Comics Shipping Wednesday, April 5, 2017
All New Wolverine #19
America #2
Avengers #6
Bullseye #3 (Of 5)
Captain America Steve Rogers #15
Champions #7
Hawkeye #5
Iron Fist #2
Jessica Jones #7
Nova #5
Royals #1
Spider-Man #15
Spider-Man Deadpool #16
Spider-Man Homecoming Prelude #2 (Of 2)
Star Wars #30
Uncanny Avengers #22
X-Men Gold #1
Aquaman #20
Batman #20
Cyborg #11
DC Comics Bombshells #25
Deathstroke #16
Detective Comics #953
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #8
Flintstones #10
Green Arrow #20
Green Lanterns #20
Harley Quinn #17
Injustice Ground Zero #9
Justice League #18
Nightwing #18
Savage Things #2
Scooby Doo Where Are You #80
Shade The Changing Girl #7
Superman #20
Dark Horse, IDW, Image, Etc.
Adventure Time #63
Amory Wars Good Apollo #1 (Of 12)
Baltimore the Red Kingdom #3
Black Cloud #1
Doctor Who Ghost Stories #1 (Of 4)
Donald Duck #19
Eleanor & The Egret #1
Elephantmen #76
Extremity #2
Invader Zim #18
James Bond #2
Jughead #14
Mickey Mouse #19
Over the Garden Wall Ongoing #12
Paper Girls #13
Providence #12 (Of 12)
Riverdale (Ongoing) #1
Rock Candy Mountain #1
Slayer Repentless #2 (Of 3)
Sons of the Devil #11
Sun Bakery #2
Tank Girl World War Tank Girl #1 (Of 4)
They’re Not like Us #15
Uber Invasion #5
Uncle Scrooge #25
Walking Dead #166
Woods #31
Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels
Batgirl & the Birds of Prey TPB Vol. 01 Who Is Oracle
Green Arrow TPB Vol. 02 Island of Scars
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB Vol. 02 Road to Annihilation
Love & Rockets Magazine #2
Lumberjanes TPB Vol. 06
Masters of Spanish Comic Book Art HC
Monstress TPB Vol. 01
Secret Sneyd Unpublished Cartoons of Doug Sneyd HC
Superman Birthright TPB
We Stand on Guard TPB
Scott’s Picks of the Week
Bullseye #3 (Of 5)
Royals #1
X-Men Gold #1
Everafter from the Pages of Fables #8
Harley Quinn #17
Shade The Changing Girl #7
Doctor Who Ghost Stories #1 (Of 4)
Eleanor & The Egret #1
Riverdale (Ongoing) #1
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB Vol. 02 Road to Annihilation
Secret Sneyd Unpublished Cartoons of Doug Sneyd HC
Superman Birthright TPB