Shipping List, August 14, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Astonishing X-Men #65
Avengers Arena #13
Deadpool #14
Fantastic Four #11
Fearless Defenders #8
Infinity #1 (Of 6)
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #17
Scarlet Spider #20
Secret Avengers #7
Superior Spider-Man Team Up #2
Thor God of Thunder #11
Ultimate Comics X-Men #30
Uncanny X-Force #10
Uncanny X-Men #10
Wolverine #8
Wolverine and X-Men #34
Astro City #3
Batgirl #23
Batman #23
Batman Arkham Unhinged #17
Batman Lil Gotham #5
Constantine #6
Demon Knights #23
Django Unchained #6 (Of 7)
Green Lantern Corps #23
Justice League of America #7
Katana #7
Nightwing #23
Smallville Season 11 #16
Suicide Squad #23
Superboy #23
Threshold #8
Worlds Finest #15
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Candy Capers #2 (Of 6)
Battlestar Galactica #3
Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem #3
Buffy Season 9 Freefall #24
Doctor Who Vol. 3 #12
East of West #5
Ghosted #2
Great Pacific #9
Half Past Danger #4 (Of 6)
Halo Initiation #1 (Of 3)
Herobear & The Kid Inheritance #1 (Of 5)
Lost Vegas #4 (Of 4)
Mind The Gap #12
My Little Pony Cover Gallery #1
Peter Panzerfaust #13
Resident Alien Suicide Blonde #0
Saga #13
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #2 (Of 5)
Simpsons Treehouse of Horror TPB Vol. 01 Jeebie Hull
Six Gun Gorilla #3 (Of 6)
Spawn #234
Spongebob Comics #23
Star Trek Ongoing #24
Star Wars #8 2013 Ongoing
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys #3 (Of 6)
Vampirella Southern Gothic #1 (Of 5)
Walking Dead #113
X #4
X-Files Season 10 #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
BPRD Hell on Earth TPB Vol. 06 Return of the Master
Buffy Season 8 TPB Vol. 02 No Future For You
Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom TPB Triumph and Torment
Fables 1001 Nights of Snowfall TPB
Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch HC
Fairest TPB Vol. 02 Hidden Kingdom
Flash TPB Vol. 01 Move Forward
Frank Cho Women Drawings & Illustrations TPB Vol. 02
God Is Disappointed In You HC
Green Lantern TPB Vol. 01 Sinestro
Kiss Solo TPB
March TPB Book 01
Nightwing Old Friends New Enemies TPB
Revival TPB Vol. 02 Live Like You Mean It
Smallville Season 11 TPB Vol. 02 Detective
Transformers Dark Prelude TPB
Wolverine TPB Vol. 01 Hunting Season
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Infinity #1 (Of 6)
Superior Spider-Man Team Up #2
Uncanny X-Men #10
Batman Lil Gotham #5
Django Unchained #6 (Of 7)
Superboy #23
East of West #5
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #2 (Of 5)
Peter Panzerfaust #13
Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom TPB Triumph and Torment
Green Lantern TPB Vol. 01 Sinestro
March TPB Book 01

Shipping List, August 7, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 7, 2013

All New X-Men #15
Avengers #17
Avengers AI #2
Cable and X-Force #12
Daredevil Dark Nights #3
Dark Tower Gunslinger So Fell Lord Perth #1
Deadpool Kills Deadpool #2 (Of 4)
Emerald City of Oz #2 (Of 5)
Hunger #2 (Of 4)
Iron Man #14
Kick-Ass 3 #2
Marvel Universe Avengers Earths Heroes #17
Superior Carnage #2 (Of 5)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man Now #2
Superior Spider-Man #15
X-Factor #260
Action Comics #23
Ame Comi Girls #6
Batwing #23
Detective Comics #23
Dial H #15
Earth 2 #15
Fairest #18
Flash #22
Green Arrow #23
Green Lantern #23
Legends of the Dark Knight #11
Looney Tunes #214
Movement #4
Scooby Doo Where Are You #36
Stormwatch #23
Swamp Thing #23
Trillium #1
Trinity of Sin, The Phantom Stranger #11
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Abe Sapien #5
Artifacts #30
Black Bat #4
Blackacre #9
Burn The Orphanage Born To Lose #1 (Of 3)
Catalyst Comix #2 (Of 9)
Crossed Badlands #34
Damsels #9
Dark Shadows #19
Fatale #16
GI Joe Cobra Files #5
Invincible Universe #5
Kevin Keller #10
Legend of Luther Strode #6 (Of 6)
Manhattan Projects #13
Mega Man #28
Miniature Jesus #4 (Of 5)
Owl #2 (Of 4)
Planet of the Apes: Cataclysm #12
Robocop Last Stand #1
Satellite Sam #2
Shadow #16
Sheltered #2
Sidekick #1
Skin Trade #2
Suicide Risk #4
Ten Grand #4
Transformers Robots In Disguise #20
Vampirella #31
Victories #4 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Battlefields TPB Vol. 07 Green Fields Beyond
Crossed TPB Vol. 06
Daredevil HC Vol. 05
Darth Vader & Son 2014 Wall Calendar
Distant Soil TPB Vol. 01 The Gathering
Fashion Beast TPB
Feldstein: Mad Life & Fantastic Art of HC
In the Days of the Mob HC
Lone Wolf & Cub Omnibus TPB Vol. 02
Rachel Rising TPB Vol. 03 Cemetery Songs
Saucer Country TTP Vol. 02 Reticulan Candidate
Savage Wolverine HC Vol. 01 Kill Island Now
Simpsons Comics TPB Vol. 03 Spectacular
Thor by Walter Simonson TPB Vol. 01
Todd The Ugliest Kid On Earth TPB Vol. 01
Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate Collection TPB Book 04
Venom TPB Toxin with a Vengeance
Winter Soldier TPB Vol. 04 Electric Ghost
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Dark Tower Gunslinger So Fell Lord Perth #1
Kick-Ass 3 #2
X-Factor #260
Earth 2 #15
Trillium #1
Trinity of Sin, The Phantom Stranger #11
Black Bat #4
Robocop Last Stand #1
Vampirella #31
Daredevil HC Vol. 05
Lone Wolf & Cub Omnibus TPB Vol. 02
Saucer Country TTP Vol. 02 Reticulan Candidate

Shipping List, July 31, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Captain Marvel #14
Daredevil #29
Fearless Defenders #7
FF #10
Guardians of Galaxy #5
Indestructible Hulk #11
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #28
Uncanny X-Force #9
Uncanny X-Men #9
Venom #38
What If AvX #4 (Of 4)
Wolverine in Flesh #1
X-Men #3
X-Men Legacy #14
Adventures of Superman #3
Animal Man Annual #2
Batman Annual #2
Batman Incorporated #13
Batman Zero Year Directors Cut #1
Collider #1
Detective Comics Annual #2
Flash Annual #2
Injustice Gods among Us #7
Red Lanterns #22
Smallville Season 11 Special #2
Superboy #22
Superman Annual #2
Tom Strong and the Planet of Peril #1 (Of 6)
Trinity of Sin Pandora #2
Wake #3 (Of 10)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
3 Guns #1 (Of 6)
Absolution Rubicon #2
Adventure Time Summer Special 2013 #1
Angel & Faith #24
Archie #646
Bedlam #8
BPRD Vampire #5 (Of 5)
Captain Midnight #1
Doctor Who Prisoners of Time #7 (Of 12)
Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #5 (Of 5)
GI Joe #6
GI Joe A Real American Hero #192
House of Gold & Bones #4 (Of 4)
It Girl & the Atomics #12
Judge Dredd Year One #4
Lenore Volume II #8
Life with Archie #31
Morning Glories #29
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #9
Optic Nerve #13
Planet of the Apes Spectacular One Shot
Scratch 9 #1 Cat Tails
Sex #5
Simpsons Illustrated #7
Sonic the Hedgehog #251
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #81
TMNT Ongoing #24
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #19
Uber #4
Wasteland #46
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Age of Bronze TPB Vol. 03 Betrayal Part 2
Animal Man Omnibus HC
Batman Illustrated By Neal Adams TPB Vol. 03
Big Big Overstreet Price Guide Vol. 43
Burroughs Tarzan Sunday Comics 1931-1933 HC Vol. 01
Ghost TPB Vol. 01 In The Smoke And Din
Green Lantern New Guardians HC Vol. 02 Beyond Hope
Green Lantern New Guardians TPB Vol. 01 Ring Bearer
Invincible TPB Vol. 18 Death of Everyone
Kevin Keller TPB Vol. 02 Drive Me Crazy
Mouse Guard Legends of the Guard HC
Mullins Golden Age Baseball Drawings HC
Super Spy TPB
Uncanny X-Force TPB Vol. 01 Let It Bleed
Worlds of Sam Kieth HC Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Fearless Defenders #7
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #28
Wolverine in Flesh #1
Batman Annual #2
Collider #1
Tom Strong and the Planet of Peril #1 (Of 6)
Adventure Time Summer Special 2013 #1
Captain Midnight #1
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #81
Animal Man Omnibus HC
Mullins Golden Age Baseball Drawings HC
Uncanny X-Force TPB Vol. 01 Let It Bleed

Shipping List, July 17, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Plus X #10
All New X-Men #14
Avengers #16
Avengers Assemble #17
Cable and X-Force #11
Deadpool #13
Fantastic Four #10
FF #9
Iron Man #13
Morbius Living Vampire #7
Nova #6
Powers Bureau #6
Savage Wolverine #7
Scarlet #7
Superior Carnage #1 (Of 5)
Thanos Rising #4 (Of 5)
Thor God of Thunder #10
Thunderbolts #13
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #25
Uncanny X-Force #8
What If AvX #2 (Of 4)
Wolverine Max #9
X-Factor #259
Animal Man #22
Batman 66 #1
Batman and Catwoman #22
Batman Beyond Unlimited #18
Batwoman #22
Birds of Prey #22
Fables #131
Green Lantern New Guardians #22
He Man and the Masters of the Universe #4
Justice League of America #6
Justice League of Americas Vibe #6
100 Bullets Brother Lono #2
Supergirl #22
Wonder Woman #22
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #18
Artifacts #29
Blood Brothers #1 (Of 3)
BPRD, Hell on Earth #109 Wasteland #3 (Of 3)
Conan the Barbarian #18
Damsels #8
Day Men #1
Dream Thief #3 (Of 5)
Elephantmen #50
GI Joe Special Missions #5
Half Past Danger #3 (Of 6)
Invincible #104
Mysterious Strangers #1
Mysterious Strangers #2
Non Humans #4 (Of 4)
Red Sonja #1
Revival #12
Shadow Year One #4
Simpsons Comics #204
Sonic Universe #54
Star Wars Dark Times Spark Remains #1 (Of 5)
Star Wars Darth Vader & Ninth Assassin #4 (Of 5)
Strain The Fall #1
Spider #13
TMNT Villain Microseries #4 Alopex
To Hell You Ride #5 (Of 5)
Transformers Regeneration One #93
Warlord of Mars #26
X-Files Season 10 #2
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Enlightening True Adventures of Katherine Whaley HC
Arsenic Lullaby Big Stall One Shot
Avengers Assemble TPB
Batman The Dark Knight TPB Vol. 01 Knight Terrors
Beirut 1990 Snapshots of a Civil War HC
Black Orchid TPB
BPRD, Hell on Earth TPB Vol. 05 Pickens County Horror
Captain America TPB Vol. 04
Channel Zero TPB Complete Collection
Chew Omnivore Edition HC Vol. 01
Chew TPB Vol. 01
Chew TPB Vol. 03 Just Desserts
Crossed TPB Vol. 01
Deadpool Complete Collection TPB Vol. 01
Genius TPB
Goddamn This War HC
Killer HC Vol. 04 Unfair Competition
Legend of Korra Art Animated Series Book One Air HC
Mighty Thor and JIM TPB Everything Burns
Neonomicon TPB
Nightly News TPB Vol. 01
Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Vol. 43 Superman
Peter & Max A Fables Novel TPB
Regular Show Blue-Ray Complete Season 01 & 02
Revival TPB Vol. 02 Live Like You Mean It
Saga TPB Vol. 01
Summer Blonde TPB
Templar TPB
Think Tank TPB Vol. 02
Ultimate Spider-Man HC Vol. 04
Uncanny X-Force TPB Vol. 07 Final Execution Book 2
Vampirella Masters Series TPB Vol. 02 Warren Ellis
Wolverine Max TPB Vol. 01 Permanent Rage
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers Assemble #17
Morbius Living Vampire #7
Superior Carnage #1 (Of 5)
Batman and Catwoman #22
Fables #131
Justice League of America #6
Day Men #1
Mysterious Strangers #1
Star Wars Dark Times Spark Remains #1 (Of 5)
Channel Zero TPB Complete Collection
Deadpool Complete Collection TPB Vol. 01
Wolverine Max TPB Vol. 01 Permanent Rage

Shipping List, May 29, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Avenging Spider-Man #21
Captain America #7
Dark Avengers #190
Fury Max #12
Gambit #13
Indestructible Hulk #8
Iron Man #258.4
Morbius Living Vampire #5
New Avengers #6
Savage Wolverine #5
Uncanny X-Force #5
Venom #35
Wolverine and X-Men #30
X-Men #1
Adventures of Superman #1
Batman The Dark Knight Annual #1
Catwoman Annual #1
Earth 2 Annual #1
Justice League of America #4
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1
Smallville Season 11 Special #1
Wake #1 (Of 10)
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Annual #1
Angel & Faith #22
Archie #644
BPRD Vampire #3 (Of 5)
Chew #34
Next Testament #1 (Of 12)
Clone #7
Crossed Badlands #29
Danger Girl Trinity #2 (Of 4)
Dia De Los Muertos #3 (Of 3)
Doctor Who Prisoners of Time #5 (Of 12)
Elephantmen #48
Five Weapons #4 (Of 5)
Futurama Comics #67
GI Joe #4
Godzilla Ongoing #12
Jennifer Blood First Blood #5
Jericho Season 4 #3 (Of 5)
King Conan Hour of the Dragon #1 (Of 6)
Lost Vegas #3 (Of 4)
Mind The Gap #10
Morning Glories #27
My Little Pony Micro Series #4 (Of 6) Fluttershy
Shadow Year One #3
Simpsons Summer Shindig #7
Sonic the Hedgehog #249
Star Trek Ongoing #21
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #80
Thief of Thieves #14
TMNT Ongoing #22
To Hell You Ride #4 (Of 5)
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #17
Transformers Prime Beast Hunters #1
Warlord of Mars #25
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Absolute Top Ten HC
All New X-Men HC Vol. 02 Here To Stay
Batman Noir Eduardo Risso HC
Clone TPB Vol. 01
Deadpool HC Vol. 03 X Marks The Spot
Deadpool TPB Vol. 01 Dead Presidents
Deadpool TPB Vol. 04 Monkey Business
Definitive Flash Gordon & Jungle Jim HC Vol. 03
Johnny Homicidal Maniac TPB
Lucifer TPB Vol. 01
Marvel Noir TPB Spider-Man Punisher
Phantom Stranger TPB Vol. 01 A Stranger Among Us
Preacher TPB Vol. 04 Ancient History
Preacher TPB Vol. 05 Dixie Fried
Punisher Max HC Vol. 03
Punisher TPB Enter War Zone
Sandman TPB Vol. 01 Preludes & Nocturnes
Sandman TPB Vol. 02 The Dolls House
Sandman TPB Vol. 03 Dream Country
Sandman TPB Vol. 04 Season of Mists
Sandman TPB Vol. 05 A Game Of You
Sandman TPB Vol. 06 Fables and Reflections
Sandman TPB Vol. 07 Brief Lives
Sandman TPB Vol. 08 Worlds End
Sandman TPB Vol. 09 The Kindly Ones
Sandman TPB Vol. 10 The Wake
Star Wars Omnibus Wild Space TPB Vol. 01
Superboy TPB Vol. 02 Extraction
Superior Spider-Man TPB Vol. 01 My Own Worst Enemy
Thief of Thieves TPB Vol. 02
Ultimate Comics X-Men TPB Vol. 01
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 06 Sorrowful Life
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 08 Made To Suffer
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 09 Here We Remain
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 10 What We Become
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Fury Max #12
Morbius Living Vampire #5
X-Men #1
Adventures of Superman #1
Batman The Dark Knight Annual #1
Catwoman Annual #1
Chew #34
Five Weapons #4 (Of 5)
Star Trek Ongoing #21
Batman Noir Eduardo Risso HC
Marvel Noir TPB Spider-Man Punisher
Star Wars Omnibus Wild Space TPB Vol. 01

Shipping List, May 22, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A plus X #8
Avengers #12
Daredevil #2
Deadpool #26
Fantastic Four #10
Fearless Defenders #4au
Iron Man #258.3
Journey into Mystery #652
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #14
Powers Bureau #4
Scarlet Spider-Man #17
Superior Spider-Man #10
Ultimate Comics Wolverine #4 (Of 4)
Uncanny Avengers #8au
Uncanny X-Men #6
All Star Western #20
Aquaman #20
Arrow #7
Batman Beyond Unlimited #16
Batman Incorporated #11
Batman The Dark Knight #20
Flash #20
Fury of Firestorm, the Nuclear Man #20
Green Lantern #20
Green Lantern New Guardians #20
Green Team #1
Justice League #20
Red Lanterns #20
Savage Hawkman #20
Superman #20
Talon #20
Teen Titans #20
Unwritten #49
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #16
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake #5 (Of 6)
Bart Simpson Comics #83
Bounce #1
Cavewoman Uncovered Pinup Book
Crossed Badlands #28
Damsels #7
Dark Horse Presents #24
Doctor Who Vol. 3 #9
Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #3 (of 50
Ghostbusters #4
GI Joe Cobra Files #2
Half Past Danger #2
House of Gold & Bones #2 (Of 4)
Judge Dredd #7
Kiss Solo #3 (Of 4) The Celestial
Lobster Johnson Satan Smells a Rat One Shot
Massive #12
Mind MGMT #11
Miniature Jesus #2 (of 5)
Nowhere Men #5
Occupy Comics #1
Revival #10
Sex #3
Sixth Gun #31
Solid State Tank Girl #1 (of 4)
Star Wars, Dawn of the Jedi, Prisoner of Bogan #5 (of 5)
Star Wars Legacy #3
Steed and Mrs. Peel Ongoing #8
TMNT Villains Microseries #2 Baxter Stockman
Transformers Robots in Disguise #17
True Blood Ongoing #13
Wasteland #45
Trade Paperbacks and Graphics Novels
A Plus X TPB Vol. 1 Equals Awesome
Artifacts TPB Vol. 5
BPRD, Hell on Earth TPB Vol. 4 Devil’s Engine and Long Death
MMW Fantastic Four TPB Vol. 9
Pyongyang A Journey into North Korea TPB
Regular Show #1 Complete Cover Box Set
Saga TPB Vol. 1
Secret Avengers TPB Vol. 2 AvX
Secret Avengers TPB Run Mission Save World
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 7 The Calm Before
Wolverine Best There is TPB Complete Series
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Fearless Defenders #4au
Powers Bureau #4
Ultimate Comics Wolverine #4 (Of 4)
Batman Incorporated #11
Green Team #1
Teen Titans #20
Bounce #1
Half Past Danger #1 (of 6)
Nowhere Men #5
Pyongyang A Journey in North Korea TPB
Saga TPB Vol. 1
Secret Avengers TPB Run Mission Save World

Shipping List, May 15, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Age of Ultron #8 (Of 10)
Avengers Enemy Within #1
Cable and X-Force #8
FF #7
Gambit #12
Hawkeye #10
Iron Man #10
Nova #4
Thunderbolts #9
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23
Wolverine and X-Men #29
Wolverine Max #7
X-Factor #256
Batgirl #20
Batwoman #20
Birds of Prey #20
Catwoman #20
Fables #129
Green Lantern The Animated Series #13
He Man and the Masters of the Universe #2
JSA Liberty Files The Whistling Skull #6 (Of 6)
Justice League of Americas Vibe #4
Legion of Super Heroes #20
Nightwing #20
Red Hood and the Outlaws #20
Supergirl #20
Sword of Sorcery #8
Wonder Woman #20
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Battlestar Galactica #1
BPRD Hell On Earth #107 Wasteland #1 (Of 3)
Conan the Barbarian #16
Dream Merchant #1 (Of 6)
Dream Thief #1 (Of 5)
Edgar Allan Poe’s Fall of the House of Usher #1 (Of 2)
Fanboys Vs. Zombies #14
Fatale #14
GI Joe A Real American Hero #190
GI Joe Special Missions #3
Green Hornet #2
It Girl & The Atomics #10
Jennifer Blood #27
Legend of the Luther Strode #5 (Of 6)
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #7
Night of the Living Dead Aftermath #8
Non Humans #3 (Of 4)
Regular Show #1
Shadow #13
Simpsons Comics #202
Star Wars Darth Vader & Ninth Assassin #2 (Of 5)
Think Tank #7
To Hell You Ride #4 (Of 5)
Transformers Regeneration One #91
X #1 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time Marceline & the Scream Queens TPB
Adventure Time Original TPB Vol. 01 Playing Fire
Annihilation TPB Book 02
Annihilation TPB Book 03
Aquaman TPB Vol. 01 The Trench
Asterios Polyp HC
Astonishing X-Men Ultimate Collection TPB Book 1
Astonishing X-Men Ultimate Collection TPB Book 2
Authority HC Vol. 01
Batman Beyond 10000 Clowns TPB
Bleeding Cool Magazine #4
Crisis on Infinite Earths TPB
Crossed Wish You Were Here TPB Vol. 02
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 13
Habibi HC
Indestructible Hulk HC Vol. 01 Agent of Shield
Iron Sky TPB
Lil Depressed Boy TPB Vol. 04
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic TPB Vol. 01
Peter Panzerfaust TPB Vol. 02 Hooked
Planetary TPB Book 04 Spacetime Archaeology
Planetary TPB Vol. 02 The Fourth Man
Planetary TPB Vol. 03 Leaving The 20Th Century
Punisher Max HC Vol. 03
Punisher Max TPB Vol. 03 Mother Russia
Punisher Max TPB Vol. 05 The Slavers
Punisher Welcome Back Frank TPB
Sixth Gun TPB Vol. 01
Star Wars Darth Maul Death Sentence TPB
Watchmen TPB
Wolverine and X-Men TPB Vol. 04 AvX
Y The Last Man TPB Vol. 01 Unmanned
Y The Last Man TPB Vol. 02 Cycles
Y The Last Man TPB Vol. 03 One Small Step
Y The Last Man TPB Vol. 04 Safeword
Y The Last Man TPB Vol. 05 Ring Of Truth
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers Enemy Within #1
Iron Man #10
Green Lantern The Animated Series #13
Nightwing #20
Edgar Allan Poe’s Fall of the House of Usher #1 (Of 2)
Regular Show #1
Asterios Polyp HC
Crisis on Infinite Earths TPB
Punisher Welcome Back Frank TPB


This weekend, May 4th and 5th is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY and ComicWise’s monthly Comic Book Sale! This weekend, Erwin Ledford, (, will be sketching and selling his independently-produced comics at the sale and to celebrate FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! ComicWise will be giving away TWO FREE Comics per patron! ComicWise will also have FREE posters and $2.00 trade paperbacks (dinged and damaged, but readable!) in addition to the usual 25% off discount on all regular comics and paperbacks! Additionally, thousands of comics will be available for a quarter apiece! The sale is held in the garage, since ComicWise is a home-based retailer and convention dealer!

Shipping List, May 8, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Alpha Big Time #4 (Of 5)
Astonishing X-Men #62
Avengers #11
Avengers Arena #9
Avengers Assemble #15au
Avenging Spider-Man #20
Castle A Calm Before Storm #5 (Of 5)
Deadpool #9
Fearless Defenders #4
Iron Man #258.2
Marvel Universe Avengers Earths Heroes #14
Secret Avengers #4
Thor God of Thunder #8
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #24
Ultimate Comics Wolverine #2 (Of 4)
Uncanny X-Force #4
Wolverine #3
Batman #20
Batman and Red Hood #20
Batman Arkham Unhinged #14
Constantine #3
Deathstroke #20
Demon Knights #20
Green Lantern Corps #20
Justice League of America #3
Katana #4
Ravagers #12
Smallville Season 11 #13
Suicide Squad #20
Superboy #20
Team 7 #8
Threshold #5
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Battlefields #6 (Of 6)
Buffy Season 9 Freefall #21
Chin Music #1
Creepy Comics #12
Dark Shadows #16
Dresden Files Ghoul Goblin #4
End Times of Bram & Ben #4 (Of 4)
Grimm #1
I Love Trouble #5
Mega Man #25
Memorial Imaginary Fiends #3 (Of 3)
Rocketeer Hollywood Horror #4
Spongebob Comics #20
Star Trek Ongoing #20
Star Wars #5
Uber #1
Vampirella #29
Walking Dead #110
Warlord of Mars #24
Witchblade #166
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers Arena TPB Vol. 01 Kill or Die TPB
Avengers Vs. X-Men HC
Avengers Vs. X-Men TPB
Batman Dark Knight Returns TPB
Batman Incorporated HC Vol. 01 Demon Star
Buffy Season 9 TPB Vol. 03 Guarded
Civil War TPB
Comeback TPB
Criminal Deluxe Edition HC Vol. 02
Criminal Macabre No Peace Dead Men TPB
Fables TPB Vol. 01 Legends In Exile
Fables TPB Vol. 02 Animal Farm
Fables TPB Vol. 03 Storybook Love
Fables TPB Vol. 04 March of the Wooden Soldiers
Fables TPB Vol. 05 The Mean Seasons
Freaks Amour TPB
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 05 Dangerous Habits
Red Handed Fine Art Strange Crimes HC
Spider-Men TPB
Thief of Thieves TPB Vol. 02
Thunderbolts TPB Vol. 01 No Quarter
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man TPB Vol. 03
Walt Disney Donald Duck HC Vol. 03 Castles Secret
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers #11
Fearless Defenders #4
Uncanny X-Force #4
Constantine #3
Justice League of America #3
Suicide Squad #20
Creepy Comics #12
Mega Man #25
Uber #1
Avengers Vs. X-Men TPB
Batman Incorporated HC Vol. 01 Demon Star
Red Handed Fine Art Strange Crimes HC

Shipping List, May 1, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday May 1, 2013

Age of Ultron #7 (Of 10)
All New X-Men #11
Hawkeye #10
Indestructible Hulk #7
Iron Man #258.1
Iron Man #9
Iron Man Coming of Melter #1
Red She-Hulk #65
Superior Spider-Man #9
Thanos Rising #2 (Of 5)
Ultimate Comics X-Men #26
Winter Soldier #18
Action Comics #20
Ame Comi Girls #3
Animal Man #20
Aquaman #19
Batwing #20
Detective Comics #20
Dial H #12
Earth 2 #12
Fairest #15
Green Arrow #20
Legends of the Dark Knight #8
Movement #1
Phantom Stranger #8
Scooby Doo Where Are You #33
Stormwatch #20
Swamp Thing #20
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
47 Ronin #4 (Of 5)
68 Jungle Jim #2 (Of 4)
Abe Sapien Dark & Terrible #2
Archie #643
Army of Darkness Ongoing #13
Artifacts #27
Black Bat #1
Blackacre #6
Dan the Unharmable #12
Epic Kill #10
Fashion Beast #9
Invincible Universe #2
Mice Templar IV Legend #2
Miss Fury #2
Mister X Eviction #1 (Of 3)
Planet of the Apes Cataclysm #9
Sherlock Holmes Liverpool Demon #4 (Of 5)
Simpsons Comics #201
Simpsons Illustrated #6
Snapshot #4 (Of 4)
Son of Merlin #4
Sonic the Hedgehog #248
Spawn #231
Star Wars Dark Times Fire Carrier #4
Star Wars Insider #141
Suicide Risk #1
Ten Grand #1
The Spider #11
Transformers Spotlight Hoist #1
Vampirella Strikes #5
Victories #1 (Of 5)
Wasteland #44
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Bedlam TPB Vol. 01
Blackacre TPB Vol. 01
Feynman TPB
G-Man TPB Vol. 03 Coming Home
Get Jiro TPB
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo HC Vol. 02
Graveyard of Empires TPB
Great Pacific TPB Vol. 01 Trashed
Jack Davis EC Stories Artist Ed HC
Jack Kirby Omnibus HC Vol. 02
Kick-Ass HC Vol. 01
Peter Bagge Other Stuff TPB
Red Hood and the Outlaws TPB Vol. 01 Redemption
Smurfs TPB Box Set Vol. 10-12
Superman Earth One TPB Vol. 01
TMNT Ongoing TPB Vol. 05
V For Vendetta TPB
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 01 Days Gone Bye
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 02 Miles Behind Us
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 03 Safety Behind Bars
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 04 Hearts Desire
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 05 Best Defense
World of Warcraft Dark Riders HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Iron Man Coming of Melter #1
Thanos Rising #2 (Of 5)
Movement #1
Scooby Doo Where Are You #33
Army of Darkness Ongoing #13
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo HC Vol. 02
Peter Bagge Other Stuff TPB