Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Alien #2
Amazing Spider-Man #40
Astonishing Iceman #5
Capwolf Howling Commandos #3
Daredevil Black Armor #2
Doctor Strange #10
Gods #3
Incredible Hulk #7
Original X-Men #1
Spider-Boy #2
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #3
Star Wars Darth Vader #41
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #39
Star Wars Revelations #1
Star Wars The High Republic #2
Superior Spider-Man #2
Uncanny Avengers #5 (Of 5)
Uncanny Spider-Man #5
Wolverine #40
Batman #406
Batman Off-World #2
Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight #3
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #22
Catwoman #60
Green Lantern War Journal #4
Harley Quinn: Black, White, Redder #6
Hawkgirl #6
Jay Garrick, The Flash #3
Joker/Harley Quinn: Uncovered #1
Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. King Kong #3
Nightwing #109
Superman 39
Titans Beast World Tour: Central City #1
Wonder Wolman #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Animal Pound #1 (Of 4)
Borealis #1
Canary #2
Creepshow Vol. 2 #4
Deviant #2
Geiger Ground Zero #2
GI Joe: A Real American Hero #302
Godzilla Rivals Jet Jaguar Vs Megalon One-Shot #1
Godzilla War for Humanity #3
Harriet Tubman Demon Slayer #4
Hexagon Bridge #4
Kaptar Universal Truths #5
Killadlphia #32
Lotus Land #2 (Of 6)
Masters of the Universe Forge of Destiny #4
Maze Agency #1
My Little Pony Best of Fluttershy #1
Newburn #13
Plot Holes #5 (Of 5)
Rare Flavours #3 (Of 6)
Red Light #2 (Of 4)
Shift One-Shot
Spawn #348
TMNT Ongoing #146
Undiscovered Country #27
Vampirella vs. Superpowers #6
Walking Dead Deluxe #79
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Death of the Venomverse TPB
Doctor Strange by Mark Waid TPB Vol. 01
Four Gathered on Christmas Eve HC
Hellboy and BPRD 1957 TPB
Immortal Sergeant TPB
Loki the Liar TPB
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Recharged TPB Vol. 03
Nexus Newspaper Strips TPB
Popeye HC Vol. 03 Sea Hag & Alice The Goon
Star Wars Yoda TPB
Venom Modern Era Epic Collection TPB Vol. #05
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Alien #2
Original X-Men #1
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #22
Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. King Kong #3
GI Joe: A Real American Hero #302
Maze Agency #1
Death of the Venomverse TPB
Popeye HC Vol. 03 Sea Hag & Alice The Goon
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Shipping List, December 13, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Blade #6
Captain America #4
Daredevil Gang War #1
Dark X-Men #5 (Of 5)
Guardians of the Galaxy #9
Immortal Thor #5
Luke Cage Gang War #2
Marvel Zombies Black White Blood #3
Miles Morales Spider-Man #13
Moon Knight #30
Punisher #2
Silver Surfer Rebirth Legacy #4
Spider-Gwen Smash #1
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #41
White Widow #2
X-Men Red #18
Action #1060
Batman #405
Batman #428
Batman & the Joker: The Deadly Duo, Unplugged #1
Batman and Robin #4
Batman: City of Madness #2
Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham #2
Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Night #2
Birds of Prey Uncovered #1
Danger Street #12
DC’s Twas the Mite before Christmas #1
Detective #1079
Green Lantern #6
Outsiders #2
Speed Force #2
Superman Lost #9
Titans Beast World #2
Titans Beast World: Tour Gotham #2
Waller vs. Wildstorm #4
Wesley Dodds, the Sandman #3
World’s Finest Teen Titans #6
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Alice Cooper #3
Antarctica #6
Bloody Dozen: A Tale of the Shrouded College #1
Damn Them All #11
Dark Spaces Dungeon #2
Earthdivers #13
Enfield Gang Massacre #5
From World of Minor Threats Alternates #4
Godzilla Best of Gigan #1
House of Slaughter #20
Masterpiece #1
Phantom Road #7
Quick Stops 2 #1
Radiant Black #27
Radiant Black #27.5
Rick & Morty Presents Rick in a Box #1
Rogue Sun #17
Sabrina Teenage Witch Holiday Special
Scarlett Couture Munich File #5 (Of 5)
Scrapper #6
Slow Burn #2 (Of 5)
Sonic The Hedgehog Winter Jam One-Shot #1
Space Usagi Death & Honor #1
Spawn: Scorched #24
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #12 (Of 12)
The Madness #5 (Of 6)
The Man from Maybe #3
Underheist #1 (Of 5)
Vampirella Dracula Rage #4
Zawa #2 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Art of Arthur Adams TPB
Creepy Archives TPB Vol. 04
Daredevil Epic Collection TPB Vol. 15 Last Rites
Dark Knights of Steel HC Vol. 2
Doctor Who Dooms Day TPB
Fantastic Four by Dan Slott HC Vol. 04
Infinite Crisis HC
Johnny Boo Is Bored, Bored, Bored HC Vol. 14
Multiversity Harley Screws up the DCU HC
My Little Pony 40th Anniversary HC
Nightwing HC
Rick and Morty Space Shake Saga TPB Part 01
Seasons Have Teeth TPB
Star Wars High Republic Shadows of Starlight #3
Walt Disney Silly Symphonies HC 1935-1939
Where the body Was HC
Worm A Cuban American Odyssey TPB
X-Force Epic Collection TPB Vol. 03 Assault on Graymalkin Lane
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Spider-Gwen Smash #1
Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham #2
Masterpiece #1
Infinite Crisis HC
Walt Disney Silly Symphonies HC 1935-1939
Where the body Was HC
X-Force Epic Collection TPB Vol. 03 Assault on Graymalkin Lane
Shipping List, November 29, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man Gang War First Strike #1
Captain America #3
Howard the Duck #1
Luke Cage Gang War #1
Marvel Zombies Black White Blood #2
Miles Morales Spider-Man #12
Moon Knight #29
Ms. Marvel New Mutant #4
Predator Vs Wolverine #3
Realm of X #4 (Of 4)
Spider-Woman #1
Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi #3
Uncanny X-Men #142
X-Men Blue Origins #1
Action #1059
Alan Scott, Green Lantern #2
Amazons Attack #
Batman ’89: Echoes #1
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #5
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #7
City Boy #6
Cyborg #5
Detective #1078
Doom Patrol #99
Flash #3
Green Arrow #6
Harley Quinn #34
Penguin #4
Power Girl #3
Static: Shadows of Dakota #7
Steelworks #6
Titans Beast World #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
007 For King Country #6
Berzerker Fallen Empire
Conan Barbarian #5
Crave #1
Darkwing Duck #10
Edenworld #2
Fire Power #29
Giant Robot Hellboy #2
Jennifer Blood Battle Diary #1
Kong Great War #4
Local Man #7
My Little Pony #19
Quest #4
Rick and Morty Meeseeks PI #1
Ronin Book Two #5 (Of 6)Savage Red Sonja #2
Slow Burn #2 (Of 5)
Something Is Killing The Children #35
Swan Songs #5
TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures 2023 #7
TMNT The Last Ronin #4
Vampirella Dead Flowers #3
Wilds End #6 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Danger Street TPB Vol. 1
Excalibur Epic Collection TPB Vol. 09 You Are Cordially Invited
Garfield Full Course TPB Vol. 01
Ghost Rider TPB Vol. 03 Dragged out of Hell
Groot Uprooted TPB
Immortal X-Men By Kieron Gillen TPB Vol. 03
Iron Man Epic Collection The War of Super Villains TPB
Lamentation TPB
Saga TPB Vol. 11
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Howard the Duck #1
Spider-Woman #1
Doom Patrol #99
Titans Beast World #1
Crave #1
Jennifer Blood Battle Diary #1
Danger Street TPB Vol. 1
Excalibur Epic Collection TPB Vol. 09 You Are Cordially Invited
Saga TPB Vol. 11
Shipping List, November 22, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #38
Avengers Inc #3
Captain Marvel #2
Carnage #1
Daredevil Black Armor #1
Immortal X-Men #17
Incredible Hulk #6
Invincible Iron Man #12
Moon Knight City of Dead #5 (Of 5)
MSH Secret Wars Battleworld #1
Sensational She-Hulk #2
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #40
Star Wars Dark Droids D-Squad #3
Uncanny Spider-Man #4
Wolverine #39
X-Men #141
Batman Off-World #1
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #21
Catwoman #59
Green Lantern War Journal #3
Harley Quinn: Black, White, and Redder #5
Hawkgirl #5
Jay Garrick: Flash #2
Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #2
Justice Society of America #7
Nightwing #108
Superman #8
Titans #5
Titans Beat World Evolution #1
Wonder Woman #3
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Black Hammer End #4
Bone Orchard Tenement #6
Brynmore #5
Dark Spaces Good Deeds #6
Darkling One-Shot
Disney Villains Hades #4
Expanse the Dragon Tooth #7 (Of 12)
From the World of Minor Threats Alternates #3
Gunslinger Spawn #26
Hack/Slash: Back to School #2
Harriet Tubman Demon Slayer #3
Holy Roller #1
Kaptara Universal Truths #4
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #114
Mortal Terror #1
Plot Holes #4 (Of 5)
Rick and Morty #11
Somna #1
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #11 (Of 12)
The Ribbon Queen #5 (Of 8)
TMNT The Last Ronin #3
Universal Monsters Dracula #2
Void Rivals #6
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Aquaman Andromeda HC
Batman Harley and Ivy TPB
Daredevil and Echo TPB
Deadpool by Alyssa Wong TPB Vol. 02
Grendel Devil by Deed HC
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner TPB
Monstress TPB Vol. 8
Poison Ivy HC Vol. 2
Riddler Year One HC
Red Harvest Terror Famine in Soviet Ukraine TPB
Star Wars Mandalorian and Child HC
Star Wars Mandalorian Season Two Part One TPB Vol. 01
Striking a Pose HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Daredevil Black Armor #1
MSH Secret Wars Battleworld #1
Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #2
Titans Beat World Evolution #1
Holy Roller #1
Somna #1
Aquaman Andromeda HC
Red Harvest Terror Famine in Soviet Ukraine TPB
Star Wars Mandalorian and Child HC
Shipping List, November 15, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Alien #1
Alpha Flight #4 (Of 5)
Astonishing Iceman #4
Black Panther #6
Blade #5
Capwolf Howling Commandos #2
Children of the Vault #4 (Of 4)
Daredevil #3
Dark X-Men #4 (Of 5)
Deadpool Seven Slaughters #1
Fantastic Four #13
Ghost Rider #20
Immortal Thor #4
Jean Grey #4 (Of 4)
Red Goblin #10
Silver Surfer Rebirth Legacy #3
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #2
Star Wars Dark Droids #4
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #38
Star Wars Mandalorian Season 2 #6
Star Wars Return of Jedi 40th Anniversary Covers
Star Wars Visions Peach Momoko #1
Superior Spider-Man #1
Uncanny Avengers #4 (Of 5)
Batman and Robin #3
Danger Street #11
Detective #1077
Green Lantern #5
Looney Tunes #275
Outsiders #1
Speed Force #1
Superman Lost #8
Vigil #6
Wesley Dodds, the Sandman #2
Wildcats #12
World’s Finest: Teen Titans #5
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Animal Pound Ashcan
Antarctica #5
Arcade Kings #5
Big Game #5
Cull #4
Deviant #1
Dutch #0
Earthdivers #12
Fishflies #3
Forged #6
Geiger Ground Zero #1
GI Joe: A Real American Hero #1
GI Joe: A Real American Hero #301
Godzilla Rivals Vs Mechagodzilla #1
Hexagon Bridge #3
Killadelphia #31
Lotus Land #1 (Of 6)
Red Sonja 2023 #5
Rocketeer in the Den of Thieves #4
Scrapper #5
Something Epic #7
Spawn #347
TMNT The Last Ronin #2
Terrorwar #7
The Man from Maybe #2
The Ministry of Compliance #1
Time before Time #29
Walking Dead #77
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Adventures of Superman HC
Alien by Shalvey and Broccardo TPB Vol. 01 Thaw
All-New Firefly Gospel According To Jayne HC
Amazing Spider-Man by Wells TPB Vol. 07 Armed and Dangerous
BPRD Omnibus TPB Vol. 08
Daredevil and Elektra by Chip Zdarsky TPB Vol. 03
Eerie Archives TPB Vol. 02
I Kill Giants TPB
Ice Cream Man HC Vol. 2
Love Everlasting TPB Vol, 2
Power Rangers Universe TPB
Spider-Man TPB Vol. 02 Who Is Spider-Boy
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection The Empire TPB
TMNT Armageddon Game HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Capwolf Howling Commandos #2
Deadpool Seven Slaughters #1
Outsiders #1
Wesley Dodds, the Sandman #2
Deviant #1
The Ministry of Compliance #1
Adventures of Superman HC
Amazing Spider-Man by Wells TPB Vol. 07 Armed and Dangerous
Ice Cream Man HC Vol. 2
Love Everlasting TPB Vol, 2
Shipping List, November 8, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #37
Captain Marvel Dark Tempest #5 (Of 5)
Gods #2
Guardians of the Galaxy #8
Marvel Unleashed #4 (Of 4)
Punisher #1
Star Wars Dark Droids D-Squad #2
Star Wars Darth Vader #40
Star Wars High Republic Shadows of Starlight #2
Star Wars the High Republic #1
Thanos #1
Uncanny Spider-Man #3
What If Dark Tomb of Dracula #1
X-Force #46
X-Men Red #17
All-Star Comics #3
Batman #139
Birds of Prey #3
Blue Beetle #3
Fire & Ice #3
Icon vs. Hardware #5
Joker, the Man who Stopped Laughing #12
Poison Ivy #16
Superman `78: The Metal Curtain #1
Wonder Woman #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Abbott 1979 #2 (Of 5)
AoD Forever #2
Creepshow #3
Damn Them All #10
Dark Ride #9
Dark Spaces Dungeon #1
Dark Spaces Hollywood Special #3
Dead Lucky #10
Destiny Gate #2
Enfield Gang Massacre #4
Firefly The Fall Guys #3 (Of 6)
Garbage Pail Kids Through Time #2
Groo in Wild #4
House of Slaughter #19
Josie Anniversary Spectacular One-Shot
Love & Rockets #14
Mech Cadets #4 (Of 6)
My Little Pony Classics Reimagined Unicorn of Odd #3
Panya Mummys Curse #4
Phantom Road #6
Scarlett Couture Munich File #4 (Of 5)
Sheena Queen of Jungle #3
Sonic the Hedgehog #6
Spawn Scorched #23
The Madness #4 (Of 6)
TMNT Ongoing #145
TMNT The Last Ronin #1
TMNT Vs. Street Fighter #5 (Of 5)
Transformers #2
Vampirella Dracula Rage #3
Zawa #1 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Great Responsibility TPB
Batman Reptilian TPB
Catwoman TPB Vol. 3 Duchess of Gotham
DC The New Frontier HC
Doctor Who Once Upon A Timelord TPB
Echo The Saga of Maya Lopez TPB
Godzilla Rivals TPB Vol. 02 Round Two
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB Vol. 01 Grootfall
Kamandi TPB Vol. 2
Nocterra TPB Vol. 3
Planet of the Apes TPB
Sandman Universe Deadboy Detectives TPB
Sonic the Hedgehog Knuckles Greatest Hits TPB
Star Wars Scoundrels Rebels and the Empire TPB
Static Up all Night TPB
Superman HC Vol. 1 Supercorp
Superman Unchained HC
TMNT Last Ronin Lost Years HC
Transitions TPB
Warlock Rebirth TPB
Worldtree TPB Vol. 1
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Marvel Unleashed #4 (Of 4)
What If Dark Tomb of Dracula #1
Blue Beetle #3
Superman `78: The Metal Curtain #1
Creepshow #3
Panya Mummys Curse #4
DC The New Frontier HC
Sonic the Hedgehog Knuckles Greatest Hits TPB
Warlock Rebirth TPB
Shipping List, November 2, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, November 2, 2023
Avengers #7
Doctor Strange #9
Its Jeff The Jeff-Verse #1
Magneto #4
Scarlet Witch #10
Sensational She-Hulk #1
Spider-Boy #1
Star Wars #40
Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi #2
Ultimate Universe #1
Venom #27
White Widow #1
X-Men #28
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Special #1
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War, Scorched Earth #1
Detective #1076
Return of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1
Spirit World #6
Supergirl Special #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Alice Cooper #2 (Of 5)
Blood Commandment #1
Canary #1
Gargoyles Dark Ages #4
Ghostlore #6 (Of 12)
Godzilla here there be Dragons #5
Heat Seeker Gun Honey Series #4 (Of 4)
King Spawn #27
Masters of Universe Forge of Destiny #3
My Little Pony #18
My Little Pony Camp Bighoof #4
Ranger Academy #2
Red Light #1 (Of 4)
Sacrificers #4
Savage Red Sonja #1
Space Between #1 (Of 4)
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #10 (Of 12)
Street Fighter Omega
TMNT Best of Bebop and Rocksteady
Untold Tales of I Hate Fairyland #5
Usagi Yojimbo Ice & Snow #2
Vampirella Dead Flowers #2 (Of 4)
Victory #5
Walking Dead #75
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman Gotham by Gaslight TPB
Buffy the Last Vampire Slayer (2023) #4 (Of 5)
Captain America Cold War Aftermath TPB
Edge of the Spider-Verse Bleeding Edge TPB
JLA/JSA Virtue and Vice TPB
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods HC
Rick and Morty The Manga TPB Vol. 01
Spider-Man Deadpool Modern Era Epic Collection TPB Bromantic
TMNT Ongoing (IDW) Collection TPB Vol. 03
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Sensational She-Hulk #1
Ultimate Universe #1
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Special #1
Supergirl Special #1
Blood Commandment #1
Red Light #1 (Of 4)
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods HC
Rick and Morty The Manga TPB Vol. 01
Spider-Man Deadpool Modern Era Epic Collection TPB Bromantic
Shipping List, October 28, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Alpha Flight #3 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #36
Captain America #2
Captain Marvel #1
Dark X-Men #3 (Of 5)
Hallows Eve The Big Night #1
Immortal Thor #3
Jean Grey #3 (Of 4)
Marvel Unleashed #3 (Of 4)
Marvel Zombies Black White Blood #1
Ms. Marvel New Mutant #3
Predator vs Wolverine #2
Realm of X #3 (Of 4)
Star Wars Dark Droids D-Squad #2
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #37
Uncanny Avengers #3 (Of 5)
Uncanny Spider-Man #2
Uncanny X-Men #129
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #4 (Of 4)
Action #1058
Alan Scott, Green Lantern #1
All-American Comics #16
Amazons Attack #1
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #4
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War, Red Hood #2
Batman the Brave and the Bold #6
Detective #1075
Flash #2
Green Arrow #5
Harley Quinn #33
Penguin #3
Power Girl #2
Steelwork #5
Tales of the Titans #4
Unstoppable Doom Patrol #7
Wonder Woman #2
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Black Hammer End #3
Brynmore #4
Conan Barbarian #4
Dark Spaces Dungeon #1
Disney Villains Hades #3
Expanse The Dragon Tooth #6 (Of 12)
Fire Power #28
Gargoyles #10
Giant Robot Hellboy #1
Gone #1
Gunslinger Spawn #25
Harriet Tubman Demon Slayer #2
I Hate Fairyland #10
Ice Cream Man #37
Kaptara Universal Truths #3
Lonesome Hunters The Wolf Child #4 (Of 4)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #113
My Little Pony Best of Applejack #1
Negaduck #2
Newburn #12
Once Upon a Time at the End of the World #10
Paladin of Axes #1
Plot Holes #3 (Of 5)
Rare Flavours #2 (Of 6)
Rick and Morty #10
Rick and Morty Heart of Rickness #4 (Of 4)
Slow Burn #1 (Of 5)
Something is Killing the Children #34
Spawn #346
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #142
The Ribbon Queen #4 (Of 8)
TMNT Saturday Morning Adventure 2023 #6
TMNT X Stranger Things #4
Universal Monsters Dracula #1
Void Rivals #5
Walking Dead #75
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Astro City Metrobook TPB Vol. 4
Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer Lost Summers TPB
Daredevil Epic Collection Mike Murdock Must Die TPB
Detective Chimp HC
Fantagraphic Underground John Severin Western HC
Firefly Return to the Earth that Was TPB Vol. 02
Hallows Eve TPB
Human Target TPB Vol. 1
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection The Curing Of Dr. Banner TPB
Melvin Monster HC
Monica HC
Moon Knight Epic Collection Death Watch TPB
Nice House on the Lake HC
Predator by Ed Brisson TPB Vol. 02 The Preserve
She-Hulk by Rainbow Rowell TPB Vol. 03 Girl Can’t Help
Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Vol. 15 Urban Warfare
Stargirl: The Lost Children TPB
Superman for all Seasons TPB
The Death Ray TPB
Walt Disney’s Uncle Scrooge Gift Box Set Twenty Four Carat
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Hallows Eve The Big Night #1
Shipping List, October 18, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Astonishing Iceman #3
Avengers Inc #2
Children of the Vault #3 (Of 4)
Crypt of Shadows #1
Daredevil #2
Deadpool Badder Blood #5 (Of 5)
Ghost Rider #19
Incredible Hulk #5
Invincible Iron Man #11
Miles Morales Spider-Man #11
Moon Knight #28
Scarlet Witch #9
Sensational She-Hulk #1
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #1
Star Wars #39
Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi #2
Batman #608
Batman and Robin #2
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #20
Batman White Knight presents Generation Joker #6
Catwoman #58
City Boy #5
Cyborg #4
Fables #160
Green Lantern War Journal #2
Harley Quinn: Black, White, and Redder #4
Hawkgirl #4
Jay Garrick, The Flash #1
Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #1
Nightwing #107
Sandman Universe Nightmare Country, the Glass House #5
Superman #7
Titans #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Antarctica #4
Big Game #4
Bone orchard: Tenement #5
Brzrkr Pen & Ink #1
Dark Spaces Good Deeds #5
Draculina Blood Simple #6
Dwellings #2 (Of 3)
Fear The Funhouse Presents Toybox of Terror
Forged #5
From World of Minor Threats Alternates #2
Gargoyles Halloween Special #1
Hack/slash: Back to School #1
Hexagon Bridge #2
In Hell we Fight #5
klik Kilk Boom #5
Local Man #6
My Little Pony Black White & Blue #1
Red Sonja 2023 #4
Rogue Sun #16
Scrapper #4
Swan Songs #4
Tales of Syzpense #3
The Man From Maybe #1
Time before Time #28
TMNT Best of Bebop and Rocksteady
TMNT Ongoing #144
Vampirella vs Superpowers #5
Walking Dead 374
Wilds End #5 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man by Wells TPB Vol. 06 Dead Languages
Batman Three Jokers TPB
Cosmic Ghost Rider Duel Identity TPB
Creepy Archives TPB Vol. 03
Extreme Venomverse TPB
Hawkeye Epic Collection TPB Way of Arrow
Hellboy and BPRD Secret of Chesbro House TPB
Masters of the Universe TPB Vol. 01 Masterverse
Plants Vs Zombies HC Unpredictables
Spider-Gwen Shadow Clones TPB
Star Wars Tales from Death Star HC
The Incal Kill Wolfhead HC
Wolverine by Benjamin Percy TPB Vol. 06
X-Men Red by Al Ewing TPB Vol. 03
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Crypt of Shadows #1
Sensational She-Hulk #1
Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #1
Superman #7
My Little Pony Black White & Blue #1
The Man From Maybe #1
Batman Three Jokers TPB
Cosmic Ghost Rider Duel Identity TPB
Plants Vs Zombies HC Unpredictables
Shipping Lost, October 11, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #35
Avengers #6
Blade #4
Daredevil #183
Guardians of the Galaxy #7
Magneto #3
Moon Knight City of Dead #4 (Of 5)
Red Goblin #9
Silver Surfer Rebirth Legacy #2
Spider-Man India #5 (Of 5)
Star Wars Dark Droids #3
Star Wars Mandalorian Season 2 #5
Superior Spider-Man Returns #1 (One-Shot)
Venom #26
Wolverine #38
X-Men Red #16
Batman and Robin #2
Batman City of Madness #1
Danger Street #10
Green Lantern #4
Superboy the Man of Tomorrow #6
Superman Lost #7
Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1
Worlds Finest: Teen Titans #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
AoD Forever #1
Captain Marvel Assault on Eden #1
Capwolf Howling Commandos #1
Chilling Adventures Welcome to Riverdale
Creepshow #2
Cull #3
Damn Them All #9
Destiny Gate #1
Earthdivers #11
Firefly the Fall Guys #2 (Of 6)
Fishflies #2
Garbage Pail Kids Through Time #1
Groo in Wild #3
Haunt you to the End #5
House of Slaughter #18
Mech Cadets #3 (Of 6)
Midlife or How to Hero at 50 #1
MLP Classics Reimagined Unicorn of Odd #2
Murder Inc Jagger Rose #6 (Of 6)
Nights #1
Quest #3
Scarlett Couture Munich File #3 (Of 5)
Something Epic #6
Sonic the Hedgehog Halloween Special #1
Sonic the Hedgehog #65
Space Usagi Yokai Hunter One-Shot #1
Spawn Scorched #22
Swan Songs #4
The Madness #3 (Of 6)
TMNT Saturday Morning Adventure Halloween Special #1
TMNT Vs. Street Fighter #4 (Of 5)
Undiscovered Country #26
Walking Dead Deluxe #73
Weird Work #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Brzrkr (Berzerker) TPB Vol. 03
Cat Gamer TPB
Dark Ride TPB Vol. 2
Ghost Rider Epic Collection TPB Vengeance Reborn
Golden Voice Ballad of Cambodian Rocks Lost Queen TPB
Harley Quinn TPB Vol. 2 Keepsake
New Mutants Epic Collection TPB Demon Bear Saga
Rick and Morty Compendium TPB Vol. 01
Sonic the Hedgehog Seasons of Chaos TPB
Star Wars Darth Vader By Pak TPB Vol. 07
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reborn TPB Vol 07
Toussaint Louverture TPB
Wonder Woman: Blood and Guts HC
X-Force By Benjamin Percy TPB Vol. 07
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Moon Knight City of Dead #4 (Of 5)
Spider-Man India #5 (Of 5)
Batman City of Madness #1
Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1
Nights #1
TMNT Saturday Morning Adventure Halloween Special #1
Ghost Rider Epic Collection TPB Vengeance Reborn
Rick and Morty Compendium TPB Vol. 01
Wonder Woman: Blood and Guts HC