Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 22, 2018
Age of X-Man Amazing Nightcrawler #4 (Of 5)
Asgardians of the Galaxy #9
Avengers #19
Captain Marvel #5
Doctor Strange #14
Marvel Comics Presents #5
Marvels Annotated #3 (Of 4)
Miles Morales Spider-Man #6
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #43
Mr. and Mrs. X #11
Runaways #21
Savage Sword of Conan #5
Shuri #8
Spider-Man Deadpool #50
Star Wars AoR Jabba The Hutt #1
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #32
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge #2 (Of 5)
Tony Stark Iron Man #11
Unstoppable Wasp #7
Unstoppable Wasp #8
Venom #14
War of Realms Journey into Mystery #3 (Of 5)
War of Realms New Agents of Atlas #2 (Of 4)
War of Realms Punisher #2 (Of 3)
War of Realms Strikeforce Land of Giants #1
War of Realms Uncanny X-Men #2 (Of 3)
Wolverine Infinity Watch #4 (Of 5)
X-Force #7
X-Force #8
Action Comics #1011
Batgirl #35
Batman Beyond #32
Books of Magic #8
Detective Comics #1003
Detective Comics #1004
Dial H for Hero #3 (Of 6)
Flash #70
Flash #71
Freedom Fighters #6 (Of 12)
Justice League Dark #11
Justice League Odyssey #9
Looney Tunes #249
Martian Manhunter #5 (Of 12)
Red Hood Outlaw #34
Scooby Doo Team Up #48
Silencer #17
Supergirl #30
Terrifics #16
Wonder Woman #70
Wonder Woman #71
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Archie #704
Assassin Nation #3
Middlewest #7
Batman Adventures Mad Love HC
Bone Parish #9 (Of 12)
Cavewoman Kabbits Club One Shot
Elvira Mistress of Dark Spring Special One Shot
Empty Man #7
Excellence #1
Faithless #2 (Of 5)
Gasolina #18
Goon #2
Invader Zim #43
James Bond Origin #9
Monstress #22
Redneck #20
Riverdale Season 3 #3
Ronin Island #3
Rumble #12
Samurai Jack Lost Worlds #1
Sonic the Hedgehog #17
Sword Daughter #1
Sword Daughter #5
Team Sonic Racing Plus
Warning #7
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Buffy the Vampire Slayer TPB Vol. 01
Cover TPB Vol. 01
East of West TPB Vol. 09
Fantastic Four TPB Vol 02 Mr. and Mrs. Grimm
Forever Evil TPB
Injustice 2 TPB Vol. 02
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 19 Red Right Hand
Middlewest TPB Book 01
Monstress TPB Vol. 01
Paper Girls HC Vol. 01
Predator Fire & Stone TPB
Sandman TPB Vol 08
Scooby Apocalypse TPB Vol 05
Silver Surfer Epic Collection TPB Inner Demons
Star Wars Age of Republic TPB Villains
Spawn The Satan Wars TPB
Spider-Man TPB Sinister Six
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Books of Magic #8
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 15, 2018
Age of X-Man Marvelous X-Men #4 (Of 5)
Age of X-Man Nextgen #4 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #21
Black Widow #5
Daredevil #5
Giant Man #1 (Of 3)
Guardians of the Galaxy #5
Immortal Hulk #17
Ironheart #6
Marvel Comics Presents #4
Marvel Rising #2 (Of 5)
Old Man Quill #5 (Of 12)
Spider-Man Life Story #3 (Of 6)
Star Wars #66
Star Wars AoR Lando Calrissian #1
Star Wars Tie Fighter #2 (Of 5)
Uncanny X-Men #18
War of Realms #4 (Of 6)
War of Realms Spider-Man & League Of Realms #1
War of Realms Strikeforce War Avengers #1
Wolverine Long Night Adaptation #4 (Of 5)
American Carnage #7
Aquaman #48
Batman #71
Detective Comics #1000
High Level #4
Lucifer #8
Naomi #5
Nightwing #60
Pearl #9
Superman #11
Teen Titans #30
Teen Titans Go #34
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Marcy & Simon #5 (Of 6)
American Gods Moment of Storm #2
Black Badge #10
Fairlady #2
Farmhand #8
Firefly #6
Gideon Falls #13
Go Go Power Rangers #20
James Bond 007 #7
Joe Golem Occult Detective Conjurors #1
Justice League #24
Kick-Ass #14
Last Stop on Red Line #1
Little Bird #3 (Of 5)
Low #22
Marvel Action Spider-Man #4
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #15
Port of Earth #10
Red Sonja #4
Sabrina Teenage Witch #2
Skyward #13
Sword Daughter #4
Sword Daughter #6
TMNT Shredder In Hell #3
Transformers #5
Xena Warrior Princess #2
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Aliens Essential Comics TPB Vol. 01
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB Assassin Nation
Batgirl TPB Vol. 05 Art of the Crime
Bitter Root TPB Vol. 01 Family Business
BPRD Devil You Know TPB Vol. 01
Call of Duty Zombies 2 TPB
Captain Marvel TPB Starforce
DC Bombshells HC Book 01
Eerie Archives HC Vol. 26
Green Arrow Year One TPB
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 20 Systems of Control
Immortal Hulk TPB Vol. 03 Hulk In Hell
Injustice 2 TPB Vol. 01
Injustice 2 TPB Vol. 03
Milk & Cheese Dairy Products Gone Bad TPB
Ronin by Frank Miller TPB
Spawn Kills Everyone TPB Vol. 01
Spawn New Beginnings TPB Vol. 01
Star Wars Age of Republic TPB Heroes
Star Wars Han Solo Imperial Cadet TPB
Suicide Squad TPB Vol. 08 The Final Mission
Superman Rebirth HC Book 04
Swamp Thing Protector Of The Green TPB
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns TPB Book 03
Thor by Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman HC Vol. 03
TMNT Color Classics TPB Vol. 02
Usagi Yojimbo Saga TPB Vol. 08
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Ironheart #6
Star Wars AoR Lando Calrissian #1
Detective Comics #1000
Naomi #5
Fairlady #2
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #15
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB Assassin Nation
Hellblazer TPB Vol. 20 Systems of Control
Shipping List, May 8, 2019!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Age of Conan Belit #3 (Of 5)
Age of X-Man Apocalypse And X-Tracts #3 (Of 5)
Captain America #10
Captain Marvel #5
Conan the Barbarian #6
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6
Invaders #5
Marvels Annotated #3 (Of 4)
Savage Sword of Conan #5
Spider-Man Deadpool #50
Star Wars AoR Boba Fett #1
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #32
Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #3 (Of 5)
Symbiote Spider-Man #2 (Of 5)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #44
Unstoppable Wasp #7
War of Realms Journey Into Mystery #2 (Of 5)
War of Realms New Agents of Atlas #1 (Of 4)
X-Force #7
Batman and the Outsiders #1
Batman Who Laughs #5 (Of 6)
Catwoman #11
Detective Comics #1003
Flash #70
Hawkman #12
House of Whispers #9
Justice League Odyssey #9
Red Hood and the Outlaws #34
Shazam #5
Supergirl #30
Wonder Woman #70
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Resistance #4
Archie #704
Betty & Veronica #5 (Of 5)
Black Hammer Age of Doom #10
Cavewoman Kabbits Club One Shot
Deadly Class #38
Empty Man #7
Excellence #1
Gears of War Hivebusters #1
Gunning for Hits #5
Hack Slash Vs Chaos #5
Hit-Girl Season Two #4
Ice Cream Man #12
Infinite Dark #6
James Bond Origin #9
Lodger #5
Red Sonja Vampirella Betty Veronica #1
Ronin Island #3
Shadow Roads #7
Sonic The Hedgehog #16
Star Wars Adventures #21
Vindication #4 (Of 4)
Wyrd #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Justice League TPB Vol. 02 Graveyard of Gods
Pearl TPB Vol. 01
Six Days Incredible Story of D Days TPB
Spider-Gwen Ghost-Spider TPB Vol. 01 Spider-Geddon
Star Wars Age of Republic TPB Villains
Thor by Jason Aaron Complete Collection TPB Vol. 01
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Age of Conan Belit #3 (Of 5)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #
Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #3 (Of 5)
Batman and the Outsiders #1
House of Whispers #9
Wonder Woman #70
Betty & Veronica #5 (Of 5)
Excellence #1
Gears of War Hivebusters #1
Pearl TPB Vol. 01
Six Days Incredible Story of D Days TPB
Spider-Gwen Ghost-Spider TPB Vol. 01 Spider-Geddon
Shipping List, April 30, 2019!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 31, 2019
Age of X-Man Prisoner X #3 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #20.HU
Champions #5
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #3 (Of 5)
Dead Man Logan #7 (Of 12)
Deadpool #12
Domino Hotshots #3 (Of 5)
Major X #3 (Of 6)
Marvel Tales Avengers #1
Marvel Team-Up #2
Meet the Skrulls #4 (Of 5)
Punisher #11
Savage Avengers #1
Spider-Gwen Ghost Spider #8
Star Wars #65
Star Wars AoR Han Solo #1
Thor #12
Uncanny X-Men #16
Uncanny X-Men #17
War of Realms #3 (Of 6)
War of Realms Strikeforce Dark Elf Realm #1
Adventures of the Super Sons #10 (Of 12)
Batman #70
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #1 (Of 6)
DCeased #1 (Of 6)
DC’s Year of the Villain #1
Deathstroke #43
Dreaming #9
Green Lantern #7
Harley Quinn #61
Justice League #23
Young Justice #5
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
American Gods Moment of Storm #1
Barbarella Dejah Thoris #3
Beasts of Burden Presence of Others #1 (Of 2)
Black Hammer 45 From World of Black Hammer #3
Die Die Die #6
Doctor Who 13th #7
East of West #42
Elvira Mistress of Dark #5
Hillbilly Red Eyed Witchery from Beyond #4 (Of 4)
Little Bird #2 (Of 5)
Marvel Action Avengers #4
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #77
Oliver #3
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #41
Paper Girls #28
Red Sonja #4
Self Made #6
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2019
Star Wars Adventures #20
Tank Girl #4
TMNT Urban Legends #12
Uncle Scrooge #44
Walking Dead #191
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Black Panther Killmonger TPB By Any Means
Call of Duty Zombies 2 TPB
Clyde Fans HC
Doctor Strange by Mark Waid TPB Vol. 02 Remittance
Kingdom Come TPB
Man Without Fear TPB Death of Daredevil
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TPB Vol. 08
Ms. Marvel Epic Collection TPB Woman Who Fell to Earth
Satchel Paige Striking Out Jim Crow TPB
Spider-Man 2099 vs Venom 2099 TPB
Under the Moon A Catwoman Tale TPB
Way of Tank Girl HC
Wonder Woman & Justice League Dark Witching Hour HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Marvel Tales Avengers #1
Savage Avengers #1
War of Realms Strikeforce Dark Elf Realm #1
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #1 (Of 6)
DC’s Year of the Villain #1
Justice League #23
Beasts of Burden Presence of Others #1 (Of 2)
Hillbilly Red Eyed Witchery from Beyond #4 (Of 4)
TMNT Urban Legends #12
Black Panther Killmonger TPB By Any Means
Clyde Fans HC
Wonder Woman & Justice League Dark Witching Hour HC
Shipping List, April 24, 2019!!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Age of X-Man X-Tremists #3 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #20
Avengers #18
Avengers Edge of Infinity #1
Black Panther #11
Black Widow #4
Doctor Strange #13
Fantastic Four #9
Hulkverines #3 (Of 3)
Ironheart #5
Marvel Comics Presents #4
Marvel Rising #2 (Of 5)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #42
Mr. and Mrs. X #10
Runaways #20
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge #1 (Of 5)
Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #3 (Of 5)
Superior Spider-Man #5
Thanos #1 (Of 6)
Venom #13
War of Realms Uncanny X-Men #1 (Of 3)
Wolverine Long Night Adaptation #4 (Of 5)
Action Comics #1010
Batgirl #34
Batman #68
Batman Beyond #31
Books of Magic #7
Detective Comics #1002
Dial H for Hero #2 (Of 6)
Flash #69
Freedom Fighters #5 (Of 12)
Goddess Mode #5
Heroes in Crisis #8 (Of 9)
Justice League Dark #10
Silencer #16
Terrifics #15
Wild Storm #22
Wonder Woman #69
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Ascender #1
Bad Luck Chuck #2 (Of 4)
Criminal #4
Dick Tracy Forever #1
Die Die Die #4
Die Die Die #8
Elvira Shape of Elvira #2
Fight Club 3 #4
Firefly #5
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Extreme Ghostbusters
Hardcore #5
Invader Zim #42
Jughead Hunger Vs Vampironica #1
Mae Vol. 2 #6
Man-Eaters #8
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #38
Realm #13
Redneck #19
Rick & Morty #49
Riverdale Season 3 #2
Skyward #12
Smooth Criminals #5 (Of 12)
Spawn #296
Star Trek Year Five #1
TMNT Ongoing #93
Warning #6 (Mr)
Wicked & Divine #43
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
1975 Famous Monster Con T/S XL
Batman & The Justice League Manga TPB Vol. 02
Black Order TPB Warmasters of Thanos
Dark Nights Metal TPB
Despicable Deadpool HC
Doctor Who Doctor Cats Ladies T/S XL
Fight Club 2 TPB
Godzilla Oblivion TPB
Injustice 2 HC Vol. 05
Injustice 2 TPB Vol. 04
Jessica Jones Mpgn TPB Purple Daughter
Little Girls TPB
Marvel Knights 20th TPB
Saga TPB Vol. 09
Shuri TPB Vol. 01 Search for Black Panther
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Empire TPB Vol. 05
Supergirl TPB Vol. 01 The Killers of Krypton
Superman World Against Superman TPB
Venom by Donny Cates TPB Vol. 02
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers Edge of Infinity #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #42
Batman Beyond #31
Wild Storm #22
Dick Tracy Forever #1
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Extreme Ghostbusters
Dark Nights Metal TPB
Shuri TPB Vol. 01 Search for Black Panther
Shipping List, April 17, 2019!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Age of X-Man Amazing Nightcrawler #3 (Of 5)
Age of X-Man Nextgen #3 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #19.Hu
Avengers No Road Home #10 (Of 10)
Daredevil #4
Guardians of the Galaxy #4
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #2
Major X #2 (Of 6)
Meet the Skrulls #3 (Of 5)
Miles Morales Spider-Man #5
Old Man Quill #4 (Of 12)
Shuri #7
Spider-Man City at War #2 (Of 6)
Spider-Man Life Story #2 (Of 6)
Star Wars Age Rebellion Special #1
Star Wars Tie Fighter #1 (Of 5)
Thor #12
Tony Stark Iron Man #10
Uncanny X-Men #16
War of Realms #2 (Of 6)
War of Realms Punisher #1 (Of 3)
War of Realms War Scrolls #1 (Of 3)
West Coast Avengers #10
Wolverine Infinity Watch #3 (Of 5)
American Carnage #6
Aquaman #47
Batman #69
Damage #16
High Level #3
Justice League #22
Lucifer #7
Naomi #4
Nightwing #59
Pearl #8
Scooby Doo Where Are You #98
Teen Titans #29
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Marcy & Simon #4 (Of 6)
American Gods Moment of Storm #1
Angel #0
Assassin Nation #2
Auntie Agatha’s Home for Wayward Rabbits #6 (Of 6)
Black Badge #9
Blossoms 666 #3
BPRD Devil You Know #15
Buffy The Vampire Slayer #4
Cavewoman Lost #1
Die Die Die #5
Die Die Die #7
East of West #42
Evolution #16
Farmhand #7
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary
Gideon Falls #12
Go Go Power Rangers #19
James Bond 007 #6
Kick-Ass #13
Little Bird #2 (Of 5)
Middlewest #6
Oliver #3
Port of Earth #9
Red Sonja #3
Rumble #11
Star Wars Adventures #20
Transformers #3
Xena Warrior Princess #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman The Court of Owls Saga TPB
Credo Rose Wilder Lane Story HC
Doctor Strange by Donny Cates HC
Fight Club 2 HC
Gideon Falls TPB Vol. 02 Original Sins
I Hate Fairyland HC Vol. 01
Injustice Gods among Us Year Four Complete Collection TPB
Invader Zim TPB Vol. 07
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB Man Who Killed Tony Stark
Love That Bunch HC
Magic Order TPB Vol. 01
Sandman TPB Vol. 07 Brief Lives
Shield by Hickman & Weaver TPB Human Machine
Spawn Dark Horror TPB
Spawn Origins TPB Vol. 03
Spider-Man 2099 vs Venom 2099 TPB
Star Wars Adventures Tales from Vader’s Castle TPB
Tank Girl Color Classics HC Vol. 01 1988-1990
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 08 Dark Gods
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Star Wars Tie Fighter #1 (Of 5)
War of Realms Punisher #1 (Of 3)
American Carnage #6
Naomi #4
American Gods Moment of Storm #1
Cavewoman Lost #1
Batman The Court of Owls Saga TPB
Doctor Strange by Donny Cates HC
Shipping List, April 10, 2019!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Age of Conan Belit #2 (Of 5)
Age of X-Man Apocalypse and X-Tracts #2 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #19
Asgardians of the Galaxy #8
Avengers No Road Home #9 (Of 10)
Captain Marvel #4
Dead Man Logan #6 (Of 12)
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #5
Invaders #4
Savage Sword of Conan #4
Spider-Man Deadpool #49
Star Wars AoR Grand Moff Tarkin #1
Star Wars AoR Princess Leia #1
Symbiote Spider-Man #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #43
Unstoppable Wasp #6
War of Realms Journey into Mystery #1 (Of 5)
Web of Venom Cult of Carnage #1
Winter Soldier #5 (Of 5)
X-23 #11
X-Force #6
Batman #68
Batman Who Laughs #4 (Of 6)
Catwoman #10
Detective Comics #1001
Flash #68
Hawkman #11
House of Whispers #8
Justice League Odyssey #8
Red Hood and the Outlaws #33
Scooby Apocalypse #36
Supergirl #29
Superman #10
Titans #36
Wonder Woman #68
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Aliens Resistance #3
Army of Darkness/Bubba Hotep #3
Black Science #39
D Day from Pages of Combat One Shot
Doctor Who 13th #6
Ducktales #20
Empty Man #6
Fairlady #1
Faithless #1 (Of 5)
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Real Ghostbusters
Go Go Power Rangers #19
Gunning for Hits #4
Hit-Girl Season Two #3
Infinite Dark #5
James Bond Origin #8
Jughead The Hunger #13
Low #21
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici #14
Outer Darkness #6
Prodigy #5 (Of 6)
Rat Queens Spec Swamp Romp (One-Shot)
Ronin Island #2
Vampirella Reanimator #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventures of the Super Sons TPB Vol. 01 Action Detected
All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder TPB Vol. 01
All Star Superman TPB
Avengers Epic Collection TPB Fear the Reaper
Avenging Spider-Man TPB Complete Collection
Batman Hush Complete TPB
Batman Year One TPB
Captain Marvel Carol Danvers TPB Vol. 01
Captain Marvel Carol Danvers TPB Vol. 02
Catwoman TPB Vol.01 Copycats
Civil War II HC
Civil War II TPB
Civil War TPB
Complete Life & Times Scrooge McDuck HC Vol. 01
Dark Knight Returns TPB
Elseworlds Superman TPB Vol. 02
Green Arrow Longbow Hunters TPB
Infinity Gauntlet TPB
Justice League Aquaman Drowned Earth HC
Kick-Ass New Girl TPB Vol. 02
Plastic Man TPB
Preacher TPB Book 01
Preacher TPB Book 02
Preacher TPB Book 03
Preacher TPB Book 04
Preacher TPB Book 05
Preacher TPB Book 06
Saga TPB Vol. 01
Saga TPB Vol. 02
Saga TPB Vol. 03
Saga TPB Vol. 04
Saga TPB Vol. 05
Saga TPB Vol. 06
Saga TPB Vol. 07
Saga TPB Vol. 08
Saga TPB Vol. 09
Secret Empire HC
Secret Wars HC
Spider-Man Deadpool TPB Vol. 08 Road Trip
Spider-Man TPB Kraven’s Last Hunt
Star Wars TPB Vol. 10 Escape
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen by Jack Kirby TPB
V for Vendetta TPB
Walking Dead #189
Walking Dead HC Vol. 01
Walking Dead HC Vol. 03
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 01 Days Gone Bye
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 02 Miles Behind Us
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 03 Safety Behind Bars
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 04 Hearts Desire
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 05 Best Defense
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 06 Sorrowful Life
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 07 The Calm Before
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 08 Made to Suffer
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 09 Here We Remain
Walking Dead TPB Vol. 10 What We Become
Watchmen TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Asgardians of the Galaxy #8
War of Realms Journey into Mystery #1 (Of 5)
Web of Venom Cult of Carnage #1
Batman Who Laughs #4 (Of 6)
Justice League Odyssey #8
Red Hood and the Outlaws #33
Army of Darkness/Bubba Hotep #3
D Day from Pages of Combat One Shot
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Real Ghostbusters
Avengers Epic Collection TPB Fear the Reaper
Complete Life & Times Scrooge McDuck HC Vol. 01
Justice League Aquaman Drowned Earth HC
Shipping List, April 3, 2019!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Age of X-Man Prisoner X #2 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #18.Hu
Avengers No Road Home #8 (Of 10)
Captain America #9
Champions #4
Conan the Barbarian #5
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #2
Deadpool #11
Domino Hotshots #2 (Of 5)
Immortal Hulk #16
Major X #1 (Of 6)
Marvel Team-Up #1
Punisher #10
Spider-Gwen Ghost Spider #7
Spider-Man City at War #1 (Of 6)
Star Wars #64
Star Wars AoR Padme Amidala #1
Uncanny X-Men #15
War of Realms #1 (Of 6)
Adventures of the Super Sons #9 (Of 12)
Deathstroke #42
Dreaming #8
Green Lantern #6
Harley Quinn #60
Justice League #21
Lucifer #6
Suicide Squad Black Files #6 (Of 6)
Young Justice #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Betty & Veronica #4 (Of 5)
Black Hammer 45 From World of Black Hammer #2
Bronze Age Boogie #1
Die #5
Gasolina #17
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Ghostbusters
Hack Slash Vs Chaos #4
Halo Lone Wolf #4 (Of 4)
Sirens #1
Lodger #4
Marvel Action Black Panther #1
Paper Girls #27
Red Sonja #3
Redlands #12
Self Made #5
Uncle Scrooge #43
Vindication #3 (Of 4)
Walking Dead #190
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventure Time TPB Vol. 17
Batman Detective Comics TPB Vol. 09 Deface the Face
Is This How You See Me HC Love & Rockets
Marvel Universe TPB The End
Prism Stalker TPB Vol. 01
Spawn Hell on Earth TPB
Titans TPB Vol. 01 Full Throttle
Tyler Cross Angola HC
WWE Nxt Takeover TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Captain America #9
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #2
Marvel Team-Up #1
Adventures of the Super Sons #9 (Of 12)
Suicide Squad Black Files #6 (Of 6)
Young Justice #4
Bronze Age Boogie #1
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Ghostbusters
Uncle Scrooge #43
Is This How You See Me HC Love & Rockets
Marvel Universe TPB The End
Tyler Cross Angola HC
Shipping List, March 27, 2019!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Age of X-Man X-Tremists #2 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #18
Avengers No Road Home #7 (Of 10)
Black Panther #10
Black Widow #3
Daredevil #3
Doctor Strange #12
Fantastic Four #8
Hulkverines #2 (Of 3)
Incredible Hulk #181
Invaders #3
Ironheart #4
Marvel Comics Presents #3
Marvel Rising #1 (Of 5)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #41
Mr. and Mrs. X #9
Spider-Man Deadpool #48
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #30
Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #2 (Of 5)
Superior Spider-Man #4
X-Force #5
Action Comics #1009
Batgirl #33
Batman Beyond #30
Books of Magic #6
Detective Comics #1000
Dial H for Hero #1 (Of 6)
Flash #67
Freedom Fighters #4 (Of 12)
Goddess Mode #4
Heroes in Crisis #7 (Of 9)
Hex Wives #6
Justice League Odyssey #7
Looney Tunes #248
Martian Manhunter #4 (Of 12)
Scooby Doo Team Up #47
Shazam #4
Silencer #15
Terrifics #14
Wonder Woman #66
Wonder Woman #67
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Season 11 #6
Alien 3 #5
Bad Luck Chuck #1
Black Hammer Age of Doom #9
Black Science #39
Bone Parish #8 (Of 12)
Cinema Purgatorio #17
Crimson Lotus #5 (Of 5)
Ducktales #19
Fight Club 3 #3
Hardcore #4
Hellboy and BPRD 1956 #5 (Of 5)
Ice Cream Man #11
Invader Zim #41
Isola #7
Jughead The Hunger #13
LOEG Tempest #5
Man-Eaters #7
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #37
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #40
Realm #12
Rick & Morty #48
Sabrina Teenage Witch #1 (Of 5)
Skyward #11
Snotgirl #13
Spawn #295
Spawn Kills Everyone Too #4 (Of 4)
Star Wars Adventures #19
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #115
TMNT Urban Legends #11
Transformers #2
Umbrella Academy Hotel Oblivion #6
WWE Wrestlemania 2019 Special #1
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Screw-On Head & Other Curious Objects HC
Archie Meets Batman 66 TPB
Cloak and Dagger TPB Negative Exposure
Deadpool Minibus 3 HC
Disney Masters HC Vol. 07
Flash TPB Vol. 01 The Dastardly Death of the Rogues
Flash TPB Vol. 09 Reckoning Forces
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 02 Harley Destroys the Universe
Marvel Knights Fantastic Four TPB
Monstress TPB Vol. 01
Ms. Marvel TPB Vol. 10 Time and Again
Raven Daughter of Darkness TPB Vol. 01
Rolling Stones in Comics HC
Scooby Apocalypse TPB Vol. 01
Sgt. Fury TPB Howling Commandos
Spawn Neo Noir TPB
Stumptown TPB Vol. 04 The Case of a Cup of Joe
Tiny Titans Return to the Treehouse TPB
What If? With Great Power TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers No Road Home #7 (Of 10)
Fantastic Four #8
Incredible Hulk #181
Detective Comics #1000
Dial H for Hero #1 (Of 6)
Heroes in Crisis #7 (Of 9)
Bad Luck Chuck #1
Crimson Lotus #5 (Of 5)
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #115
Amazing Screw-On Head & Other Curious Objects HC
Deadpool Minibus 3 HC
Raven Daughter of Darkness TPB Vol. 01
Shipping List, March 20, 2019!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Age of X-Man Amazing Nightcrawler #2 (Of 5)
Age of X-Man Nextgen #2 (Of 5)
Age of X-Man Prisoner X #1 (Of 5)
Avengers #17
Avengers No Road Home #6 (Of 10)
Captain Marvel #3
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #4
Guardians of the Galaxy #3
Immortal Hulk #15
Meet the Skrulls #2 (Of 5)
Miles Morales Spider-Man #4
Savage Sword of Conan #3
Spider-Man City at War #1 (Of 6)
Spider-Man Life Story #1 (Of 6)
Star Wars #63
Thor #11
Uncanny X-Men #14
Venom #12
West Coast Avengers #9
Wolverine Infinity Watch #2 (Of 5)
American Carnage #5
Aquaman #46
Batman #67
Damage #15
Deathstroke #41
High Level #2
Justice League #20
Lucifer #6
Naomi #3
Pearl #7
Teen Titans #28
Teen Titans Go #33
Wild Storm #21
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time Marcy & Simon #3 (Of 6)
Archie #703
Army of Darkness Bubba Hotep #2
Bitter Root #5
Black Badge #8
BPRD Devil You Know #14
Cavewoman Markhams Mansion One Shot #1 (Of 1)
Criminal #3
Deadly Class #37
Evolution #15
Farmhand #6
Firefly Bad Company #1
James Bond 007 #5
Lazarus Risen #1
Marvel Action Avengers #3
Middlewest #5
Monstress #21
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #76
Mystery Science Theater 3000 #5
Nightwing #58
Sonic The Hedgehog #15
TMNT Ongoing #92
Warning #5
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Authority by Ed Brubaker & Dustin Nguyen TPB
Batman Arkham Ras Al Ghul TPB
Batman TPB Vol. 09 The Tyrant Wing
Black Hammer TPB Vol. 02 The Event
Black Panther Vs Deadpool TPB
Captain America Epic Collection TPB
Dark Nights Metal Dark Knights Rising TPB
Descender TPB Vol. 01 Tin Stars
Dirty Old Tank Girl TPB
Family Man TPB
Grayson TPB Vol. 01 Agents of Spyral
I Rene Tardi, Prisoner of War in Stalag Iib HC
Justice League TPB Vol. 01 Origin
Marvel Knights Punisher by Ennis Complete Collection TPB
New Teen Titans TPB Vol. 10
Polar HC Vol. 04 Kaiser Falls
Preacher TPB Book 01
Return of Wolverine TPB
Sandman TPB Vol. 06 Fables & Reflections
Scarlet TPB Book 01
Spawn the Satan Wars TPB
Spawn the Undead TPB
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Old Republic TPB
Uncanny X-Men TPB Vol. 01 X-Men Disassembled
Wolverine Epic Collection TPB Back to Basics
X-Men TPB Onslaught Aftermath
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Meet the Skrulls #2 (Of 5)
Spider-Man Life Story #1 (Of 6)
Justice League #20
Naomi #3
Cavewoman Markhams Mansion One Shot #1 (Of 1)
Lazarus Risen #1
TMNT Ongoing #92
Batman Arkham Ras Al Ghul TPB
I Rene Tardi, Prisoner of War in Stalag Iib HC
Return of Wolverine TPB