vol. 02 Here To Stay
All Star TPB
Batman Unwrapped by Andy Kubert HC
Buffy Season 9 TPB Vol. 05 The Core
Garth Ennis Presents Battle Classics HC
Justice League Trinity War HC
Lucifer TPB Vol. 03
Marvels Captain America TPB Winter Soldier Prelude
Stray Bullets Uber Alles Edition TPB
Wolverine TPB Vol. 02 Killable
Wonder Woman HC Vol. 04 War
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 03 Iron
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Captain Marvel #1
Hawkeye #17
X-Men Legacy #300
Batman Lil Gotham #12
Royals Masters of War #2 (Of 6)
Smallville Season 11 Alien #4 (Of 4)
Beasts of Burden Hunters Gatherers One Shot
Stray Bullets #41
47 Ronin HC
Justice League Trinity War HC
Marvels Captain America TPB Winter Soldier Prelude
Shipping List, March 5, 2014!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 5, 2014
All New X-Men #23
Avengers AI #10
Captain America #18
Dexter Down Under #1 (Of 5)
Iron Man #22
Loki Agent of Asgard #2
Magneto #1
Moon Knight #1
New Warriors #2
Night of Living Deadpool #4 (Of 4)
Nova #14
Punisher #3
She-Hulk #2
Uncanny X-Men #18
Wolverine and X-Men #1
Action Comics #29
Batman Superman Annual #1
Batwing #29
Detective Comics #29
Earth 2 #21
Fairest #24
Forever Evil #6 (Of 7)
Forever Evil Arkham War #6 (Of 6)
Green Arrow #29
Green Lantern #29
Hinterkind #6
Movement #10
Scooby Doo Team Up #3
Stormwatch #29
Swamp Thing #29
Trillium #7
Trinity of Sin The Phantom Stranger #17
Vampire Diaries #3
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Flip Side #3 (Of 6)
Afterlife with Archie #4
Apocalypse Al #2 (Of 4)
Archer & Armstrong #18
Army of Darkness Vs Hack Slash #5 (Of 6)
Auteur #1
Bad Blood #3 (Of 5)
Burn the Orphanage Born To Lose #3
Clone #15
Darkness Vicious Traditions #1
Day Men #3
Drumhellar #5
Evil Empire #1
God Is Dead #8
Green Hornet #10
Invincible Universe #11
Jupiters Legacy #4
Lobster Johnson Get Lobster #2 (Of 5)
Mega Man #34
Miss Fury #9
Noir #5 (Of 5)
Quantum & Woody Goat #0
Revival #18
Rover Red Charlie #4 (Of 6)
Saviors #3
Secret #6
Shadow Now #5 (Of 6)
Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi Force War #4 (Of 5)
Starlight #1
Suicide Risk #11
Tales of Honor #1
Terminator Salvation Final Battle #4 (Of 12)
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #2
Twilight Zone #3
Veil #1 (Of 5)
Velvet #4
Victories #10
Warlord of Mars #34
Wild Blue Yonder #4 (Of 5)
X-Files Conspiracy TMNT #1
X-Files Season 10 #9
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Original TPB Vol. 03 Seeing Red
Animal Man TPB Vol. 04 Splinter Species
Archie 1000-Page Comics Palooza TPB
Avengers Falcon TPB
Buffy Season 9 TPB Vol. 05 The Core
Dream Thief TPB Vol. 01
Fatale HC Vol. 01
Grindhouse Doors Open at Midnight #6
Harley Quinn Welcome to Metropolis TPB
Hellblazer Shoot TPB
Journey into Mystery by Gillen TPB Vol. 01 Complete Collection
Munchkin Gets Promoted
Nijigahara Holograph HC
Nova TPB Vol. 02 Rookie Season
Oz HC Emerald City of Oz
Powerpuff Girls Classics TPB Vol. 03
Satellite Sam TPB Vol. 01
Sonic Mega Man Worlds Collide TPB Vol. 02
TMNT Villain Microseries TPB Vol. 02
Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender Omnibus HC
Uncanny X-Men TPB Vol. 01 Revolution
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 20 All Out War Part 1
Walt Kelly Pogo Complete Dell Comics HC Vol. 01
White Cube HC
X-Men Days of Future Past HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Magneto #1
Moon Knight #1
She-Hulk #2
Batman Superman Annual #1
Forever Evil #6 (Of 7)
Trillium #7
Auteur #1
Tales of Honor #1
Veil #1 (Of 5)
Fatale HC Vol. 01
Harley Quinn Welcome to Metropolis TPB
Oz HC Emerald City of Oz
Free Comic Book Day, May 3, 2014!
ComicWise will be a full participant in Free Comic Book Day on May 3, 2014! ComicWise will have Free Comic Book Day comics for the first time EVER! ComicWise will also have several local artists sketching for the day, including, but not limited to Erwin Ledford and Andy Mokler! Free Comic Book Day will be held in conjunction with ComicWise’s monthly Comic Book Sale! EVERYTHING is 25% off regular prices at the Comic Book Sale, which will be May 3, 2014! Additionally, thousands of comics will be available for a quarter apiece! Free Comic Book Day and the Comic Book Sale will be held from 8 AM-4 PM, May 3, 2014!
Shipping List, February 26, 2014!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Avengers Assemble #24
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #5 (Of 5)
Deadpool #24
Fantastic Four #1
Empire of Dead Act One #2 (Of 5)
Guardians of Galaxy #12
Hawkeye #15
Indestructible Hulk #19
Mighty Avengers #7
Miracleman #3
Origin II #3 (Of 5)
Secret Avengers #16
Superior Spider-Man #28
Thunderbolts #22
Uncanny Avengers #17
Wolverine #2
Wolverine and X-Men #42
100 Bullets Brother Lono #8
All Star Western #28
Aquaman #28
Batman Superman #8
Batman The Dark Knight #28
Beware the Batman #5
Catwoman #28
DC Universe Vs Masters of the Universe #5 (Of 6)
Dead Boy Detectives #3
Flash #28
Forever Evil Argus #5 (Of 6)
Justice League Dark #28
Justice League of America #12
Larfleeze #8
Scooby Doo Where Are You #42
Superman #28
Superman Lois Lane #1
Talon #16
Teen Titans #28
Wake #6 (Of 10)
Worlds Finest #20
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Army of Darkness Vs Hack Slash #6 (Of 6)
Artifacts #35
Ballistic #4 (Of 5)
Black Bat #9
Black Science #4
Bloodshot & Hard Corps #0.2014
Bounce #10
Captain Midnight #8
Chew #40
Crossed Badlands #48
Damsels #13
Dead Body Road #3 (Of 6)
Deadly Class #2
Deceivers #3 (Of 6)
Doc Savage #3
Elephantmen #54
Five Weapons #7
Futurama Comics #70
Ghostbusters #13
Hacktivist #2
Halo Escalation #3
Judge Dredd #16
Manhattan Projects #18
Mass Effect Foundation #8
Massive #20
Mind Mgmt #19
My Little Pony Friends Forever #2
One Hit Wonder #1 (Of 5)
Pariah #1
Powerpuff Girls #6
Rat Queens #5
Regular Show #10
Revenge #1
Robocop Beta One Shot
Samurai Jack #5
Samurai Jack Special Directors Cut
Satellite Sam #6
Serenity Leaves on the Wind #2 (Of 6)
Sergio Aragones Funnies #12
Sex #11
Sheltered #7
Star Trek Khan #5 (Of 5)
Star Trek Ongoing #30
Star Wars Legacy II #12
The Lone Ranger #22 (Of 25)
Three #5
TMNT New Animated Adventures #8
TMNT Ongoing #31
TMNT Utrom Empire #2 (Of 3)
Tomb Raider #1
Transformers Regeneration One #99
Umbral #4
Walking Dead #122
Wraith Welcome to Christmasland #4 (Of 7)
X-Files Conspiracy Transformers #1
X-O Manowar #22
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Angel & Faith TPB Vol. 05 What You Want Not What You Need
Buffy Season 8 TPB Vol. 04 Time of your Life
Buffy Season 8 TPB Vol. 05 Predator & Prey
Buffy Season 8 TPB Vol. 06 Retreat
Buffy Season 8 TPB Vol. 07 Twilight
Buffy Season 8 TPB Vol. 08 Last Gleaming
Captain America Winter Soldier HC
Creepy Comics TPB Vol. 03 Lurking Fate
Deadpool Pool Polo PX Shirt XXL
Garth Ennis Presents Battle Classics HC
Invincible TPB Vol. 19 The War at Home
Last of Us TPB American Dreams
MMW Fantastic Four TPB Vol. 10
Peter Panzerfaust TPB Vol. 03 Cry of the Wolf
Secret Avengers TPB Vol. 02 Iliad
Secret Service TPB
Superior Foes Spider-Man TPB Vol. 01 Getting Band Back Together
Superior Spider-Man Team Up TPB Versus
Thief of Thieves TPB Vol. 03
Thor by Walter Simonson TPB Vol. 04
Uncanny Avengers TPB Vol. 01 Red Shadow
Unknown Soldier TPB
Where Bold Stars Go To Die TPB
Will Eisner Dreamer TPB
Will Eisner’s Contract with God Trilogy HC
X-Force by Kyle and Yost Complete Collection TPB Vol. 1
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #5 (Of 5)
Guardians of Galaxy #12
Wolverine #2
Batman Superman #8
Justice League Dark #28
Superman Lois Lane #1
Dead Body Road #3 (Of 6)
Manhattan Projects #18
Wraith Welcome to Christmasland #4 (Of 7)
Captain America Winter Soldier HC
Last of Us TPB American Dreams
Unknown Soldier TPB
Shipping List, February 19, 2014!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 19, 2014
A Plus X #17
Amazing X-Men #4
Avengers World #3
Captain America #17
Daredevil #36
Dexter Down Under #1 (Of 5)
Iron Man Annual #1
Marvel Knights Hulk #3 (Of 4)
New Warriors #1
Night of Living Deadpool #3 (Of 4)
Nova #13.Now
Punisher #2
Savage Wolverine #15
Seekers of Weird #2 (Of 5)
Superior Spider-Man Team Up #10
Uncanny X-Men #17
X-Men #11
Animal Man #28
Batman 66 #8
Batman and Two Face #28
Batman Beyond Universe #7
Batwoman #28
Birds of Prey #28
Fables #138
Green Lantern New Guardians #28
Harley Quinn #3
He Man and the Masters of the Universe #10
Justice League #28
Red Hood and the Outlaws #28
Supergirl #28
Teen Titans Go #2
Trinity of Sin Pandora #8
Unwritten Vol. 2 Apocalypse #2
Wonder Woman #28
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
A Voice in the Dark #4
Adventure Time #25
Alex + Ada #4
Ash & The Army of Darkness #4
Ben 10 #4
Bloodshot & Hard Corps #19
BPRD Hell on Earth #116
Cavewoman Killing Dinos 101
Conan the Barbarian #25
Dark Horse Presents #33
Ghosted #7
God Is Dead #7
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #9
Jericho Season 4 #5 (Of 5)
Kings Watch #4 (Of 5)
Krampus #3
Morning Glories #37
Peter Panzerfaust #17
Protectors Inc #4
Quantum & Woody #8
Red Sonja #7
Robocop Memento Mori One Shot
Savage Dragon #193
Serenity Leaves on the Wind #1 (Of 6)
Simpsons Comics #209
Skyman #2 (Of 4)
Star Wars Darth Vader & Cry of Shadows #3 (Of 5)
Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi Force War #4 (Of 5)
Strain The Fall #8
Terminator Enemy of my Enemy #1 (Of 6)
Undertow #1
Unity #4
White Suits #1 (Of 4)
X-Files Conspiracy TMNT #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
American Born Chinese TPB
Batman Lil Gotham TPB Vol. 01
Captain America Epic Collection TPB Dawns Early Light
Complete Crumb Comics TPB Vol. 01 Early Years
Complete Crumb Comics TPB Vol. 02 More Struggle
Crossed TPB Vol. 01
Crow Midnight Legends TPB Vol. 06 Touch of Evil
FBP Federal Bureau of Physics TPB Vol. 01
Golden Age Captain America Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Green Lantern Wrath of the First Lantern HC
Hellboy TPB Vol. 08 Darkness Calls
Journey Into Mystery by Gillen TPB Vol. 01 Complete Collection
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic TPB Vol. 02
Nova TPB Vol. 01 Origin Now
Red Light Properties TPB
Red Sonja TPB Vol. 01 Queen of Plagues
Revival TPB Vol. 03 A Faraway Place
Shadow Master Series TPB Vol. 01
Spawn Origins TPB Vol. 20
Ultimate Comics X-Men by Brian Wood TPB Vol. 03
Vampirella The Essential Warren Years TPB
Zero TPB Vol. 01 An Emergency
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Dexter Down Under #1 (Of 5)
Savage Wolverine #15
Uncanny X-Men #17
Batman and Two Face #28
He Man and the Masters of the Universe #10
Teen Titans Go #2
Alex + Ada #4
Ghosted #7
Robocop Memento Mori One Shot
Golden Age Captain America Omnibus HC Vol. 01
Green Lantern Wrath of the First Lantern HC
Vampirella The Essential Warren Years TPB
Shipping List, February 12, 2014!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 12, 2014
All New X-Factor #3
All New X-Men #23
Amazing Spider-Man Movie Adaptation #2 (Of 2)
Avengers #26
Deadpool #23
Kick-Ass 3 #6
Marvel Knights X-Men #4 (Of 5)
Secret Avengers #15
She-Hulk #1
Superior Spider-Man #27.Now
Thor God of Thunder #19.Now
Winter Soldier Bitter March #1
Wolverine and X-Men #41
X-Force #1
X-Men Legacy #24
Astro City #9
Batgirl #28
Batman #28
Batman Lil Gotham #11
Coffin Hill #5
Constantine #11
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #5 (Of 6)
Green Lantern Corps #28
Injustice Year Two #2
Justice League 3000 #3
Nightwing #28
Royals Masters of War #1 (Of 6)
Smallville Season 11 Alien #3 (Of 4)
Suicide Squad #28
Superboy #28
Superman Wonder Woman #5
World’s Finest Annual #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #10
Army of Darkness Vs Hack Slash #5 (Of 6)
Bunker #1
Cavewoman Deadly Venom One Shot
Clown Fatale #4 (Of 4)
Creepy Comics #15
Crossed Badlands #47
Eternal Warrior #6
Fatale #20
Fuse #1
Gravel Combat Magician #1
Great Pacific #13
Grimm #10
Harbinger #21
Legenderry A Steampunk Adventure #2 (Of 7)
Letter 44 #4
Manifest Destiny #4
Maxx Maxximized #4
Mercenary Sea #1
Minimum Wage #2
Rachel Rising #23
Red Sonja Berserker One Shot
Regular Show Skips #4 (Of 6)
Robocop To Live and Die in Detroit One Shot
Sherlock Holmes Moriarty Lives #2 (Of 5)
Sixth Gun #38
Sonic the Hedgehog #257
Sons of Anarchy #6
Spawn #240
Spongebob Comics #29
Star Wars #14
Stitched #19
Ten Grand #7
Think Tank #12
Transformers Robots in Disguise #26 Dark Cybertron
Uncanny #6
Walking Dead #121
X #10
X-Files Season 10 #9
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time TPB Vol. 04
Archie 1000-Page Comics Palooza TPB
Avengers TPB Vol. 01 Avengers World
Batman Dark Victory TPB
Batman Mad Love and other Stories TPB
Bojeffries Saga TPB
BPRD Plague of Frogs HC Vol. 01
Captain America TPB Vol. 01 Castaway Dimension Z
Constantine TPB Vol. 01 Spark and the Flame
Daredevil by Mark Waid HC Vol. 02
Fatale TPB Vol. 04 Pray for Rain
Flash HC Vol. 03 Gorilla Warfare
Hellboy TPB Vol. 07 The Troll Witch & Others
Hellboy TPB Vol. 12 The Storm and the Fury
Invisibles HC Book 01
Iron Man TPB Vol. 01 Believe
Jonah Hex No Way Back TPB
Legion of Superheroes Great Darkness Saga TPB
Lobster Johnson TPB Vol. 03 Satan Smells a Rat
Mocking Dead TPB Vol. 01
Nemo Heart of Ice HC
Power Girl Power Trip TPB
Scarlet Spider TPB Vol. 04 Into Grave
She-Hulk by Slott TPB Vol. 01 Complete Collection
Spaceman TPB
Star Wars Grand Admiral Thrawn Mini-Bust
Star Wars Luke Snowspeeder Pilot Deluxe Mini-Bust
Supergirl TPB Vol. 03 Sanctuary
TMNT Ongoing TPB Vol. 07 City Fall Pt 2
Ultimates 3 TPB Who Killed Scarlet Witch
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Kick-Ass 3 #6
She-Hulk #1
Winter Soldier Bitter March #1
Constantine #11
Royals Masters of War #1 (Of 6)
Superman Wonder Woman #5
Bunker #1
Fuse #1
Walking Dead #121
Batman Mad Love and other Stories TPB
Nemo Heart of Ice HC
She-Hulk by Slott TPB Vol. 01 Complete Collection
Shipping List, February 5, 2014!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 5, 2014
All New Invaders #2
Avengers AI #9
Black Widow #3
Captain America #16.Now
Iron Man #21
Loki Agent of Asgard #1
Marvel Knights Spider-Man #5 (Of 5)
Mighty Avengers #6
Ms Marvel #1
New Avengers #14
Painkiller Jane Price of Freedom #4 (Of 4)
Punisher #1
Star Lord Annihilation Conquest
Superior Carnage Annual #1
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #8
Wolverine #1
X-Men #9
X-Men #10.Now
Action Comics #28
Batman Black & White #6 (Of 6)
Batman Jokers Daughter #1
Batwing #28
Detective Comics #28
Earth 2 #20
Fairest #23
Forever Evil #5 (Of 7)
Forever Evil Arkham War #5 (Of 6)
Green Arrow #28
Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28
Hinterkind #5
Looney Tunes #217
Movement #9
Stormwatch #28
Swamp Thing #28
Trillium #6
Trinity of Sin The Phantom Stranger #16
Vampire Diaries #2
Wonder Woman #27
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Flip Side #2 (Of 6)
Apocalypse Al #1 (Of 4)
Archer & Armstrong Archer #0.2014
Archie #652
Artifacts #34
Bad Blood #2 (Of 5)
Baltimore Chapel of Bones #2 (Of 2)
Bloodhound Crowbar Medicine #4 (Of 5)
Damsels #12
Drumhellar #4
Five Ghosts #9
Fox #4
GI Joe #13
God is Dead #6
Grindhouse Doors Open at Midnight #5
Invincible Universe #10
Jennifer Blood #36
Judge Dredd #15
Judge Dredd Mega City Two #2 (Of 5)
Lazarus #6
Lobster Johnson Get Lobster #1 (Of 5)
Green Hornet #9
Victories #9
Minimum Wage #2
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #16
Noir #4 (Of 5)
Regular Show #9
Savage Sword of Conan #7
Robocop Hominem Ex Machina One Shot
Rover Red Charlie #3 (Of 6)
Secret #5
Shadow #22
Shadowman #15
Sidekick #5
Sonic Universe #60
Star Wars #5 Lucas Draft
Star Wars Insider #147
Suicide Risk #10
Terminator Salvation Final Battle #3 (Of 12)
The Spider #17
TMNT Color Classics Series 2 #4
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #26 Dark Cybertron
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1
Twilight Zone #2
Vampirella #38
Warlord of Mars #30
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Buffy Season 8 TPB Vol. 01 Long Way Home
Buffy Season 8 TPB Vol. 02 No Future For You
Conan Phantoms of the Black Coast TPB
Creature Commandos TPB
Creepy Archives HC Vol. 18
Deadpool by Posehn and Duggan HC Vol. 01
Deadworld Restoration #3 (Of 4)
Deathstroke TPB Vol. 02 Lobo Hunt
DMZ HC Book 01
Fables HC Vol. 08
Flash TPB Vol. 02 Rogues Revolution
I Don’t Get It HC
Infinity HC
Infinity TPB Heist Hunt
JLA TPB Vol. 04
Locke & Key HC Vol. 06 Alpha & Omega
Mass Effect Foundation TPB Vol. 01
My Little Pony Tales TPB Vol. 02
Red Light Properties TPB
Sabrina The Teenage Witch Magic Within TPB Vol. 04
Savage Wolverine HC Vol. 02 Hands on Dead Body
Sixth Gun TPB Vol. 06
Strange Adventures TPB
Sucker Bait & Other Stories HC
Superman Family Adventures TPB Vol. 02
X-Men HC Phalanx Covenant
X-Men TPB Vol. 01 Road to Onslaught
Zero Hour & Other Stories HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Loki Agent of Asgard #1
Ms Marvel #1
Superior Carnage Annual #1
Batman Jokers Daughter #1
Forever Evil #5 (Of 7)
Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28
Conan Phantoms of the Black Coast TPB
DMZ HC Book 01
Savage Wolverine HC Vol. 02 Hands on Dead Body
Shipping List, January 29, 2014!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Amazing Spider-Man Movie Adaptation #1 (Of 2)
Avengers Assemble #23.Inh
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #4 (Of 5)
Guardians of Galaxy #11.Now
Inhumanity #2
Miracleman #2
Night of the Living Deadpool #2 (Of 4)
Superior Spider-Man #26
Thor God of Thunder #18
Thunderbolts #21
Uncanny Avengers #16
Uncanny X-Force #17
X-Men Legacy #23
All Star Western #27
Aquaman #27
Batman and Robin Annual #2
Batman The Dark Knight #27
Beware the Batman #4
Catwoman #27
Damian Son of Batman #4 (Of 4)
Dark Shadows #22
Dead Boy Detectives #2
Earth 2 Annual #2
Fables #137
Flash #27
Forever Evil Argus #4 (Of 6)
Green Lantern Corps Annual #2
Green Team Teen Trillionaires #8
Justice League Dark #27
Larfleeze #7
Red Lanterns #27
Smallville Season 11 Special #4
Superman #27
Teen Titans #27
Worlds Finest Annual #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time 2014 Special #1
Army of Darkness Vs Hack Slash #5 (Of 6)
Black Science #3
Bounce #9
Clone #14
Crossed Badlands #46
Dredd Underbelly Movie Sequel One Shot
East of West #9
Five Weapons #6
Ghostbusters #12
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #8
Invincible #108
Lil Sonja #1
Locke & Key Alpha #2 (Of 2)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman #4 (Of 4)
Other Dead #5 (Of 5)
Revival #17
Saga #18
Saviors #2
Serenity Leaves on the Wind #1 (Of 6)
Shadow Year One #7 (Of 10)
Simpsons Illustrated #9
Sledgehammer 44 Lightning War #3 (Of 3)
Star Trek Ongoing #29
Talon #15
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #84
Thief of Thieves #19
TMNT Ongoing #30
Uber #9
Warlord of Mars #33
Witchblade #172
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Batman and Son TPB
Cable and X-Force TPB Vol. 03 This Won’t End Well
Garth Ennis Presents Battle Classics HC
Green Lantern New Guardians TPB Vol. 02 Beyond Hope
Guardians of Galaxy HC Vol. 02 Angela
Justice League Dark TPB Vol. 03 Death of Magic
Lost At Sea HC
MMW X-Men TPB Vol. 06
Red Sonja TPB Vol. 13 The Long March Home
Superior Carnage TPB
Thunderbolts TPB Vol. 03 Infinity
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man by Bendis HC Vol. 05
Unwritten TPB Vol. 08 Orpheus in the Underworlds
Warlock by Jim Starlin TPB Complete Collection
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man Movie Adaptation #1 (Of 2)
Night of the Living Deadpool #2 (Of 4)
Uncanny X-Force #17
Batman and Robin Annual #2
Green Lantern Corps Annual #2
Worlds Finest Annual #1
Army of Darkness Vs Hack Slash #5 (Of 6)
Serenity Leaves on the Wind #1 (Of 6)
TMNT Ongoing #30
Garth Ennis Presents Battle Classics HC
Justice League Dark TPB Vol. 03 Death of Magic
Warlock by Jim Starlin TPB Complete Collection
Shipping List, January 22, 2014!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, January 22, 2014
All New Invaders #1
All New X-Factor #2
All New X-Men #22.Now
Avengers #25
Avengers World #2
Black Widow #2
Cable and X-Force #19
Captain America #15
Cataclysm Ultimate X-Men #3 (Of 3)
Empire of Dead Act One #1 (Of 5)
Hawkeye #16
Indestructible Hulk #18.Inh
Iron Man #20.Inh
Marvel Knights X-Men #3 (Of 5)
Mighty Avengers #5.Inh
Origin II #2 (Of 5)
Superior Spider-Man Team Up #9
Wolverine and X-Men #40
X-Men #9
Animal Man #27
Batman #27
Batman 66 #7
Batman and Two Face #27
Batman Beyond Universe #6
Batwoman #27
Birds of Prey #27
Fairest #22
FF #16
Green Lantern New Guardians #27
Harley Quinn #2
Justice League #27
Red Hood and the Outlaws #27
Supergirl #27
Trinity of Sin Pandora #7
Unwritten Vol. 2 Apocalypse #1
Wonder Woman #27
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Bad Ass #1 (Of 4)
Bart Simpson Comics #88
Battlestar Galactica #7
Bedlam #11
Ben 10 #3
Captain Midnight #7
Cavewoman Labyrinth One Shot
Chew #39
Conan The Barbarian #24
Crossed Badlands #45
Dark Horse Presents #32
Deadly Class #1
Deceivers #2 (Of 6)
Doc Savage #2
Elfquest Final Quest #1
Eternal Warrior #5
Hacktivist #1
Judge Dredd #15
Judge Dredd Mega City Two #1 (Of 5)
Krampus #2
Lil Bionic Kids #1
Lone Ranger #21
Mass Effect Foundation #7
Massive #19
Mind Mgmt #18
Mocking Dead #5
Mr. Peabody & Sherman #3 (Of 4)
My Little Pony Friends Forever #1
Pretty Deadly #4
Samurai Jack #4
Sex #10
Star Wars Insider #147
Star Wars Legacy II #11
Suicide Risk #9
TMNT Utrom Empire #1 (Of 3)
Transformers Robots in Disguise #25
Umbral #3
Vampirella Annual 2013
Walking Dead #120
X-Files Conspiracy Ghostbusters #1
X-O Manowar #21
Zero #5
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Animal Man TPB Vol. 05 The Meaning of Flesh
Astro City Life in the Big City TPB
Blade of the Immortal TPB Vol. 28 Raining Chaos
BPRD Hell on Earth TPB Vol. 07 A Cold Day in Hel
Crossed Wish You Were Here TPB Vol. 03
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 15
GI Joe TPB Vol. 01 Homefront
Hellblazer Rare Cuts TPB
I Don’t Get It HC
Indestructible Hulk TPB Vol. 01 Agent of Shield
Mega Man TPB Vol. 06 Breaking Point
My Little Pony Tales TPB Vol. 01
Planetary Omnibus HC
Preacher TPB Book 03
Taint Meat Its Humanity HC
TMNT Ongoing TPB Vol. 06 City Fall Pt 1
Wolverine by Hama and Silvestri TPB Vol. 02
X-Factor by Peter David TPB Vol. 01 Complete Collection
X-Men TPB Vol. 01 Road To Onslaught
Young Avengers TPB Vol. 02 Alternative Culture
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New Invaders #1
Hawkeye #16
Origin II #2 (Of 5)
Batman and Two Face #27
Harley Quinn #2
Unwritten Vol. 2 Apocalypse #1
Cavewoman Labyrinth One Shot
Deadly Class #1
Judge Dredd Mega City Two #1 (Of 5)
Hellblazer Rare Cuts TPB
Indestructible Hulk TPB Vol. 01 Agent of Shield
Taint Meat Its Humanity HC