The inaugural Las Vegas Comic Expo was the first major Las Vegas comic show in nine years! The show moved at the last minute to the Riviera, due to flash flooding, which damaged the Alexis Park Hotel, which was the original venue. Las Vegas Comic Expo moving to the Riviera was not without its hitches, but we got unloaded easily, and moved into the hotel, where we stayed. We shared the Riviera convention center with a darts tournament! ComicWise had dinner at the Rio and I was shown how to play craps, not that I gambled a penny. My gambling is limited to taking a chance on a new show! The show started slowly as people filtered in and took a look around. Many people noted that they had never been to a comic show! ComicWise had a brush with greatness, when I sold comics to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s son! Yes, that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Saturday night, someone in the ComicWise crew commemorated the show by getting a Green Lantern (John Stewart) tattoo! Overall, a good show; had to be back in Bakersfield on Monday morning! Next up, ComicWise’s own Comic Book Yard Sale!