Comics Shipping Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Alien Annual #1
Black Panther #5
Captain Marvel Dark Tempest #4 (Of 5)
Doctor Strange #8
Fantastic Four #12
Ghost Rider Annual #1
Gods #1
Immortal X-Men #16
Red Goblin #9
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #39
Star Wars Darth Vader #39
Star Wars High Republic Shadows of Starlight #1
Strange Academy Amazing Spider-Man #1
X-Force #45
X-Men #27
Batman #138
Batsman the Adventures Continue Season Eight #8
Birds of Prey #2
Blue Beetle #2
DC’s Ghouls just wanna have Fun #1
Detective #140
Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #2
Joker The Man who Stopped Laughing #11
New Golden Age Special #1
Peacemaker tries Hard #6
Poison Ivy #15
Scooby Doo Where are You #124
Shazam #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
007 For King Country #5
Abbott: 1979 #1 (Of 5)
Alice Cooper #1 (Of 5)
Archies Halloween Spectacular One-shot
Buffy Last Vampire Slayer (2023) #3 (Of 5)
Darkwing Duck #9
Disney Villains Maleficent #5
Enfield Gang Massacre #3
Ghostlore #5 (Of 12)
Godzilla here there be Dragons #4
King Spawn #26
Masters of the Universe Forge of Destiny #2
My Little Pony Camp Bighoof #3
Plot Holes #2 (Of 5)
Ranger Academy #1
Rocketeer in the Den of Thieves #3
Sacrificers #3
Sheena Queen of Jungle #2
Sins of the Salton Sea #5 (Of 5)
Something Is Killing The Children #33
Transformers #1
Untold Tales of I Hate Fariyland #4
Vampirella Dead Flowers #1 (Of 4)
Walking Dead Deluxe #72
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
American Gods TPB Vol. 03 Moment of Storm
Batgirls TPB Vol. 3 Girls to the Front
Batman TPB Vol. 4 The Cowardly Lot
Chosen One TPB
Clementine TPB Book 02
Cosmic Detective TPB
DC Horror presents Sgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead HC
DCeased HC
Doctor Strange by Jed Mackay TPB Vol. 01 Life of Dr. Strange
Eerie Archives TPB Vol. 01
Ghost Maker/Clownhunter TPB
Ghost Rider by Ed Brisson TPB
King Spawn TPB Vol. 3
Let Me Out TPB
Nejishiki HC
Power Girls Returns TPB
Power Rangers Unlimited Call to Darkness TPB
Prince in Comics HC
Spawn Origins TPB Vol. 27
This Country Searching For Home In very Rural America TPB
X-23 Deadly Regenesis TPB
X-Men by Gerry Duggan TPB Vol. 04
Zatanna & the Ripper TPB Vol. 1
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Ghost Rider Annual #1
Strange Academy Amazing Spider-Man #1
DC’s Ghouls just wanna have Fun #1
New Golden Age Special #1
Alice Cooper #1 (Of 5)
Ranger Academy #1
DC Horror presents Sgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead HC
This Country Searching For Home In very Rural America TPB
X-23 Deadly Regenesis TPB
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Shipping List, September 27, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Avengers #5
Avengers Annual #1
Blade #3
Death of Venomverse #5 (Of 5)
Immortal Thor #2
Invincible Iron Man #10
Jean Grey #2 (Of 4)
Marvel Unleashed #2 (Of 4)
Miracleman Silver Age #6
Moon Knight City of Dead #3 (Of 5)
Ms. Marvel New Mutant #2
Realm of X #2 (Of 4)
Spider-Man India #4 (Of 5)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #36
Star Wars Mandalorian Season 2 #4
Storm #5 (Of 5)
Ultimate Invasion #4 (Of 4)
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #3 (Of 4)
Action #1057
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #3
Batman/Catwoman The Gotham War Red Hood #1
Batman The Brave and the Bold #5
Detective #1074
Flash #1
Flash #105
Green Arrow #4
Harley Quinn #32
Penguin #2
Power Girl #1
Spirit World #5
Static: Shadows of Dakota #6
Tales of the Titans #3
Unstoppable Doom Patrol #6
Wildcats #11
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Bettie Page #4
Black Hammer End #2
Brynmore #3
Conan Barbarian #3
Dark Spaces Hollywood Special #2
Dead Lucky #9
Elvira In Monsterland #5
Expanse the Dragon Tooth #5 (Of 12)
Fire Power #27
Godzilla War for Humanity #2
Kaptara Universal Truths #2
Maskerade #8 (Of 8)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #112
Monstress #48
My Little Pony #17
Newburn #11
Rat Queens Warriors Queens
Rick and Morty #9
Rick and Morty Heart of Rickness #3 (Of 4)
Sonic the Hedgehog Amy’s 30th Anniversary #1
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #9 (Of 12)
TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures 2023 #5
The Ribbon Queen #3 (Of 8)
Usagi Yojimbo Ice & Snow #1
Vampirella Dracula Rage #2
Void Rivals #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
40 Men and 12 Rifles TPB
All-New Firefly Gospel According To Jayne HC Vol. 01
Avengers Epic Collection TPB Yesterday Quest
Batgirl Year One TPB
Captain Marvel TPB Saga of Carol Danvers
Carnage Reigns TPB
Cosmic Detective TPB
DC vs. Vampires All-Out War HC 2
Harley Quinn HC Vol. 4 Task Force XX
Monica Rambeau Photon TPB
Silver Surfer TPB Ghost Light
Slaughterhouse-Five TPB
Star Wars High Republic Adventures TPB Vol. 01
Star Wars TPB Vol. 06 Quests of Force
Thor by Donny Cates TPB Vol. 06 Blood of Fathers
Tim Drake: Robin TPB Vol. 1
Vanish TPB Vol. 2
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Avengers Annual #1
Ms. Marvel New Mutant #2
Flash #1
Power Girl #1
Dead Lucky #9
Usagi Yojimbo Ice & Snow #1
All-New Firefly Gospel According To Jayne HC Vol. 01
Batgirl Year One TPB
Silver Surfer TPB Ghost Light
Shipping List, September 20, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Alpha Flight #2 (Of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #34
Captain America #1
Cult of Carnage Misery #5 (Of 5)
Dark X-Men #2 (Of 5)
Deadpool Badder Blood #4 (Of 5)
Death of Venomverse #4 (Of 5)
Guardians of the Galaxy #6
Loki #4 (Of 4)
Predator Vs Wolverine #1
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #0
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #38
Star Wars Dark Droids D-Squad #1
Strange Academy Moon Knight #1
Uncanny Avengers #2 (Of 5)
Uncanny Spider-Man #1
What If Dark Carnage #1
Wolverine #37
X-Men Annual #1
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #19
Batman White Knight presents Generation Joker #5
Catwoman #57
Cyborg #3
Detective #58
Green Lantern War Journal #1
Harley Quinn: Black, White, and Redder #3
Hawkgirl #3
Nightwing #106
Superman #6
Titans #3
Vigil #5
Wonder Woman #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Antarctica #3
Big Game #3
Bone Orchard: Tenement #4
Chilling Adventures Madam Satan Hell on Earth #1
Disney Villains Hades #2
Earthdivers #10
Fishflies #2
Forged #4
Frank Millers Ronin Book Two #4 (Of 6)
Gargoyles Dark Ages #3
Gunslinger Spawn #24
Haunt You to the End #4
Hexagon Bridge #1
Hey Kids Comics! Vol. 3 #6
Immortal Sergeant #9
In Hell we Fight #4
Klik Klik Boom #4
Lonesome Hunters The Wolf Child #3 (Of 4)
Monarch #6
Nocterra #16
Panya Mummy’s Curse #3
Rare Flavours #1 (Of 6)
Red Sonja 2023 #3
Saga #66
Scrapper #3
Something is Killing the Children #33
Spawn #345
TMNT Ongoing #143
TMNT X Stranger Things #3
Terrorwar #6
Time Before Time #27
Victory #4
Walking Dead #71
Wilds End #4 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Al Capone HC
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB Round Robin
Archies Christmas Wonderland TPB
Asterix Omnibus TPB Vol. 10
Batman & Scooby Mysteries TPB Vol. 3
Batman One Dark Knight TPB
Batman/Superman World’s finest HC Vol. 2
Creepy Archives TPB Vol. 02
Earthdivers TPB Vol. 01 Kill Columbus
Guardians of the Galaxy Modern Era Epic Collection TPB Somebody’s Got to do It
Ice Cream Man TPB Vol. 09 Heavy Narration
Joker: The Man who stopped Laughing HC Vol. 1
Sins of Sinister HC
Slaughterhouse-Five TPB
Star Wars Bounty Hunters TPB Vol. 06
Star Wars High Republic Adventures Nameless Terror TPB
TMNT Armageddon Game Alliance TPB
Uncle Scrooge & Donald Duck Les Miserables & War & Peace HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Captain America #1
Predator Vs Wolverine #1
Green Lantern War Journal #1
Wonder Woman #1
Disney Villains Hades #2
Panya Mummy’s Curse #3
Batman & Scooby Mysteries TPB Vol. 3
Earthdivers TPB Vol. 01 Kill Columbus
Sins of Sinister HC
Shipping List, September 6, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #33
Black Panther #4
Doctor Strange #7
Fantastic Four #11
Ghost Rider Wolverine Weapons Vengeance Omega #1
Immortal X-Men #15
Magneto #2
Moon Knight #27
Scarlet Witch #8
Silk #5 (Of 5)
Silver Surfer Rebirth Legacy #1
Spider-Gwen Annual #1
Star Wars #38
Star Wars Dark Droids #2
X-Men #26
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Barnstormers #3
Buffy Last Vampire Slayer (2023) #2 (Of 5)
Dark Spaces Good Deeds #4
Firefly The Fall Guys #1 (Of 6)
Godzilla Best of Mechagodzilla
Godzilla Here There Be Dragons #3
Heat Seeker Gun Honey Series #3 (Of 4)
Masters of the Universe Forge of Destiny #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111
My Little Pony #16
My Little Pony Camp Bighoof #2
Once upon a Time at the End of the World #9
Red Room Crypto Killaz #4
Sabrina Annual Spectacular One Shot
Sheena Queen of Jungle #1
Survival #5 (Of 5)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Captain Marvel by Kelly Thompson TPB Vol. 01
Captain Marvel TPB Vol. 10 Revenge of the Brood Part 2
Complete Insufferable by Mark Waid TPB
Evil Ernie Lives TPB
Groo Gods against Groo TPB
House of Slaughter TPB Vol. 03
Koshchei In Hell HC
Loki Modern Era Epic Collection TPB Everything Burns
Mighty MMW Incredible Hulk TPB Vol .03 Less Monster
My Little Pony TPB Vol. 02 Smoothie-Ing It Over
Red Goblin TPB Vol. 01 It Runs In The Family
She-Hulk by Mariko Tamaki TPB
Venom by Al Ewing And Ram V TPB Vol. 04 Illumination
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Ghost Rider Wolverine Weapons Vengeance Omega #1
Silver Surfer Rebirth Legacy #1
Firefly The Fall Guys #1 (Of 6)
Sabrina Annual Spectacular One Shot
Captain Marvel by Kelly Thompson TPB Vol. 01
Koshchei In Hell HC
Shipping List, August 30, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Blade #2
Cult of Carnage Misery #4 (Of 5)
Danny Ketch Ghost Rider #4 (Of 5)
Deadpool Badder Blood #3 (Of 5)
Death of Venomverse #3 (Of 5)
Giant-Size X-Men #1
Incredible Hulk #3
Marvel Age #1000
Moon Knight Annual #1
Ms. Marvel New Mutant #1
Spider-Man India #3 (Of 4)
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #37
Star Wars Mandalorian Season 2 #3
Ultimate Invasion #3 (Of 4)
Wolverine #36
Action Comics presents Doomsday Special #1
Batman/Catwoman The Gotham War Battle Lines #1
G’Norts Illustrated Swimsuit Issue #1
Knight Terrors: Nights End #1
Riddley Year One #6
Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country, the Glass House #4
Superboy, the Man of Tomorrow #5
Wonder Woman #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Black Hammer End #1
Conan the Barbarian #2
Dejah Thoris (2023) #6
Devils Cut One Shot
Draculina Blood Simple #5
Elvira in Monsterland #4
Godzilla Rivals Vs. Spacegodzilla #1
IDW Endless Summer My Little Pony
IDW Endless Summer Sonic the Hedgehog
IDW Endless Summer TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures
Kaptara Universal Truths #1 (Of 6)
Local Man Gold (One Shot)
MMPR 30th Anniversary Special #1
Monstress #47
Plot Holes #1 (Of 5)
Ribbon Queen #2
Rick and Morty #8
Spawn Scorched #21
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #8 (Of 12)
Sunshine Patriots #2 (Of 2)
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #141
TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures 2023 #4
TMNT Vs Street Fighter #3 (Of 5)
W0rldtr33 #5
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Avengers TPB Kang Dynasty
Batgirl Vol. 8 TPB The Joker War
Blankets 20th Anniversary Edition
Elektra TPB Black, White, and Blood
Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB Crusader Syndrome
Funny Things A Comic Strip Biography of Charles M. Schultz
Great Gatsby Graphic Novel HC
Harley Quinn The Animated Series The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour TPB
Invincible Iron Man Omnibus HC Vol. 01
More Bone Tall Tales TPB
Nailbiter Compendium TPB Vol. 01
New Avengers Modern Era Epic Collection TPB Assembled
Punisher TPB Vol. 02 King of Killers Book Two
Scarlet Witch by Steve Orlando TPB Vol. 01
Sonic The Hedgehog Scrapnik Island TPB
Star Wars High Republic Adventures TPB Vol. 01
Superman Red Son TPB
Three Rocks Story of Ernie Bushmiller Man Who Created Nancy TPB
Venom Modern Era Epic Collection TPB Agent Venom
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Giant-Size X-Men #1
Ms. Marvel New Mutant #1
G’Norts Illustrated Swimsuit Issue #1
Wonder Woman #1
Black Hammer End #1
MMPR 30th Anniversary Special #1
Avengers TPB Kang Dynasty
Superman Red Son TPB
Three Rocks Story of Ernie Bushmiller Man Who Created Nancy TPB
Shipping List, August 23, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #300
Amazing Spider-Man #32
Avengers #4
Black Panther #3
Captain America Finale #1
Daredevil and Echo #4 (Of 4)
Deadpool #10
Fantastic Four Annual #1
Immortal Thor #1
Invincible Iron Man #9
Jean Grey #1 (Of 4)
Marvel Unleashed #1 (Of 4)
Moon Knight City of Dead #2 (Of 5)
Realm of X #1 (Of 4)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #35
Storm #4 (Of 5)
Venom #24
X-Force #43
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #2
Batman The Adventures Continues, Season Three #7
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #4
Dark Knights of Steel #12
Knight Terrors #4
Knight Terrors Action Comics #2
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #2
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #2
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #2
Knight Terrors Titans #2
Penguin #1
Unstoppable Doom Patrol #5
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Battle Chasers #12
Big Game #2 (Of 5)
Bone Orchard Tenement #3 (Of 10)
Darkwing Duck #8
Dead Lucky #8
Dead Romans #6 (Of 6)
Earthdivers #9
Fire Power by Kirkman & Samnee #26
Godzilla Monsters & Protectors All Hail the King!
Ice Cream Man #36
Immortal Sergeant #8 (Of 9)
Indigo Children #6
King Spawn #25
Klik Klik Boom #3 (Of 5)
Kong Great War #3
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #111
MLP Classics Reimagined Unicorn of Odd #1
Newburn #10
No One #5 (Of 10)
Planet of the Apes #5
Rick and Morty Presents Science of Summer #1
Rocketeer in the Den of Thieves #2
Rogue Sun #15
Scrapper #2 (Of 6)
Tales of Syzpense #2
Terrorwar #5
Time Before Time #26
TMNT X Stranger Things #2
Vampirella vs Superpowers #4
Victory #3
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
All Tomorrows Parties Velvet Underground Story HC
Archie Horror Presents Chilling Adventures Anthology TPB
Art Brut HC Vol. 01 Winking Woman
Avengers Epic Collection TPB Gathering
Avengers Epic Collection TPB This Beachhead Earth
Detective TPB Vol. 5 The Joker War
Ironheart TPB Saga of Riri Williams
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Recharged TPB Vol. 02
Proof That the Devil Loves You HC
Rick and Morty Presents TPB Vol. 05
Robin & Batman TPB
Star Wars High Republic Phase II TPB Vol. 02
Wonder Woman: Black & Gold TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Amazing Spider-Man #32
Realm of X #1 (Of 4)
Penguin #1
Godzilla Monsters & Protectors All Hail the King!
Avengers Epic Collection TPB This Beachhead Earth
Robin & Batman TPB
Shipping List, August 16, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Alien #5
Alpha Flight #1 (Of 5)
Daredevil #14
Dark X-Men #1 (Of 5)
Death of Venomverse #1 (Of 5)
Groot #4 (Of 4)
Iron Man Annual #1
Loki #3 (Of 4)
Marvels Voices X-Men #1
Spider-Man #11
Star Wars Darth Vader #37
Uncanny Avengers #1 (Of 5)
What If Dark Moon Knight #1
X-Men Days of Future Past Doomsday #2 (Of 4)
X-Men Red #14
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #18
Batman, White Knight Presents Generation Joker #4
Harley Quinn: Black, White, and Redder #2
Hawkgirl #2
Icon vs. Hardware #4
Knight Terrors Catwoman #2
Knight Terrors Nightwing #2
Knight Terrors Punchline #2
Knight Terrors Superman #2
Knight Terrors Wonder Woman #2
Penguin #0
Tales of the Titans #2
Vigil #4
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Antarctica #2
Approach TPB
Bettie Page #3
Brynmore #2
Chilling Adventures Strange Science One-Shot
Dark Spaces Hollywood Special #1
Disney Villains Hades #1
Disney Villains Maleficent #4
Ghost Rider #17
Godzilla War for Humanity #1
Groo in Wild #2
I Hate Fairyland #8
In Hell We Fight #3
Lonesome Hunters The Wolf Child #2 (Of 4)
Magic Order 4 #6 (Of 6)
Miss Truesdale &The Fall of Hyperborea #4 (Of 4)
Panya Mummys Curse #2
Red Sonja 2023 #2
Rick and Morty Heart of Rickness #2 (Of 4)
Rick and Morty Manga Ashcan
Something Epic #4
Something Is Killing the Children #32
Sonic the Hedgehog #63
The Cull #1 (Of 5)
TMNT Ongoing #142
TMNT Splintered Fate #1
Void Rivals #3
Walking Dead #69
Wilds End #3 (Of 6)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batman HC Vol. 2 The Bat-Man of Gotham
Batman Detective Comics HC Vol. 1 Gotham Nocturne Overture
Bunny Mask TPB Vol. 02 Hollow Inside
Hulk Joe Fixit TPB
In Search Gil Scott Heron HC
Little Monsters TPB Vol. 02
Loki Epic Collection TPB Journey Into Mystery
Mark Schultz Carbon TPB Vol. 05
Messenger Legend of Muhammad Ali TPB
Monkey Prince HC Vol. 2 The Monkey King and I
Nightwing: The Joker War TPB
Second Fake Death of Eddie Campbell & Fate of the Artist TPB
Spider-Gwen TPB Ghost-Spider
Vampire Slayer (Buffy) TPB Vol. 03
Washingtons Gay General HC
Wonder Girl Homecoming TPB
Wonder Woman TPB Vol. 4 Revenge of the Gods
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB Judgement War
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Alpha Flight #1 (Of 5)
Death of Venomverse #1 (Of 5)
What If Dark Moon Knight #1
Hawkgirl #2
Penguin #0
Tales of the Titans #2
Disney Villains Hades #1
Godzilla War for Humanity #1
TMNT Splintered Fate #1
In Search Gil Scott Heron HC
Monkey Prince HC Vol. 2 The Monkey King and I
Spider-Gwen TPB Ghost-Spider
Shipping List, August 9, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #31
Avengers #4
Captain Marvel Dark Tempest #2 (Of 5)
Children of the Vault #1 (Of 4)
Cult of Carnage Misery #3 (Of 5)
Danny Ketch Ghost Rider #3 (Of 5)
Daredevil and Echo #3 (Of 4)
Ghost Rider Wolverine Weapons Vengeance Alpha #1
Guardians of the Galaxy #5
Immortal X-Men #14
Miles Morales Spider-Man #9
Red Goblin #7
Silk #4 (Of 5)
Spider-Man Annual #1
Star Wars #37
Star Wars Return of Jedi, Max Rebo #1
Werewolf by Night #33
Wolverine #35
X-Men Hellfire Gala 2023 #1
Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #11
Batman Incorporated #11
Danger Street #8
Knight Terrors #3
Knight Terrors: Flash #3
Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #3
Knight Terrors: Robin #3
Knight Terrors: Shazam #3
Knight Terrors: Zatanna #3
Multiversity: Harley Screws up the DCU #6
Spirit World #4
Superman 2023 Annual #1
Wildcats #10
Worlds Finest: Teen Titans #2
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Barbarella Center Cannot Hold #5
Barnstormers #2
Damn Them All #7
Dwellings #1 (Of 3)
Enfield Gang Massacre #1 (Of 6)
Gargoyles Dark Ages #2
Ghostlore #4 (Of 12)
Godzilla Here There be Dragons #2
Gunslinger Spawn #23
Haunt You to the End #3
Heat Seeker Gun Honey Series #2 (Of 4)
House of Slaughter #16
Maskerade #7 (Of 8)
Mech Cadets #1
Murder Inc Jagger Rose #4 (Of 6)
My Little Pony Best of Pinkie Pie
Scarlett Couture Munich File #1 (Of 5)
Survival #4 (Of 5)
Swan Songs #2
The Madness #1 (Of 6)
Untold Tales of I Hate Fairyland #2 (Of 5)
Vampirella Dracula Rage #1
Weird Work #2 (Of 4)
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Ambassadors TPB Vol. 01
Avengers War Across Time TPB
Batman TPB Vol. 3 Ghost Stories
Damn Them All TPB Vol. 01
Daredevil Epic Collection into the Fire TPB
Invincible Iron Man by Gerry Duggan TPB Vol. 01
Lazarus Planet HC
Oblivion Song by Kirkman & De Felici Compendium TPB
Plush TPB
Rick & Morty Crisis On C-137 TPB
Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Ominous Omnibus Vol. 02
Thor Epic Collection TPB In Mortal Flesh
Those Who Helped Us: Assisting Japanese-Americans TPB
Usagi Yojimbo Saga TPB Vol. 08
Wynd TPB Book 03 Throne in the Sky
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Ghost Rider Wolverine Weapons Vengeance Alpha #1
Star Wars Return of Jedi, Max Rebo #1
Knight Terrors #3
Worlds Finest: Teen Titans #2
Dwellings #1 (Of 3)
Mech Cadets #1
Avengers War Across Time TPB
Lazarus Planet HC
Usagi Yojimbo Saga TPB Vol. 08
Shipping List, August 2, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1
Astonishing Iceman #1
Black Panther #2
Deadpool #8
Death of Venomverse #1 (Of 5)
Doctor Strange #6
Doctor Who Doom #2 (Of 2)
Fantastic Four #10
Magneto #1
Moon Knight #26
Scarlet Witch #7
Star Wars Dark Droids #1
Star Wars Yoda #10
Strange Academy Miles Morales #1
Warlock Rebirth #5 (Of 5)
What If Dark Venom #1
X-Men #25
Adventures of Superman, Jon Kent #6
City Boy #3
Justice Society of America #5
Knight Terrors Batman #2
Knight Terrors Black Adam #2
Knight Terrors Joker #2
Knight Terrors Poison Ivy #2
Knight Terrors Ravager #2
Omega Men #3
Peacemaker tries Hard #4
Sandman Universe Special Thessaly #1
Scooby-Doo Where are You #123
Steelworks #3
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
Black Cloak #6
Buffy, the Last Vampire Slayer (2023) #1 (Of 5)
Conan the Barbarian #1
Dark Spaces Good Deeds #3
Fire and Ice #1
Gargoyles #8
Gunslinger Spawn #22
Hellboy & BPRD 1957 From Below One-Shot
Hey Kids Comics Vol. 03 Schlock of the New #5 (Of 6)
Love Everlasting #10
My Little Pony #15
Once Upon a Time at the End of the World #8
Order and Outrage #4 (Of 4)
Quest #1
Robotech Rick Hunter #1 (Of 4)
Sacrificers #1
Sins of the Salton Sea #3 (Of 5)
Spawn #344
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #7 (Of 12)
TMNT Armageddon Game #8
TMNT Last Ronin Lost Years #5
TMNT Best of Karai
Walking Dead #68
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Abe Sapien The Drowning & Other Stories TPB
Black Hammer Omnibus TPB Vol. 02
Blue Beetle Graduation Day TPB
BPRD Omnibus TPB Vol. 06
Classwar TPB
Miles Morales Spiderman by Ziglar TPB Vol. 01 Trial
Neil Gaiman’s Hansel & Gretel TPB
Punchline: The Gotham Game HC
Sandman TPB Book 6
Spawn Origins TPB Vol. 26
Star Wars Doctor Aphra TPB Vol. 06 Ascendant
Star Wars Thrawn TPB
Swamp Thing Green Hell HC
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Astonishing Iceman #1
Star Wars Dark Droids #1
Adventures of Superman, Jon Kent #6
Sandman Universe Special Thessaly #1
Fire and Ice #1
Robotech Rick Hunter #1 (Of 4)
Abe Sapien The Drowning & Other Stories TPB
Blue Beetle Graduation Day TPB
Star Wars Thrawn TPB
Shipping List, July 26, 2023!
Comics Shipping Wednesday, July 26, 2023
All-New Marvel Now Point One #1
Amazing Spider-Man #30
Avengers #3
Avengers Beyond #5 (Of 5)
Cosmic Ghost Rider #5
Cult of Carnage Misery #3 (Of 5)
Danny Ketch Ghost Rider #3 (Of 5)
Daredevil and Echo #3 (Of 4)
Deadpool #9
Ghost Rider #16
Hallows Eve #5 (Of 5)
Hellcat #5 (Of 5)
I Am Iron Man #5 (Of 5)
Incredible Hulk #2
Invincible Iron Man #8
Predator #5
She-Hulk #15
Silk #3 (Of 5)
Spider-Man India #2 (Of 4)
Star Wars Darth Vader Black White and Red #4
Star Wars Mandalorian Season 2 #2
Storm #3 (Of 5)
Ultimate Invasion #2 (Of 4)
Venom #23
What If Dark Spider-Gwen #1
Wolverine #35
X-Cellent #5 (Of 5)
X-Men Hellfire Gala 2023 #1
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1
Batman The Audio Adventures #7
Batman The Brave and the Bold #3
Knight Terrors #2
Knight Terrors: Action Comics #1
Knight Terrors: Angel Breaker #1
Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #1
Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #1
Knight Terrors: Titans #1
Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor #1
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Boom, Dynamite, Etc.
007 For King Country #4
Bone Orchard Tenement #2 (Of 10)
Brzrkr Poetry of Madness #1
Castle Full of Blackbirds HC
Dead Lucky #7
Dejah Thoris (2023) #5
Disney Villains Scar #4
Elvira in Monsterland #3
Expanse the Dragon Tooth #4 (Of 12)
Fire Power by Kirkman & Samnee #25
Godzilla Monsters Protectors Summer Smash #1
Indigo Children #5
Klik Klik Boom #2 (Of 5)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110
Monstress #46
My Little Pony Camp Bighoof #1
Neighbors #5 (Of 5)
Newburn #9
Night Club #6 (Of 6)
Old Dog #6
Red Room Crypto Killaz #3
Ribbon Queen #1
Rick and Morty #7
Rogue Sun #14
Spawn Scorched #20
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories #6 (Of 12)
TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures Continued #3
TMNT/Usagi Yojimbo Wherewhen #5
Vampirella Vs Superpowers #3
Victory #2
W0rldtr33 #4
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection TPB Spider-Man or Spider
Avengers by Jason Aaron HC Vol. 04
Batman Gotham Knights Gilded City HC
Batman the Knight HC
Daredevil & Elektra by Zdarsky TPB Vol. 02 Red Fist
Eight Billion Genies HC Vol. 01
Hulk by Donny Cates TPB Vol 02 Hulk Planet
Icon and Rocket Season One TPB
Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck HC Dragon of Glasgow
Mary Jane and Black Cat TPB Dark Web
Palookaville HC Vol. 24
Radiant Pink TPB Vol. 01
Strange Academy TPB Finals
Thunderbolts Epic Collection TPB Vol. 01 Justice Like Lightning
We Survived The Holocaust Bluma & Felix Goldberg TPB
X-Men Epic Collection TPB The Fate of the Phoenix
Scott’s Picks of the Week
What If Dark Spider-Gwen #1
Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #1
Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor #1
Brzrkr Poetry of Madness #1
My Little Pony Camp Bighoof #1
Eight Billion Genies HC Vol. 01
Thunderbolts Epic Collection TPB Vol. 01 Justice Like Lightning