Shipping List, April 24, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Plus X #7
Avengers #10
Avengers Arena #8
Deadpool #8
Deadpool Killustrated #4 (Of 4)
Fantastic Four #7
FF #6
Fury Max #11
Gambit #11
Guardians of Galaxy #2
Journey Into Mystery #651
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #13
Morbius Living Vampire #4
New Avengers #5
Scarlet Spider #16
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #22
Uncanny Avengers #7
Uncanny X-Men #5
Wolverine and X-Men #28
X-Termination #2 (Of 2)
Young Avengers #4
All Star Western #19
Arrow #6
Batman Incorporated #10
Batman The Dark Knight #19
Before Watchmen Comedian #6 (Of 6)
Flash #19
Fury of Firestorm, the Nuclear Man #19
I Vampire #19
Justice League Dark #19
Katana #3
Red Lanterns #19
Savage Hawkman #19
Superboy #19
Superman #19
Superman Family Adventures #12
Talon #7
Team 7 #6
Teen Titans #19
Unwritten #48
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel & Faith #21
Bart Simpson Comics #82
BPRD Vampire #2 (Of 5)
Clone #6
Dark Horse Presents #23
Darkness #112
East Of West #2
End Times of Bram & Ben #4 (Of 4)
Five Weapons #3 (Of 5)
Freelancers #5
GI Joe #3
High Ways #4 (Of 4)
I Love Trouble #5
Invincible #102
Jennifer Blood #26
Judge Dredd Year One #2
Jupiter’s Legacy #1
Kiss Solo #2 (Of 4) The Starchild
Lost Vegas #2 (Of 4)
Manhattan Projects #11
Massive #11
Mind Mgmt #10
Morning Glories #26
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #6
Night of the Living Dead Aftermath #7
Rachel Rising #16
Shadow #12
Star Wars Legacy #2 Prisoner of the Floating World
Steed and Mrs. Peel Ongoing #7
TMNT Ongoing #21
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #16
True Blood Ongoing #12
Whispers #5
Witch Doctor Malpractice #6 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Illustrated by Neal Adams TPB Vol. 02
Blue Beetle TPB Vol. 02 Blue Diamond
Dark Tower Gunslinger TPB
Fables TPB Vol. 06 Homelands
Jerusalem Story Of City HC
Joker HC
Marble Season HC
MMW Mighty Thor TPB Vol. 04
Morning Glories TPB Vol. 04 Truants
Skullkickers TPB Vol. 03 Six Shooter on the Seven Seas
Uncanny Avengers HC Vol. 01 Red Shadow
Vader’s Little Princess HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Deadpool Killustrated #4 (Of 4)
Before Watchmen Comedian #6 (Of 6)
Jupiter’s Legacy #1
Vader’s Little Princess HC

Shipping List, April 17, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Age of Ultron #6 (Of 10)
Astonishing X-Men #61
Cable and X-Force #7
Captain America #6
Captain Marvel #12
Daredevil #25
Daredevil End of Days #7
Dark Avengers #189
Iron Man #8
Nova #3
Savage Wolverine #4
Superior Spider-Man #8
Thunderbolts #8
Ultimate Comics Wolverine #3 (Of 4)
Venom #34
Wolverine and X-Men #27
Wolverine Max #6
X-Factor #254
X-Men Legacy #9
Batman Beyond Unlimited #15
Batwoman #19
Birds of Prey #19
Catwoman #19
DC Universe Presents #19
Fables #128
Green Lantern New Guardians #19
He Man and the Masters of the Universe #1
JSA Liberty Files The Whistling Skull #5 (Of 6)
Justice League #19
Justice League of Americas Vibe #3
Legion of Super Heroes #19
Nightwing #19
Red Hood and the Outlaws #19
Supergirl #19
Wonder Woman #19
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #15
Betty & Veronica #265
BPRD Hell On Earth #106 Cold Day In Hell #2 (Of 2)
Chew #33
Conan The Barbarian #15
Crossed Badlands #27
Cyber Force #4
Danger Girl Trinity #1 (Of 4)
Dark Shadows Year One #1
Doctor Who Prisoners of Time #4 (Of 12)
Doctor Who Vol. 3 #8
Evil Ernie #5
Fanboys Vs Zombies #13
Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #2 (Of 5)
Ghostbusters #3
GI Joe A Real American Hero #189
Godzilla Ongoing #11
House of Gold & Bones #1 (Of 4)
It Girl & the Atomics #9
Jennifer Blood First Blood #4
Judge Dredd #6
Lil Depressed Boy #16
Mara #4 (Of 6)
Miniature Jesus #1 (Of 5)
Night of the Living Dead Aftermath #6
Revival #9
Shadow Year One #2
Simpsons Comics #201
Sixth Gun #30
Sixth Gun Sons of the Gun #3 (Of 5)
Star Wars Darth Vader & Ninth Assassin #1 (Of 5)
Stitched #13
Thief of Thieves #13
TMNT Villain Microseries #1 Krang
Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth #4 (Of 4)
Transformers Robots In Disguise #16
Witchblade Day of the Outlaw One Shot
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Aliens HC Inhuman Condition
American Vampire HC Vol. 01
Angel & Faith TPB Vol. 03 Family Reunion
Avengers HC Vol. 01 Avengers World
Catwoman TPB Vol. 01 The Game
Crossed Wish You Were Here TPB Vol. 01
Hack Slash TPB Vol. 12
Happy TPB
Harvest HC
House of Secrets Omnibus HC
Manhattan Projects TPB Vol. 02
Marshal Law, The Deluxe Edition HC
Midnight Nation TPB
Rising Stars Compendium TPB
Scarlet Spider TPB Vol. 02 Lone Star
Smallville Season 11 TPB Vol. 01 The Guardian
Thief of Thieves TPB Vol. 01
Uncanny X-Men TPB Vol. 02
Venom Devils Pack TPB
X-Men Legacy TPB Vol. 01 Prodigal
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Daredevil End of Days #7
Nova #3
Ultimate Comics Wolverine #3 (Of 4)
He Man and the Masters of the Universe #1
Justice League of Americas Vibe #3
Supergirl #19
Danger Girl Trinity #1 (Of 4)
Miniature Jesus #1 (Of 5)
Star Wars Darth Vader & Ninth Assassin #1 (Of 5)
Avengers HC Vol. 01 Avengers World
House of Secrets Omnibus HC
Marshal Law, The Deluxe Edition HC

Shipping List, April 10, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Age of Ultron #5 (Of 10)
Alpha Big Time #3 (Of 5)
Avengers #9
Avengers Arena #7
Avengers Assemble #14
Avenging Spider-Man #19
Fantastic Four #6
Fearless Defenders #3
Hawkeye #9
Marvel Universe Avengers Earths Heroes #13
Secret Avengers #3
Secret Service #6 (Of 6)
Thor God of Thunder #7
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #23
Ultron #1
Uncanny Avengers #6
Uncanny X-Men #4
Wolverine #2
X-Treme X-Men #13
Batgirl #19
Batman #19
Batman and Red Robin #19
Batman Arkham Unhinged #13
Batman Lil Gotham #1
Constantine #2
Deathstroke #19
Demon Knights #19
Django Unchained #3 (Of 6)
Green Lantern Corps #19
Injustice Gods Among Us #2
Ravagers #11
Saucer Country #14
Suicide Squad #19
Superboy #19
Team 7 #7
Threshold #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Fionna & Cake #4 (Of 6)
Buffy Season 9 Freefall #20
GI Joe Cobra Files #1
Invincible Universe #1
Jennifer Blood #25
Kevin Keller #8
Kiss Solo #1 (Of 4) The Demon
Mega Man #24
Mind Mgmt #1
Rocketeer Hollywood Horror #3
Saga #12
Sex #2
Shadow #11
Sledgehammer 44 #2 (Of 2)
Spongebob Comics #19
Star Trek Countdown To Darkness #4
Star Wars #4
Transformers Regeneration One #90
True Blood Ongoing #11
Vampirella #28
Vampirella Strikes #4
Walking Dead #109
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
100 Bullets HC Book 04
Batman Detective Comics HC Vol. 02 Scare Tactics
Captain America TPB Vol. 03
Criminal Macabre Cal Mcdonald Casebook HC Vol. 01
Oz Road to Oz HC
Point of Impact TPB
Steve Canyon HC Vol. 03 1951-1952
SW Han Solo Mynock Hunt PX Mini-Bust
Swamp Thing TPB Vol. 02 Family Tree
Tiny Titans TPB Vol. 08 Aw Yeah Titans
Uncanny X-Force TPB Vol. 06 Final Execution Book 1
Worlds Finest TPB Vol. 01 Lost Daughters
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers Assemble #14
Secret Service #6 (Of 6)
Wolverine #2
Batman and Red Robin #19
Django Unchained #3 (Of 6)
Team 7 #7
Jennifer Blood #25
Sex #2
True Blood Ongoing #11
100 Bullets HC Book 04
Criminal Macabre Cal Mcdonald Casebook HC Vol. 01
Uncanny X-Force TPB Vol. 06 Final Execution Book 1

Shipping List, April 3, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Age of Apocalypse #14
Age of Ultron #4 (Of 10)
All New X-Men #10
Castle A Calm Before Storm #4 (Of 5)
Dark Tower Gunslinger Evil Ground #1 (Of 2)
Deadpool #7
Indestructible Hulk #6
Red She-Hulk #64
Superior Spider-Man #7
Thanos Rising #1 (Of 5)
Ultimate Comics X-Men #25
Venom #33
Winter Soldier #17
Action Comics #19
Ame Comi Girls #2
Animal Man #19
Batwing #19
Detective Comics #19
Dial H #11
Earth 2 #11
Fairest #14
Green Arrow #19
Green Lantern #19
Katana #1
Legends of the Dark Knight #7
Looney Tunes #212
Phantom Stranger #7
Scooby Doo, Where Are You? #32
Smallville Season 11 #12
Stormwatch #19
Swamp Thing #19
World’s Finest #11
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
68 Jungle Jim #1 (Of 4)
Abe Sapien Dark & Terrible #1 (Of 3)
Archie #642
Army of Darkness Ongoing #12
Bedlam #6
Blackacre #5
Bloodshot (Ongoing) #8
Dark Shadows #15
Fashion Beast #8
GI Joe Special Missions #2
Godzilla Half Century War #5 (Of 5)
Great Pacific #6
Locke & Key Omega #4 (Of 7)
Memorial Imaginary Fiends #2 (Of 3)
Mice Templar IV Legend #1
Mind The Gap #9
Miss Fury #1
Planet of the Apes Cataclysm #8
Popeye #12
Repossessed #4 (Of 4)
Savage Dragon #186
Shadowman #2
Snapshot #3 (Of 4)
Sonic The Hedgehog #247
Spawn #230
Star Wars Dark Times Fire Carrier #3
The Lone Ranger #14
Transformers Spotlight Trailcutter #1
Uber #0
Witchblade #165
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Detective TPB Vol. 01
Batman Hush Complete TPB
Darth Vader and Son HC
DC Universe by Alan Moore TPB
Iron Man Extremis TPB
Iron Man Season One HC
Julio’s Day HC
Letting It Go HC
Punisher Nightmare TPB
Punk Rock Jesus TPB
Saga of the Swamp Thing TPB
Superman Secret Identity TPB
Swamp Thing TPB Vol.01 Raise Them Bones
Wolverine: Best There Is, Broken Quarantine TPB
Wolverine: Best There Is, Contagion TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Dark Tower Gunslinger Evil Ground #1 (Of 2)
Thanos Rising #1 (Of 5)
Winter Soldier #17
Detective Comics #19
Earth 2 #11
Smallville Season 11 #12
Abe Sapien Dark & Terrible #1 (Of 3)
Great Pacific #6
Spawn #230
Darth Vader and Son HC
Iron Man Season One HC
Punk Rock Jesus TPB

Shipping List, March 27, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Plus X #6
Age of Ultron #3 (Of 10)
Astonishing X-Men #60
Deadpool Killustrated #3 (Of 4)
Fantastic Four #5
FF #5
Fury Max #10
Guardians of Galaxy #1
Journey into Mystery #650
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #12
Morbius Living Vampire #3
Powers Bureau #3
Punisher War Zone #5 (Of 5)
Scarlet Spider #15
Superior Spider-Man #6
Thunderbolts #7
Ultimate Comics Wolverine #1 (Of 4)
Uncanny Avengers #5
Uncanny X-Force #3
Wolverine and X-Men #27
X-Men Legacy #8
Young Avengers #3
All Star Western #18
Aquaman #18
Arrow #5
Batman Incorporated #9
Batman The Dark Knight #18
Flash #18
Fury of Firestorm, The Nuclear Man #18
Gambit #10
I Vampire #18
Joe Kubert Presents #6 (Of 6)
Justice League Dark #18
Katana #2
Red Lanterns #18
Savage Hawkman #18
Superman #18
Superman Family Adventures #11
Talon #6
Teen Titans #18
Time Warp #1
Unwritten #47
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel & Faith #20
Archer & Armstrong (New) #3
Archer & Armstrong (New) #6
Bart Simpson Comics #81
Battlefields #5 (Of 6)
BPRD Vampire #1 (Of 5)
Clone #5
Criminal Macabre/Final Night 30 Days #4
Crossed Badlands #26
Doctor Who Vol. 3 #7
East of West #1
Fatale #13
Futurama Comics #66
Green Hornet #1
Hack Slash #25
Judge Dredd #5
Legend of Luther Strode #4 (Of 6)
Life with Archie #28
Massive #10
Mister X Hard Candy One Shot
Morning Glories #25
My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic #5
Rachel Rising #15
Red Team #2
Shadowman (New) #3
Sherlock Holmes Liverpool Demon #3 (Of 5)
Sixth Gun, Sons of the Gun #2 (Of 5)
Star Trek Ongoing #19
Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi, Prisoner of Bogan #4 (Of 5)
Tarot Witch of The Black Rose #79
Think Tank #6
Transformers Robots in Disguise #15
Transfusion #3 (Of 3)
Witch Doctor Malpractice #5 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
68 TPB Vol. 02 Scars
American Vampire HC Vol. 05
Avengers vs. X-Men TPB
Bomb Queen HC Vol. 01
Johnny Boo HC Vol. 05 Does Something
Kick-Ass 2 TPB
Last Day in Vietnam Memory HC
Legend of Zelda Hyrule Historia HC
Marvel Universe vs. Avengers TPB
MMW Golden Age Human Torch TPB Vol. 01
Ravine TPB Vol. 01
Showcase presents Sgt Rock TPB Vol. 04
Superman Vs Zod TPB
SW Kenner Rocket-Firing Boba Fett 12-In Action Figure
Unwritten TPB Vol. 07 The Wound
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Guardians of Galaxy #1
Superior Spider-Man #6
Young Avengers #3
Batman The Dark Knight #18
Red Lanterns #18
Time Warp #1
BPRD Vampire #1 (Of 5)
Mister X Hard Candy One Shot
Tarot Witch of The Black Rose #79
Bomb Queen HC Vol. 01
Kick-Ass 2 TPB
Showcase presents Sgt Rock TPB Vol. 04

Shipping List, March 20, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 20, 2013

All New X-Men #9
Avengers #8
Cable and X-Force #6
Captain America #5
Captain Marvel #11
Daredevil #24
Dark Avengers #188
Deadpool #6
Indestructible Hulk #5
New Avengers #4
Nova #2
Savage Wolverine #3
Superior Spider-Man #6
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #21
Wolverine Max #5
X-Factor #253
X-Termination #1 (Of 2)
Action Comics #18
Batman Beyond Unlimited #14
Batwoman #18
Birds of Prey #18
Catwoman #18
Constantine #1
DC Universe Presents #18
Fables #127
Green Lantern New Guardians #18
JSA Liberty Files The Whistling Skull #4 (Of 6)
Justice League #18
Justice League of America #2
Justice League of Americas Vibe #2
Legion of Super Heroes #18
Nightwing #18
Red Hood and the Outlaws #18
Supergirl #18
Wonder Woman #18
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #14
All Crime #1
Artifacts #26
BPRD Hell On Earth #105 Cold Day In Hell #1 (Of 2)
Chew #32
Comeback #5 (Of 5)
Conan The Barbarian #14
Damsels #6
Dark Horse Presents #22
Doctor Who Prisoners Of Time #3 (Of 12)
Elephantmen #47
Fanboys Vs Zombies #12
Five Ghosts Haunting Of Fabian Gray #1 (Of 5)
GI Joe #2
GI Joe Special Missions #1
Hollows #4 (Of 4)
Invincible #100
Invincible #101
Jennifer Blood #24
Judge Dredd Year One #1
Memorial Imaginary Fiends #1 (Of 3)
Mind Mgmt #9
My Little Pony Micro Series #2 (Of 6) Rainbow Dash
Mystery Society Special 2013
Popeye #11
Revival #8
Saga #11
Simpsons Comics #200
Star Trek Countdown To Darkness #3
Star Wars Legacy #1 Prisoner of the Floating World
Steed and Mrs. Peel Ongoing #6
The Spider #10
TMNT Ongoing #20
TMNT Secret Foot Clan #4 (Of 4)
Transformers More Than Meets Eye #15
Wild Rover, Featuring The Sacrifice One Shot
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman HC Vol. 02 The City Of Owls
Batman TPB Vol. 01 The Court Of Owls
Daredevil TPB Vol. 03
Deadpool Classic TPB Vol. 08
Gambit TPB Vol. 01 Once A Thief
GI Joe Target Snake Eyes TPB
Living Dead Dolls Frankenstein B&W PX Doll
Maximum Minimum Wage HC
MMW Amazing Spider-Man HC Vol. 15
Superior TPB
TMNT Animated TPB Vol. 01
Tokyo Days Bangkok Nights TPB
Winter Soldier TPB Vol. 03 Black Widow Hunt
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Superior Spider-Man #6
X-Termination #1 (Of 2)
Constantine #1
Judge Dredd Year One #1
Batman TPB Vol. 01 The Court Of Owls
Gambit TPB Vol. 01 Once A Thief

Shipping List, March 10, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Age of Ultron #1 (Of 10)
Alpha Big Time #2 (Of 5)
Avengers #4
Avengers Arena #6
Avengers Assemble #13
Avenging Spider-Man #18
Fantastic Four #5
Fearless Defenders #2
Marvel Universe Avengers Earths Heroes #12
Secret Avengers #2
Thor God of Thunder #6
Thunderbolts #6
Ultimate Comics Wolverine #1 (Of 4)
Ultimate Comics X-Men #24
Uncanny X-Men #3
Wolverine #1
Wolverine and X-Men #26
X-Men Legacy #7
X-Treme X-Men #12
Batgirl #18
Batman #18
Batman and Robin #18
Batman Arkham Unhinged #12
Before Watchmen Ozymandias #6 (Of 6)
Deathstroke #18
Demon Knights #18
Green Lantern Corps #18
Green Lantern The Animated Series #12
Katana #2
Saucer Country #13
Suicide Squad #18
Superboy #18
Threshold #3
Team 7 #6
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Buffy Season 9 Freefall #19
Crossed Badlands #25
Darkness #111
Dresden Files Ghoul Goblin #3
Emily & The Strangers #2 (Of 3)
End Times Of Bram & Ben #3 (Of 4)
Ghostbusters #2
High Ways #3 (Of 4)
I Love Trouble #3
Manhattan Projects #10
Mega Man #23
Mind the Gap #8
Night of the Living Dead Aftermath #5
Nowhere Men #4
Peter Panzerfaust #10
Ravagers #10
Rocketeer Hollywood Horror #2
Shadow #10
Sledgehammer 44 #1
Spawn #229
Spongebob Comics #18
Star Wars #3
Star Wars Insider #140
Supernatural Magazine #36
Todd The Ugliest Kid On Earth #3 (Of 4)
Transformers Regeneration One #89
Walking Dead #108
Where Is Jake Ellis #3 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All New Batman Brave and Bold Small Miracles TPB
Avengers Season One HC
Avengers Uncanny Avengers Tee Shirt
Blade Of The Immortal TPB Vol. 26 Blizzard
Buffy Season 8 Library HC Vol. 04
Chew Omnivore Edition HC Vol. 03
Crime Does Not Pay Archives HC Vol. 04
Hand Drying In America HC
Hawkeye TPB Vol. 01 My Life As Weapon
Star Wars Clone Wars TPB Defenders Lost Temple
Thor Mighty Avenger TPB Complete Collection
Wolverine Rot TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Age of Ultron #1 (Of 10)
Fearless Defenders #2
Ultimate Comics Wolverine #1 (Of 4)
Batman #18
Katana #2
Threshold #3
Emily & The Strangers #2 (Of 3)
Nowhere Men #4
Sledgehammer 44 #1
All New Batman Brave and Bold Small Miracles TPB
Avengers Season One HC
Hand Drying In America HC

Shipping List, March 6, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Plus X #5
Age of Apocalypse #13
Age of Ultron #1 (Of 10)
All New X-Men #8
Avengers #7
Cable and X-Force #5
Daredevil End of Days #6
Iron Man #7
Monsters Inc. A Perfect Date #1
Powers Bureau #2
Red She-Hulk #63
Road to Oz #6 (Of 6)
Superior Spider-Man #5
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #22
Venom #32
Winter Soldier #16
Ame Comi Girls #1
Animal Man #18
Batwing #18
Before Watchmen Rorschach #4 (Of 4)
Detective Comics #18
Dial H #10
Earth 2 #10
Fairest #13
Green Arrow #18
Green Lantern #18
Human Bomb #4 (Of 4)
Legends of the Dark Knight #6
Lot 13 #5 (Of 5)
Phantom Stranger #6
Red Hood and the Outlaws #17
Scooby Doo Where Are You #31
Smallville Season 11 #11
Stormwatch #18
Superman #17
Superman Family Adventures #10
Swamp Thing #18
World’s Finest #10
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
47 Ronin #3 (Of 5)
Adventure Time Fionna & Cake #3 (Of 6)
Archie #641
Bedlam #5
Bleeding Cool Magazine #3
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow Wonderland #5
Cavewoman Oasis #1 (Of 2)
Change #3 (Of 4)
Colder #5 (Of 5)
Dan the Unharmable #11
Dark Shadows #12
Dark Shadows #14
Epic Kill #9
Fashion Beast #7
GI Joe A Real American Hero #188
Great Pacific #5
Hellboy in Hell #4
I Love Trouble #4
Kiss #8
Lost Vegas #1 (Of 4)
Mara #3 (Of 6)
Mouse Guard Black Axe #5 (Of 6)
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #4
Planet of the Apes Cataclysm #7
Repossessed #3 (Of 4)
Savage Dragon #185
Sex #1
Snapshot #2 (Of 4)
Sonic the Hedgehog #246
Star Wars Dark Times Fire Carrier #2
Stitched #12
Transformers More than Meets Eye #14
Transformers Spotlight Bumblebee One Shot #1
True Blood Ongoing #10
Vampirella #27
Vampirella Strikes #3
Walking Dead Magazine #3
Witchblade #164
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All Star Western TPB Vol. 02 Lords & Owls
Army of God Joseph Kony’s War in Central Africa TPB
Art of Todd Mcfarlane Devils In The Details TPB
Danger Girl GI Joe HC
Joe The Barbarian TPB
Hit-Girl HC
Last Day in Vietnam Memory HC
Marvel Zombies Destroy TPB
Messages in Bottle TPB Comic Stories of Bernie Krigstein
Severed TPB
Sleeper Omnibus HC
Sonic Saga TPB Vol. 02 Order from Chaos
Scott’s Picks of the Week
All New X-Men #8
Monsters Inc. A Perfect Date #1
Superior Spider-Man #5
Fairest #13
Red Hood and the Outlaws #17
World’s Finest #10
Cavewoman Oasis #1 (Of 2)
Mara #3 (Of 6)
Sex #1
Army of God Joseph Kony’s War in Central Africa TPB
Joe The Barbarian TPB
Marvel Zombies Destroy TPB

Comic Book Yard Sale and Upcoming Comic Cons!

Thanks to everyone who came to this month’s Comic Book Yard Sale! Had a nice turnout with both new and old faces! March’s Comic Book Yard Sale, which will be March 16 and 17, 2013, will feature a guest, Erwin Ledford, who will be sketching and selling his comics! ComicWise is headed to Wizard World Portland, which is this weekend, February 22-24, 2013 and to Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, March 1-3, 2013! Follow our adventures on the road on Facebook, we will post as many pictures as we can!

Shipping List, February 27, 2013!

Comics Shipping Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Astonishing X-Men #59
Avengers Arena #5
Avenging Spider-Man #17
Castle A Calm Before Storm #3 (Of 5)
Deadpool Killustrated #2 (Of 4)
FF #4
Gambit #9
Guardians of Galaxy #0.1
Hawkeye #8
Journey Into Mystery #649
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #11
Punisher War Zone #5 (Of 5)
Thunderbolts #5
Ultimate Comics X-Men #23
Uncanny Avengers #4
Uncanny X-Force #2
Uncanny X-Men #2
X-Men Legacy #6
X-Treme X-Men #11
Young Avengers #2
All Star Western #17
Aquaman #17
Arrow #4
Batman Incorporated #8
Batman The Dark Knight #17
Before Watchmen Dr Manhattan #4 (Of 4)
Flash #17
Fury of Firestorm, the Nuclear Man #17
I Vampire #17
Joe Kubert Presents #5 (Of 6)
Justice League Dark #17
Red Lanterns #17
Savage Hawkman #17
Talon #5
Teen Titans #17
Unwritten #46
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Angel & Faith #19
Army of Darkness Ongoing #11
Artifacts #25
Bart Simpson Comics #80
Blackacre #3
Comeback #4 (Of 5)
Courtney Crumrin Ongoing #10
Criminal Macabre/Final Night 30 Days #3
Crossed Badlands #24
Doctor Who Vol. 3 #6
Doctor Who Prisoners of Time #2
End Times of Bram & Ben #2 (Of 4)
Five Weapons #1 (Of 5)
Freelancers #4
Hack Slash #24
I Love Trouble #2
Jennifer Blood #23
Legend of Luther Strode #3 (Of 6)
Massive #9
Peanuts Vol. 2 #6
Professor Frink Fantastic Science Fictions #1
Rocketeer Hollywood Horror #1
Star Trek Next Generation Hive #4
Star Wars Agent of the Empire, Hard Targets #5 (Of 5)
Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi, Prisoner of Bogan #3 (Of 5)
Steed And Mrs. Peel Ongoing #5
The Lone Ranger #13
TMNT Secret Foot Clan #3 (Of 4)
Transformers Robots In Disguise #14
Warlord of Mars #23
Witch Doctor Malpractice #4 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time TPB Vol. 02
Alpha Girl TPB Vol. 01
Astonishing X-Men TPB Vol. 10 Northstar
Batman The Black Mirror TPB
Catwoman TPB Vol. 02 Dollhouse
Daredevil HC Vol. 04
Marvel Noir Wolverine and X-Men TPB
MMW Captain Marvel TPB Vol. 01
Nemo Heart Of Ice HC
New Teen Titans Games TPB
Ravine TPB Vol. 01
Showcase Presents Justice League of America TPB
Treasury of Victorian Murder Compendium Vol. 01
Unearthing TPB
World War 3 Illustrated #44
X-Men Wolverine Gambit TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Guardians of Galaxy #0.1
Uncanny Avengers #4
Arrow #4
Talon #5
Professor Frink Fantastic Science Fictions #1
Rocketeer Hollywood Horror #1
Nemo Heart Of Ice HC